• Published 12th Apr 2018
  • 5,534 Views, 68 Comments

Overlord: Dominate Equestria - Jashin

An Evil (the capital E is important) long forgotten to the world stirs once more, summoning forth a new Overlord that the races and kingdoms of Equestria and beyond have never before experienced.

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Chapter 6

A short trek across the terrain and I ended up hiding near the exit of a path that led to the road between the port town and the castle. The minions and I were behind some rocks, waiting for the right moment to strike and charge the gate. I peered over a rock and stared at the nervous guards shifting in their spots on the blockade. I was glad that the rain and darker lighting on the island helped keep me from being easily spotted.

I strained my ears, listening for the signal over the sound of rain hitting the metal of armor and weapons.

It didn’t take long for shouts of surprise and panic to erupt from somewhere behind the barricade into the port town. I chuckled darkly as the guards on top of the barricade turned around to see what was attacking them from behind.

I quickly stepped around the rock and my minions and I began sprinting towards the gate. I raised my left hand and clenched my fist, multiple large black rock spikes pierced through the ground and floated next to me as I ran. I felt my magic begin to drain as I poured more of it into the spell and thrust my hand forward. The rock spikes shot at the crudely constructed barricades and blasted the feeble wood that they were made of apart. The guards on top of the barricade were sent flying and the wood itself knocked over several others on the road.

My minions let out a cheerful battle cry and rushed forward even faster than me at my command to crash into the disoriented enemy soldiers on the road. From my vantage point of simply being tall, I could see the other half of my army engaging the enemy as a distraction just as I had planned. I almost didn’t expect them to be able to follow my order of using the hole in the wall and then navigate the streets to strike from behind but I was pleasantly surprised. I could see several disappearing magical minion heads from the minions that died during the fighting but a lot more of the enemy soldiers were dead on the street.

The clash of the army I was leading into battle took the disoriented enemy off guard as they were a bit distracted by the combat happening behind their defenses and their barricades being knocked into their lines with great force. By the time I joined in, the enemy ranks were squeezed tight and already unraveling under the pressure as they were swiftly struck down without mercy.

My ax swung in a horizontal arc, cleaving the heads of two of the enemy soldiers off their necks. I slowly made my way through the battle, striking and knocking around the soldiers with my strength. I laughed when one of them fell to the ground after being accidentally knocked down by one of his allies in the frenzy. I placed a foot on his back and raised my ax into the air as I forced it into the ground before slamming it down on the soldier’s skull.

“Yes!” Gnarl hissed the end of the word with great enthusiasm. “Blood! Death! Carnage! Witnessing an Overlord in his element after so long fills my black heart with glee! I can practically see those blasted ponies begging for your mercy!”

I was ready to rejoin the slowly ending battle when I noticed a small figure trying to sneak around the feet of the Storm Guards. My eyes narrowed and I started to jog through the battle with intense focus, barely pausing as I swung at any enemy that got too close.

The figure was about to flee into a nearby street, and as I didn’t want that to happen I had no choice but to block his way forward. With a grunt of annoyance, I pointed my hand and aimed just in front of him to send a blast of dark flame forward that flew out and exploded in front of the short thing that had spoken to me earlier.

Said creature reeled back in fright of nearly being roasted and scrambled on the ground to quickly back away from the slowly petering out flames. I reached down and roughly grabbed him by his throat.

“It seems the power of the Storm King is rather pathetic if this was all he could bring against me,” I smugly told him as I lifted him up to eye level with one hand. The cowardly thing was shaking in my grasp, grabbing at my hand as I kept his neck in a crushing grip and was giving me a very uncomfortable sheepish grin.

“W-Well, oh glorious evil conqueror. I-I didn’t say that he was more p-powerful than you,” he barely managed to stammer out as the last of the enemy at the gates was being slaughtered and looted for anything of remote value.

I raised an eyebrow but he wouldn’t have been able to see it, “I distinctly remember you saying that I’ll be crushed under his foot and that I’ll feel the wrath of his second-in-command. That wouldn’t happen to be you, would it?”

He was starting to sweat, “O-oh, well, you know that was just a local greeting around these parts. A-And, uh, well... please don’t kill me!”

He started sobbing and pleading in my grasp, if it didn’t look so pathetic I’d almost feel bad about it.

“I won’t kill you,” I told him.

“You won’t?” He looked at me pleadingly and with a stupidly hopeful look of relief.

“You know all about this port town, right? How to run it and direct the people around?” I asked, pulling him closer to me so that I could practically see the reflection of my eyes in his.

“Y-yes! I know all about that! I do a lot of the stuff that the Storm King doesn’t want to do around here! I’m a huge coward, I'm no good at combat stuff!”

“Good,” I simply said and he shuddered and convulsed in my grasp as I channeled my Evil Presence spell through him. I quickly pulled the magic away before I killed him, it seemed that being this close to me greatly increased the speed of corruption. Or maybe I was just that much more powerful compared to his weaker will?

Without ceremony, I simply dropped him to the ground. Slowly he picked himself up to his knees and bowed before me, “What can this humble servant do for you, Dark Lord?”

“When this town is taken you will be the one to manage all the other slaves in my place for shipbuilding and repair,” I told him. “Now, how many soldiers are left in this town?”

“Little, Master. The ones at this gate should be the majority of the garrison in this town,” he droned. “The soldiers remaining will be the ones wounded from the last few attacks. They are kept in the medical building a few streets down from here.”

He pointed to the other side of the town that I haven’t been to yet. I looked at the minions who had finished commandeering a nearby building to store looted equipment out of the rain. I pointed at half of them, “Half of you will follow him to this medical building and get rid of the soldiers, I want their life force before I leave this town.”

“Yes, Master!” The minions chorused before following my newest dominated slave. I already received more life force than I lost during the battle at the gate but getting more wouldn’t hurt. The rest followed me to where the docks and the road joined.

“Smart, sire. Those wastes of space would just take up much-needed time and resources. Better to give their lives some real use,” Gnarl commented, approving of my blatant war crime. Lifeforce wasn't the only I got from it too, I could feel the evil energy in me increase at the cruelty I displayed. It was a small trickle, but it was something.

The intersection was well paved and worn from frequent use and the building to my right as I stared at the ocean seemed to store more of those repulsive Storm King action figures. I casually kicked the door open and pointed my hand at the ground, lightning shot out and splintered the flooring as I set the spell to summon the Nethergate here.

I quickly backed away as the ground began rumbling and once more I was greeted by the sight of the spinning black drill of the Nethergate as it unfurled and set itself down. The building shattered apart, like the warehouse at Klugetown. Another crack opened up in some free space between the gate and the road as a glowing brown minion pit appeared.

I summoned two hundred more minions, “You are the garrison for this town. There is a building near the gates that has looted equipment, use it. If there isn’t enough take from the town and guard this place against attackers.”

The newly spawned minions all saluted and eagerly obeyed my orders, scrambling to be the first to get the best things to kill with and put in their heads. My new slave and the rest of my minions marched down the street from the direction of the wounded soldiers as the new minions I just summoned raced down to the gate, presenting me with life force.

I looked at my slave and pointed at a small building near my gate, “This is your new office to run this town. Once the rest of this town is dominated I want organized tribute brought to the closest warehouses near my gate. Also, ready that large cannon near the gate for my attack on the castle.”

“Yes, Lord. I shall do whatever you say,” he replied and walked into the building.

With that out of the way and my armed minions rejoined to my army, I set out of the town.

“The nearest obelisk should be in the direction that the well-worn path over there leads,” Gnarl supplied, pointing out a rocky and well-worn path near the road that led somewhere to my left. “You only need to get rid of one more obelisk, this kind of magical artifact always needs more than one of the type to be even remotely useful. Though, if you’re feeling particularly vengeful for wasting your time, you can get rid of the other as well.”

“I’m not wasting time getting rid of both right now,” I said as I turned to follow the path. “I’ll just destroy it later if I need to break something in anger.”

“Ooh, a stress ball fit for an Overlord, I approve!” I heard the clapping of Gnarl's claws.

The journey to the next obelisk was rather uneventful other than several very brief clashes with scouting patrols. My minions chased them down as soon as I saw them and as we encountered more and more of them the longer we walked I surmised that we were getting closer to our destination.

Speaking of walking, I really hope to conquer a place that wasn't as boring as this one was. The landscape sucked and the ocean view offered in places around this island also sucked, though that last part might be because of the perpetual storm that is rolling around thanks to those obelisks. This area was completely void of anything entertaining, just rocks, dirt, and cliffs. I really can not wait to finally be done with this place, I can't even see any convenient tower objects laying around for me to collect.

Well, I suppose that is one part of the games that isn't going to happen in real life. Those tower objects are pretty obviously magical and anyone seeing one will probably store it someplace once found.

Anyway, the first real obstacle I found while on this boring trek across the shitty landscape was a series of barricades that blocked a rocky passage towards the coastal cliffs that held the obelisk and the cannons. I eyed the far too steep to climb hills made of loose rocks that overlooked the passage I was supposed to walk through with distrust. There was no way I'd fall for something like this...

“Quite an obvious choice of ambush, wouldn’t you agree?” Gnarl tittered to himself.

“Indeed,” I replied. I raised my hand and two large spikes pierced through the ground, each making a ramp that led to the top of the two overlooking hills. I split my minions into two groups and directed them up the ramps and to charge and kill any enemy they saw.

They cheered and gleefully stomped up the ramps as fast as they could with their weapons raised.

I lowered my hand and carefully took the ramp that led up to the right. My balance was pretty shit in this armor (I really need to get used to it when walking tight spaces) and small wall space but I eventually reached the top and carefully eyed the situation. As I suspected there was indeed an ambush in place on both sides and my minions were making quick work of it.

I guess I should say there used to be an ambush.

I jogged forward as the last of the soldiers were killed and made my way down a path that twisted across the terrain towards the cannons and obelisk. The minions on the other side of the hills rejoined me, the hill they were on had their own connected path that joined with mine and the exit of the passage on the other side as a sort of trident-like intersection. With my army regrouped we moved across the twisting road, killing more and more soldiers that tried to run away to warn the rest the closer we got to the obelisk.

The cannon encampment was like the others that I saw from the sky. It had what looked like a barracks, a canteen, several large campfires around the place, large storage shed, and several boxes and barrels placed around the very large defensive cannons pointing out to sea. The only thing that separated this one from most of the others was the large black stone obelisk in the center of it all with its glowing blue runes and, now just learning about, slight hum. The obelisk crackled with lightning at its top and I watched as it sent another bolt into the sky.

A crude defensive cover was partially erected at the entrance of the encampment though it was far from complete. Judging by the surprised expressions on their faces, these guys didn't have helmets for some reason, as they paused in their construction the enemy soldiers likely thought I was going to be delayed a lot longer than I actually was. Admittedly, if I wasn’t able to use my magic to forcefully make a makeshift ramp up to the tops of the hills back there I would have actually been delayed as they thought.

But, well, I avoided that annoying slog entirely and made great time. Magic solves a lot of inconvenient problems like that.

Wasting no more time I simply pointed at the encampment and my minions all charged. All I saw was a sea of minions running across the ground or jumping over the cover to stab or slash at the soldiers. It reminded me of Warhammer, but instead of a green tide, it was a brown tide which doesn't sound like something you'd really want to see. I didn’t join in on the fight this time, simply taking the time to sweep some of my minions across the battle. I pointed at each building when the initial conflict was over, making certain that there wasn’t going to be any more of them left.

When I was satisfied I pointed at the barrels of powder sitting near the cannons, “Grab everything flammable and explosive and place them at the base of the obelisk.”

“Yes Master!”

My minions rushed to follow my command, barrels and other explosives started to stack up around the obelisk. When everything was gathered from the camp and either given to me if it was valuable or placed around the artifact, I didn’t know how much was needed but overkill was always best, I pulled my minions back and we quickly put as much space between us and the encampment as possible.

I summoned a black flame over my hand, then sent the concentrated magical flame into the pile. It didn’t take any time for all of it to catch and explode in a very satisfying manner.

“Wonderful fireworks, Lord,” Gnarl congratulated me. “With that gone all that’s left is the castle and the Storm King himself and soon the first part of your Dark Domain will be secured! Try not to get yourself killed in the final battle, sire, it would be a most anticlimactic end.”

I stood near the gate of the port town and waited as eight of my minions pushed the large cannon out of the town down the road on its wheeled platform. Twelve more were carrying ammo and powder on a palette just behind them. The road to the castle wasn’t long but this slow pace still got on my nerves a bit.

“Hmm, if you’re getting anxious Lord then you can take your frustrations out on those enemy soldiers trying to stop you from getting that cannon to the castle,” Gnarl said.

I looked down the road and saw the advancing enemy running down the road at us in more organized rows, I'd say they formed a shield wall but they'd have needed bigger shields. Just past them I saw the castle's drawbridge slowly moving back up, the Storm King must be getting desperate to stop me from getting into his home.

Without delay, I ordered the minions with longer weapons to make a rudimentary spear wall (not exactly the greatest as they were kinda all short and their weapons reflected that) and charge the enemy back with their other brethren right behind them. My own presence wasn’t far behind but I made the first move of the battle with fireballs blasting into different areas of the enemy formation and spikes of rock piercing from the ground only to impale the storm guards through their bodies. Altogether it was enough to disrupt their formation a bit and let my minions slip into it to cause confusion.

The minions were pretty tiny and agile things and they loved to attack the legs of things taller than they were. The enemy wasn't super agile and their bigger frames worked against them in such a chaotic close-quarters situation.

I left a hundred minions to guard the cannon and ammo supplies and charged into the middle of the melee. One of the enemy spears nicked part of my exposed arm (I might need to workshop some more arm armor in when I get the forge up and running properly) as I shoulder-checked another and knocked them to the ground. I sent a ball of black flame into its face as retaliation and buried my ax into the arm of another. One of my minions jumped and grabbed my arm and I flung it at another one of the soldiers. The minion latched onto the face of the soldier and enthusiastically started stabbing his sword point into the eyeholes of the soldier’s helmet.

As I cut, slammed, and burned my way through the enemy the middle of their formation collapsed and the minions quickly took advantage of that. Swarming through the gap the minions began to attack the backs of the soldiers that hadn’t noticed the break. It didn’t take long for the rest to crumble under the combined onslaught and the road cleared of breathing enemies. All in all, I only lost a dozen or so minions.

As the life force and other valuables were collected and the road cleared of bodies the cannon and supplies passed through without further delay. Admittedly, I did feel a bit better after the fight and wasn’t annoyed at the snail’s pace anymore. I guess violence was something of a good stress reliever.

The castle slowly got closer and as there were no more delays on the road it was quicker in the long run. Which was good, I really didn't want to deal with a fighting advance.

“Sire, while you were busy fighting and shedding blood I’d taken the liberty of having Grubby mark two areas where I feel will let you hit the drawbridge in the right spots!” Gnarl informed me.

I looked around and noticed a small circular black spot of black Netherworld stone glowing with magic on the ground. With a gesture of my hand the minions placed the cannon down and rotated it so that the barrel pointed at the chains holding the drawbridge up. The supplies were placed behind the cannon and everything was ready.

"Load the cannon," I ordered, the minions quickly getting the cannon ready to fire. When I saw a minion working the cannon salute me I said, "Aim for the chains holding the drawbridge up, the one on the right."

"Yes, Master!"

The cannon tilted and shifted in its position as the minions aimed the contraption. When the same minion saluted me I simply gave the order to fire and the cannon belched out the payload. I watched the stone around the chain explode but it didn't break, either the shot missed or it was tougher than I originally thought.

"Fire again, same target," I ordered. The cannon was reloaded and fired once more, this time striking true. A loud clang of metal and stone exploding everywhere announced the destruction of the first chain. I heard the drawbridge groan while the minions quickly gathered everything and moved the cannon to the spot Gnarl chose on the other side of the road.

Once the cannon was put into its new place I ordered it to be loaded and aimed at the other chain. This time it took an embarrassing five shots to hit the target, two of the shots hit the stone on the wall surrounding the chain and one went too wide and dropped a large cloth picture of the Storm King himself pointing at us off its place on the wall. I did consider that one a hit and it made me feel a bit better from the other misses.

The last shot hit the chain and the drawbridge dropped to the ground with a loud crashing thud. The cannon was abandoned as I pointed at the castle and ordered, "Kill everyone inside!"

With cheers, the minions started sprinting into the castle itself. I saw enemy soldiers killed, boxes and barrels broken, vases with the face of the Storm King smashed, and just general destruction all around. It felt right, watching this happen. I entered the castle as the minions were busy breaking things and killing and couldn't help but note that it wasn't super big. Not like those other fantasy castles at least, it was almost utilitarian.

I saw a decent chunk of the minion army break into what looked like a barracks for the soldiery as I passed the gate.

"You have the funds for a small teleportation circle, sire. Would you like to have Grubby make one in the courtyard of this place?" Gnarl asked. "With your slightly stronger connection with the Netherworld, it won't even cost as much thanks to the decreased strain on its magics!"

"Do so," I said as I neared the now cleared barracks. I pointed at a small alcove between the barracks and the main castle building, a different spell than summoning the larger gate formed in my head and I blasted the spot with my magic. Soon both a smaller teleportation circle and a brown minion pit burst from the ground in the courtyard and settled in so nicely they looked like they were always there. I pulled thirty more minions from the pit as a quick honor guard while the rest stormed the place.

I entered the castle proper with my new minions, idly watching as a group of my attacking minions chased a naked storm guard down the hallways while laughing. Snorting, I moved on to find the throne room of this place. As it wasn't super large, at least not as large as I figured a place like Canterlot would be, it didn't take long to find the room I was looking for.

I stood in front of the large and ornate double doors that were the entrance to the throne room. Without pause I made one of my minions hold my ax and placed my hands on each of the doors. I pushed them open with my considerable strength, sending them flying open with a crash against the walls of the throne room. I took my ax back and entered the throne room proper.

"Careful, sire..." Gnarled warned.

"You finally arrived," I heard the Storm King say, his voice echoing around the room.

My eyes narrowed, I didn't see him on his throne or anywhere else in the room...

My head snapped up to the ceiling, my ax already being brought up as I watched the body of the Storm King launch himself down after hanging off the wall. I grunted and fought back the force that was brought upon me as our weapons shook in our respective grasp, my ax managed to block the leaf-shaped tip of his spear from stabbing into me and if my eyes were right it bent the tip a bit. The floor cracked under my feet and I shoved him back.

"Attack him," I ordered my minions while I regained my stance.

I threw a ball of black fire at him as my minions charged before joining them. He dodged the magical attack that flew past him and shattered a window as he smacked away a couple of the minions with his spear, one dying from having its throat cut open with its edge. He jumped and moved around the room as the minions gave chase but most weren't able to hit him with more than a glancing blow. I was regretting sending my more well-equipped minions to attack the rest of the castle. My ax swung for his center mass as I followed him with greater success than my minions, the yeti-like annoyance blocked the strike with the pole of his spear but he grimaced as he must have realized that was a bad move.

The pole of the spear chipped and cracked as my ax's blade dug into the metal it was made of with the aid of my Overlordly strength. Whatever normal metal it might have been didn't matter to the magical one my ax was forged with, the diminished magical energies of the Netherworld's forge plus the lifeforce of many brown minions that were used to make it aided the attacks made with the weapon in ways regular smithing techniques just can't do. The quality between the two was simply too great and that's not even considering the fact that once the red minions are brought back to turn the forge back on and a couple of forge stones are found I'd be able to make even better armor and weapons.

The Storm King snorted, clearly annoyed, "So you have magical toys to play with as well? Well I- whoah! Ow, you bastard!"

I just summoned a rock under him with my magic to try and impale him through the torso as he talked, I wasn't about to waste an opportunity like that. Never stop to talk in a fight, I was never even a fighter before all of this and I knew that. The sneak attack didn't work as I wanted it to but it left a large wound on one of his legs that he was grabbing with a hand in pain. It definitely crippled his movement and the minions weren't idle, they charged him as he was distracted by the pain. One of them managed to smash his club into the stupid face of the soon to be deposed king, lighting his face up in an impressive-looking rage as he reeled back from the force. He was a tough son of a bitch I'll give him that.

The fight continued in that vein, much easier now with his movement more restricted. He still dodged most of my magic attacks, the fireballs and lightning bolts doing a lot of damage to the windows and walls of the throne room in my fury to hit the dodgy bastard. Part of the rug running down the length of the room was now on fire and several of his banners were alternating between being on fire from the fight or soaking wet from the rain being blasted into the room from outside. I scored a hit on one of his arms with my lightning blast while he was busy knocking away more of my minions, sending him reeling back with the force.

"Enough!" He yelled as the minions took advantage of the opening to smack him with their clubs or kick him. He raised his arm and before I could interrupt whatever he was trying to do he slammed a slightly glowing lightish-blue orb he pulled from a pouch on his hip onto the ground. When it hit the floor a wave of frost erupted and covered everything around him, including himself, in a layer of ice. The magical frost killed all but the furthest of the fires in the throne room.

I was covered in ice and frost as well but I was able to power through it with physical strength alone and shattered the ice on my body. My minions weren't spared the same fate and were stuck as minion ice statues, I hit one experimentally, and as I thought it broke into pieces. I don't have the control right now to use a non-lethal version of my dark magic flames, nor do I have the red minions that would probably be able to safely melt the ice.

The Storm King was gasping and kneeling on the ground while covered in far more ice than I had been, though it probably didn't affect him as any other creature would have been affected and I was much farther from the initial blast than he. While he was distracted and weak I charged forward as my gauntlet let out a bellow into the minds of every minion in the castle, summoning them to me. I needed minions to start tearing down the "art" of this place and replace it with my own.

As I drew nearer and brought my ax down towards his head I just barely caught the smirk on his face. He showed another orb in his hand, this one much brighter than the other, and he flung it at my ax as it descended, quickly scrambling back as best his wounded leg would let him while the ice and frost on him fell and shattered off his armor and fur as he moved. The edge of my ax met the orb and it exploded, my sight was filled with ice and whiteness as I felt a small chill over my body.

I grunted and did my best to try and move through all the thick ice covering my body. I was an ice statue with a much thicker layer of ice and frost, like my minions but bigger. I could hear the Storm King laugh as I struggled.

"I can't believe you actually fell for that!" He laughed. "Whoo, I had the whole last desperate struggle thing down pat! Haven't done that in ages, almost forgot how much fun it was!"

The ice encasing me cracked a bit as I grew very angry at his taunting and the realization that I was far too careless and confident in my very basic abilities.

He shook his head, almost like he was dealing with an amusing child, "Ah, anyway, I'll be taking that ax and armor of yours for myself. Can't let such good quality go to waste! Now, just gotta find the right artifact to get past that armor of yours if its as tough as your ax..." He pondered while tapping his chin thoughtfully.

"For the Master!" I heard being bellowed by several different voices and I was really glad that I summoned them before this happened.

"Whoah!" The Storm King yelled, backpedaling away from a sword swing that nearly ripped his throat out. He growled as more and more of them started to attack him, desperately trying to keep the much more dangerous weapons away from his body. "Just what is with creatures interrupting me lately?!"

"Sorry, Master. No reds to melt ice!" One minion said to me as he inspected my ice prison while the rest were busy fighting the Storm King.

"Maybe get dragon?" another helpfully chimed as the throne room got more and more crowded with the bodies of the minions pouring into it.

"No, dragons too smart now! Gnarl says brain go from gooseberry to orange!" I was beginning to get annoyed at the back and forth of the minions instead of them doing something to actually help my situation. Then again, that anger that was burning inside of me helped fuel my struggle to break free. I could already hear and feel more cracks on the ice.

"Blasted creatures!" The Storm King interrupted their little chat, swinging his weapon around and crushing the skull of another minion with his hand. He was fighting valiantly but sheer numbers were quickly overwhelming his ability to do anything, "Die already!"

Numbers matter people, realistically one person can't expect themselves to fight off an entire army by themselves without some sort of bullshit anime protagonist power. As this is the world of My Little Pony there isn't really anyone that can do that besides Discord and his bullshit reality-warping magic. At least not for long, magic was a good equalizer in most circumstances but it wasn't infinite in people and only one mistake was needed to end the fight.

The battle didn't last long once the minions arrived and the Storm King quickly found himself pinned by several of them with great wounds covering his arms and legs. Blood was covering his fur as he slowly bled out on the floor of what was once his own throne room and his armor was shattered and scattered across the throne room from the damage the minions wrought upon it. He gasped and wheezed past the wounds covering his chest and the minions dancing on his dying body.

My hands were the first part of me that was freed before I felt the ice weakening around my arms and I began putting more and more effort into breaking free of my annoying prison. The ice around me shuddered and shook as I forced more of my physical power into shattering the ice encasing me. Then with one last yell, once the ice around my mouth was gone the ice shattered and my ax slammed into the ground with a mighty crash, the force of the ax's strike struck the ice on my lower body and freed my feet and legs. I stood there gasping a bit amongst a circular pile of broken ice and frost.

"Oh, good. I was almost worried that was going to be the end of everything! Glad to see you in one piece, Dark One," Gnarl said. "Now, what are you going to do with that one?"

I shuddered and shook my shoulders as a bit of ice fell to the ground. I quickly stomped my way over to the Storm King and slammed my armored boot into one of his chest wounds making him gasp and groan in pain. He looked like he wanted to say something as he laid there dying but I just raised my ax and split his head in two, I didn't want to listen to his annoying voice anymore. As I watched his head leak brain and blood I saw black energy start to flow out of his body and gather into my own all the while the Storm King's body slowly disintegrated into the stuff until nothing was left. I could feel myself growing stronger.

"Ah, evil energy," Gnarl mused. "Such a useful thing. Very important for anyone in the Overlording business as it increases your powers. You've gathered plenty from dominating all those minds but you can gather even more by killing other evil creatures and absorbing their own into your body or doing particularly heinous deeds. So long as you are doing Evil you will gather evil energy. While it mostly increases your magical capabilities, as you yourself are a magical creature, it also aids in growing your physical abilities as well."

"Anything else about it?" I asked after taking some time to cool my anger a bit and shake off the lingering frost still on my body as a minion informed me that they found the treasury. I followed the minion as Gnarl expositioned.

"Indeed! You yourself, as a being summoned and resurrected using lots of evil energy and dark magic, can hold a tremendous amount of it before it starts to affect your appearance, small things like black spikes and an aura. But! If you ever find something that can store your excess evil energy then you have far more options! You can channel the pure evil energy you've stored in this object into forming Dark Crystals with a spell, very potent forging materials and useful in some advanced Dark Rituals."

Soon I was greeted by the treasury of the Storm King. Mountains of gold, gems, and other basic wealth. Racks that held various objects both mundane and, probably, magical. But the real treasure was the two totem-like objects sitting next to each other in one corner of the room. A health and mana upgrade, the Storm King must have found those while looking for magical items and stuck it in here when he couldn't figure out how they were supposed to work. They would have been clearly magical to him, the red and blue glowing energy around them proved that, so I couldn't help but laugh at the frustration he must have felt.

"Lucky find, sire!" Gnarl excitedly said. "Those tower objects work hand in hand with your evil energy, further increasing your physical, or 'health' I should say, and magical abilities. They act as a channel for your dark power in specific ways, making certain that the evil energy you've acquired is efficient and never wasted as it boosts you. The more you have, the greater the efficiency. Once all five of a totem is gathered they properly synergize together and an even greater boost is gained, and perhaps even a small boon on the side!"

"This applies to the minion totem as well, strengthening them as more are gathered and their own evil energy is optimized. This works best when summoning minions using more than one lifeforce, but that is something you aren't able to do just yet without stabilizing the magics of the Netherworld first," Gnarl added.

I pointed at the totems as other minions began gathering all the wealth, "Bring those to the teleportation circle, now!"

"Yes, Master!"
"On it!"

Yes, please, to something that will give me an extra boost in the survivability department. Hell, if I found those earlier I might not have had as much trouble with the Storm King as I did. Maybe I'll keep this as a lesson to explore a bit more before engaging the final boss of an area, perhaps look into learning a spell to track and discover evil artifacts like those.

"I'm going to dominate this area now," I told Gnarl after summoning more minions to guard this castle and to collect all the weapons and armor lying around to send to the tower. Most of the armor was too big for minions to wear but Giblet could use something to do when he's not making my weapons and armor or upgrading the tower. Won't even need the red minions too since I wasn't about to waste lifeforce on minion equipment. With those orders given I sent the ones that had been fighting with me to clear out the soldiers and supplies at the other cannon encampments on the island.

Best to not let them fester into something more annoying in the future, not that there was any escape on this island.

"Very well, Lord. When you return I have some information and a new target I think that you'll enjoy!" Gnarl cheerfully replied.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everyone!

This was certainly a long one but now the Storm King arc of the story is over. After this, I'll be writing an interlude chapter then taking a break from writing to plan the next arc (hint: the reds are coming!) and to get ready for the next year.

Comments ( 15 )

I like his fate of the Former Storm King. Than again a Scapegoat is always better to draw attention from the Enemy.
Someone else is the offical face of the Overlord, if a enemy come after them and actually manage to defeat or even kill the Scapegoat, than the Overlord knows who to take care of first and focus on them.



This story updating is a wonderful Christmas gift! Thanks!!



Interesting... Kill, maim the corpses and burn the evidance. You killed them out of mercy, maimed the bodys so they look like you mutilated them alive and burned the evidance that they died long before they could suffer. Clever!

Destroy for the sake of destruction...
Someone likes rebuilding stuff. Improve perhaps?

Leave nothing alive...
A fellow Necromancer? Damn Buddy! Nice to meet you :yay:
Let's raise some families from the Grave and start our own Empire :pinkiehappy:

If you are a Sith Lord. Don't be Doku, Vader or Sidious.
Be Darth Jar Jar. You never existed and played them all. You never were a target and sniped the Competition. You rule the Empires of all the Emperors from the Shadows.
Every Darth Lord of the Sith is you'r bitch~♡

Gnarl is his Universe Jar Jar Binks

Lmao, I am no necromance, just some shmuck who love warhammer WAY to much, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!

keep updating please

Can't wait for the next update, hope that he'll make Tempest his first mistress.

Holy shit... This story is alive and kicking again?! And four long chapters to boot too. HUZZAH! THE READING HAS BEEN QUADRUPLE!:pinkiehappy::yay:

it seems that your enthusiasm came too early

*Clap clap clap* Well done, mein fruend! You have just gotten yourself a new watcher and follower with this one story! I mean, not many people get the whole 'Your an evil Overlord who gains power from the Evil he does'. Alot of the stories I've read are either 'I'm the Overlord but I'm not that Evil' or 'I'm the edgy Overlord who was betrayed by those he thought cared for him...Also Gnarl is actually manipulating you and is really really bad'. This is a truly an excellent story and worth the read. Keep up the good work, mein fruend.

Bloody hell this fanfic gave me enough reason to get an account just to follow it, I can’t wait for chapters, keep up the good work lad! FOR EVIL!!

This is the first Overlord fic I think I've read that actually follows the typical gameplay of conquering a place, attacking the bigger place, and then fighting an area boss. I liked your potrayal of the Storm King, immature but deviously cunning. Maybe our Overlord can learn a thing or two from their fight.

Are you ever going to continue this masterpiece?

Comment posted by The Happy Man deleted May 7th, 2023
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