• Member Since 15th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Saturday


im 27 and a die hard pegasister to the core and im mainly going to write transmare stories. but i will write others if anypony has a request please let me know. ps i won't charge you for it

Comments ( 28 )

yeah really happened to me sorry

Damn well that was deep

Great story my friend. Can’t wait for more

glad you like it

You should use more commas.

Great job my lovely mare. Can’t wait for more

Great job babe. I really like the surprise you had for me

i'm glad you liked it my love

Very nice my love

Thanks my beautiful mare and goddess

Beautifully written & I up voted your story...don't care who sees this!

thanks my friend there will be another chapter tomorrow

Slow down a little Rose. Your rushing events in this for them. I'm pretty sure there are laws, even in Equestria, about child marriage.

they may seem like children because they are in elementary school, however, this one is based in an alternate universe. where as long as the two are meant for each other and the parents agree they can be wed. I know it seems rushed but it isn't. thanks for the advice

Great job my love

Nice job my lovely mare

I'm so happy to hear that from you my love

Hi...it's me!
liked both chapters although i kinda expected something a bit more dramatic maybe there'll be something down the line but if not that's fine.
i've read far too many stories over the years so ignore me.

Thanks glad you liked it. Also don't worry it gets better

Damn, someone call the wambulance.

Will you be finishing this?

Yes I will be just have several stories I'm working on and I am taking a break from MLP fanfiction for a while to focus on my trans Harry Potter fanfiction

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