It's a typical day in Ponyville for you, and you're shopping at the market when you suddenly realize that you've got a booger in your nose, and it's really annoying. Luckily, you've got fingers to deal with that little problem. All you need is to find a private alleyway. . . .
Now that's some sensual booping right there.
It went far better than I would've expected!
Both were good!
What did i just read?
'Snot what I expected.
EDIT: Apparently, the story published immediately before this one is ALSO titled "You Can't Pick Your Friends," and follows a similar plotline and format. (Just an entirely different opening and supporting character.)
You insufferable snot you
This left me feeling awkward in a great way.
Is it just you and Mister Coffee, or can we expect another story with the same title involving sticking fingers into other pony orifices to pop up in the next few minutes?
wut? just wut?
Just those two.
I've learned to stop asking 'why' at this point.
I think I've been on this site for too long.
Ponies love scritching, and that's a fact.
Well, you know the saying: "You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you shouldn't pick your friends' nose."
Unless she's a pony, then it's okay.
Yup, more or less the same setup, but different outcome. And of course, a different rating.
Imagine how strange it would feel to have a finger in your nose if you'd never experienced that before.
I think I should blame Fuzzyfervert and Majin Syeekoh for this.
This really is a "What did I just read!?" story.
But hell I liked it. Its an interesting slice of life.
I LMAO at the punchline, by the way.
The Monk
Just what else have you been probing Pinkie with?!
As we've seen with Fluttershy trying to get out of her modeling job, ponies can pick their noses with hooves, and are, in fact, extremely cute doing it.
why? why would you do this
I.... well, at least I was wrong about her sneezing confetti all over him
Also, a sequel needs to happen where Rainbow was loitering on a cloud and saw everything
What exactly is the story behind how you and Mr. Coffee posted similar fics with the same title? Was this a collaboration or something?
Anyway, it was scary how much I identified with this guy. (Though I guess that's a good thing, since it means I can take the 2nd person thing to heart.) Many times I have felt the urge to do some good ol' booger farming, but am out in public and thus I can't without the fear of getting judged.
Do you have a link to this other fic?
Same title, Vinyl Scratch cover art. It's in the popular column right now.
Or something is probably the right conclusion. Full knowledge, etc.
Hey, when you've got a booger, you've got to deal with it. That's just a fact.
Oh, I see it! Thanks!
I plead the fifth.
Why wouldn't you? She asked nicely, and she can't scratch her own nose.
Hmm, I didn't remember that. Ah well. If they had slightly IRL bone structure and realistic-sized nostrils, they couldn't.
And of course they're cute when they're doing it. They're cute no matter what they're doing.
Oh, man, that could totally happen.
I wonder what RD would make of that?
I haven't read this, but I kinda wish it were marked Gore.
I also might stop visiting the front page for a while.
So that's why Lyra wants hands.
Um, one of the things Twilight's spell does to Fluttershy during Green Isn't Your Color is that it makes her pick her nose.
I mean Pegasus and gryphons would itch their nose with their wings (probably get a feather stuck too) and unicorns can use their magic so its only a thing earth pony's need to worry about. but i would never do that since i don't wanna go exploring sompony else nose
"Rainbow dash you should really stop picking your nose with your wings."
"why Twilight?"
"Because you keep coming every week because of a feather that got stuck."
It's not out of Pinkie's reach! I feel used, like a cheap tissue!
So you have seen pictures of horse nosebleeds, then.
I don't see why.
Well, that's certainly one benefit to having them.
Okay, fair enough, but Pinkie hasn't got Twilight to cast that spell on herself.
Also, how would that even work? How big are pony nostrils?
Apparently, some horses like it when you itch inside their nose. Other horses will probably bite you, so pick horse noses at caution.
Also, I'm imagining that having a feather stuck up your nose is probably worse than just a booger.
Well, that's a fair point.
They call her Deep Snout...
Seriously though, the wet flappy boogers aren't so bad. It's the dry crusty ones with the sharp edges that can make your life miserable.
'Course, being a pony down on the farm, you can just stick your muzzle into the watering trough and let it soak loose while you pretend to take a drink.
Then watch while someone else drinks from the trough. That joke never gets old.
It kind of depends on how big the flappy ones are, and how stuck they are. But the sharp ones are also annoying.
I could see that being something that ponies might do, too, if they have communal drinking troughs. Probably teenage ponies.
Hahaha that's great. He should totally set up a clinic!
The nose-scratching clinic . . . well, there's probably worst ways to occupy your time in Equestria. . . .
Paint Dry-Rate Validator.
Not the job for Pinkie Pie. I could see Twilight trying her hoof at it, though.
Now I really hate you. XD