• Published 23rd Oct 2017
  • 2,850 Views, 28 Comments

A goddess needs a friend - Crystalbreeze

Sometimes a gigantic purple pony goddess needs a miniature human friend too. Don't think she doesn't!

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Twilight Sparkle, the giant goddess

I woke up from a long sleep. Everything was misty in my mind. I didn't know where and who was I. It wasa very strange situation, because I didn't have any memories. When I could feel the ground below me, then I felt I wore clothes. The ground was oddly warm and fluffy. I opened my right eye to see the place, where I was. I saw trees. Purple and high trees. I opened my other eye too. The place, where I was was fully purple colored and the trees were slim and fluffy, as the ground was fluffy.

Minutes later I looked at myself to discover who I am. My skin was very white and I had light-brown hair. My clothes were a single underpants, jeans, T-shirt and two white shoes. Also I had very good eyes. To test my voice I asked: "Hello? Can somebody hear me?"

But no response. I had a very childish, but strong voice. It was clear that I was a young boy.

After the quick self-knowledge I sat up and looked up to see the sky. It was unbelievable. Those strange trees were so high. Maybe they were as high as a skyscaper. I couldn't see the sky, because there was so many of them, but I saw something dark blue thing up there. It looked like the sky at night. However the temperature wasn't cold. It was warm, like our glows in the winter.

In the end I stood up and started walking in the purple forest. I moved slowly, because I didn't need to go anywhere. The time was perfect to get to know the place, where I was. Just the fluffy trees everywhere and no living creature. My walk took so many hours, but the color of the sky didn't change. It was still dark. The environment was constant. As I was walking, the unknown forest didn't end. Under my walk I was thinking of myself.

"Who am I? Do I have a name? Do I have parents?" What am I doing here?"

Unfortunately no answer.

So many hours later I became tired. I walked so much and I didn't eat, or drink anything. I knew I'll die if I won't eat, or drink something in the future. However this unknown place didn't contain any water, or food. I sat down at the base of a purple tree, because I got sleepy. I closed my eyes and tried to have a little sleep. Ten minutes later I already snored.

About a half and hour later suddenly I woke up and opened my eyes, because I remembered some informations about myself. I didn't know how, but somehow I knew my name, age and past. My name was Freddy, I was 8 years old and I haven't got a family. This was all I knew. I was glad to know who I am, or how old I am, but soon the last and worst thing of all made me sad.

"How could I live, if I haven't got parents? Was I excist? Why didn't I have parents? Did they die, or did they take me out of their life? Was I a bad boy? Did they love me?"

All of these questions made me so sad. I was just woke up and didn't remember anything from my past. I didn't know who I was, but at that moment, when I was siiting at the base of that purple tree after I woke up, I knew that I was an orphan. I didn't have a mother, or anyone who could take care of me. Nobody knew that I was there in that unknown forest. There wasn't hope to survive. I started crying loudly.

My crying took long. I wanted to cry out myself, because I couldn't take it anymore and tried to express my feelings. I wanted to get help from anybody, but it was unnecessary.

Some minutes later I finished the loud crying and did something strange. I knew it won't help me, but I quickly hugged the fluffy pink tree tightly. I couldn't think, just did what I did. It was so warm and it tickled my palm with its fur. I slowly calmed down, but the dews still made their way out of my eyes.

About two minutes later something amazing happened with me. I heard a voice. A beautiful, angelic and a bit loud female voice: "Why are you sad, little human?"

It came from everywhere. It had no source.

"I...I'm sad because I'm so alone and nobody takes care of me." I said, while I started crying again. The voice quickly recognized that I'm crying and said: "Oh you poor little boy, don't cry."

I stopped crying and asked: "Who are you?"

"My name is Twilight Sparkle and I'm a goddess."

"A goddess?"

"Yes. A very friendly, peaceful and helpful one."

"Can you...show yourself Twilight?"

"I think you already met with me. At this moment you are on my nose." She said happily.

I surprised. "That can't be real. Is this whole place her? I'm sitting on the nose of a goddess? Then I'm so tiny." That's what I thought.

"Are you this place?"

"Yes, I am."

"But......Why are you sooo fluffy? Are you a human?"

"No, I'm not. I'm a pony...

"A pony?" I thought.

...and you're hugging my fur."

As she said this, I quickly left the big fluffy tree and looked up to the sky. "How big are you?"

"I'm the size of the Jupiter."

"Wow." I said. "And how can you see me?"

"I've got very good eyes. Do you wanna see me?"

I became more curious than I was some seconds ago. "Y-Yes."

Moments later some kind of purple shield overlaid my whole body. From my eyes the environment became more purple. That shield was sparkling and it was dense. I was scared a bit and a little tingle went trough my body. At that moment I felt a gentle squeeze from my right and left side. It was Twilight. "Don't need to fear of this. This is one of my magic spells. The floating spell. With this I can move things up and down."


After that the purple shield around me started going up to the air. In the beginning it just floated some meters above the ground, but once it started flying up fast. From the air I could see the so many high trees, what were the parts of the mysterious goddess' fur. Those trees were higher than I expected. When I couldn't see the ground below me, then I saw the top of the trees. Now I could saw the sky clearly. The reason why it didn't change was this creature was in space. The sky was dark-blue and I could see tiny white spots in the dark. I looked around to see Twilight, but I didn't see anything. Once I heard her voice again. "Are you looking for me? Look behind you."

I turned back to see the things behind me. I saw a very massive, huge and high purple wall and two giant white things at its right and left side. In them I could see two purple circles and in them there were a big dark space with two white spots. They looked at me as gigantic........eyes.

"Aha! Definetely those are Twilight's eyes." I thought.

"Why hello there, tiny one. I hope you're enjoying the view."

I nodded and smiled. She saw my expression, because I heard her quiet laughing.

Now I and the magical shield around me started moving again. This time it moved to a different way. Twilight's giant eyes became smaller and I could see more things on her body, like her mane, or hair. It was dark-purple colored and it looked like so beautiful. Suddenly as I floated, I could see that the surface above me disappeared. The dense forest above me ended and I saw a huge and deep gap. Moments later I realized there was two huge holes at the different sides of the wall. Once they were small, but once they were large. They were Twilight's noseholes. Below them there was a long line, what looked like a smiling mouth. Indeed it was a mouth.

A half a minute later I was far from her eyes, but I still saw them. I almost saw her entire face, but I needed to go farther. Once I stopped. I could see her entire body, as she was standing on nothing. She was gigantic. There was a glowing horn on the top of her head and I saw two massive hooves in front of her chest and other two behind them. It was unbelievable to see a gigantic pony goddess. When I looked at her huge face, I became happy and forgot the things about my past.

"Well, this is me. What do you think?"

"You're so great."

"Oh thank you. And why were you in my fur?" She asked with a smile.

"I...don't know. I just woke up and saw a huge purple forest around me. I didn't remember anything."

"Do you know your name, or age?"

"Yes....My name is Freddy and I'm 8 years old."

"Nice to meet you Freddy."

"Nice to meet you Twilight. Can I have a question?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Why are you alone here? This place is fully empty."

"Not so empty. Far away from me there are planets and stars. I'm the observer from an alternative world called Equestria, where your kind is so microscopic. However the life is very rare around here, so I don't meet so many creatures. I need somepony, who can be my friend. When I became a goddess I lost all of my friends."

"Poor you." I said sadly.

"Yes. But what about you? Why did you cry?"

"Because I realized that I'm an orphan. I didn't have a family, or anybody, who could be my caretaker."

Her giant face became sad too. "Oh, that's not good. Do you want to look for a caretaker?"

"Maybe. (moan) But I don't know where can I look for one. Are we far from the home of the humans?"

"No." Twilight said. "But I've got bad news for you. The home of the humanity, the planet Earth exploded 2 million years ago. There wasn't any human, who survived the catastrophe."

At that moment my hearth could explode as the Earth did. I could cry, but I did my best to keep it back. "What? Now I haven't got any chance to get another mother, or anyone like that! Why did I wake up? Why am I living now if I didn't have anyone, who could give me birth?"

"I don't know, but I'm so sorry. I can understand you. No friends and no parents. We're so alone."

"Yes indeed. What can we do now?"

Twilight startd thinking. "Well, if you want, then I can be your caretaker, or mother."

"And......And if you want, then I can be your friend Twilight."

The gigantic purple pony looked at me with a happy face. "Really?"

"Of course."

"Oh thank you very very very very much Freddy!" She said, while she started jumping loudly.

"Welcome. And thanks for being my mother."

"You're welcome. Glad to he-e-e... (yawn) ..elp. Well, I think it's time to sleep. Do you want to sleep my little friend?"

"Aha. In your fluffy and warm fur on your nose."

"Good choice. Hold on." She said and suddenly I saw a flash of light and as I looked around, I was in her fur again. She teleported me to her nose again. Everything was familliar for me. The magical shield landed on the ground and it disappeared. I was alone in the infinite forest in Twilight's fur. I lied on the fluffy ground and relaxed. It was hard from me to sleep, because I heard a very quiet snoring, what definetely came from Twilight, but some minutes later I fell asleep again.