Now what do you do?
When you've been gone for more than a thousand years, you have a lot to catch up on. You may even owe a ton of apologies. Heroes old and new must deal with the consequences of their choices, each in their own ways.
And before they settle down in the new realm, the Pillars will become acquainted with the Spirit of Chaos himself.
"I'd assumed the pink one was simply insane."
A nice afterword for the episode. I'm a bit surprised you wrote this, though; I was expecting something involving Meadowbrook,. Still, thank you for it.
Haha, Meadowbrook is the next chapter.
Oh! Didn't even notice that this was incomplete.
Oh, uh, remember those evil sea creatures you dumped in another dimension?
What have you been really up to, Granny Smith?
Wonder how Starswril will react when Twilight mentions the mirror portal(I presume like in the comics he made it) how she's been though, found a way to open it at will, and encountered and defeated the Sirens he only managed to banish.
One of the neatest fics I read involved TwiJack shipping, in it Twilight and AJ remodel the Apple family barn into a home, but because of a ritual performed when it was built magic rejects non-family driving them off, until Twi officaly is made an apple the house rejects her. No I don't remember the title, thus why I gave the synopsis.
Well done, you did an excellent job on this.
Here you go
The Homesteading
To be fair, we don't know how ancient the sirens were back in his day.
Granny Smith has her secrets.
I have to think Star Swirl will gain more respect for Twilight the more he learns about the villains she defeated.
You're welcome.
It's time for Seasonal Explanations!!!!!
True, but from Twilight's perspective they definitely were.
Wait until Meadowbrook finds out about all the epidemics that could have been prevented over the millenniums if she never sent Stygian into Limbo and taking the knowledge of her cures with her. Like a certain tree-making disease....
1) Shadow Play already shows that's not true;
2) The villains weren't that impressive, for the most part; and
3) The only villain "she" could reasonably be said to have defeated was Starlight. Every other time, she [and her friends] were simply conduits for the Elements' magic (Friendship is Magic, The Return of Harmony, Equestria Girls, Twilight's Kingdom), or the means to get the real difference-makers in place (A Canterlot Wedding [Cadance and Shining Armor], The Crystal Empire [Cadance and Spike], Rainbow Rocks [Sunset Shimmer and Vinyl Scratch], The Cutie Map [Double Diamond, Sugar Belle, Night Glider, Party Favor]), or even the damsels in distress (To Where and Back Again).
Now that I think on it the Pillars shouldn't know Discord, or at least not know he was real or ever ruled Equestria, as the Tree of Harmony was grown before he took over but after the pillars when to limbo. So Pony Unification, The Princesses Fillyhood, the Pillars Vanish, then Discord takes over.
Oh? Would you call, say, Charlemagne, "ancient?" Of course not. A thousand years isn't that long a time in a civilization's life.
Meh. 'Grumpy' or 'Serious' is just a difference in emphasis over the same thing.
"Actually, my dears, I was just enjoying having two pretty mares standing in my room and getting all passionate about things that they believe in. Trust me that, given that the only mares I usually spend time with are either daughter figures, magically hyper-aged or married, I take what I can get."
I'm pretty sure that Cattail is Meadowbrook's distant descendent (although at least 30 generations must have passed). However, yes: This is a new world with many different rules that the Pillars are going to have to learn and that won't be easy.
My fanfics are coming true!
. . .
Don't ruin this for me.
Nice fanfic about bonding and characters’ interactions. I look forward for more.
Is this a pun? I like it.👍
Unseen teleportation, eh? I know how Pinkie operates in your work, but that does sound awfully familiar...
In any case, I for one welcome the Archdruid of Ponyville.
(Sorry, Applejack, you're more of a ranger.)
It's quite possible that the Pillars vanishing was what allowed Discord come in and take over, because without them there was no pony that could stop him.
Well, that was worth my time. I gotta read more of your stuff.
Youth is wasted on the young.,_My_Country#Lyrics
I was thinking that as well, plus Starswirl commenting on Celestia's height making it seem she was not fully grown when the Pillars vanished, but she and Luna were when they turned Discord into stone.
Yep. Saw a bit of one of the comics where we saw "teen" Celestia and Luna with Starswril. Celestia was as tall as Cadance, and had mostly pink hair.
Lets not forget Sombra.
Imagine how Stygian is going to feel about it. This all started with his theft and turning to evil forces for revenge. Even if the Pillars lament not listening to him more, it's not like he made the slightest effort to explain himself.
I expect Sombra's rise was after Discord.
You know, now that Assassin's Creed orgins came out.. can you imagine Somnabula wearing a white hooded robe? She brings hope to her people, but despair and death to their enemies from the shadows
Princess Luna: "We never met the other Pillars, and we were too young to understand the danger they faced."
--- Shadow Play, Part 1.
So yea the Princesses didn't show because they where adolescents when the pony of Shadows Showed up, Starswil was basically their dad so I expect he forbade them from assisting and had the guards keep them in the palace.
One of the reasons would be that you did something so horribly, awfully shameful, one of your descendants decided to destroy all written knowledge just to make sure nobody knew you existed.
The saddest part of this is that there's one Pillar who definitely could've empathized with Stygian. After all, Rockhoof spent a fair share of his life admiring those stronger than he thought he could ever be. But he had a far more optimistic outlook than Stygian, and that made all the difference.
Still, good to see the support characters spend some time together.
8521618 8521713
Pretty sure the question is what they were doing this time around. Personally, I suspect that the Pony of Shadows would've been in for a very unpleasant surprise if he'd tried to draw power from the Dreamrealm, to say nothing of all those old places of darkness getting brightened up over the intervening centuries. As Spike said, grandmistress of working behind the scenes.
I hadn't even thought of it that way, but you make an excellent point. At the heart of the problem is Stygian's lack of faith—especially in himself. He didn't trust himself to become "special" on his own. And instead of emulating what made the Pillars strong, he tried to copy their power. That's not how it works, though. Rockhoof found the strength to persevere, Stygian tried to take a shortcut.
Someone as brilliant but as neurotic as Stygian probably shouldn't be allowed anywhere near coffee. They certainly shouldn't ever be allowed to DM a play session!
Glad I'm not the only one who saw the parallels between Spike and Stygian.
*sip* You find yourself on a *sip* battlefield *sip* the orc army has noticed *sip* you. Roll for *sip* initiative. *reveals board with 600 orcs*
Not that impressive? Discord plunged the whole world into chaos, and Chrysalis would've conquered Equestria and siphoned the love from all the ponies. And we saw from the alternate timeline that Sombra would have started a world war if he hadn't been stopped. Tirek sucked the magic out of every sapient being in Equestria, and Starlight almost doomed the world several times over.
Star Swirl would most likely see it this way, but the Elements still needed ponies to use them, did they not? And Twilight and her friends still had to figure out how to get the Elements in a lot of those examples.
Not intentionally.
Nicely done.
Meadowbrook still has a lot of heartache ahead of her.
That's my ordering of the timeline as well. The only piece that doesn't fit is Clover the Clever, who mentioned studying under Star Swirl in "Hearths Warming Eve." Maybe the tribes were united under the two princesses, but then the princesses were deposed or taken out of commission for Reasons, so the ponies appointed leaders from each tribe and became divided along those lines until they were forced to rejoin. The princesses returned sometime later.
Of course, a much simpler explanation is that it's all allegorical and there never was a Clover the Clever or the other founders, as Starlight implied in "Hearths Warming Tale," but I've become attached to the idea that the story from Season 1 was historical.
In EPAOP, Pinkie can teleport because she's an almost-ascended alicorn. But as I was writing this scene, I figured that Pinkie teleports in an earth pony style - subtle and unobtrusive compared to unicorns, with (somewhat) plausible deniability to observers. And I reasoned that if any earth pony besides a Pie could teleport, it would for sure be Meadowbrook.
Also, I'm reminded that I need to get caught up on Friendship is Dragons after I've exhausted my writing frenzy.
That's just plausible enough to provide fodder for another chapter!
I don't think there is a time line problem with Clover the Clever. It's quite possible there was about 30+ years between the founding and the disappearance, giving enough time for him to have taught her post unification without having to juggle anything.
In the Journal of the Two Sisters (not as strong as cannon, but close) the sisters are appointed princesses while they were fairly young, about the same age as the main six are give or take. So there is room for them to have grow up a bit more with him there as well. Maybe Starswirl was Clover's advisors and came along with her during unification and decided to take the young princesses under his wing as they were basically thrust into leadership because they represented all three tribes.
Either way, I don't think any juggling is needed to keep everything in line.
Why the
did nopony inform the Princess about the Pony of Shadow?
Petty trifles.
They needed living conduits, sure. But those conduits didn't need skill, or even will. As Rarity said, the Elements just "work."
Jeez, dude, what does it take to impress you? Destroying the multiverse?
Headcanon accepted!