Gaze within the Holocron, and see what stories it has to tell. For every fable is but a thread in the weave of tales.
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I applaud you and that amazing twist at the near end

Good shit!
I give 5/5 spikestaches
It's a good kind of cancer
Woo, what a fucked up ride.
Huh, I didn't know lawyers could be used to measure time....
That was a nice fic, I was wondering if the other two were havig fun themselves~ This lived up to my expectations and more... except for a few small little grammar errors that distracted me for a second now and then, but great regardless!
We NEED a sequel to this. One where the whole family has fun with each other!
Or for added naughty have a sequel of cup and pumpkin's offspring getting pregnant or impregnating their grandparents. Now that would make for a gnarly family tree!
"Cup" ?