Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile.
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You...ah, might want to change the name of your fic so it's not confused with the venerable (and somewhat legendary) Beating the Heat by Andrew Joshua Talon, first published back in 2012
Well, I am thoroughly confused.
Thanks for the heads up! I honestly didn't know that the name was taken.
not bad. good work with this.
Woowee, you about to inspire me to make another Sunset fic! Way to go, yo!
SciSet keep doing it for months.
No problem, thanks for being willing to accommodate...and NICE choice for the replacement name!
Not the best Lemon I've ever read, but definitely not the worst. You did a good job, keep it up!
aasopar jaratlam kyee! kyawanm jaratkaung hpwanhpyaoerayy nhaint s ngya s nyya myinkwinmyarr a kyarr pyaungglell lam ko hk hcyaya eat! saint rae hpawpyahkyet ngarko pyawshwin hcay ngarsai sainthoet ko kaunggsawaamhuko pyu maallhoet myahaaw laint partaal! sain rayhkyoehkaann aatwin nganpyaarrai ko m htarr kya bhuu sayhkyaar par hcay!
What the fuck did you just say?
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