• Member Since 23rd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 21st, 2018


Engineer, Martial Artist, Scuba Diver; Always working


Felt Tip isn't all that confident, but there is always one thing he can do to encourage himself.

-I wrote this one as a cathartic piece for myself.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

Damn fine writing.

Any honest-hearted person has been there. Trouble expressing that feeling in your heart. Wanting to be free, but self-doubting. Within arm's reach of someone, yet so far away.

Sometimes the best solution is the simplest one.

Shut the fuck up and just try.

To take rejection is such powerful stride, that right there is an accomplishment. It takes a powerful heart to discover that strength within you, to face your fears and show them that, win or lose, you will not let them control you.

Excellent piece, excellent writing.

This hit me in the feels. I'm currently writing a fanfic of my own. It is not done, but I do fear how others will say about.

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