• Published 7th Oct 2017
  • 20,958 Views, 392 Comments

Equestrian Swordsman - PrincessMoonzilla

[Displaced] Name's Roronoa Zoro, and I apparently frighten the two sisters bad enough that they send a bunch of civilians at me. Yay?

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Ch 3: Swordsman's Trials

Chapter 3: Swordsman’s Trials

===[Zoro's POV]===

Being the smart man that I am, I decided to try making the castle livable again.

And by that I meant that I was building a cabin made to help support what was left of the ancient citadel.

I chuckled. Oh the irony of where I was staying hit me. If the two pegacorns learned where I was, I’m sure they might not be laughing as hard as I was. They might have even been having aneurysms. Can they even get aneurysms?

The castle itself was separated into five areas. The central area was basically a straight line, from entryway to the throne room. I was a tad confused as to the slivers of a silvery metal that was inside the once great throne room. Well, might as well not have them around where it could easily be seen. Putting them into a hollowed out log, I simply threw them aside so I could focus on the task before me.

Two were dedicated to their respective princesses. One on the left for Sun Butt and her guards, Right for Moon Moon and her batty friends. Honestly, I really don’t understand what was with the sisters and their whole Yin Yang motif, but their choice, not mine.

The last two were the Guest area and the library. Neutral areas where all could enjoy.

And you would not believe what I found in a secret lab after trying to clear off some old books. Yes, apparently Starswirl loved those cliches. Anyway, secret tunnel leading to a giant crystalline tree that just shouted ‘Rainbow Power!’ Seeing as a rainbow was the reason I was stoned for a millennia and a half, I wasn't touching that. Learned that lesson well.

So here I was, trying to make the dining room less likely to fall down on me when I felt three new presences on the edge on my haki. All three were equine and small, most likely-

“Why the hell are there kids here!” I grabbed my blades and dashed for them.

If I learned anything about this world, it was that you don’t send kids into this forest. I mean sure, it looked like it came straight from a children’s cartoon, but some of the shit that was in here was seriously bad news. Timber wolves, manticores, cragodiles, hydras, freaking pixies, and wyrms.

Of all of them, wyrms were by far the worst things here. Imagine a dragon with no wings and build like a Diamond Dog. They were the uncontested masters of the underground, able to outpace an Onix in terms of digging speeds. Steel and stones covered it’s already hard scales, making it a juggernaut lizard. Gave me a difficult time when I was just starting out.

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Three female voices echoed throughout the forest, all indicating that the owners were either young or inhaling helium. I was placing my money on the first.

ROOOAAARRR!!!” Shitshitshitshit! That’s a f*cking wyrm! What the hell did a bunch of foals do to attract a wyrm?!

I pushed in more speed as I was within 2km. I pulled out Shusui just incase I ran into something else on my way.

Feet don’t fail me now!

===[3rd POV]===

The CMC looked up in horror. The monster towered over them, it was probably bigger that the Apple’s Barn.

Terra hungry for big pony, not small pony,” the goliath said, staring at his newly acquired prey. “Ah well, beggars no choosers. Small ponies feed Terra!

As the wyrm reached for them, their lives flashed before their eyes.

Granted, a lot of it was filled with stupid activities that could’ve killed them if an adult weren’t around. But they never even got their cutie marks and now were stuck as a giant lizard’s snack!

Scootaloo thought about how she never got to fly with her surrogate sister.

Applebloom was praying that her family could move on if she passed, hoping that they could still live their lives.

Sweetie Belle realized that she forgot to turn off the stove at Rarity’s!

… Not all last thoughts are eloquent or philosophical, it seems.

Just as the massive hand was close enough for the three fillies to smell the rich dirt between the wyrm’s scales, they heard a new voice.

One Sword Style! LION SONG!!!

Before they could blink, a being clad entirely in green stood before them, holding onto one of the three Neighponese style swords attached to its waist. A click was heard, signalling that the new entity had just sheathed it’s sword, confusing the Crusaders.

In an epic moment that none of them would ever forget anytime soon, the massive reptile was split in half, a clean slice indicating the sword’s path. The splitting body let light shine onto the swordsman’s figure, giving him an almost angelic appearance to the three fillies perspective.

All stood slack jawed as the monster that even Rainbow Dash would even hesitate to fight was simply killed in a fraction of a second.

“S-so cool,” the pegasus mumbled, still clinging onto her friends who simply nodded in response.

As the body fell onto the earth, the green clad figure stood to it’s full height, easily twice the size of any of them. As they got a better look on it’s face, they grew confused as to why they were saved by a non-pony.

“You girls alright,” it asked in a deep, masculine voice. The three of them nodded. He glared down at them with his one remaining eye. “Now, would you mind telling why a bunch of fillies are parading in the forest?” All three culprits sweatdropped.

We are so bucked…


All six of the girls exited the Friendship Express, a weight heavily placed on their shoulders.

“This totally blows,” the prismatic speed demon said. “I mean, seriously, we lock away one ancient evil, and now we gotta do it again! What the hay!”

“I'm inclined to agree with Rainbow on this one,” the fashionista said, getting all of her luggage. “Where do all of these ruffians even come from?”

“Ah don’ know, but this ‘Roronoa’ feller better not mess wit ma apples. Zapp Apple season’s jus’ a hair away.”

“Look on the bright side,” Pinkie said. “This means we’s get more parties when we beat him! Oh, I wonder how big the cake will be!...” And with that, all of the pink sugar rush’s next set of words were lost in translation.

Twilight was thinking things over. Sure, plenty could go wrong if they made simple mistakes, but the plan wasn't foremost on her mind. This swordsman used some sort of magic or ability to defeat entire armies that has never been copied or learned! The scholar in her wanted to question and learn, while the student wanted to prove to her teacher that she was worthy of the crown on her head.

“Twilight, are you okay,” the yellow Pegasus asked her friend.

“Hm, oh, yes, I'm fine, just thinking some things over.”

As they got to Mane Street, the six girls heard a commotion. Turning their heads, all six of them paled.

It was their target, the Green Demon himself.

Even worse, he had the CMC tied up and hanging off his shoulder.

“Oi, who do these belong to,” he shouted.

Every instinct in Twilights body told her to run and hide from him, and her mind would have agreed if it weren't for their goal.

“Let ‘em go right this moment,” the southern lass told the swordsman.

“Keep your filthy hands off my sister!”

“Here, take them.” With that, the green clad human tossed the three girls at the group, confusing a few. “Next time, make sure they don't go into that damned forest. They almost got eaten by a wyrm.” And he started to walk off.

“Wait!” ‘Why are you doing this, Twi,’ her brain asked.

He turned his gaze lazily upon the lavender unicorn, causing her to flinch.

“What?” A simple question, one dripping with weariness.

“Why did you save them?” Ponies were naturally helpful towards other ponies, but the same courtesy wasn't usually given by those of a separate species, let alone a menace. It wasn't a question very much asked, but it was needed all the same to satisfy part of the girl’s curiosity.

“Because if I didn't,” he said after a moment of thought, “I wouldn't be worthy of wielding these swords.” And he left into the forest he emerged from.

AJ and Rarity were checking on their sisters to make sure they weren’t harmed while Rainbow was ranting at Scootaloo about how dangerous and stupid their actions were. She may have meant well, but she wasn't used to playing ‘big sister.’

Flutters and Pinkie were calming down the citizens while Twilight thought over the answer that was given to her.

And Scootaloo was thinking about her newest idol.


In the depths of Everfree, there stood a colossal set of doors. These were the gates to Tartarus, where some of the worst villains in the world were being held. They were guarded by a massive Cerberus, one that very few could even hope to defeat.

They say that there is no escape for those who were put inside. Not eve-


Oh okay, just cut me off there. That's cool.

Three more blows to the Gates and they were open, revealing three figures. One was the Cerberus, broken and bruised. One was likely one of the fugliest centaurs you will ever see. And the last was a blonde human wearing a torn suit with a yellow button up shirt.

“Ah, I've forgotten what sunlight feels like. Tell me-”

“Look, I just got us out, and we both know that I don't like you. The only reason you’re here was to act like bait. Just leave me alone, and we’ll both be on our way.”

“Hmph,” the centaur scoffed. “At least I'm kind enough to make small talk. Did thirty years in Tartarus really have that much of a negative effect on you?”

“You tell me what it's like getting an orbital friendship cannon blast to the face for something you couldn't control, then talk to me.”

With that, the two arguing figures left the gates of Tartarus. The poor pup was left to wallow in his failure of IS THAT A SQUIRREL!!!


Author's Note:

Okay, one or two more chapters and then we're done with the Accidental Villain Arc! And yes, I do have a plan for these, maybe.
And that was the final main cast Displaced. I may add one or two more as actual villains or something, but there is a plan here.