• Published 17th Jan 2018
  • 3,543 Views, 29 Comments

Tales of Love Three - Mister Phoenix

Spike is back in the Tales of Love once more, with new mares, more different one-shots and him getting all the mares chasing after him.

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How To Train Your Villain; Part Two (Starlight Glimmer x Spike)

Spike tried to look around, it was unless. The Cave Tunnels was far too dark, the purple and green dragon couldn't even see what was in front of him. Spike just guess that there wasn't much to look at to begin with, his body began to shiver from the cold air that blew through the tunnels. A bright light shined, causing the male dragon to cover his eyes with his right claw, his vision was blurry because of the sudden light, his green eyes soon began to adjust. His mood shifted, seeing Starlight Glimmer lying down on the cavern floor.

"Right, I forgot about you and here I was a little bit happy. Oh well." Spike said, Starlight Glimmer rolled her eyes.

"Please, you wasn't in love with me. We both knew that you just saw I was just another pretty mare, I'm sure that you would've replace me in less than ten seconds if you didn't follow me!" Starlight stated, Spike crossed his arms.

Ignoring Starlight Glimmer's words, the young dragon began to leave the wicked unicorn behind. Starlight looked at Spike in pure surprise.

"Where are you going? You need me to help you get out of this cave!" Starlight shouted, her voice echo off the cavern walls.

"Please, the day I need..." Spike snapped at Starlight, his green eyes caught sight of her injured left back leg. "Your hurt!"

Forgetting about his newfound hatred for Starlight Glimmer, the unicorn looked at Spike with a raised eyebrow. Somewhat confused why he was now deciding that he wanted to help her out. Spike was looking over Starlight's leg, the good news was that it wasn't that bad, no blood needing to be cleaned up. Bad news is that Starlight couldn't move on her own unless she wanted to make her leg hurt worse than before.

"First you love me, then you hate me, then now your helping me. This is why my way is best for everyone, there's no love or hate or changing your mind..." Starlight began, Spike deadpanned at her.

"Can you shut up for about five minutes. That will make my day, I thought that you would be less whining when someone is helping you." Spike said, Starlight pouted her lips looking away from Spike, refusing to answer.

Spike released the large boulders that trapped Starlight's leg. The unicorn villain let out a yell in pain, she glared at the green and purple dragon, thinking that he did that on purpose. Starlight Glimmer ignored anything that Spike said to her, screaming out once she put pressure on her injured leg.

"That what I was trying to say. You're not going to make it far with that leg!" Spike said, Starlight sat on the ground, her legs folded with a grouchy expression frozen on her face.

"It should might be better tomorrow, it will still string and hurt if too much pressure is place on it. Other than that you should be fine." Spike smiled at Starlight who was only half listening to the young dragon words.

Starlight focused her magic, surround herself to fly off the ground. Spike was lost for words, Starlight Glimmer kept her two front hooves behind her head, the bright glow from before somewhat dimmer. Spike just shrugged he looked back at the blocked off entrance, knowing that Twilight and the rest of his friends were on the other side hoping that he was safe, the young dragon began following by Starlight's side much to her rather loud complaining. It echoed through the cave, Spike shook his head. The young dragon lowered his head, knowing that he would have to put up with her for a while.

Spike had no idea how long he has been walking, minutes, hours. He knew that his feet began to hurt and the silence between the purple and green scale dragon and unicorn villain wasn't helping. The further the two journey into the cave the more it seemed to change, having ice growing out of the walls. Or having mold growing on the cave walls, dripping water hitting Starlight Glimmer's mane much to her annoyance. There was still no sign of any way out, Spike looked at Starlight he disliked himself knowing he still has feeling towards the unicorn.

"So, umm... How are you?" Spike asked, trying to break the awkward silence between the two, mentally flinching wondering why he asked such a dumb question

"Me? I'm great, I just lost everything I worked on, most likely became 'Equestria's Most Wanted' because I stole Princess Twilight's stupid pet Dragon, who was in love with me, but then process to back stab me! Great, I'm just great." Starlight said, her voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"What about you?" Starlight asked, not caring how the young dragon would answer.

Spike scratched the back of his head, letting out a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, umm... I'm good too. Thanks for asking and I'm not her pet, I'm her little brother." Spike said, causing Starlight Glimmer to let out a laugh

"You are so, cute. Thinking that Twilight really cares for you." Starlight stated, Spike ignored her comment.

The dragon and unicorn villain stayed quiet, Spike using his claws scratching against the walls to mark that he had already been there. Starlight let out a loud yawn, Spike caught the unicorn before she fell after letting go of her magic. Starlight Glimmer just looked at the caring dragon, she had no idea why he was still was with her. The unicorn faced against the wall, Spike using dragon fire that could light anything up in a bright flame, he lit up a few small rocks to keep himself warm from the chilling air blowing through the cave.

He looked over to a shivering Starlight Glimmer. He moved the fire closer to the unicorn villain. Starlight open her left eye, seeing what Spike did for her, giving off a soft smile the unicorn drifted to sleep, with a warm fire by her side.

The two didn't know if it was morning or not when Starlight Glimmer woke up, kicking the purple and green dragon awake with her. The walking was much slower than yesterday, with Starlight walking, flinching in pain whenever she put too much pressure on her hurt leg. Spike had a concerned expression for the villainous unicorn, thinking of the best way to start a conversion between them.

"Sometimes, I wish I wasn't a dragon." Spike said, Starlight looked at him.

"Ponies fear me for almost no reason. They treat me like I'm a house made out of glass, one wrong move and I'll turn into a evil monster and destroy Equestria." Spike said.

"Being a pony isn't a picnic either, one bad thing happens to you, then another and then another and then you're ruling over a town taking ponies cutie marks." Starlight Glimmer spoke, Spike let out a chuckle.

"Well, if it makes you feel better. If I was a pony, I would love to be a unicorn, just able to do magic will feel greet. I'll just teleport everywhere, even if it not that far away. Heck I might even teleport to the same location." Spike said, causing Starlight to let out a laugh.

"I did the same thing once I learnt how to teleport. In my hometown, they called me 'The Pink Teleporting Thief.'" Starlight said, Spike and Starlight both laughed.

"Thanks for last night." Starlight spoke, her dark purple coloured eyes looked away from the dragon.

"It was nothing. You were cold, I wanted to help even if you are a villain, everypony deserves a bit of kindness." Spike said, Starlight smiled.

"I guess, I forgot that." Starlight spoke

"How did your village got made? It must have been difficult." Spike asked

"Not by much. Finding ponies that feel left out, that feel like the world no longer cares about them was easy. Getting them to willing give up their cutie marks was the next step, storing the cutie marks was the difficult task. I was just lucky meeting this strange gray earth pony mare that was studying the rocks around the edge of my village."

"My downfall was my greed. I just wanted too much far too soon." Starlight finished

"Oh, you have no idea about greed. The ponies in Ponyville still fear me because of my accident, I got too greedy on my first birthday in Ponyville. Turning into a giant adult dragon in less than twenty minutes, destroying Ponyville in my anger." Spike said.

"Then why did you side with them to bring me down? I would have made those ponies apologize to you, bring them real friendship." Starlight Glimmer said, Spike shook his head sideways.

"I wanted them to trust me again. To see the real dragon I am, to show them I'm not a monster that they began to fear. With kindness and generosity, show them I wouldn't become like that ever again." Spike said

"I guess we are different. It feels weird, I'm starting to like you but we’re far too different to be friends." Starlight said, Spike smiled.

"Good, if we were the same. Then it'll be like being friends with yourself." Spike said, Starlight looked away in thought.

"I guess it would." Starlight muttered under her breath.

When Starlight Glimmer and Spike woke up, they still haven't found a way out of cave. It feels like they have been walking all around Equestria at this point. The villainous unicorn and the purple and green scale dragon have been getting closer to each other. Soon growing a small friendship between them, Spike didn't want to say anything, but he still found Starlight beautiful. It was hard to say why, when he first meet her it was just looks, but now Spike getting to know the unicorn.

He even told Starlight Glimmer that he didn't think of her as a villain. The young dragon never did, what she did was wrong, but she thought that she was right. Spike didn't know what to think of Starlight Glimmer, it was hard to say.

"Hey Star." Spike said, Starlight looked at the green and purple dragon

"Sorry, Starlight. Umm... How did... Well the right question would be, what lead you up to becoming a pony who views the world like you do?" Spike asked, Starlight Glimmer let out a sigh.

"I'll tell you, but you have tell me about your backstory. Why are you and Twilight siblings?" Starlight asked

"Fair enough. She hatched me for the exam to into Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorn, she was too young to look after me so, her mother took me in. Once I got older enough I moved back to Twilight and help her with her studies, but once she and I moved to Ponyville it felt like she forgot about me. Leaving me alone at The Grand Galloping Gala, changing the date for her birthday and moving it to Canterlot." Spike said, Starlight stopped to bring the dragon into a warm hug.

"Your turn."

"I know. It started with Cutie Marks, they ruin my life friendship is magic that is just a bunch of lies tied together by some rope. When your so call 'friend' gets his cutie mark, he'll forget you, throw you away. Destroy the friendship that we made together, just to learn magic!" Starlight stomped her hoof in anger causing some rocks to fall from the walls.

"His name is Sunburst, my best and only friend. Other ponies called me useless, since I was unable to use magic at my age. I was late bloomer, but Sunburst didn't care he wanted to get to know me and be my friend."

"I was happy. For once, I had a real friend to call my own, I was a little jealous when I saw Sunburst talking to other ponies. I would normally yell out at any filly or colt that would try and talk to Sunburst. I thought that they were trying to steal my friend away from me, calling me a freak under their breaths."

"It wasn't until Sunburst got his cutie mark. He was so happy, even agreeing to leave for Canterlot, wanting to become even better at magic. Leaving me alone without any friends, he didn't even look at me, he didn't even say goodbye, he didn't even write any LETTERS!"

"He just left thinking he was better than me, because he got a cutie mark! Ever since then I knew that no pony truly cares about you, they lie and say they your friends and then they leave you once something new and better come their way!"

"That's why I'm here. Lost and scared of making and losing any potential future friends."

"After Sunburst, I never had any real friends." Starlight spoke, her head lower to face the ground.

"Well, that's not true anymore. Now you have me, plus dragons can't get cutie marks meaning I can't leave you if I get one." Spike said, Starlight Glimmer smiled at Spike.

"Thank you, Spike... I'll be glad to be your friend." Starlight gave the purple and green scale dragon small smirk.

Wind howled through the caves much louder than before, meaning that Starlight and Spike was at least getting close to an exit of some kind, the crystals within the cave walls the deeper Starlight and Spike went in, the more Starlight Glimmer's magic got out of control. Accidentally zapping Spike, who cried out in pain. Starlight gave off a nervous smile towards the dragon.

Beside sitting by the fire in silence like the unicorn and dragon would normally do before they fell asleep, Starlight Glimmer bought Spike close to her. Starlight's head was lying on Spike's chest, calming that he was far too comfortable and the unicorn refused to move from the spot. Even wrapping her hooves around in for a hug, cuddling closer to the dragon, Spike couldn't help, but start burning bright red from the blush forming on his cheeks.

Having the unicorn who first he liked, then she kissed him, then he betrayed her.... Spike just figured out it has been a crazy couple of days, or week. He had no idea, how many days have past by while he and Starlight was wandering the cave in search of an exit. Spike wrapped his arm around Starlight Glimmer bring her even closer to him.

Starlight then kissed Spike on the cheek before she fell asleep on his chest. Spike didn't go sleep straight away, he moved his free hand his cheek. Touching the spot where Starlight had kissed him, the purple and green dragon gave off a light smile, looking down at the unicorn. Spike kissed Starlight Glimmer's forehead, causing the unicorn to smile in her sleep.

Starlight Glimmer didn't hide her growing feeling towards Spike well. She didn't know what made her change her mind, first thinking Spike was just ignoring pest that would go away. Now, seeing his kindness to her, after everything Starlight Glimmer did toward Spike.

"I still love you." Spike spoke up, causing Starlight to break out of her thoughts.

"Why? After everything I did how can you still love me?" Starlight asked, Spike shrugged.

"I have no idea. I thought you might just be another mean pony, but after getting to know you and learning about what you have been through I still love you. I can't explain why, I know I just do." Spike said, Starlight smiled.

"If I wasn't a villain, we could be together." Starlight said, stopping a light shined with a large crack between the cave wall.

Spike and Starlight exited the cave, finally seeing the bright sun, shining in the sky and the fresh air blowing through Starlight's mane. Spike grabbed onto Starlight hoof, causing the unicorn to look back at the purple and green scale dragon.

"You do have a choice to change your ways. I'll be next to you with every step, and we can give this crazy relationship between us a try." Spike said, Starlight gave off a soft smile.

"Beside you, I have no friends. I don't even know how to make any friends!" Starlight stated, Spike gave his sort of marefriend a smile.

"Don't worry about that. I know the best teacher who can help you with your problem." Spike stated, Starlight looked away knowing who the dragon was talking about.

Within Ponyville, The Castle of Friendship; Twilight was walking back and forward knowing if she stopped moving that she would fall asleep. She had several books open at once, her eyes searching for the cave that Starlight and Spike went into. Her friends looked worried for their purple alicorn friend, Twilight hasn't gotten any sleep since Spike has left. Trying her best to get her little brother back to her.

"Twi' face it, Spike is gone. He might be anywhere in Equestria by now, Manehattan, The Crystal Empire....." Rainbow stated, Twilight looked at Rainbow with her tired eyes.

"Or he might be standing in the doorway with Starlight Glimmer by his side." Applejack stated, looking at the pair.

"Weird place, but sure let's roll with it." Rainbow said, Twilight didn't bother listening to Rainbow Dash.

She turned to see Spike smiling at her, the purple alicorn tackled him into a tight hug. Begging him to never do something like that to her again. The Main Six looked at Starlight Glimmer who gave off a nervous smile to the six friends not knowing what to say.

"What are you doing here!?" Twilight asked, Spike stepped in front of Starlight.

"Twi, Starlight is my friend and maybe more it is weird at the moment. She wants to change, but she needs a pony to teach her all about friend and I only know of one pony who will be the best darn teacher in Equestria." Spike said, giving a smile to Twilight.

Twilight turned around to grab some paper, she turned back to the unicorn kissing Spike on the lips. Twilight's eye began twitching.

"Eh, like it's complicated. We can talk about this whenever you wake up." Spike said, Twilight shook her head.

"No, mister I think we...." Twilight began, Spike snapped his fingers causing the tired alicorn to fall asleep straight away.

Twilight snored on the ground, Spike shrugged his shoulders just explaining that he been around Twilight for so long that whenever the purple alicorn gets too tired, Spike just need to click his fingers together and the Princess of Friendship falls straight asleep. Starlight helped Spike carry the sleeping alicorn up to her room, while the dragon and unicorn talked about what their first date should be.

Author's Note:

Part Two is finished, now umm... This reminded me back in the day where I made blog called Too Many Double Parts it was made before I knew that Justice League and Avengers Infinity War would be solo films.

You can vote for both Sunset and Tempest if anyone is wondering and I'll count all the votes and it will stop once the rest of the girls like Lightning, Coco, Lyra, D.T & S.S because Tempest or Sunset is last and you can vote in any chapter until Tempest or Sunset chapter gets made.

Now, is everyone ready for Part Three of How To Train Your Villain where the chapter is about how Spike keeps his scales so clean for three thousand words. If you like that then you'll love
Part Four; Starlight Glimmer wants to try coffee in midday, but it early morning will it break her and Spike's relationship apart?
Part Five; The answer is yes.
Part Six; Spike becomes King.... of a yellow flower that got crushed by Starlight's hoof.
Part Seven; Where Starlight and Spike learn that this is the going to be the rest of the Author Notes.
Part Eight; Where they learn Mister Phoenix wasn't joking.
Part Nine; You can leave if you want too
Part Ten; Starlight and Spike try to beat a Monkey at Chess
Part Eleven; Starlight gets a question 'Would you rather drown a baby filly or push an old mare down a flight of stairs?'
Part Twelve; It was to drown a old mare with a baby filly
Part Thirteen; Why is this still going on?
Part Fourteen; The next Chapter is going to be called 'Blind Date'
Part Fifteenth; Evil Sweetie Belle Takes Over The World
Part Sixteen; Random Picture Time

Part Seventeen; Spike and Starlight watch paint dry
Part Eighteen; Yes, this is still going on
Part Nineteen; No, there is nothing at the end of this
Part Twenty; Boo.
Part Twenty-One; Did I scare you?
Part Twenty-Two; No?
Part Twenty-Three; Darn
Part Twenty-Four; Finally Part; Part One
Part Twenty-Five; Finally Part; Part Two, Part One
Part Twenty-Six; Finally Part; Part Two, Part Two of Five
Part One Hundred and Twenty; R.I.P. Mister Phoenix just stayed writing unless parts over and over again.
Part One Hundred and Twenty-One; Don't worry Colt Phoenix is back!