• Published 30th Dec 2017
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T&EG Welcome To Canterlot High: Short Stories - LPFanFic

A collection of short stories that tie in with Thomas & Equestria Girls: Welcome To Canterlot High.

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9. I Want Cupcakes

Welcome To Canterlot High
Short Stories!

9.I Want Cupcakes:

[Thursday Afternoon]

Pinkie Pie was prancing through Canterlot Mall while beaming from cheek to cheek. She had just gotten off from work and was eager to get the rest of her day going. Along with her new friend Percy, tailing behind her in an effort to keep up, the two made their way past the malls various stores, venues, and kiosks that sold all sorts of things. Both friends had big plans a head of them and were looking to get started right away.

But before they did anything, Pinkie was in such a good mood she had to let everyone in the mall know about it, much to Percy's confusion as he tried getting her attention again. But all Pinkie did was wave at people passing by.

Pinkie Pie: "My name is Pinkie Pie. Hello!"

"Uh, Pinkie," Percy said.

"And I am here to say; How yah doin'?"


"I'm gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your day!"

[A happy Pinkie twirled away while Percy ran to catch up with her. She circled around a pillar with Percy, still trying with to get her attention. He wasn't too frustrated, but every chance Percy thought he had was only followed up with more singing.]

"It doesn't matter now,"

"But wait!" Percy said.

"If you are sad or blue."

"Hold on,"

[Finally, though not in response to his calls, Pinkie Pie leans in front of Percy, catching him by surprise almost. She leans away again but not before booping his nose. Percy couldn't help but blush a little.]

"'Cause cheering up my friends is just what Pinkie's here to do!"

[Percy watched as Pinkie stood in the middle and twirled with her arms waved out. She then hugs herself before giving Percy a wink of an eye.]

Pinkie Pie: "'Cause I love to make you smile, smile, smile. Yes, I do."

"It fills my heart with sunshine all the while. Yes, it does."

[Pinkie Pie grabbed two random strangers and wrapped her arms around their necks. She lets go of them to walk off again, leaving them confused but mildly amused. Percy apologized to them then went to try and catch up while calling out to Pinkie Pie.]

"'Cause all I really need's a smile, smile, smile,"

"From these happy friends of mine!"

[Percy found her dancing in front of tv monitors with a group of children.]

"Pinkie, what are you doing?" Percy asked.

[They were having much more fun now with Pinkie there to liven things up and compliment their moves. Then she saw Flash Sentry and his friends carrying their guitars and band instruments. After receiving smiles from each person and group she bumped into, Pinkie continued on with Percy jogging up to reach her.]

Pinkie Pie: "I like to see you grin. Awesome!"

"I love to see you beam. Rock on!"

"The corners of your mouth turned up is always Pinkie's dream!"

[To Percy's surprise, the next group of people she approached was Mystic Sprinkles and the CMC. Apple Bloom had dropped her ice cream, and appeared disheartened while Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle tried comforting her. Mystic recognized Pinkie and gave her nothing but glares the more Pinkie hovered over the CMC. However, Pinkie pulls out a large bag of goodies from her hair and drops it for Apple Bloom to catch.]

"But if you're kind of worried, and your face has made a frown,"

[The bag was filled with different kinds of candy, enough that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had to help her carry, and enough for all four to eat. The CMC beamed with joy and waved to Pinkie Pie as her and Percy left the group to ruffle through the bag.]

"I'll work real hard and do my best to turn that sad frown upside down!"

[Mystic was happy for them, but crossed her arms while watching the two friends walk off.]

"Wasn't that Lady?" Percy asked.

[But Pinkie's response was just about what Percy expected at this point. Pinkie grabs some jump rope from her hair and begins jumping in them.]

Pinkie Pie: "'Cause I love to make you grin, grin, grin. Yes, I do."

"Bust it out from ear to ear let it begin!"

[She even got Percy in on the jump rope as he tried getting her attention, but he couldn't keep up as well as Pinkie, and found himself tripping and getting tangled up.]

"Just give me a joyful grin, grin, grin and you fill me with good cheer."

[Percy struggled to get free, but stopped struggling as soon as Pinkie's complexion quickly switched. Her curly hair deflates into a straight style and all the lights in their vicinity turned dark. A single spot light focuses on Pinkie, who collapsed to her knees and hugs herself dejectedly.]

"It's true some days are dark and lonely."

"And maybe you feel sad,"

[Percy saw she was upset. Pinkie grabs a worried Percy, still tangled in rump rope, and hugs him close with both cheeks pressed against each other's.]

"But Pinkie will be there to show you that it isn't that bad."

[Hair poofing back to her wild and curly style, Pinkie untangles Percy from the jump rope and rests her hands on a surprised Percy's shoulders, all while staring him in the eyes with a beaming grin.]

"There's one thing that makes me happy and makes my whole life worthwhile,"

[She hoped back on both feet, never breaking her sights from Percy even as she pony's up and lifted him up as both floated high above ground. Pinkie then waved her arm out with the lights in their vicinity now returned to normal. Though relieved to see her happy again, Percy was more afraid of falling and desperately kept clinging to Pinkie Pie.]

"And that's when I talk to my friends and get them to smile!"

[Back on the ground, the two continued side by side on their trek through the mall, all while Pinkie preformed random acts of joy. Percy didn't mind this much but was worried about how much attention she was drawing. All eyes were now on them. Despite smiling faces, Percy wondered what exactly they were really smiling about.]

Pinkie Pie: "I really am so happy. Your smile fills me with glee."

"I give a smile I get a smile and that's so special to me."

[She made a balloon shaped draconequus for a kid, sprayed a can of whipped cream for random bystanders to eat, and blew confetti out of a pure excitement. Percy looked over his shoulder and was shocked to see crowds of people now following them and marching hastily in the same rhythmic motion as Pinkie Pie.]

"'Cause I love to see you beam, beam, beam. Yes, I do."

"Tell me what more can I say to make you see,"

"That I do."

"It makes me happy when you beam, beam, beam! Yes, it always makes my day!"

[Pinkie Pie floated above Canterlot Mall's water fountain, localized in the very center, and began encouraging everyone around her to give her a smile]

"Come on everybody smile, smile, smile."

"Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine."

[Percy beckoned her to get down and smiled sheepishly at all the people now circling around and crowding the water fountain. Pinkie Pie kept on going with every big of happiness and joy flowing through her.]

"All I really need's a smile, smile, smile."

"From these happy friends of mine!"

[Everyone from around the fountain joined in on the fun, with a confused Percy just looking back at the orchestra of people singing both energetic and with as much passion as Pinkie. From the first floor to the second, people all over the mall, young and old, sung from the railings on the second floor to escalators that descend and ascend the choir of people.]

Choir: "Come on everybody smile, smile, smile!"

"Fill our hearts up with sunshine, sunshine!"

[Even people working in stores busted out with harmonious joy from behind their counters, cashiers, and storage rooms. Even mall security was dragged into the mix.]

"All we really need's a smile, smile, smile,"

"From these happy friends of mine!"

[Percy didn't know what to think, but was relieved to see nothing bad has happened yet. All smiles were on Pinkie as she waved her arms and twirled with glee.]

Choir: "Come on everybody smile, smile, smile!"

Pinkie Pie: "Yes the perfect gift for me,"

"Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine!

"is a smile as wide as a mile!"

"All I really need's a smile, smile, smile!"

"To make me happy as can be,"

"From these happy friends of,"

Pinkie Pie & Choir: "Smile, smile, smile, smile,"

[Fire works go off as everyone hits the last note of the song while Pinkie Pie finishes off with arms waved out in joy.]

Pinkie Pie: "Smiiiiiiilllllee!" Choir: "Come on everybody smile, smile, Smiiiiiiilllllee!"

Pinkie Pie: "Come on and Smile."

Pinkie Pie leaned in close to Percy's face with wide eyes and a beaming smile. Percy mustered an amused smile himself.

"That was great, Pinkie. But… all I asked was what you wanted to do for the party."

Pinkie Pie batted her eyes while staring blankly at Percy.

"Ooohhhh Right!" She leans back up and shrugs, "I Must've Fogotten Half Way Through The Song."

Percy could only chuckle. Earlier when Percy was waiting for her to finish work, Pinkie Pie came up with an idea to have a party in honor of their adventure; to celebrate saving Lady and both their worlds from falling to Diesel 10 and the Genie. After pitching this to him, Percy happily agreed and the two made a plan to go out shopping for all the items they need.

"I Already Have A Few Ideas In Mind. What About You, Party Pal?"

"Well, I was thinking," Percy, began. "What if we kept our surprise party a secret?"

Pinkies eyes widened. "A Secret?!"

"Yeah! That way when everyone sees all the work we've done, they'll be even more surprised. And when we rescue Lady, she'll be just as surprised as our friends!"

Pinkie had to refrain from twitching so much.

"I-I Like That Idea. But, Do We Have To Keep It A Secret? Why Not Tell Everyone Now?"

At the corner of her eye, Pinkie spotted Gordon and Rainbow Dash casually walking from across the mall.

"Hey Look! There's Rainbow Dash & Gordon! They're Way Better At Keeping Secrets. I Should Double Check Just To Be Sure." Pinkie called out and waved to get their attention. "RAINBOW DASH! GOR-"

Before she could shout anymore, Percy hops up to cover Pinkie's mouth and pulled her close."

"No, Pinkie! Our friends can't know yet. We should keep it a secret."

Pinkie slouched in disappointed. "Fine."

"You can keep it a secret until tomorrow, can't you?"

"Sh-Sure!" Pinkie stuttered with a quivering lip.

Pinkie has a hard time keeping things a secret. She'd much rather see people's excitement upon telling them good news, or letting them know of an upcoming event she knows they'll love. But seeing how Percy was eager to make this a surprise party, Pinkie agreed to the plan anyways and zipped her lips. Percy grinned in response. Pinkie Pie then pulls out a rolled-up list from her hair.

"We'll Need Everything On The List If We're Going To Make Our 'Rescuing Lady & Our Universeses From Certain Doom Celebratory Celebration' Party The Bestest, Most Special Search And Rescue Party We've Ever Had!"

As the list unveils, the trail of paper rolled out and bounced on the ground. But it didn't stop there, the list kept going and going, reaching almost half way across the mall. Percy was suddenly nervous. How were they going to get all this? Pinkie looked over the list with squinted eyes.

"I Already Have Most Of The Things From This List, But Who Says We Won't Need More If We're Really Low? Looks Like We'll Have To Ask Our Friends If They'll Lend Any!"

"Maybe we should just stick to getting the things we don't have yet, Pinkie," Percy said.

Pinkie slouched then rolls the list back up within seconds then puts it back into her hair. She wrapped an arm around Percy as the two friends head towards the first store.

"Its Time To Unleash You're Inner Party Planner, Percy," Pinkie explained. "Because A Celebration Like This Is Where You're Duties As An Honorary Party Pal Will Be Put To The Test."

"A Test?! I didn't know I was being tested!"

"Don't Worry!" She reassured. "Being A Party Pal Is Super Fun And Super Easy!"

Pinkie Pie went over the basics.

"For A REEEEAAllY Successful Party; You Have To Make Sure There's Enough Food For Everyone, Snacks That People Will Like, More Snacks If The Snacks You Brought Were Snacks They Didn't Like, Make Sure The Room Is Decorated With Lots Of Balloons, Streamers, Party Hats, Colourful Tablecloths. Oh! And Make Sure There's An Actual Location For The Party Itself,"

But the more Pinkie went on, the more frightened Percy felt. He didn't know there was so much planning and so many things needed to make the perfect party.

"And Of Course, The Most Important Necessity Of All; Cake and Cupcakes! LOTS of Cake and Cupcakes!"

"Oh," Was all Percy could say, with worry in his tone.

"And Above All That,"

"There's more?!"

"Make Sure Everyone's Happy And Having Fun! If You Can Check Those Off The List, Then You've Done Your Part As A Professional Party Pal!"

"And that's all?"

Pinkie nodded. "Mmm-Hmm."

He wasn't so sure about all this. Being a party planner seemed a lot more difficult than he initially thought; Just as Pinkie warned him it would. Despite this, he went along with it the best he could, hoping that Pinkie would be in charge of most of the organizing, and wanting to have a party anyways so as to chipper himself up again.

She grabs Percy by the hand and zooms towards their first stop.

"Now, Come on!"

Percy and Pinkie Pie reached the party store and went down the isle where boxes of confetti and streamers were sold. There was a surprisingly short demand for the party items, so most of the isles were still empty or in the process of being restocked. And to their surprise, the bag of streamers they needed was down to only one left, which hung on the hook shelf. But, as Pinkie reached for the bag of Confettie, another hand takes if off the hook.

"Yes!" Trixie said. "This is exactly what I need to make my next magical show the most extravagant performance in all of Canterlot!"

She was accompanied by two younger teens, Snips and Snails, who gave each other high fives over Trixie's acquisition.

"Oh, Hi, Trixie!" Pinkie said. "Hope You Don't Mind, But I Was About To Buy That! Percy And I Need These Types Of Steamers For Our Saving The World Party."

Trixie shot her a mischievous grin after examining the bag.

"Really? You need this? Then perhaps Trixie was right to pick out this particular bag."

"Why's that?" Percy asked.

"Pinkie Pie is Canterlot High's premier party planner. Anything her parties have will bring in tons of people. Which means this bag of streamers will surely draw in twice as many students to my magic show!"

"I'll Bet!" Pinkie said. "I Use Those Streamers All The Time! It'll Totally Bring In More People To Your Show!"

"Of course, it will," Trixie boasted. "But It's not just the decorations that'll make my show stand out; Trixie is the star attraction after all."

"Hold on," Percy chimed. "Pinkie, don't we need those for our party?"

"Quiet, green one!" She interrupts, snootily. "Trixie is relishing your misfortune."

Insulted, Percy crossed his arms. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie happily grabbed a confetti box.

"It's Okay, Percy! She Can Have It. We'll Just Look Around Other Party Themed Stores!"


"Ah tata!" Pinkie Interrupted. "Lesson Number One Of The Official Party Pal Agreement; A Party Is A Party, No Matter What You Have!"

"I thought that was fifteen?" Percy said.

"Fifteen States That 'A Fellow Party Pal Should Share What They Have With Another', Which Also Applies To This Scenario Too!"

Percy wasn't so sure but went along with it anyways.

"Let's See What Else This Store Has First."

Confused but still determined, Percy followed her to the next isle.

"That's right!" Trixie boasted. "Walk the shame of which awaits thee!"

Trixie immediately regretted saying that as it didn't sound as good the way it did in her head. After they left, she stroked her chin and pondered for a bit. When Trixie finished, she turned to Snips and Snails.

"You two, follow her and keep a tab on which store Pinkie Pie's hit next. I'm going to throw the best magic party Canterlot High's ever seen, one that's sure to make Pinkie's whatever party pale in stark comparison."

A devilish grin slips as she turns to Pinkie Pie and Percy now paying for their things. Snips and Snails simply look at each other and shrug.

As Percy and Pinkie Pie went around the Mall to pick up more stuff for their party, they soon caught on to a strange realization that everything they needed at each store they went was either out of stock or just sold before they could get to it. They tried buying snacks, but they were out. They tried buying decorations, but none of any good quality were left. Neither of the two knew this, but everywhere they went, Snips and Snails were watching and following from afar. They texted Trixie to let her know which shop Pinkie Pie and Percy were going to next, shops which Pinkie mistakenly always seemed to announce out loud for them to hear. And every time they did, Trixie showed up before they did, or while they were distracted, and bought all the things they planned on getting, leaving nothing but third-rate knock offs. This confused Percy and Pinkie Pie. They weren't finding as many items on their list as they were hopping to. And the items they had to buy to compensate this weren't on par with what a regular party needed.

Now at the next Party Shop, Percy and Pinkie Pie were surprised by the sudden news yet again while talking to one of the employees.

"What Do You Mean You're All Out?!" Pinkie Pie Exclaimed.

"I mean we aren't carrying any more," Said the Employee. "That girl and her two friends just bought the last kit."

The two look over to see Trixie with a smug smile and waving a party kit box in a taunting manner. Meanwhile, Snips chased a frantic Snails around with an inflated balloon. Pinkie Pie glared at her but Percy tried remaining hopeful.

"Who knew party supplies were all the rage right now," Said the Employee.

"Maybe we'll find more at another store," Percy said to Pinkie.

Pinkie exhaled. "But We've Practically Been All Over The Mall At This Point! We Don't Have Any Good Decorations, Beverage And Dinner Plates,"

"There's gotta be somewhere we haven't been to yet," Percy pondered.

Then Pinkie came up with something, which made her gasp with excitement before turning back to Percy.

"I Know Just The Place!"

But unknown to either of them, Trixie was listening in on their conversation.

"There's Bound To Be More Party Kits At The Play & Hay Store!"

"Then let's not waste any time!"

Percy and Pinkie Pie then took off in an excited rush.

"On ward, fateful admirers!" Trixie commanded before following after them.

Snips and Snails stopped what they were doing. Still teasing his friend, Snips slowly deflates the balloon, causing Snails to wince and shout in fear until the balloon finished deflating.

"You did that on purpose!" Snails argued.

"You can't prove nothing!" Snips said with crossed arms.

Snails shares a glare at a sheepish Snips before leaving to catch up with Trixie again. Percy and Pinkie were running as fast as they could to the next store.

"We Still Have Time To Pick Up At Least One Kit Before They Close Soon!" Pinkie said.

Then, Trixie came barging past Percy and Pinkie. She gets in between and pushes them both out of the way as Snips and Snails caught up from behind.

"Not before the Great and Powerful Trrrrrrixie gets to it first!"

Both Percy and Pinkie Pie were almost at the shop. But so were Trixie, Snips and Snails, now inches away from entering through its alarm detectors.

"Oh No She Doesn't!"

The next thing Percy knew, Pinkie had grabbed him by the collar of his red vest and pulled him off his running feet.

"Wait! Stop, Pinkie!"

Pinkie Pie tucks a confused Percy into a ball, and swings him in their direction. A screaming Percy knocks over and strikes out Snips and Snails like bowling pins, then rolls past a surprised Trixie as he barrels straight towards the shop. Finally, Percy comes to a stop as he crashes into a display of different party items, which crumbled down and buried him in a pile of colorful bags and boxes. A lone party kit lands flat on top of Percy's head. But Percy, with birds circling his head, was too dizzy to notice it being removed as he emerges from the pile.

"I'll take that," Trixie said, smugly.

Pinkie arrived too late to find Trixie holding the last party kit. Snips and Snails shove Pinkie a side as they enter and stand next to Trixie. Pinkie slouched in defeated.

"You thought you could out due the likes of me, Pinkie Pie!" Trixie Boasted. "But the Great and Powerful Trixie always prevails in the end!"

Trixie holds up the party kit and laughs an evil cackle. Percy felt ashamed as he snapped back into consciousness and watched her triumphant laughing fit. Then, Trixie slams a smoke pallet on the floor, causing a cloud of blue smoke to dispersed all around them. Percy, Pinkie, Snips and Snails all cough out blue smoke until it fades back into a clear view.

"She's Gone!" then she looked back at the entrance. "Oh, Wait. There She Is."

Trixie froze half way out the entrance when Pinkie spotted her. She took one step through the alarm detectors, which caused the lights to flicker and blare a loud buzzing sound.

"Like, you still have to pay for that," said a disinterested employee from the cash.

Hiding arms behind her back, Trixie bashfully entered the store again and approached the cashier. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie dug Percy out from the mess and helped him back on his feet.

"Its No Use, Percy," Pinkie said. "Everywhere We Go, Trixie Always Beats Us To It."

"That's not fair!" Percy huffed in complaint. "Why can't Trixie buy her own stuff instead of copying ours?!"

Pinkie tried to chipper up again as she wraps her arm around Percy's neck.

"Don't Worry About That. We're Party Pals, Remember? Figuring Out Last Minute Items To Use Is Part Of Our Profession!" There was still a hint of dejection in her tone, "We'll Think Of Something Waaaay Better For Us To Organize The Party With!"

But Percy didn't want to go with that plan, not after seeing Pinkie Pie so down hearted. He was cross over Trixie for taking all their stuff, and wanted to get back at her some how. Then, Percy came up with his own cheeky idea. He whispered it to Pinkie Pie, who grew a cheeky grin just as big as Percy's. The two began their charade as Percy rested both fists on his waist.

"Well, Pinkie," Percy began, "Nothing else left to get than that loud, noisy thingy you told me about."

This caught Trixie's attention as she listened in on their conversation. Pinkie played along; though in an obvious fake tone. Luckily it did little to suspect Trixie their act, and more interested in what was next on their list.

"Oh! You-Mean-That-Super-Douper-Inexpensive, High-Quality-Loud-Speaker-That-We-Need-To Play-Our-Music-With?"

"Yup!" Percy nodded.

"The-One-Our-Good-Friend-Twilight-Sparkle, who works at the electronics store, Said-She'd-Watch-Out-For-In-Case-Anyone-Tries-To-Buy-It?"

"That's the one. Too bad she's off work today. It's the last one and if we don't get there soon, someone else might snatch it before we can."

Trixie grinned a devious smirk.

"But-We-Can't-Let-That-Happen! Let's-Get-It-Now! You-And-Me. Percy-And-Pinkie-Pie. To The ELECTRONICS STORE, And Pick Up That SOUND SPEAKER. For Our PARTY; Taking Place TOMOR-"

"I think that's enough," Percy whispered with a smile.

Pinkie Pie almost couldn't contain her giggling as she lets a few slip out. Trixie watched Percy leave the store with Pinkie Pie hopping next to him.

"Come, Minions!" Trixie commanded before leaving the store herself. "To the Electronic Store!"

"Hey!" Snips complained. "We're not minions! Are we?"

"Eh," Snails shrugged.

Just as they hoped, their planned worked. Percy and Pinkie Pie managed to send Trixie, Snips and Snails off on a false chase while the two went and picked up some food, beverages, and other essentials they decided to add in to make up for the stuff they couldn't buy. The mall was now closing as all the stores locked up their doors and pulled down their gates. Percy and Pinkie Pie, carrying bags full of goods, happily walked to the mall entrance to head back home.

"Ooohhh!" Pinkie Pie hopped, excitedly. "This Is So Exciting! We Have Just Enough Things To Organize An Official Pinkie Approved Party!"

"I'll say!" Percy blew on a party horn in excitement. "I can't wait to see everyone's faces when we show them the decorations and food tomorrow."

It was too difficult for Pinkie to keep the surprise party a secret from their friends. Luckily with everything going on, Pinkie managed to focus on other things; despite nearly cracking by calling some of her friends a few times only to hang up on them.

"We May Not Have All The Decorations I Wanted To Get, But At Least We Still Have The Most Important Essentials; CAKES AND CUPCAKES!"

"I really hope our friends will love it." Percy then hugged his left arm, "Are you sure I did alright as a party pal, Pinkie?"

"Of Course, You Did, Silly Billy! Sure, Trixie Didn't Make It Any Easier, But You Still Did A Awesome Job! Now All We Need Is To See How Well You Do As-"

But before Pinkie Pie could finish, she was interrupted by Trixie, who stood in front the mall's exit with enclosed fists. She did not look happy one bit. Snips and Snail stood next to her with crossed arms.

"You tricked me! I had to waste all my allowance on a faulty speaker because the clerk wouldn't let me buy the last one reserved for someone that wasn't you two!"

"Uhhh, we had to pay for it to, you know," Snails imputed.

The two friends froze and shared bewildered glances. Percy chuckled sheepishly while Pinkie whistled nonchalant with both arms hidden behind her back.

"Heh-heh. Oops?"

"Guh! No matter. The Smart and Well-Organized Trixie still has the upper hand! Just try hosting your lame party tomorrow, when I've already reserved the Band Room for yours truly."

Pinkie finally lost patience.

"Hey!" She stomped. "We Were Gonna Use The Band Room To Host Our Party!"

"Snooze you lose," Trixie smirked.

"Do You Even Know If People Are Gonna Show Up To Your Performance This Time?!"

"Ugh, well, with the decorations you managed to scavenge, I wouldn't be surprised if none of your friends showed up either!"

Pinkie's shouts breezed Trixie's hair.


Trixie and Pinkie Pie kept on bickering with each other, all while Percy watched with worry. He thought about what each of them were harping on about. Pinkie wants to throw a celebration party with as much decorations and other essentials deserving of a saving the world get together. Trixie wanted students at her school to attend her magic show, but nobody would show up unless she had a good enough display for her performance. People wouldn't show up anyways because of her performance alone, but Percy didn't know this. There had to be some way for these two to get along and get what they wanted at the same time. And despite her constant sabotage, Percy felt imbedded to even help out Trixie with her dilemma; if only so that everyone will be happy in the end.

Coming up with another idea, Percy got between Pinkie Pie and Trixie and pushed them apart.

"Stop it! Stop it!"

The two stopped bickering and switched their attention to Percy.

"I know you really want your party or magic show to happen, and we can't seem to agree on anything. But I've been thinking, since you both have something that the other doesn't… maybe there's a way for us all to get what we want."

Pinkie and Trixie shared suspicious glances. Neither weren't sure, or rather didn't like it to begin with, but if it all falls together, maybe they can make it work.

[Friday Morning.]

Next day, the party had just kicked off as everyone gathered in the band room and stared in awe at the decorations. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity all complimented the décor. Splatter, Dodge, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, and Toby were also equally impressed. Percy had accidentally revealed their surprise party so they knew what to expect. But what they saw took even some of them by surprise.

There were two long tables on both sides of the room with snacks and beverages of all kinds placed on top of lavished tablecloths. One table had a cupcake fountain and another hosted three different cakes that Pinkie managed to bake last night. There were various colored balloons floating everywhere, hitting the ceiling, hovering half way above ground, and tied up to different spots. Streamers and confetti decorated the rest of the room, and there were small games to play as well. Everyone was eating treats while talking amongst themselves. Upbeat music played all the while from a fancy sound speaker plugged into a phone.

Percy and Pinkie Pie stood and watched all their friends having fun.

"This is a great party, you two!" Splatter said chewing on a piece of cake.
"Yeah!" Dodge agreed. "Thanks for inviting us!"

"Our Pleasure!" Pinkie Pie beamed and waved as they walked by.

"I wonder if everyone else will feel the same once they find out what we had to do to get this room?" Percy said, uncertainly.

"Why Don't I Ask My Friends How Much They Like The Party? That'll Cheer You Up!"

Percy was about to object out of worry she might spill the other surprise they now had to keep. But Pinkie reassured him of such.

"Just Wait Right Here And Chaperon The Party."

Pinkie Pie left to go chat with her friends while Percy stayed where he was. Percy did what she said and watched as Splatter & Dodge attempted to dance to the music playing but with poor results. This didn't stop them though as they were still having fun. Spike was off having his own dance party. The Girls favored this more and gathered around to watch. Percy chuckled at this.

He then glanced over at all his friends; both from Sodor and Canterlot High. It would only be a matter of time before they begin to question the rows of seats properly lined up to face an empty space of the room. And facing the row of seats was a wide, square cardboard banner. It was painted in a deep blue with a sky-blue wand star taking up most of the frame. Percy was nervous about what his friends had to say about the party, and the deal he made. He hoped nobody would come up and bother him as he went to fetch himself another cupcake.

Eating his cupcake, all of Percy's Sodor friends passed by while giving out compliments

"This party's amazing, Percy!" James said.

"Well done," Edward said.

"For a little engine," Gordon complimented. "This party isn't half bad."

"I love it!" Henry said.

"You and Pinkie Pie make great party planners," Toby said.

Percy smiled meekly then went back to frowning again, until Pinkie Pie brought Twilight and the rest of their friends over to him.

"Great job, Percy," Twilight spoke first. "You and Pinkie Pie sure went all out for a saving the world party."

"Gotta say; we're mighty impressed by what we've seen so far," Applejack said, tilting her hat.

"I can't wait until Lady sees what you've both done," Fluttershy said.

"She's gonna be blown away!" Spike said.

Everyone nodded and agreed. Percy didn't know how to react, so he kept on playing up his meek smile. He hugged his arm and let out a small chuckle. Twilight suspected something right away.

"Wow! Thanks, everyone."

"See, Percy?" Pinkie said, popping up next to him. "I Told You They'd Like It!"

Percy now felt relaxed again. "Should we tell them about the other surprise we haven't mentioned now then?"

"Does it involve all the pull up chairs taking up space," Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh, yes," Rarity noticed again. "I was wondering about those as well. What exactly are they for, deer?"

"I just assumed they were seats for us to sit on if we ever got tired of standing," Fluttershy said.

"Well, it's kind of a funny story actually."

Before Percy could began, the dance music stops and switches to a suspenseful drum beat. The lights turn off and spot lights shined near the empty space between the chairs and cardboard banner.

"Come one, come all! Come and witness the most amazing magic to ever grace the city of Canterlot. Behold! The Great and Powerful-"

Trixie slides on both knees in front of the cardboard banner and into the spotlights focused in on her. And just when she was about announce her name, all the Girls except Pinkie Pie shouted for her in shock.


Spotlights off and switches back to the regular lights. The Girl's eyes all widened. The Engines didn't know what to think at first. Gripping her purple magician's hat, Trixie stood up and sneered at Twilight and the others. They turned their attention back to Percy with glaring eyes, all except Fluttershy.

"Trixie!" Rainbow Dash nearly exclaimed. "You invited TRIXIE?!"

This made Percy even more nervous, along with Pinkie. She already suspected they wouldn't be on board with this idea.

"More Like She Invited Us," Pinkie said with arms hidden behind her back. "It Was The Only Way We Could Book The Band Room!"

"It's bad enough with Diesel 10's hoodlums in our hair," Applejack said. "Now we gotta have her in on the party crashin' too?"

"Is she really all that bad?" Percy asked.

Rarity scoffed. "That's putting it mildly."

"Like trying to sabotage our band mildly," Rainbow Dash crossed her arms.

Hearing about their dislike for Trixie made Percy even more anxious as he looked to his friends from Sodor, and wondered what they're thoughts were.

"I don't know much about her," Twilight said. "But I have been told Trixie's magic shows don't always carry a favorable reputation."

"Exactly," Rainbow Dash agreed. "Nobody here's gonna wanna sit through her lame magic show."

"Oh, deer," Percy gloomed. "I think we made a mistake, Pinkie."

"OOOHH!" Dodge exclaimed. "A Magic Show!"
"I love magic shows!" Splatter said.
"Let's get front row seats before the steamies do!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

"This does look quite interesting actually," Edward stroked his chin.

"Its not every day we see magic shows on Sodor," Henry said. "I wonder what tricks she'll preform."

The Engines murmured with interest. The Girls were surprised; even Percy and Pinkie Pie were a bit shocked. Trixie wasn't used to seeing people fascinated in her show. This Made her smile as everyone except the Girls and Percy made their way over to the seating area.

"I thought you girls where the only ones who could do magic?" Toby chuckled as he walked by the Girls and their bitter glances.

James cuts in front of Splatter & Dodge, causing them to spin about and teeter from dizziness when stopping.

"Outta the way, slow coaches! Make room for the splendid people!"

The other Engines took their seats. James sat at the front with Splatter, Dodge, and Toby, while Gordon, Henry, and Edward sat behind them. Percy stared back at Pinkie and her disapproving friends as he went to take a seat next to Henry. He tried not to stress to much and decided to engage interests in the show with his friends.

Trixie was in total disbelief. Sitting before her were people eager to watch her show. There were still some empty seats left due to the Girl's refusal to watch the performance. The crowd may be small but it was still something; something she's always wanted for a long time.

"Finally!" She said, hopping slightly. "A captivated audience. This is my moment."

Then, Pinkie Pie pulled up a seat next to Percy, much to his confusion.

"You're watching too, Pinkie? Even though Trixie tried to saber-tag the party?"

Her lips smack. "I'm Not Upset About That Anymore! Trixie Agreed To Let Us Have It In The End In Exchange For Her Show, Remember? And Look!"

Pinkie pointed to Trixie with forearms eagerly pressed together and a beaming smile.

"Trixie Seems Awfully Happy To Have An Audience Watch Her Play! Also, I Really Love Magic Shows!"

Percy felt happy again and no longer ashamed for setting up this compromise.

She cleared her throat. "Welcome enthusiastic fans, to the greatest stage performance of a lifetime! Watch in awe as the one and only Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by anyone!"

"This is gonna be a good one," Dodge said to Splatter. "I can already tell!"

"And now, for my first act of the day,"

Trixie steps off the scene and returns while pushing in a table with magician sawing boxes. Snips' head protruded from the first box while two skinny legs dangled out from the other end of the second box.

"The daring and unpredictable Trixie shall preform a classic that very few have ever accomplished; The sawing of a hapless victim." She dramatically pulls out a saw blade, "IN HALF!"

The Engines and Pinkie Pie all gasped.

"Unbelievable," Spike rolled his eyes.

"They do know this is all just trivialized tricks, right?" Twilight whispered to Rarity.

The room went dark, spotlights focused on Trixie, and music from the sound speaker begins to play a suspenseful tune. The Engines shook in their seats as Trixie lines up the saw blade between the two purple and light blue boxes. She begins to cut through, pulling the blade back and forth and pressing it deeper as it sinks further. Splatter & Dodge repeatedly bit their nails off. Pinkie was simply watching with enjoyment when she felt Percy's arms wrap around her as he shook. She smiled and gave him a gentle pat. Then Henry wrapped his arms around both of them while quivering and whimpering a little. Snips' forehead dripped with anxious sweats as the blade nearly reaches the bottom. Deep in concentration, Trixie kept sawing until the blade cuts through the bottom. The room went silent, amplified by the tense music. All Engines were wide eyed and waited in anticipation. The Girls weren't very amused.

After shooting them a proud smirk, Trixie separates the boxes by pushing them apart to reveal a clean cut. The person inside was now split in half. Her arms waved out as triumphant music blared off to show case the reveal. The Engines gasped in shock. An overwhelmed Henry sat frozen solid until he wiggled and passed out on the floor. The Girls shook their heads. Fluttershy went over to check up on Henry.

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "It's obviously Snips and Snails in two different boxes."

Henry awoke from hearing this. "It is?!"

The Engines looked back to see two cupboard doors swing open with Snails emerging from the second box. He inhaled and exhaled repeatedly, trying to catch his breath.

"I can hardly breathe in this!"

Snips sprung out from his box as well. Trixie gave them disapproving glares then looks back at the Engines now just figuring out the trick.

"Ooohhh, that's how she did it!" Dodge said.
"I don't get it," Splatter said.

"I really though she cut that boy in half," Edward said. "But Trixie only faked it all along?!"

"She tricked all of us!" Gordon called.

Trixie chuckled bashfully, afraid of hearing more ridicule from her new audience.

But instead, The Engines all cheered and applauded. Now that they understood how the trick works, they were equally as impressed by her performance to make it look so convincing at first glance. Trixie was ecstatic. She never had a crowd cheer for her before, and to hear it for the first time in how many years filled her with joy. Trixie then removed her purple magician's hat and bowed to her audience.

"Thank you, thank you."

Relishing in their acclaims, Trixie decided to put the show on hold for later so she can continue receiving praises. Pinkie Pie was happy for Trixie and Percy's friends, until she looked over and saw that her friends were still not pleased. They weren't mad like before, now more befuddled by the Engine's reactions, but there was still a looming sense of disappointment. She didn't like disappointing her friends, especially when it come to her parties. Percy was on the same level but saw something different upon looking around the room. Seeing his Sodor friends and Trixie happy and having fun resonated something within him.

The Party Pals stood up as the Girls approached Percy and Pinkie.

"That was certainly… something," Fluttershy admitted, timidly.

"Okay, so maybe they actually liked it after all," Rainbow Dash said.

"But the same can't be said about us." Applejack rubbed the back of her head, "Uh, no offence, Sugarcube."

A disheartened Pinkie felt like her curly hair was about to deflate again.

"Agreed," Rarity added. "'Twas an admirable attempt, but a lack luster magic performance isn't what I'd consider an ideal party requirement."

Percy snickered. "Well, according to lesson one of the official party pal agreement; 'A party is a party no matter what it has'. And this party has all it really needs right here."

Hearing Percy say this made Pinkie Pie beam with eyes glittering pure joy.

"I don't know about that rule of yours," Twilight said. "But I guess it did bring enjoyment to your friends. It wouldn't be right to fault them for that."

"And The Way I See It," Pinkie stated. "Percy Not Only Managed To Help Make This An Amazing Saving The World Party, But He Also Remembered The Most Important Rule To Being A Party Pal."

"Bring lots of cake and cupcakes?" Percy guessed with a grin.

"No, Silly! That's Just A Rule For Any Given Case! I Was Thinking Of Something Else; Something I Should've Remembered Myself!"

Percy didn't know what she meant until Pinkie Pie directed his attention back to Trixie, taking in all the praises from the Steam Team and Splatter & Dodge, who were all still chatting about the show.

"Share What We Have With Other Party Pals." She pointed to his friends then back to the Girls, "Aaaand, Make Sure Everyone's Happy And Having Fun."

Thinking it over to himself, Percy glanced around the room again. Toby, Edward, Henry, Even Gordon and James were all laughing and smiling. Splatter & Dodge were having the time of their life. Snips and Snails snatched some food off the table and chowed them down. And Trixie, with the biggest grin of all, struck around and chatted with the other Engines.

Pinkie Pie was right. Though he didn't have to rely on all the party stuff to make this a fun gathering, the two managed to make both their group of friends happy and much more by combining Trixie's magic show and decorations with their attendance and enjoyment. Percy completed his part as an official Party Pal after all.

"Hey, yeah! I Guess we did do that!"

"We Sure Did, Party Pal!" Pinkie ruffled his hair playfully.

"Too bad I couldn't make your friends happy."

The Girls suddenly felt bad for Percy, and began to regret their nitpicking. Before Percy became disheartened again, Twilight decided to counter his claims.

"Well… seeing how we did technically state our approval over the party prior to any preconceived knowledge of her attendance, I think its safe to say you two still managed to impress us all with your efforts to make this a party Lady won't be forgetting."

A relieved Percy smiled. "If that means Trixie's magic show can make herself happy as well as my friends, then that's all I need to hear!"

The Girls approved and nodded with beaming smiles. The Engines all gathered around them as Pinkie embraces Percy in a tightly snugged hug.

Twilight checked her phone. "Speaking of which, we better go check to see if Thomas and Sunset are back from Muffle Mountain."

Everyone agreed and left the Band Room while still chatting about the party. Trixie ordered Snips and Snails stay and organize her next act as she leaves down the opposite hall. She waved back at her new audience who were heading towards the School's lobby while waving in return. The Engines and Girls were all looking forward to continuing their party after they save Lady and their universes from certain doom.

"Who's Up For More Gummy Bears!" Pinkie Pie called while waving a bag out to her friends

"Oh, me, me!" Splatter waved.
"Me to, me to!" Dodge called.

More To Come Soon!

Comments ( 2 )

I with there was a crossover movie of this.

Will there be more shorts? At least make one where Percy ends up in Equestria with Diesel 10 and the ‘shadows’ effected the place.

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