• Member Since 26th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Howdy there, everyone! I have been liking a lot of stories on this site. So I decided to join the community. I hope you guys read and enjoy the stories that I will share here with you.


After her defeat in Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis seeks revenge. She dons a disguise to regain her power. But, as three years pass, she learns that her greatest enemies; the Main Six, now are an even bigger problem, because they are fairer than she is. She now looks to get rid of them. But she didn't count on all of them falling in love. A humanized Equestria AU based off Snow White.

Ships featured: Flashlight, SoarinDash, AppleSpike, Fluttercord, Cheesepie, and Raripants.

Chapters (25)
Comments ( 106 )

I'm liking how this is going so far. The pairing's are okay as well

Oh my gosh, I ship half those couples, and I'm okay with the other half. I can't wait to see where this goes.

You wouldn't happen to also ship Starburst now, would you? :ajsmug: Also, yay, my OTP! :yay:

I almost forgot. Flash and Cadance have wings and pony ears, too, right?

As to your questions, yes, I do ship Starburst. And Flash and Cadence do have wings, tails, and pony ears as well.

Wow, not that she's unattractive, but you did a fantastic job making Rainbow Dash desirable.

I can't believe I forgot to mention this, but I love how you went with the "friendship that slowly develops into romance" route. The interactions between Flash and Twilight feel genuine and sweet without being sickeningly saccharine. :rainbowkiss: I also love how his covert admiration of her contrasts with her insecurity. Any chance Flash ends up helping Twilight with her insecurities later on? :raritywink:

This is my second favorite pairing, right behind Flashlight. Good job making Rainbow seem attractive, especially to a guy like Soarin.

Been a long time since I've seen another Flashlight fic. I think I'm gonna enjoy this.

This is my second favourite ship after FlashLight. Loving what you've done so far.

The song choice was perfect. :ajsmug: By the way, SugarMac, CheeriMac, or MarbleMac?

Either with Sugar Belle or Cheerilee. I don't think Big Mac goes with Marble Pie.

I mean absolutely no offense but this is the only ship in this story that I can't bring myself to support. Spike has never shown any interest in Applejack at all, he seems more interested in Rarity or Ember. To be fair Applejack isn't really easy to ship with anyone, the best I could think of would be Caramel. That said though good work so far.

Angel Bunny the matchmaker. :pinkiegasp: I LOVE it. :pinkiehappy: That needs to be a thing. :rainbowkiss:

Also, I thought Discord was almost perfectly in character.

Any guesses for Rarity's song? I'm putting down "Art of the Dress".

I was so sure that you were going to use "Art of the Dress." :applejackunsure: Oh well.


I was considering "Art of the Dress", but when I heard "Life is a Runway", I thought it could work better.

You adapted the song beautifully. Well done.

Awesome story!! Can't wait till next chapter!!^^:pinkiehappy:

I assume this replaces what canonically happened in "All Bottled Up". :ajsmug:

This is great. Keep it up.

This is getting amazingly good.

Nice variant to Rainbow Dash song from Tanks for the Memories.
I am more of an Awesome As I Wanna Be as favorite RD song, but I have to admit this was the better of the songs that fit.

Well depending on the material laws, both, even Marble.
But I have to admit I am not 100% behind this ship, or the RainbowSorain ship. But there is some chemistry to the two

I am not sure how much of a FlutterCord Angel is, but I can see him looking out for Fluttershy in that manner.

It's a bit of a tossup, but given the situation, I have to agree with Life is a Runway

I would have to agree. But then again, I don't think Starlight was mention, so no Cutie Remarking:applejackunsure:

Looks like I spoke too soon, so Thorax is like the Huntsman?

Sort of, but at least he wasn't under Chrysalis' orders.

Wait, who's playing the dwarves? Wait, are the love interests both the prince and the dwarves? :applejackunsure:

So, is Zecora the dwarf or Discord or both? :applejackunsure:

Great idea. That gives Flutters time to fall for him. :pinkiehappy:

I'm confused... How can this be anthro and humanized at the same time?

Spotted several references towards DisneyFanatic's Bride of Discord with how the timberwolves come in to how Discord comes in and save Fluttershy by shrinking the timberwolves down to the size of chihuahuas. There might've been more but I wasn't really trying to look for them lol


I think they're humans with the main 6's powers or something, sort of like the characters are 'pony-ed up' all the time or something like that.

Is this dead or just incomplete>

It's incomplete. if it was cancelled, then it would say it.

So, how often is Discord coming to check in on them?

If I have to guess, most likely every day.

I thought your song choice was familiar. :ajbemused: It feels weird and kind of filler-y in this context though. All your other song choices more or less fit into the narrative, but this just feels like the girls are blowing off steam about something but whatever they are blowing off steam about changes moment by moment, which made the entire musical number feel horribly incohesive. :applejackunsure:
I'm so sorry. :fluttershyouch: I could be wrong about this, but I think this is the first majorly critical comment I've made in any of your stories, so now I feel kind of bad. :pinkiesad2:

Sorry but the introduction of the songs really took me out of it... Honestly the songs felt like filler.

I kinda agree with her

But still, it was fun to read. I like your story anyway so I was happy that you update it.

Sofea 3c😉

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