• Member Since 15th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen 24 minutes ago

im a nopony

uhhhhhhh hi fluttershy best pony


Twilight is struggling coming to terms with the fact that her other, Midnight Sparkle, hasn't left. Not only that, she's kind of a bother.

This is a tribute story based on What the Left Hand is Doing by SSPeanutButter. It's rather rushed but i tried on this story so i hope this one is better received than my one other story on this site.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

This a very interesting story I hope you write more of twilight x midnight Sparkle pairing keep up the good work update soon :twilightsmile:

I just posted this within the last ten minutes, one, how did you find it that fast? two how could you have read it that fast? Three, thank you.

How can it be gay or incest if it's masturbation?:rainbowderp:

“I didn't know you were into gay incest mastrubation!”

Plot twist: So is Sunset, with Demon Shimmer and Daydream Shimmer.

Considering the direction it seems what the left hand is doing (the original) is going that might be the case.


Because it’s with someone who is genetically the same as you. Midnight, as she explained in the story, is just a magical clone of Twilight. Magic aside, if you had a clone of yourself, said clone would still have the exact same DNA as you do, same fingerprints, same genetic conditions, etc.. Doing anything sexual with said clone would be incest.

The whole gay masturbation thing is a whole other kettle of fish.

Understood, but the question how can it be all three at once? Rather, how could it be either if it is masturbation?
If what they are doing is Gay-incest, but they are still considered one person (masturbation) then how is it different to regular masturbation?
You have the same genetic material as yourself, and you are certainly the same gender as yourself, so is all masturbation gay incest?

If we consider them different enough for the 'gay-incest' to be relevant, then I don't think we can rightly call it masturbation. We could call it reaaaaaaaallllly narcissistic, but not masturbation.

At least that's my take on it. I'm not exactly an expert on this. I don't think anyone is.

I had forgotten about narcisim, i'll include that in the finished draft, also, i just combined all three to try and put some kind of comedy in there. Although canonically, it is gay because they're both female, it is also mastrubation because they're basically banging themselves, it is also incest because of the same genes or at the least Midnight came from twilight making her her child but if that was the case it would open an illegal can of worms, and now it's narcissistic beacuse you reminded me. So it's all true.

So what your telling me is sunset is gonna summon out demon and daydream and there's gonna be a massive orgy between those three, twilight and midnight cause I'm down for that.

It's going to remain teen, unfortunately, the usb i was using decided to break so it will be a longer wait until i can get to a computer.

maybe soon, i've worked on a sequal twice before and both times they got deleted, i might try a third time but this story might not want a sequal if it happens a third time

Progress on the sequel? XD

oh heck no this project was abandoned

I ship it :twilightblush:

Brittany Spears

Did you mean Britney Spears or Britneigh Spears. I ask this because earlier, you had

Dear goddess

If this world is not Earth, then it should be Britneigh Spears and Goddess. However, if it is on Earth, then it should be Britney Spears and God.

Ngl, not a bad ship actually.

“No No No!” Rainbow yelled at the confused Twilight holding an acoustic guitar. “Your thumb isn't supposed to touch more than one cord.”

There really should be a mark before this paragraph to indicate a scene transition... Come to think of it, I'm fairly sure there were other points where one was recommended, they just didn't result in confusion due to their absence.


Shippment delivered

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