• Published 12th Oct 2017
  • 1,534 Views, 25 Comments

I'm so... - sejox

As a long mission takes Spike's best friend away from him, the young dragon must remain strong and fight against his depression while hoping for them to come back.

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Bright crystals that reflected anything near them, a pristine marble floor which shined like the chandeliers from above, windows that were so clean that could, if not by their green color, be mistaken as open holes inside the castle.

The castle of friendship was the dream of every compulsive cleaner in the universe. And in the center of that huge palace, a little dragon stood proud of his work.

“Twilight will love to see the way I kept this place while she was on her mission,” the dragon said. “Good job Spike, I’m so proud of you, my number one assistant!” Spike narrated while mimicking his best friend tone.

The young drake stood silent for a moment, his eyes glancing towards the sky as he pictured his best friend patting his head slowly, tenderly heating his scales with her warm touch. However, his daydreaming was interrupted by a sudden thought.

‘It has been a whole month already…

Spike closed his eyes and sighed heavily before turning to the kitchen entrance. He needed to eat something to regain all the energy wasted on the cleaning. Once inside he started looking inside the kitchen’s cupboard, noticing in the process a dandelion flavored flour that made him tilt his head as an idea popped into his mind. He took it without hesitation and started to look at it, his eyes fixated in the white package with dandelion adornments.

“Starlight and Fluttershy always loved the food I made with this…” he said with a soft tone. The memories from past parties and nights on the castle played back at him, making him happy once again.

Now with a toothy grin adorning his face, he took his apron, ingredients and a bowl filled with emeralds. In less than a minute he was ready to cook his first meal of the day.

“Let’s try some emeralds with a crispy contexture, hopefully, the dandelions will give them a sweet flavor,” He cheered.

And so, the little dragon started moving, going left and right as he prepared his dish, his smile ever-present on his face while he worked to his heart content. Minutes passed away shortly in front of his eyes while his mind drifted away.

However, his enjoyment didn’t last. Once he stopped moving he noticed that his work was already finished: His food was already made and only needed to be served. And so he did, he served it on a bowl and made his way to the map room, leaving his pink apron on the knob of the door on his way out.

Upon arriving to the map room, he went towards his chair while giving another good look at his previous work. It was a delightful sight for him, from the floor to the ceiling, then the walls and… the map.

Spike stooped near the map, just a couple of inches from his chair, seven cutiemarks levitating above him. Spike placed the bowl of gems on the table and stared at the illusion provided by the map. Seconds passed swiftly as he kept his eyes focused on the marks that represented his friends.

And silence soon found his way back, turning down the swift smile of the dragon as he kept his eyes focused on the show of colors and figures in front of him. His claws gripped the table tightly.

“I hope they’re safe” he whispered before finally turning his sight away from the map. He took his bowl again and sat on his chair. He took a whole emerald and throw it in his mouth, shattering sounds following his act as his teeth crushed the solid gem the same way anypony will do to a toasted sandwich.

... Nothing else was happening, it was just him and the castle. There were no chores from Twilight, nor trips with Pinkie or Rainbow or Starlight. Rarity, Applejack and Flutershy weren’t there to be helped if they needed neither.

It was just him and his bowl of gems… each gem being picked slower each time as the dragon munched slowly, careless, almost lifeless.

‘I outdid myself this time…’

‘But… why?’

‘Why I can’t enjoy this delicious food?’

He swallowed the gem and patted his stomach, a growling sound coming from it soon after, but despite his body signals, he felt no hunger to be satiated. He turned his head up in deep though and placed the bowl once again on the table.

“Maybe... I just need some fresh air…”

He took the bowl and went to the kitchen to save it for later before making his way out of the castle. Once outside he recognized two friendly faces, Bonbon and Lyra. The duo was having a conversation while going to the Ponyville’s market.

Spike looked from afar at the duo, he smiled while watching them go as the sight made him feel a warm and fuzzy feeling inside him. He placed a claw on his chest, savoring the familiar feeling for a moment before a quick though crossed his mind. Without giving it a second thought he ran towards them, his hand waving with enthusiasm.

“Hey girls!” He shouted from afar, “Good morning to you two,” he greeted in an excited tone.

“Good morning, Spike,” Lyra cheered, “How has been everything?”

“Well, it’s really boring inside the castle and almost no one in Ponyville goes to the library so it gets pretty lonely,” he explained “do you mind if I keep around with you two for a moment? I need a change of air… the cleaner the better...” he said while rubbing the back of his head, “I tell you, it feels like books can breathe dust and dirt.”

Bonbon gave a sympathetic smiled to the little dragon, “It must be hard for you. All of your best friends have gone for quite some time…”

“Yeah,” Lyra interrupted, “It must be harsh. Can’t imagine what will come of me without Bonbon by my side.”

“Jeez, thanks for reminding me,” Spike commented bitterly, his eyes snapping away from the ponies’ sight.

Bonbon and Lyra backed off, their expression turning stern after hearing the dragon’s mean words. It was at that moment that he noticed how awful his words were and snapped back to the mares, “Sorry!” he exclaimed. “I just… ” He paused for a moment before releasing a heavy sigh. “Like I said, I need to take a breath. Being alone in the library it’s really boring. Even more if you finish to read the only books that are actually interesting, like I did a couple of days ago… Sorry for being mean earlier…”

Spike was interrupted then by the warm touch of Lyra’s hoof as she caressed the young dragons head. “Don’t worry buddy, you can follow us, I was about to show Bonbon a new song I just finished yesterday.”

Spike nodded to his words and a smile found its way back to his features. Soon after the trio found a nice and comfortable place in one of the benches near the roadside that headed to the skirts of Ponyville.

Excited to show off her new song, Lyra wasted no time in taking her instrument. Lost in the joy of showing her new invention she deceived herself from the rest of the world as she started to play. The product of her work didn’t take long to make an effect on her friends, as the beauty provided by the strings of her lira made Bonbon close her eyes and follow the music, her body swaying from left to right.

Spike by the other hand had an awestruck expression, his mind lost and fascinated. Not only by the sound of the music but mostly because how Lyra seemed to glisten in her own glory.

‘Is like watching at Rainbow Dash after a successful stunt.’

A single tear trailed down a line on Spike’s face, but he didn’t notice, his mind adrift inside the magnificence work that came from the musician.

‘Reminds me of Rarity, zoned inside her work. Giving everything she has to the thing she loves to do; to the point that you can feel that even her soul is putting its effort and love into the mix.’

Another tear traveled down the drakes jaw before he could close his eyes and enjoy the peaceful concert just like his partner was doing. And so, he danced, smiled and forgot everything that troubled him, but remembered everything he loved.

Unfortunately, things are bound to end no matter how magnificent or perfect they are. Lyra’s song wasn’t an exception to the rule. Once finished the duo cheered at the display of their friend while she bowed.

“That was beautiful Lyra, are you planning to show that song in Canterlot?” Spike asked.

“Yes, Spike, It’s something for a meet up. Octavia and Vinyl will bring something too,” she explained while packing her instrument.

“It’s going to be something public? Because I totally want to go,” Bonbon asked, her question was answered with a cheerful nod from her friend.

“Shoots. I will like to go too but someone has to watch for the castle and the library,” Spike added before going back to his feet. “Which reminds me… I need to open the library section of the castle. Thanks for the show again!” He waved his goodbyes. “See you later girls!”

The mares waved back at him cheerfully before going back to the dirt road that leaded to the market

“I hope the girls are fine. This is the first time a mission last for so long.” Bonbon said to her friend.

“Yeah, it has been a whole month… If I were Spike I will be crazy to go where they are right now… but he already told me about how the map works,” Lyra paused for a moment, her eyes locked on the distant figure of the little drake. “He can only wait and pray for the best to happen.”

Castle of friendship - Library Section

Spike was sitting on one of the ‘comfy lecture chairs’ as Twilight called them. The bowl of gems from the morning resting on his left side half empty. His arms moved on its own, providing him with food while his mind and eyes were focused on the main door.

“The Canterlot library was easier to handle…” he muttered before taking another mouthful of gems.

The door suddenly swung open, a group of ponies at the entrance, their leader a red-coated earth stallion, his calm expression and solemn smile giving an instant relief to Spike’s tense body.

“Big Mac!” Spike cheered. “Glad you are here, and I thought I will be here alone until afternoon like yesterday. This place can drive you crazy sometimes,” the purple dragon explained while trotting towards his friend. “What brought you here? And who are those… Oh! The whole Apple family, you are welcome to the library too, please come in! How can I help you?”

Big Mac snickered slightly.

“Take it easy, Spike, you sound overexcited, we just need some books. A part of the Apple family wants to make themselves a place in the Crystal Empire and they need to know anything they can about the kingdom and their terrain.” A deep voice said, but Big Mac wasn’t the one speaking.

Spike arched a brow, “What in- Big Mac was that your voice? Because it-” he asked before noticing a bright yellow hoof waving in front of him. Spike turned to the side, the little Apple Bloom frowning at him.

“And I need that book we used when the girls got infected with the joke’s pollen” She pouted.

Spike laughed at the little filly infortune before signaling the group to following him “I-“he tapped his mouth to mute his snickers. “The book you are-“he did it again, but couldn’t suppress his own laughs as good as before. “Oh dear Celestia, And I thought Flutterbold was hilarious!” He blurted out, finally laughing to his heart. “Oh, holy moly...”he panted, “Sorry, let me guide y’all to the Crystal Empire section. You are lucky that Twilight thought about …”

Spike stopped talking for a moment, his feet still on the move. He breathed deeply and recomposed himself before his friends could question him about the sudden pause, “Sorry I just lost myself for a moment. We are getting close, remember not to get lost in the library. You could end up inside the castle and that place is like a maze for newcomers.”

Big Mac doubled his pace, lowering his head as he asked: “Are you okay Spike?”

Apple Bloom followed her brother and added: “You sounded a little sad back there…”

“Is nothing. I just drifted off for a moment,” Spike said with a calm tone, his feet stopping not a second later. “And here it is!” he announced, signaling the hall in front of him, a two stores tall section with two rows of crystal bookshelves, “The crystal Empire section.”

Spike turned to the group. “I know exactly the books that you need, but I need to help Colt Bloom first” he joked with a toothy grin, earning yet another frown from his friend, “I will recommend you to begin reading about the crystal culture while I help her, the history, folklore and culture sections are in the third and second bookshelf at the left.” He pointed out before signaling an angry Apple Bloom to follow him.

Spike was sitting on the soft carpet of the library, watching how the Apple family nourished themselves with knowledge, how Apple Bloom was taking care of her sickness, how all around him seemed to radiate joy even though the place was as calm as a library could be.

This feels like the old days…

But he wasn’t smiling, his whole mind was lost in something else, something outside of that little peaceful paradise. He exhaled a tiny flame, from which a scroll and quill were summoned.

Maybe a good poem will help me release some tension…

He took the tools in front of him without hesitation, and his claw started to write immediately, swiftly and fast-paced.

Inside a crystal castle, I’m trapped

Clean and shining as we liked.

This place used to be my home,

But now it feels only wrong.

I keep enjoying life.

Helping others, sharing good moments, laughing and cheering

While fearing to get back

Just to find that you haven’t come back.

Spike noticed that it was getting difficult to write in the paper, he frowned and kept working on his poem. Not noticing how his whole body was trembling.

Because I know now that this isn’t my home.

Your perseverance and cheers were my home,

Your warm smile and confidence were my room,

Your wise words and generous actions were my bed.

Spike cleaned his eyes quickly, too zoned out in his work to notice that what he cleaned wasn’t sweat, but tears

And even though I still have a lot of people that care for me,

I know that no one can survive without a place to rest.

It will be only a matter of time

For me to break and realize the lonely prison in which I reside.

Spike took the scroll and blow it with his green fire. He hummed happily, tears running freely down her chin as he looked the peace of paper dance around his flames before being consumed inside his magic.

Apple Bloom approached him, doubling her pace once she noticed the tears shaded by her friend, “Spike, are you okay? You are crying!” she exclaimed.

Spike crossed his brows at her, “what do you mean?” he asked before touching his cheeks, his now drenched claw dumbfounding him. “Wow, I really zoned out while writing that poem.”

“What in tarnation will make you tear up like that? Show me that poem!” she demanded.

Spike jolted up at the sudden request. “Ahm…” he took a moment to recompose himself. “Sure. Just give me a sec while I search it,” he said while scratching his chin.

A considerable amount of time passed but Spike’s frown just went more deep with each second, “hmmm… Where is it?” He asked to himself.

“What is the matter?” Apple Bloom asked confused.

“I can’t remember where I left the note, usually they go straight to the… okay, I don’t think it will be useful to teach you about dragon magic,” he paused and concentrated once again before shrugging. “I guess I lost it, finding it now could take me some hours”

“Aw... Shoots. I wanted to read that. I mean, you were crying a river with a mighty smile plastered on your face. It must have been a really good poem,” She grunted. “Guess I’ll have to wait.”

“Sorry, Apple Bloom,” Spike said before putting a smile. “Next time, I’ll make sure to not save it inside my fire while zoned.”

The little filly nodded and spun back to her family. Spike kept smiling while looking how she happily trotted to his brother side.

“You are a slow reader Big Mac! Give me that!” Spike heard from the little filly, a light chuckle prompting from his mouth.

Spike got up and started to move towards the librarian desk

I better make a list of the books they are reading, just in case they need to use them again’ Spike though, his smile fading as another thought crossed his mind

“That’s what Twilight will do…”