This story is a sequel to EoH Evolution: Season 1
With the destruction of the Nightmare Forces, peace has returned to Unity. Burst and his friends are enjoying the peace and quiet, but a hero's work is never done. New Elements of Herosim have begun to awaken. And new evils loom over the horizon.
Burst Stream, Inferno Flare, Steel Edge, Tyrannus Rex, and Akage Strider are owned by me.
Arctic Ace, Shadow Thunder, Dark Ice, Night Fang, and Venus Bloomer are owned by MLPFan1.
Magnet North is owned by goldenrise365.
I really hope that was a "death" not a death
Don't worry. It's not over yet.
This was really REALLY great awesome start to the season and hopefully Steel isn’t dead AND...I do feel bad for the Chaos kin because technically that’s Discord on fault fir not making his orders more clearly towards them
Oh don't feel too bad. This season introduces them as antagonists. They'll show up in later seasons, but this was just their inaugural debut.
Oh alright then
Oh, Burst is pissed. You better hide, Discord!
So~they are or not getting reformed because technically they were MADE by Discord SO I’m little confused if they will be reformed or not because Discord will also be reformed
Well that depends. Which ones would you like to see reformed based on the yugioh cards they're based on?
Hold on I’ll talk to you in private about it
I eagerly await your PM.
Next chapter's up. You won't be disappointed.
So amazing! This was such a awesome chapter and now Steel is officially a Avatar and Rainbow and Steel are officially a couple!
And now next episode is the 1 when Shadow officially joins the EoH
Oh~ you think changing when he officially joins the team
Eh. After major events, sometimes it's nice to have a bit of a break before introducing new characters and plot points. I wouldn't exactly call it filler because it doesn't exist to pad out the season.
Alright then
So Steel is temporarily off the team till he has control of his avatar powers, then he will be back?
Yes. He will return to the Elements of Heroism. ANd trust me. They'll need him pretty badly.
But episode 4 has to introduce fang because that’s a major episode where he gets his element
Yeah. . .about that? The premise of the episode is the same. HOWEVER, the episode might occur further down the line. One of the flaws of the original was that I didn't give any time for the audience to know the characters. So I MIGHT need to push back introductions for some characters just so the readers can get accustomed.
Alright then
I'm just glad you understand. Why else do you think season 1 wound up longer than its orignal counterpart? I had to give everyone time to know and bond with my cast of characters. Not to mention give them proper development and establish their relationships. It takes a lot of work, but it's SOOOO worth it.
Yeah the relationship development was very much worth it ALSO I can see season 2 being much longer Aswell with new characters like Fang,Veenus,Narico and also Shadow joining his brothers on the team Aswell AND the side story on Narico when season 2 is over
Rainbow and Steel are fully shipped and Steel is an Avatar now...oh and Discord is a statue again...every time there's a dialogue for Discord, I can't help but try and speak like John De Lancie...or at least sound like Q (same Voice Actor for those unaware) from Star Trek: TNG, Voyager and Deep Space Nine
Great Chapter
Next chapter's up.
This was so great! Really enjoyed it with the focus on Steel after her became a Avatar and his training Aswell his time with rainbow Aswell
Next chapter's up.
Oh yeah! This was so great Shadow Thunder finally joined the team AND is officially apart of the EoH and living with his brothers Aswell
Sometimes just talking things out can help you get forward. That's what happened with Shadow...being calm is the key to success.
Also...Twilight indeed worries too much about the little things (hit the nail with her personality btw, good job), so much that she forgets CONTEXT!!!
Great chapter
Next chapter's up.
Great chapter! This was a great Shadow getting some training and burst training with Twilight Aswell as a DBS reference AND now w changelling drone is about to warn Chrysalis
Ooooooh, good DBS reference btw. Shadow is getting training, Twilight is learning to really fight, and changelings are now in the picture.
Great chapter
Next chapter's up.
A great and wonderful chapter! Shadow finally opened up His cosplay shop and now with Chrysalis introduced and 3 of the mutant changelling helping Narico out of the kingdom things from now might turn good for him
Does this mean the mutant changelings might turn into good guys this time?
I'm sorry it's taken so long, but the next chapter is up.
It’s ok THIS WAS so WORTH waiting I enjoyed everything fang made his appearance AND has joined the team finding his element when helping Luna AND Narico his living with fang now have him as his big brother and his big sister waiting for him back home when he sees her again
Next chapter's up.
I loved the new chapter great to see fang and Narico getting time to shine after fang appearance and him when he adopted Narico
Got another chapter up.
A great chapter I really enjoyed this fang getting lots of fan girls AND Chrysalis knowing about Narico whereabouts things are about to get more interesting
*gasp* I was thinking he’d ascend!!!!! Great work, love the shipping haha
Well, I finally got the next chapter posted. Sorry it took so long.
It’s alright this was most definitely worth the wait I really enjoyed this chapter and I’m looking forward to seeing more
Any favorite parts of the chapter?
When fang finally joined the team
Fang's finally with the team eventually turns to this lol:
Glad to see you like it. That being said, any favorite parts of this chapter? And if you haven't noticed, this season's going to be kinda long. Especially with introducing new characters to the story and getting everyone used to them.
You did make a good fight scene in this chapter, so I'll go with that.