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Spike the one-eyed Dragon of Ponyville also known as Spike the Brave and Glorious, Hero of the Crystal Empire
I must say I want to know the rest of this story. You know, the search for the missing ponies, the fighting and of course the talk between Flitters and Spike. But even if this stays a oneshot it is a good story.
A good story. It's always hard to adapt to such things, especially the phantom pain. Spike did it for a good cause.
This was good, man! I love stories that show Spike's heroic side. Like, he can be immature at times and a goofball at others, but when the chips are on the table and his friends need him, he's a big game player and does what needs to be done.
Thanks so much!
Simple and to the point. A great, quick, read.
Though it's short length leaves one wanting for more, but, to be fair, I always want more of your stories brother.
Glad you liked it.
That's why he is my fav.
Maybe I'll expand upon it later on with an epilogue or something.
i wanna 'd'awwwwwwwwwwww' but it doesn't feel right.
Amazingly Blatant Spoilers in this comment. Seriously, don't read until you read the story.
I um... Am sorry, but this really feels like a senseless sacrifice, on Spike's part.
Flitter wasn't losing both of her eyes. AFAIK there's no way Spike will like, re-grow the eye. So we're just exchanging Flitter's disfigurement and overcomeable disability for Spike's. And Spike, well, is a child. There's no way they should have even let him offer it in this case.
It's heroic and all, but it's also sorta dumb.
I was kinda hoping for more insight on the action part of the story as I love a good fight scene but this was a good one shot.

Does she have night vision now???
Not that I'm complaining
Such a warrior
Holy shit
Loved this story, the ending left me wanting to read more of it. I'd definitely be happy to see an Epilogue get written. Or maybe know what they're talking about in the room while Rarity and Cloudchaser left them alone.
firstly, could you put that in spoiler text?
Secondly, although that was a bit crass I do agree, flitter could have gone on just fine on one eye and spike giving her one of his really had no meaning besides being a heroic noble gesture. now if there was a reason such as pegasi being required to have both eyes to fly (because of depth perception maybe?) or if she had lost both eyes instead then what spike did would have held much more meaning instead of "its my fault so heres an eye". I'm sorry for being nitpicky dear author but besides that I absolutely loved the reveal and the whole story itself! It was all very well done!
No problem. That's a good idea.
And yeah, it's a well-written little piece other than that one bit.
Damn Spike. You're a hardcore champion in my books
Feels like there should be more
....*Sigh* Sometimes I really hate how you leave such bucking cliffhangers, damn it man. Now I want to know the entire story, is there going to be a romance? Why has Sweetie Belle or her parents not come to visit Rarity? So many questions but damn it if this is not amazing.
Oh Spike....you are such a kind and selfless soul
The story was masterfully done Ekhidna, especially the reveal it really made me feel anticipation while I read it.
Got to love baass spike
Now I want a ciaphias cain version of badass Spike now.
That is my comment on your current update, sadly, I am 'Blocked' from posting on any of your blogs, profile, and stories for some reason. I also can't send you PM's apparently.
Edit: Go to my profile, I believe you blocked me by accident.
Okay, I think Pinkie can forgive Flitter for breaking that particular Pinkie Promise. I'm also sure Ponyville is very grateful for their resident dragon.
The premise of the story made it seem like a dark tag wouldn't be out of place, but that wasn't the case. Ultimately, it's a nice story and all, but I don't understand why it's featured. The like/dislike ratio feels a bit too accepting to me, though I will say this is a nice story, maybe even a good one, but not a great or awesome one.
I struggle to pin point just what it is, but to me, the whole thing just falls flat. There's just something missing. Might be because it's so bloody short, I barely have the time to comprehend how serious the happenings of the story while I'm still immersed. Well, if I was immersed in the first place; it's just there, existing, but not living.
The grammar is just fine, might be perfect (I don't remember, and I don't feel the need to re-read it), though maybe that's a part of the problem - not the grammar itself, but the choice of words and how it's presented to the reader.
The length of this comment is more me ruminating on just what the hell is missing, why doesn't the story make me care, why do I feel inclined to press dislike even though it's decent enough writing etc.
Wow, I surely wasn't expecting that it will go that way. Sad, yet at the same time beautiful ending!
Furthermore, I really like the story slowly unfurled by retrospective glimpses. Also, nice idea with the centaurs, haven't seen that one before.
The only minor downside were occasional grammar tweaks or typos, disrupting the flow and atmosphere a little. Other than that, great!
that was a nice short read, I really liked how you managed the tense moments through the story
you really should only click dislike when it's actually a bad story and not some bullshit reason you try to justify with 300 words
This is my personal opinion, and because I'm of the mind that honesty is more important than other's feelings, I'll damn well press the dislike button if I feel it's warranted. This is me, and I'm no one else, so if you disagree then that's fine, but calling someone else's experience bullshit is just rude. You're rude, and now I'm annoyed because you didn't give me any points for me to counter - that is, if your comment had any points at all other than telling me that you disagree. Which is fine. And I'm repeating myself. I didn't bring with me a stepladder into this hole I was digging, frick.
yet again you try to justify yourself with another 200 words, i don't need to point out anything because you damn well know what the problem is when you yourself don't believe in your excuse
"man the story was great but for some reason my demons say click the dislike button sorry guys hue hue"
you press one of those 2 buttons only if it was primarily objectively bad not because you wanna try to click on things
Did I kick your mother or something? You're coming off as incredibly pissed off. Pressing dislike on my original comment would have told the exact same amount of information and would have taken that much less time.
*gasp* Maybe you're just a troll and I'm wasting my time pretending like I need to justify anything to a stranger across the internet!
Regardless of the truth, I was trying to formulate and speculate just wtf made me not like the story, yet I failed so I just posted the selv-speculation to make it clear to the author that there was a reader that didn't like the story yet at least didn't just press dislike and love on.
Right. As you have yet to bring anything new to the table other than you are one of several that disagree with me, have a good day/evening/night.
Please don't fight here.
Sorry. Just got a little frustrated that stating one's opinion would garner a child-like reaction, despite knowing how the internet works. One reply and then ignoring them would have worked best, I just let it get the better of me.
As always, great story... I would love to see a continuation... But I know its a one shot...
Pls keep the good work, love yours Spike Fics. .
I would love to see a sequel to thins, with how flitter lives her life with a dragon eye and her relationship with spike.
As much as I'd like to see a sequel to this... I'm still kind of left puzzled.
Why would anyone sane in the medical profession take a healthy person's eye and put it in someone else? Was Spike's optical nerve damaged somehow, so that he could not retain the use of that eye - but it was otherwise in mint condition? Or what?
I'm sorry, but as I understand it, Equestria is "like Earth unless otherwise noted" - that has a few implications, and the one I'm thinking of is the Hippocratic Oath (well, the later versions of it, anyway). Specifically, "do no harm". Taking a fully-functioning organ from a patient (thereby crippling them), in order to restore perfect functionality in another who would otherwise enjoy at least partial functionality...
I'm not buying it.
Also why isn't Rarity extremely vocal about this? Or Twilight, for that matter?
Well, the logic behind it is dragons are virtually compatible with any other sapient creature, and Spike is going to grow another eye in a few months.
... did I miss that somewhere? Or is this something I should know from the show? Because that's news to me.
Also, in that case... yeah, if he's going to regrow the eye, the basis for my argument is much lighter, making the point rather insignificant.
That’s a pretty damned important detail you forgot to include in the story.
That was very noble of spike. Not the back kind. *cough* pony nobles *cough*
You can has review!