• Member Since 8th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen May 25th, 2022

Not Enough Coffee

"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts." ~ Marcus Aurelius


Octavia, Vinyl, and Lyra are trying to put together a Hearth’s Warming Eve carol for all of Ponyville. Unfortunately, they get themselves into a musical disagreement, and end up turning on each other, each one thinking their style is superior to the others. Not even the town is free from the chaos, as they get in on the argument, and end up feeling upset themselves

Will Hearth's Warming Eve go on without a single carol, or will the three Ponyville musicians find it within themselves to compromise?

Concept for this story was given to me by my good friend, All Art is Quite Useless.

Pre-read by Dustchu.

Edited by Doctor Disco.

Audio Reading by Skijarama.

Art belongs to Brianblackberry.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

Your description has an error, bro.

Concept for this story was giving to me by my good friend,

Glad to see it's finally up dude, and what a good story too :heart:

I can't believe I missed this! Thanks, dude.

Where can I find Brianblackberry?

Furaffinity. They draw NSFW stuff, so I couldn't link them.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I think it’d be pretty cool if we tried something a little different this year.” Lyra stated, giving Octavia a Vinyl toothy grin. “Like, we do the same thing every year, so why not try something a little different?”

Vinyl and Octavia.

I love the chapter title.

This was really sweet. :pinkiesmile: Good job.

cute story, OctaScratch OTP c:

HAR HAR HAR! Good stuff. A most favored pairing of mine, with the addition of a holiday based on a holiday that many of its benighted practitioners ironically know not is pagan in origin!

I'm gonna make a shelf to add this fics and read them all before the holyday

That said, I like your new profile pic.

D'aaaaw... Feels good, already got that holiday spirit in me.

Adorable, cute, and fluffy, and fluffy is important! :heart:
Good show!

Sweet and whimsical. Glad I read it.

Really good story and I loved the character dynamics your created ;p.

Ps. Vinyl is still greater than Tavi

Thanks dude, appreciate it.

Ps. Vinyl is still greater than Tavi

But these are still fighting words!

I dare you to write a thing with no Octavia.

Next thing I'm working on doesn't involve her.

That's right

You better humor me

Gonna be super sad and depressing just for you. :derpytongue2:

...I actually like sad stories, so sweet!

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