• Published 5th Dec 2011
  • 4,354 Views, 15 Comments

Dash vs Mare (final) - lRainbowDashl

Will Rainbow Dash's jelousy cost her everything she has?

  • ...

One off

Rainbow had a furious look on her face she looked down at the unaware mare beneath her.

“What makes her so special?” Rainbow thought to herself. Her rage overpowered her and she shot down towards Mare Do Well. As she was about to reach her target, a cloud of purple appeared out of nowhere. Mare Do Well had disappeared! Rainbow flew into the ground with a crash.

Rainbow turned around to see everypony behind her was laughing at her. Mare Do Well was not in the crowd. She had vanished. Rainbow flew off with a tear in her eye. She was upset and angry, and when she got to her mansion she ran in and slammed the door.

“What makes her think that she can treat me like that? She has no right to be that way!” Rainbow shouted as she stormed into the bathroom.

“Oh for Celestia’s sake!” she said angrily, as she threw her hoof into the glass cupboard, smashing the glass. She started pacing furiously.

“She never helps me out. She helps everyone but me! I help ponies out. I make her job easier by helping others. But you know what? Now it’s going to change...” she muttered, as she walked to her cupboard and looked through all the outfits of the previous teams she had been in. There was one which was black with red trim with a skull on the flank. She closed the cupboard and went out to the garage where she picked up her red dye form one of her cardboard boxes.

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A dark thunder storm clouded over Ponyville. Lightning started striking buildings setting them on fire. Of course, Mare Do Well was first on the scene, and she started trying to extinguish the fires.

“So predictable” said Rainbow who shot out of the sky and flew into the royal bank of Ponyville. She shot back out a few minutes carrying bags of cash. Mare Do Well launched herself at Rainbow, tackling her to the ground and knocking the money out of her hooves.

“Oof!” grunted Rainbow, who hit her head on the ground with a sickening thud as Mare Do Well grinned at her. Mare leaned forward to take the mask off of Rainbow but as she did so, a burning sensation in her flank stunned her and her vision went white. She had been struck by lightning! Rainbow took this as an opportunity and pushed Mare Do Well off, then flew like a bullet into the storm.

“That was close. I need to be more careful...” Rainbow walked over to her cupboard and started rumaging through stuff she came across this thing that looked like a necklace.

“Oh yeah... Pinkie wanted me to use this for a prank. This is perfect, it will change my voice!” She then walked over to another garage where she had several dyes. She had already dyed her mane and tail red, but she now risked having her coat exposed. That was too dangerous, so she picked up a very dark blue and got to work. As she was waiting for the dye to finish drying she
looked over to some contact lenses which were red.

“I could use them too,” she thought to herself.

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“Somepony help me! She took my baby!” yelled a mare pointing up at the sky towards a disguised Rainbow Dash. Mare Do Well looked up at her and saw that Rainbow had a little foal clenched in one of her hooves. Rainbow turned around and yelled down to her in a distorted voice, “Listen up Mare Do Well! If you want to see this little foal again, you’ll unmask yourself in the town centre at noon today!”

Mare Do Well couldn’t do anything but watch as Dash flew off.

Mare Do Well had to think long and hard about what she was going to do. Should she give into the villain’s request, risk the fate of the foal, or should she rush off to find the foal?

Mare Do Well searched high and low for the foal, but couldn’t find any sign of her. she bowed her head in shame then looked up.

"Whats wrong Mare cant find her?" Mare Do-Well looked up to see her nemesis.

"How about i come up their and beat it out of you?" Mare Do-Well snapped angrily.

"Ill give you a hint to the oposite of north their is a place full of dust and barrels this place is one where little fillys have nightmares" as Rainbow said that she shot off into the sky.

Mare Do-Well thought to herself "What does she mean by that to the south that is dusty and full of barrels where fillys have nightmares" a metaphorical light bulb went off in her head.

Rainbow was in the sky grinning "haha she will never look in the warehouse the south is full of dusty dirty places its quite disgusting their now that i think of it"

Everyone was crowded around the town centre waiting for the unmasking of Mare Do Well. They were all asking questions about what was going to happen. Mare Do Well stepped out on to the platform. Everyone looked at her, shocked by her defeat, until she turned around. The foal was on her back! Everyone cheered, apart from Rainbow, who sat on top of a cloud she was punching it angrily.

“How did she find her? I hid her so well!” Rainbow looked down at the crowd. Someone had turned around to look at the performance, and in doing so, she had left her pram unattended. Rainbow ran at it and kicked it down the dangerous hill. Mare Do Well shot past her sprinting for the pram and managed to stop it, but as she did, Rainbow jumped on her and reached for the mask. Mare Do Well punched her in the stomach. Rainbow tried to take off, But Mare Do Well grabbed her by the outfit tearing some of it off. Rainbow backhoofed her and flew off. Mare Do Well looked up at her and just made out that her coat was a dark colour. However, there wasn’t enough light for her to clearly see the colour.

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Rainbow Dash was back in her kitchen working herself into a frenzy
“What the hay? How can she do all of this? I'm better than her in every way! Why is she winning this war?!”

"I know what I need to do! I need to bait her! Get her somewhere that doesn't have a crowd to mock me!" Rainbow stopped pacing for a moment "That's it! The castle..." no one ever goes there the perfect plan I'll lure Mare do-well there, but how do i get here there?” Rainbow raised her hoof to her head thinking deeply Oh I wonder if she would accept a challenge?”

“Mare, I challenge you! Meet me in the Everfree Forest at the Ruins of the Ancient Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters at dusk if you ever want to see Rainbow Dash again!” Yelled Rainbow Dash from the top of a thundercloud. Mare Do Well looked up at the thundercloud where Rainbow Dash was, yelled out in a distorted voice, “What have you done with her?” as Rainbow flew off on the dark thunder cloud.

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Mare Do-Well is walking through the forest when she hears the sound of Rainbow Dash in pain. She immediately runs to the aid of the poor cyan Pegasus, yelling out, “Dash, Dash where are you?” as she storms into the courtyard where the elements previously were.

“You fell right into my trap, you fool!” said Rainbow. SMare Do Well looked around for the source of the voice, but couldn't see a sign of the dark coated mare. “Its easy for anypony to talk when they can’t be seen,” Rainbow said, as she apeared from behind one of the many pillars.

“So what is this so called challenge?” asked Mare Do-Well, preparing for the predictable Pegasus to attack her.

“This time I’m not going to be so stupid,” Mare Do-Well looked at her curiously. When she stepped forward to speak, she felt her foot trip over a wire. A huge log came crashing down, but she teleported just before it crashed into her. As she did she felt two hooves shoot into her flank. Rainbow had just flown into her! It was a short term solution, but Rainbow just wanted to inflict as much damage upon her opponent as she could.

Mare Do-Well fought back ferociously. She took a jab at Rainbow’s jaw, and felt her hoof connect. Rainbow’s head cracked back, but she just shook it off and threw two lightning fast jabs from both hooves. Mare ducked, which is what Rainbow expected. She shot her knee up into the Mare’s face, knocking her hat off and knocking her over. Rainbow stood over the Mare, her eyes darkened with the rage that was taking over. Mare Do-Well took a lightning fast kick at Rainbow’s knee, smashing her forward into the ground, and immediately shot her hoof up into Rainbow’s jaw. Rainbow’s head started throbbing, but she didn’t let that slow her down as she leaned back, getting ready to throw a strong punch. However, the Mare knew what she was going to do and saw that Rainbows stomach was exposed, so she took a jab which made Rainbow lean forward then tackled her to the ground.

“Listen we don't have to do this! There is another way,” said Mare Do-Well while she pinned Rainbow down with her hooves.

“Yes we do!” shouted Rainbow as she started lifting her hooves from the ground. Mare Do-Well was strong, but not strong enough to stop a pony motivated this much. Rainbow started standing up. Rainbow shot up into the dark thundery clouds above her, knocking Mare Do-Well off of her. Rainbow shot a lightning bolt down next to Mare Do-Well, stunning her in a bright flash. Mare Do-Wells vision was blurred. She couldn't see properly, but she saw Rainbow flying towards her. She didn't have time to react as Rainbow was only metres away, but another lightning bolt struck down, this time hitting Rainbow in the back.

“Ahhh!” cried Rainbow, as her body hit the floor next to Mare Do-Well, who seized the opportunity and jumped onto Rainbow. She wrapped her arm around Rainbow and started choking her.

“Not this time!” yelled Rainbow she shot up into the sky and smashed into one of the windows of a nearby tower. Mare Do-Well held on as tight as she could.

“Get off me!” yelled Rainbow. She couldn't get the Mare off, so she did the only thing she could - she reversed into the wall. They were still in the frame of one of the windows, and a bit of glass dug into the Mare.

“That pain is a millionth of the pain you have caused me these last few days,” yelled Dash. Mare Do-Well looked shocked and let go of Rainbow to try to talk.

“What pain have I-” she was cut off by a left hook to the face, then was thrown from the frame to the floor below. She teleported to the bottom and kept trying to reason with Rainbow, but Dash wouldn’t listen. She kept throwing jabs, but the Mare kept on dodging or blocking them. She wasn't being aggressive, just defensive, hoping that her enemy would soon run out of breath.

Finally the opportunity presented itself. Rainbow was too tired, but she still threw the jab. Mare Do-Well grabbed her hoof, gently pushed her to the ground, and attempted to pin her down again.
“Listen, whoever you are, I’m sorry for any pain I have caused you. I didn't know that I had! I can assure you, whatever it is I have done to you, it wasn’t deliberate! Now can we please stop this before it gets out of hoof?” Mare-Do-Well offered her hoof to the weak pony. Rainbow thought for a few seconds then gave the Mare her hoof. As she was being raised from the ground, Rainbow threw a punch to the ribs of the unsuspecting Mare, then tried to tackle her to the ground, but to her surprise the ground wasn’t there! They were falling. Rainbow had pushed her off the bridge that she fixed that many years ago with her friends. Rainbow grabbed hold of the Mare to stop her from teleporting away.

“If I’m going down, your going down with me!” shouted Rainbow, with hate in her voice. Mare Do-Well tried to teleport, but Rainbow held on tighter so that she couldn’t. The Mare was good at magic but not good enough to teleport more than one pony at a time sure she could teleport spike but two ponys is just too much ponys have a certain magic about them which makes it dificult.

Rainbow knew exactly how long it would take to free herself from the hold and to fly up safely, without causing any harm to herself. Mere metres from the ground, Rainbow let go and lifted her head, flying up as fast as she could. She heard a sickening thud as the Mare hit the ground. She turned her head to see the damage as she flew casually towards the almost lifeless pony. She heard coughing, and it didn’t sound good, as she flew down to unmask the Mare. The mask had fallen off. Rainbow peeked over to see Twilight.

“...what?” whispered Rainbow, shocked, at the very weak pony who raised her voice to speak, but struggled. Rainbow flew towards her and picked her up, then flew up out of the gorge and towards Ponyville.

“I cant go to the hospital, they will find out who I am. I know! Applejack will look after her,” Rainbow thought as she flew at lightning speed towards Applejack’s house and knocked on the door. She turned to fly away, but Applejack opened the door too quickly.

“You’re not welcome here,” she said angrily. Rainbow turned around and pointed at Twillight in the Mares outfit. Applejack looked at Twilight, worried. She went to look back up at Rainbow, but she was already gone.

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Rainbow flew back home she and slammed the door shut, snapping it off its hinges. She started knocking stuff over, smashing things. She was punching walls in rage as a tear formed in her eye.

“What have I done?” Rainbow whispered to herself, as she looked at herself in her already smashed mirror. To her shock, she didn’t see her reflection. Half the broken mirror showed her with her mask on, and the other half showed herself before the whole villain idea. The villain side was angry, but the other side was happy.

“I have to stop this, I can't keep doing this. Not after that... But how was Twilight Mare Do Well? Why was Twilight Mare Do Well? Was she trying to upstage me to make me look bad? Did she not think I deserved to be a hero?" Rainbow thought for a moment "No, I don't believe she would be so mean. I need to talk to her, I've gotta go back"
said Rainbow to herself as she took off the costume. She went to the bathroom to remove the dye, but no matter how much she tried, it just wouldn't come off.

“Rainbow, are you in here?” a timid voice called out from the door. Rainbow started panicking. She was wet from trying to wash the dye out. Fluttershy opened the door to the bathroom.

“Wait, no!” cried Rainbow, but Fluttershy had already entered. Rainbow went into the foetal position in the corner of the bathroom.

“Rainbow, what’s going on? Why are you blue and red? Why is your apartment smashed?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

“I think you know exactly what’s going on here,” said Rainbow.Nnow she was crying, her eyes like a river and a puddle beneath her.

“Did you really do that to Twilight? Rainbow?”

Rainbow looked up at Fluttershy and slowly nodded her head. Fluttershy gasped.

“Rainbow, what happened? Why did you hurt her? Are you that villain?”

Rainbow nodded once again and braced herself for Fluttershy to lash out at her. She felt Fluttershy’s arms wrap around her, but surprisingly, it wasn’t aggressive. It was a calm, caring hug. Rainbow leaned into the hug and stopped sobbing.

“Fluttershy, what are you doing? Why don’t you hate me?” she asked quietly, still crying a bit. Fluttershy looked up surprised, and Rainbow got the message.

“All living things, I get it. Fluttershy, what do I do? I’m scared and lonely and I want to see if Twilight is ok, but i cant go looking like this... I think i really hurt her.”

“Rainbow, I'm sorry, but I think it’s time you payed the price of evil. I think should go down and talk to Twilight. She isn’t unconscious, but she is hurt. She wanted to see you, that's why I came to get you. I was hoping that the villain had let you go, and I’m glad the worst didn't happen.”

Rainbow nodded and stood up. The two of them walked out the door and headed for Sweet Apple Acres.

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Fluttershy knocked on the door and Rainbow was cowering behind her. Twilight was in a wheelchair, but she still opened the door. She was still in the Mare outfit.

“Hi, Fluttershy. Is that Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow looked at Twilight from behind Fluttershy and bowed her head in shame.

“Twilight, we need to-” she started to say, but she was interrupted by Twilight

“Rainbow, I know that it was you,” Twilight said. Rainbow looked at Twilight in shame and confusion.

“Rainbow, you didn’t just hurt me, I hurt you. In fact when that lightning bolt hit you, your outfit tore and when you flew off, I saw your cutie mark. That’s one thing that dye cant hide.”

Rainbow got a tear in her eye, then turned around and started walking off. She felt a sudden pain in her flank and fell to the floor. She looked back to see that Applejack had tackled her.

“Rainbow, where are you going? Applejack, not so rough. Let her get up, but don’t let her walk off. Take her inside, we can talk in there,” Twilight said. Rainbow looked a bit happier knowing that Twilight wasn’t yelling at her.

After a long chat about friendship and responsibility, there was a knocking at the door. Pinkie Pie opened the door and was immediately pushed out of the way. It was Princess Celestia’s royal guards.

“Where is Rainbow Dash? We have a warrant for her arrest. The Princess wants her dead for her crimes,” one of them said. Rainbow looked up to see that the guards were storming the house.

“Rainbow, run and don’t stop! We’ll find you, just get out of here before they take you!” Twilight yelled. Rainbow took off, but she wasn’t quite quick enough. One of the guards jumped on her, keeping her from flying. The rest of the guards crowded around her hoofcuffed her, then took her outside. There was a mob of angry ponies throwing rocks at her. She felt a sharp pain in her cheek and looked around to see who threw it. To her surprise, it was Scootaloo. She bowed her head, and muttered, “I’m sorry kiddo,” under her breath.

"Listen guys i know this sounds odd but im going after her" said Twilight her friends looked at her confused.

"She messed up but im not letting her die not even if it is Celestia who requested it" said Twilight trying to stand up but she toppled over.

"Listen Twalaght your hurt how are you gonna help?"

Twilights horn started glowing

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Rainbow’s neck was bare and she was leaning forward. The time had arrived. There was a black stallion with a huge, gruesome axe. Just by looking at it, you could see that it had met a lot of necks. Rainbow gulped.

“Rainbow Dash, you have forced out hoof. We don’t kill easily, but your crimes cannot be punished in any other way,” Celestia read out. Rainbow closed her eyes, ready for the pain she was about to meet.

Rainbow’s heart started beating heavily, everything slowed down for her. She closed her eyes. She heard the swoosh of the axe slashing through the air then she felt a sudden burning in her flank. Two hooves had slammed into her side pushing her out of the way of the axe. When Rainbow opened her eyes she saw Mare Do Well now stood there.

“What are you doing!” Rainbow said frustrated Mare Do-Well nodded at her then took a step forward to approach the audience.

“She is not a threat anymore! There is no reason for her to die! I believe punishing her is what she needs but not death!” As Mare Do-Well said that, a roar was heard from behind the watching crowd, they turned around shocked at the loudness of the roar. A black Dragon appeared from the other side of the mountain, the Dragon was a lot bigger than the previous one in Ponyville. It started flying towards the town, the crowd departed quickly.

“What are we going to do? Rainbow I need your help” Rainbow had her head bowed in shame she turned around and started walking off.

“Twilight I can’t even help myself, how am I supposed to help anyone else” Twilight looked at her shocked. She turned to the Dragon which had just landed on top of a building crushing it effortlessly. Twilight looked up at it and gulped.

“Well here goes nothing” Twilight said as she ran at the Dragon, it put its’ claw down in front of her stopping her.

“You drove my Son off this land you will not drive me away as you did him”

Twilight thought to herself. “What is she talking about? What dragon, oh for Celestia’s sake that must of been the red one that Fluttershy stared down”

The Dragon was the first to strike she pushed the spikes out of her tail and slammed it down attempting to squish Twilight, she teleported out the way and onto the snout of the dragon she slammed herself into the Dragons forehead the dragon barely flinched so Twilight started using magic making herself faster and stronger. She propelled herself into the forehead of the dragon counterbalancing herself, but the dragon fought back pushing Twilight off. Twilight teleported safely to the ground she used her horn to create an aura around the axe of the executioner which was now lodged in the wood where Rainbow’s head should be. She launched it into the stomach of the Dragon,where it deeply embedded itself into the dragon’s stomach.

The Dragon let out a terrifying roar shattering the ears of anyone nearby. One of Twilight’s ears was trickling blood. She sprinted towards one of the buildings hoping for a chance to recover, but the Dragon slammed its claw down through the building before she was able to get away, Twilight yelped the claw landed right next to her. She ran out the door the claws were chasing her she teleported behind the dragon and kicked it in the back of the head, she teleported again this time kicking it in the knee she teleported once more in an attempt kick it in the elbow but the Dragon expected this and pushed its elbow back slamming it into Twilight.

“Ow!” she yelped, she started falling but the dragon wasn’t done with her. She turned around and kicked Twilight launching her as fast as a bullet, suddenly a dark blue blur shot past the Dragon as she flew Twilight closed her eyes and braced for impact, knowing that there was no way she could save herself this time... until she felt herself hooves grabbing her around the waist and felt the world slowing down as she came to a halt. She looked up at her savior and smiled.
She landed in the street and ran into one of the houses and put Twilight down.

“Wait here i got this you just rest you look hurt ill be back soon Twilight dont worry” she said as she left the house and flew towards the Dragon which was very far away. Rainbow thought to herself

“How in the hay am I supposed to take that thing down?!” she thought that their was only one thing which had enough impact to bring this dragon down She shot up as high as she could go, pausing only for a moment before charging back to earth towards the dragon terrorizing Ponyville she was just next to her when the Sonic Rainboom occurred, that just helped Rainbow by giving her more impact.

The dragon was launched off of its feet and thrown into the air. Rainbow felt proud of herself

"Aww yeah!" she turned around and to her disappointment it wasn't a Sonic Rainboom it was a blue shock wave. It was her Mane and Tail that had created the colours in the boom. She must have been looking a the shockwave longer than she thought because.... The dragon was up by the time she got her head back in the game, by this time the dragon had turned away from Rainbow and had begun heading towards an alleyway... of course it was much bigger than the alleyway and its stomach was higher than the tallest building. Rainbow couldn't help but look at the dragon in confusion.

“Help!” yelled a pony with its back against the wall. Rainbow thought to herself

“Wait that sounded like Princess Celestia” she looked down, it was the princess. Rainbow shot down through the legs of the dragon and smashed a hole straight through the wall to save the Princess regardless of the pain it caused her. She regretted it immediately afterwards as the damage she had sustained really started to take its toll on her.

“Princess, run!” she yelled her legs gave up underneath her she looked up the dragon was ready to attack again, it stared downwards towards her. Rainbow got up weakly and flew away from the claw but the claw caught her on the flank. Rainbow spiraled out of control smashing into buildings. Hit the ground with a huge impact, she started sliding across the ground then she hit a rock and flew into the air. A purple aura appeared around her and Rainbow appeared at the feet of Twilight who spoke down to her.

“Come on Dash we can’t take this thing down alone lets do it together” As she said that she offered Rainbow her hoof who took it.

“Lets do it” She said. Rainbow stopped her and whispered in her ear.

“HEY STUPID” Rainbow yelled at the Dragon who turned around and looked at her. Rainbow shot into the sky

“Lets see if you can use those big ugly wings” she yelled as she flew up moderately slowly to keep the Dragon interested in the chase. The Dragon shot up and flew towards her, gaining speed then all of a sudden Rainbow disappeared into one of the many clouds around the Dragon. Rainbow shot out of one of the clouds kicking the Dragon then disappearing again. She did this several times then stopped next to the dragon and shot down.

“Bet you cant catch me!” she yelled as she shot down slowly again to keep the dragon entertained. The Dragon shot down towards her, they were no longer in the clouds. The Dragon knew what was being planned, they were going to make her crash so the Dragon slowed down but then a log rammed into its back then another and another. The logs were heavy they were dragging the Dragon down. Rainbow shot back up behind the Dragon and pushed with the logs forcing the Dragon down. It landed with a crack so loud it sounded like lightning. Twilight went over to the cloud of smoke, coughing at the amount she looked at the Dragon who wasn’t dead but was injured severely. She looked at its back one of the logs was impaled in its back the others had fallen off her back. Rainbow was on her tail her arm was impaled by one of the spikes on the tail. Rainbow looked at her arm and shrugged.

“I probably deserve that don’t I Twilight?” Twilight ran up to her and using magic pulled her arm out of the spike Rainbow didn’t cry out she only cringed.

Twilight helped Rainbow over to the hospital and got her arm bandaged up. Nurse Redheart insisted that she stayed for a while and put Rainbow in a bed, until the Princess’s royal guards came in and grabbed her by the arm, Rainbow squealed but the guards ignored her and carried her outside. Celestia was waiting outside, the guards threw her at her feet. Celestia’s horn started to glow she pointed it towards Rainbow who closed her eyes.

“Whatever you are going to do I’m ready for it” she said as an aura appeared around her then her coat went white then black then cyan. Her mane started to flash then it returned to its usual Rainbow style. Rainbow looked up in confusion.

“What did you do? I’m not in any pain?” she asked Celestia pointed towards the glass doors of the hospital Rainbow turned around and saw her reflection a smile appeared upon her face.

“So what happens now?”

“Well I have discussed a great thing with many people and we have decided to let you stay here but on one condition, you are to help Ms. Sparkle with the library you are to help her keep it clean and running smoothly anything she requests you will do understand?”

“Thank you princess I will gladly help out OW!” Rainbow suddenly felt a surge of pain in her flank where the Dragon had hit her their was a huge gash and blood was splashing on the floor. Rainbow fell unconscious but before she did she heard Twilight

“Rainbow? Nurse Redheart quick!”

When Rainbow woke up she was in Twilight's bed. Twilight walked up to her.

“Don’t get up you are hurt badly and I don’t want you to get hurt anymore, don’t worry about your jobs Spike will take care of them”
Rainbow put a smile on her face and snuggled back into her bed and closed her eyes.

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A few weeks later

"Hey Rainbow wake up Rainbow get up you lazy pony" Twilight yelled from downstairs

Rainbow opened her eyes weakly

"Sorry Twilight ill get up now" Rainbow yelled back she found it awkward to walk with her arm in a sling.

"Rainbow im in a hurry can you get me a cup of coffee please" Rainbow rushed over to the kettle and picked up a cup then dropped it on the floor accidently and took a step back in shock

"Ow for Celestias sake that hurts" Twilight looked over to her friend and walked over to her carefully avoiding the cup on the floor.

"Does it still hurt" asked Twilight sympathetically Rainbow looked down sadly

"Twilight dont be sympathetic i deserve every bit of pain i go through" Rainbow bent down and with her mouth picked up the shattered glass, as she dropped it in the bin it cut her mouth blood trickled to the floor.

Twilight walked up behind Rainbow and grabbed her by the shoulders turning her around Rainbow had a tear in her eye but was pretending that she didnt.

"Listen Rainbow i know that you messed up but we all do im not holding a grudge against you so stop this nonsense and lets be done with it ok?" Rainbow nodded and turned back around Twilight turned around as well and started walking Rainbow got a grin on her face turned around and to Twilights suprise Rainbow glomped her (No glomping isnt dirty its a flying tackle hug) Twilight smiled and as she did all her friends walked in.

"Hey Rainbow we got you something" Said Applejack Rainbows face beamed she looked at Applejack who stepped aside to reveal a manakin wearing a wonderbolt outfit.

"Thank you"

Written by lRainbowDashl ,Twiddles and Dan Wolf.Proofread/edited by Dawn Shadowdancer

(Authors note by lRainbowDashl)I greatly enjoyed writing this story. It was a good write. I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. GREAT. Now Dawn is proofreading my note. :P

(Authors note Dan Wolf)An amazing story. I thank you for the inspiration, and allowing me to help you with this. :)

(Authors note Twiddles)I loved the fighting scene. I’m sure you will too. :)

(Editor note by Dawn)I only proofed the notes cause neither of you can spell and your grammar sucks. :P

Comments ( 15 )

The first half is excellent. It makes me wonder why the second half took such a sharp nosedive in quality. The second half is obviously extremely rushed. I want to read what happens, but I can barely understand what you've written.

#2 · Dec 5th, 2011 · · ·

Totally rushed, but the plot is good nonetheless

#3 · Dec 5th, 2011 · · ·

Ok... this needs a LOT of work. I mean, it looks like it was writen by a three 2nd grader. Look, the idea has already been used (well). The main problem (besides the terrible grammer) is that it all feels WAY too rushed. 2 stars.:facehoof:

One thing i dont get is i get a ton of views and comments people love my work but tell me to get an editor and proof reader when i actually do get one i get comments like the ones you 3 gave me. :rainbowhuh:

53050 I take offense to that.

My brothers a third grader, and he writes better than this!

53155 Wow looks like this place is more full of assholes than i thought maybe i should post elsewhere.

53164 :ajsleepy::fluttercry::fluttershbad::fluttershysad: ..... Look. My Brother, the third grader, can beat me in chess...

A course, so could a rabid lemur with lung cancer.

:rainbowlaugh: I am not trying to hurt your feelings or anything like that, dude. I was making a joke. You know, haha, shake it off, call me a jerk. general process.

I wrote like this when i was in seventh grade, and I went to a couple writing seminars. If I hadn't, I would still be posting on Fanfiction.net, AND IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much worse over there. They beat the snot out of you for every little fucking thing you get wrong. (Oh, your FUCKING comma is out of place. Oh, Rainbow Dash ISN't a guy, as some offhand examples.) Yes I thought RD was a guy when I first entered MLP. But I got better, just like you will.

But see, you get this kinda crap, like mine, to let you know that you need to get better... And for shits and giggles for me when you openly call me a jerk. :rainbowkiss:

Trust me, Its words. They don't mean shit.


No, it's full of people who know you have potential. FIX THIS UP, is what we're trying to say. -Coming from a reliable Reviewer. (NO YOU CANNOT HAVE A FREEBIE)


I could fix it up for you if you want. I can get it done really quickly. Hooray for being an ungodly fast typer.

53247 sure give it a go.

53247 sure give it a go.

53218 Well it wouldnt hurt every now and agin instead of hearing this is rushed fix it to hear This is rushed i enjoyed the story and can see you have potential but it does need to be fixed up for example Here and here seem a bit out of place.
See what i mean?

53196 Well it is the internet unless you add a:rainbowlaugh: or so its imposible to read sarcasm or jokes.

Why didn't you send this too me? I could of fixed this real good

The reason for the grammer being so bad is because of dawn no offence to them there a great friend but he didnt read through it all the way and didnt change the mistakes plus the only author which was writing all the way thorugh was Dash me and rob worked at it different times from each other i did the first part and rob the last.

So scoots hates rainbowdash even if rainbow saved her life what a bitch you are scoots.

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