• Published 19th Jan 2018
  • 849 Views, 21 Comments

Gone But Never Forgotten. - Adorkable

Fluttershy loses somepony close to her heart, as Dash gets a view from her soft spoken friend she did not expect.

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Something Beautiful.

Thunder boomed high in the dark cloudy sky, the loud crash of noise to the earth below shook the very trees around a small cozy cottage belonging to a kind shy pegasus.

Turquoise eyes slowly opened to the blank void before her, light pink mane twisted from a hard days work the night before. Her coat worn and dirty with splotches of mud, her body quivering in place as a flash of lightning entered the room.

The loud crash of noise shaking the earth once more, her delicate frame let her chest rise slowly as she did her best to catch her breath. A sense of dread overtaking her heart, the empty feeling one only knows after a tragedy filling her soul.

The mare slowly slid out of her bed, tiny hooves touching the icy wood of the floors below. Her vision was frail in this void, yet with some effort she gently navigated through the abyss and into the living area.

The warmth of her prayers keeping the darkness at bay, her hooves clicking much like delicate taps of rain from outside. A storm was on its way, the following morning would be dark and cold.

Fitting for the loss she knew awaited her.

Her hooves slowing to a stop before the still bed of her darling Angel, her pale blue eyes burning within the bleak night hoping to catch a glimpse of movement. The mare simply swallowed the tight lump in her throat, easing her caring hooves under the bunny within his blanket.

Picking up his still frame with tenderness, her body shivering as she swaddled him lovingly in her embrace. Wings unfolding outward and wrapping them both in a special hug that he always loved, her lips gently placing a lone kiss upon his forehead.

The rain outside pouring faster now, the world just a little less special.

The morning came at the same time as it did everyday, the world not coming to a stop nor taking a mere moment to become silent. All just continued as normal the end for one, did not constitute the end for all.

Familiar faces came by to give apologies and words of wisdom, distant blurs of acquaintances showering the kitchen with dishes of comfort. The rain never slowing down while the chosen dug her plot within the earth, her pale blue coat covered in sod as eyes burned from tears she hid in the rain.

Prayers were spoken that floated high into the heavens.

Laughs were shared of times passed.

The smiles fading to tears as the good times did not last.

Soon her Angel was given back to the earth, his spirit free to fly and dream of better days.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

A farewell to all our friends, this is a must.

Faces fade and the noise comes to a stop, ponies gathered around the plot. One by one did they walk away, to be seen again on a better day. First the blurs and then the friends, each giving broken words that did their best to mend.

The fix the heart that was broken, to mend the soul that might have been shaken.

Soon the yellow mare would be near alone, standing in silence above her friends plot. Coat soaked down to the bone, the rainbow pegasus by her side to make sure she was never alone.

Fluttershy shed a tear that fell below, her face filled with woe. Rainbow bit hard on her lower lip, her hooves digging into the earth as her eyes filled with rage.

“It’s not fair! You never did anything wrong or ever break a promise!” Rainbow slammed a hoof atop a nearby rock as a crack formed over it.


“Then why did you lose a friend? Why is life so selfish?” The blue mare gazed down to the covered plot with fiery eyes, her heart beating wildly in place.


“Only the good suffer. IT’S NOT FAIR!” The pegasus screamed at the top of her lungs, the voice ringing out across the stormy land for miles.

“I’m happy.” Fluttershy spoke in a tender whisper.

“For losing a best friend?” The rainbow mare spoke in a confused manner.

“I’m happy I knew him for the time I did.”

“You’re not sad?”

“Of course I’m sad.” Fluttershy gave a weak smile to her friend, her mane framing her face elegantly in the wicked shower of the storm.


“But at the same time, I’m overjoyed I can feel this heartbroken.”


“You see Dashie. If I feel this sad over losing somepony, that must mean I knew something truly beautiful before.” Fluttershy kneeled down over the plot, placing a simple red rose atop the wet dirt.

“And if I ever expect to feel that beauty again, I don’t need to be selfish and close my heart or curse the world that needed that beauty more.”


“I need to only take the bad with the good. Because once the bad is over, the good can start again.” Fluttershy gave a true genuine smile towards her pegasi friend, slowly walking past her side before giving a tender nuzzle on her cheek.

The yellow mare taking each step slow towards her cottage, much like her life each step would come in time when ready. Rainbow Dash allowing the cool rain to cascade over her small frame, eyes glancing upward as the storm suddenly came to a stop.

The sun once more peeking out from behind darkened clouds, the bad was now over as the birds began to chirp a lovely song that wafted across the land in beauty.

Now soon in time, the good would come.

Dash gave a soft flutter of her wings, water splashing off her body and onto the moist ground below. Her mind a small bit more at ease while taking careful steps to join her friend, a warmth growing deep within her soul.

She would remember these times, keeping each moment close to her heart.

For when a dark day struck, she would have beauty to call back on.

Comments ( 20 )


That's pretty good

Even sassy animals have a soul, they might act grumpy to some but in the end the know love and compassion.

Thank you as well.:twilightsmile:

Faces fade and the noise comes to a stop, ponies gathered around the plot. one by one did they walk away, to be seen again on a better day. First the blurs and then the friends, each giving broken words that did their best to mend.


This was an amazing story thanks, Adorkable you’re the best! Yes I did cry a bit but at the end it taught me a lesson to always show my beauty.

Already 13 likes on this story and it only came out an hour ago! :yay: I think this story is going to be featured.

Edit: Looks like I was right this story just got featured on the Fimfiction box.

A good message, if a little short perhaps.

I saw a very interesting take on this concept done in another story. Angel bunny had passed on and Fluttershy was holding a small ceremony with a few close friends. At the end of it all however, she opened up a little basket with a tiny baby rabbit inside and named the new bunny Angel, with the implication that this was not the first time this had happened, that rabbits in Equestria live about as long as normal ones and that she keeps taking on a new Angel bunny every few years to ease the grief. It wasn't exactly a healthy thing to be doing, but I thought it was interesting and this reminded me of it.

Wow!:fluttercry: this is gold!
have my like!

How come I get the feeling that the likes are from people who are glad Angel is dead.

I sure hope not, the poor creature is just sassy. Not a horrible crime by any point.

I'm happy you enjoyed this, I know the pain of losing a friend. But the world always has more love to share, we need to just be patient.

Thank you.

:pinkiesmile: Awww thank you.

That sounds like a interesting tale, if you find the tale by any chance share the name. I'd enjoy checking it out.

I know it's a bit short, but I wanted it to be just that.

Short and sweet, to the point and hopefully with a message that sticks with you.

Amazing... I mean... Flutter Shy is just so in her character. I was really sad though. Good job. Angel is amazing and I love him. Who wouldn't love a ball of white fur that has some attitude. *Actually I know a lot of people who hate him but I still don't.*

Thank you so much!

Yes I see Fluttershy as a caring and very mature pony, one who would not dwell on the sadness but celebrate the life that once was.

I adore Angel, he is only sassy because he wants Fluttershy to not be walked over, he in a way is like any friend who just wishes happiness for thier loved ones before they go.

Aweeeeeeee poor Angel!

Speaking as a writer that's written about the pain of loss, heartache and all the other things that dampen one's day, I have to say this was pretty smart writing. I lost a friend to cancer eleven years ago and there's not a day that goes by when I don't miss him. The good memories of him stay with me and take the sting off. This story reminded me of this. Great job.:yay:

ANGEL!!!!!!! This was really good, especially since its for Puppy.

It’s been a while since I looked at these comments about the story. I have almost found my beauty I’m kinda getting there.

That's good. I would ask how Ellie is but...

Yeah she’s doing fine with Cougar up in heaven.

You interrupted me reading 'My Little Trixie'! But that's good.

I will! It's really good.

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