• Published 23rd Sep 2017
  • 8,558 Views, 444 Comments

Repercussions - shallow15

After Sunset Shimmer is attacked and put into a coma, her friends try to figure out who did it and why. (Not an Anon-A-Miss story)

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School Day II

Pinkie began her investigation at lunch. Three of the domains on the emails of the scrapbooks all came from the webpage of a CHS club: the Mathletes, the Drama Club, and the Computer Club. Pinkie, being Pinkie, had friends who belonged to all three clubs, and she was sure none of them were the ones sending the emails.

She slid onto the bench next to Wiz Kid, her Mathlete friend. The boy with the bowl hair cut looked up from his phone as she greeted him.

“Oh, hey, Pinkie,” he said. “How's it going?”

“Okay,” Pinkie answered. “Well, not really. Did you hear what happened to Sunset?”

“Yeah,” Wiz Kid replied. “That really sucks, especially after everything she's done to turn herself around. Do the police know what happened?”

“They're still looking into it. But the girls and I think we have another lead. Look at this,” Pinkie produced a photocopy of the email that had come from the Mathletes homepage. Wiz Kid looked it over and paled.

“That's sick,” he said. “And you're sure it came from this account?”

“Yeah,” Pinkie said, her expression sympathetic. “I really, really, REALLY hate to ask this, Wiz, but do you know whose email address this is?”

Wiz Kid looked at the email, his lips curling up in conflict. He sighed and looked at Pinkie. “Yeah. This is Moondancer's account. She's usually in the library during lunch.”

Pinkie leaned over and gave the boy a one armed hug. “Thanks, Wiz. I know how hard that was.” She produced a cupcake with chocolate frosting and orange sprinkles. “It's not much, but I hope this helps make you feel better.”

Wiz Kid gave her a small smile. “Thanks, Pinkie. It kinda does. Try not to be too hard on her, okay? She's not exactly social.”

Pinkie's smile faded. “I'll try.”

Pinkie entered the library and spotted her quarry. Moondancer was at a table surrounded by books. She peered through horn rimmed glasses at the tome in front of her, idly brushing lint off her turtleneck sweater, causing the moon shaped locket around her neck to reflect the light coming through the window. Pinkie strode over and slapped the email down over the book.

“Hello, Moondancer,” she said slowly. “How's your batting arm?”

Moondancer blinked and looked up. “Can I help you?”

“Yeah, you can tell me why you did what you did to Sunset Shimmer,” Pinkie said, leaning over her.

Moondancer quirked an eyebrow. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”


“SHHHHHHH!” came a chorus from everyone in the library. Moondancer and Pinkie blinked in surprise. Moondancer shook her head and glared at Pinkie.

“I didn't do anything to that harpy,” she hissed. “I understand you and your friends are upset because she's in the hospital, but excuse me if I don't shed a tear for someone who did nothing but make my life a living hell at this school for the last couple of years.”

“But she's changed!” Pinkie insisted. “She's making up for how she used to be.”

“Not to me, she hasn't,” Moondancer said, coldly. “But as much as I enjoy the fact that she's finally gotten something even remotely appropriate for what she's done, I'm not the one who did it. If you had bothered to read the entire email, you'd have noticed that I don't condone violence, even against those who deserve it”

“So you did write it!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Yes, I did. I felt she needed to know that not everyone is as forgiving as you and your friends seem to be.”

The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Moondancer got up from the table, putting several of the books into her backpack.

“Well,” she began, “While I can't say it's been pleasant, it has been kind of a relief to vocalize all this. Now, if there's nothing else, I have a biology lab to get to.”

Moondancer hoisted her backpack onto her shoulder and muscled her way past Pinkie, blending into the crowd. Pinkie watched her go, frowning. She sighed, pulled a clipboard out of her hair and crossed Moondancer's name off the list.

“One down, two to go,” she said.

The Drama Club was hard at work building the set for their next play when Pinkie entered the auditorium. It didn't take her long to find her target: A tall green girl, with two-toned blonde hair. She was dressed in ripped leggings, sneakers, and an oversized blue t-shirt that hung off one shoulder, a stylized fireball on the front, and wore a gold pendant in the shape of the word “Boom!” in a comic book font. She was pounding some nails into a staircase on the set.

Pinkie nodded to herself and walked up to the stage. “Firecracker Burst!” she yelled.

The girl blinked and looked around. “Oh, hey, Pinkie.” Firecracker finished driving the nail she was working on and stood up.

“Don't change the subject!” Pinkie snapped, climbing up onto the stage. Firecracker blinked.

“What subject? You just got here,” she said, confused. Pinkie shot out a hand, grabbed the other girl's wrist, dragged her backstage, threw her into a chair and turned a spotlight on her.

“All right, Firecracker Burst, if that IS your real name,” Pinkie snarled.

“It... is my real name?” Firecracker said, frowning.

“And what about 'earthshatteringkaboom99?'” Pinkie thrust a copy of one of the other emails at her. “'You better watch your back, cause if you screw up, you might just find yourself on the receiving end of a barrage of bottle rockets where you sleep!' Sound familiar?”

Firecracker gulped and blushed. She put a hand behind her head. “Oh yeah, that. Um, I guess should explain.”

“Yeah, maybe you should. What did Sunset ever do to you?” Pinkie demanded, folding her arms.

“To me? Nothing,” Firecracker began. “But I hate bullies, and she was one of the worst I've ever seen. You have no idea how many people she made miserable ever since she came here. I can't tell you how many times I had to help put somebody back together after she tore them down.”

Pinkie blinked, and she stared at Firecracker, surprised. “Put them back together?”

Firecracker sighed. “Yeah. When I saw that nobody could stop her from terrorizing the school, I decided the best thing to do was help anyone who couldn't take it. So I started volunteering at the community center help line, helping out the younger kids, being a shoulder to cry on, you name it. Seriously, Sunset used to know how to really get to somebody and make them consider doing some truly stupid things to get her to stop. Fortunately, Twilight – the first Twilight – showed up and put a stop to her crap. And then there was the Dazzlings and she showed she really had turned over a new leaf. But by then I was enjoying the volunteer work I was doing, so I kept it up.”

“But, if you don't have a problem with her now, what about the email?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah, that was during the whole Anon-A-Miss thing. When word got to me that Sunset looked like she was back up to her old tricks, I was at a party. Berry Punch got into her parents' liquor cabinet,” Firecracker let out a nervous laugh. “I was really drunk when I sent that. And when it came out that she hadn't done that, I was really embarrassed and just decided it'd be better if I tried to stay out of her way.”

She looked down at her feet. “I probably should have apologized to her.”

Pinkie turned off the spotlight, pulled up another chair and sat down. “So you really don't have it in for Sunset?”

“I don't have a reason to have it in for her,” Firecracker answered. “I mean, yeah, if she started her old tricks again, I'd probably do something, but right now? No.”

Pinkie stood up. “All right then. Thanks for telling me, Firecracker. Sorry for pulling you away from the set.”

“No problem,” Firecraker said, getting up herself. “You really think somebody here at school did this?”

“We're not sure yet. But Sunset's been getting nasty emails and letters for months. Three of them came from club websites here at school. I've been trying to find out who sent them and why.”

“Hmmm, how many people have you talked to?”

“Two,” Pinkie said. She passed a copy of the third email over to the other girl. Firecracker took it and looked it over.

“This is really sick,” she said. A frown crossed her face. “And I know who sent this.”

“Who?” Pinkie asked.

“Beachberry,” Firecracker grumbled. “She got on Sunset's bad side about a month before the Fall Formal. I helped her through it, or so I thought. Look, what I sent was wrong and I admit that, but this was sent only a couple of weeks ago. I thought she knew better than that.”

Firecracker looked at her watch. “She's got study hall coming up. She usually spends it in the computer lab. If you want to talk to her, that's the best place to do it. She has a job at the mall after school she usually has to rush off to when school's over.”

Pinkie nodded. “Thanks, Firecracker! You've been a big help! Catch you later!”

She walked out the backstage door leading to the hallway. As the door closed, Firecracker let out a sigh.

Good. She bought it.