• Member Since 11th Dec, 2012
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I'm really not a social person, so I'll go ahead and say I do appreciate all likes, favs, comments, and follows. Hope you can enjoy whatever it is I write.


Takes place right after Every Little Thing She Does. For the purposes of this story, Mirror Magic takes place early Season Six.

While trying to deal with the guilt she feels after mind-controlling her friends, Starlight Glimmer accepts an invitation from Sunset Shimmer to spend the weekend with her in the human world. But while she's there, a magic device she created to warn her if her human counterpart is nearby goes off. Instead of leaving or staying away as she had initially planned though, she finds the idea of what her life could have been like in this different world, a life without the magic that constantly leads her down the wrong path too compelling to resist. Ignoring Twilight's warnings about maintaining the balance between the two worlds, she tracks down her human version instead.

So, I’ve gone ahead and marked this complete. I know that probably isn’t very satisfying, and I know people were waiting for the last chapter, but writing isn’t really something I can maintain in anything other than short creative bursts. If I can work up the creative burst to add a final bonus chapter, well, than this will get another update. If not, than it won’t.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 15 )

I'm intrigued. Nice work so far

Okay, you have caught my attention. Let's see how this one plays out...


Good to hear next chapter is done, and will be released Wednesday.

Cute, sweet chapter (apart from the mentions of death).

I think it might be interesting if Starlight met the parents of the other, that would give them one heck of a surprise.

I'm super excited for the final chapter! :pinkiehappy:

Good! Unfortunately, I misremembered some bits from the show, so I'm having to rewrite the part I already wrote as well as shuffle around some elements. Glad I gave a generous estimate for its release, it should still be out sometime this month.

I certainly look forward to the next chapter. :twilightsmile:

Glad to hear it! It’s turned out way longer than planned, again, and I want to just finish up the rest of the story and release it all at once, so it will be a little while.

Congratulate Yourself For Being On Schedule, check. Eh, let's double check that one.

Still doesn't sense why that's there. :ajbemused:

“Me? No way, I wouldn't think of it,”Starlight said with a smile and a distant look; clearly she was thinking of nothing else. Twilight ground her teeth in frustration.

it," Starlight*

“I'm serious Starlight, it could be dangerous. At best, you let even more people know there's another world out there, and at worst you... well, I don't know, but it could be bad.”

I agree. :fluttershysad:

“Fine, Twilight, you win. You're right, I won't go looking for any trouble.” Starlight looked over at her clock and then grabbed the compass, her saddlebag, and tried to walk around Twilight. “And you're right, I do have to get going. You're only going to be gone until tomorrow evening, and I want to be here to welcome you back.”

As much as I want her to leave that compass behind, this story wouldn't go on without it. :unsuresweetie:

“I suppose so,”Twilight grumbled. “I know you would never purposely put anypony in danger, but you don't always think things through. Like last week, with the whole mind-control spell. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm choosing to trust you Starlight.” Please don't make me regret it. She threw a partially annoyed glance her students way, only to notice the quick flash of guilt Starlight felt. Did I say that last part out loud , she worried.

so," Twilight*

“You know, you could always stay the whole weekend” Twilight said, quick to change the subject. “I know how much fun you had on your last trip through the portal.”

weekend?" Twilight*

“Oh, what's that? Starlight grinned in excitement at the idea of some new experience.

that?" Starlight*

“ Great ,” Starlight groaned under her breath as she waved goodbye. “Can't. Wait.” She heaved out a heavy sigh, and looked back at the portal. Maybe I should just go back, she thought with despair. No, Starlight, get a hold of yourself, your friend is just trying to help you. She sighed aloud again, then looked at the map. Might as well go have a look around instead of just hanging out here.

It might just help you more than you think Starlight. :ajsmug:

It works! She thought with excitement, holding it up and facing in the direction it was pointing. She took couple excited steps in that direction before freezing mid stride.

took a couple*

"Not necessarily; I've got a watch, if it looks like I'm going to run out of time, I'll just turn back."

Right... :ajbemused:

“Oh, come on now, I don't think she would do that,” Twilight said as she looked over her textbook. “Maybe she just lost track of time.”

How could she if she has a watch?!? :twilightangry2:

“Look, girls,”Applejack spoke up. “I'd love to stay and wait for Starlight Glimmer, but I have chores I got to get done before I start my work shift. Even if she gets here now, we'd only have about ten minutes before I've got to leave.”

girls," Applejack*

“Of course, Spike, you were more than enough help,” Sunset said. She turned back towards Starlight as Spike scampered off in the direction of his home, and spoke again softly to herself. “I know just how you feel.” She walked through the open gate, and turned to walk up the hill towards her missing friend.

Is she seriously letting Spike go back to Twilight's house alone! If I was in her position I'd ask him to stay with me til the situation they were in was over. :duck:

Starlight Glimmer


“That sounds great,” Starlight said with a smile, then pointed up to her shoulder. “I didn't want to get up and disturb Ray.” Sure enough, Sunset’s tiny leopard gecko was perched on her shoulder. “Fluttershy taught me how to handle and feed him while you were gone. I didn't want to get up and turn on any lights because I can feel him breathing and it's really relaxing. After yesterday, I needed the chance to just sit and think.”

Sure explains why she was in the dark. :applejackunsure:

Starlight didn't answer, she just slowly stood up, her face twisting slightly as she tried to suppress her emotions... and something else. As she turned and stumbled out of the kitchen, Sunset quickly pushed away from the table and followed her. Starlight clumsily rushed her way into Sunset’s bathroom, the door slamming shut behind her. Sunset winced as she heard her friend losing her dinner into the toilet.

Guess they should've waited til they were finished eating. :pinkiesick:

When I made up my mind, I stole my father's private journals from my mother, and I learned what he had been working on when he died. He was trying to find a way to change somepony’s Cutie mark. To find a way to permanently alter somepony’s destiny. The idea was everything I dreamed of. A way to change my fate so no one would leave me again. Unfortunately, I was able to learn his plan was impossible. He tried to change his own destiny; I don't know what he was trying to change it to, but the attempt killed him. When I realized that, I had to come up with a new plan. I learned everything my father new about magic and Cutie marks.

"When I made up my mind,*
father knew about magic and cutie marks.*

“Well, I kind of did lose it there for awhile,”Starlight said with a self-deprecating laugh. “Fortunately I've got good friends to help me keep my head on straight. Thanks for being there for me, and for finding that stuff out about the other me. It would have driven me even more crazy not knowing. But now I think we both need sleep.”

awhile," Starlight*

“No problem,” Sunset said, the prospect of sleep a welcome one now. “You still have the pj’s I loaned you yesterday, right?” Starlight nodded. “Good night, then”

night, then."*

So, this is an idea that came to me in a dream of all things, one intense enough to get me to do the first bit of writing I've done in almost four years. I don't consider this to be any sort of show accurate canon, it's just a what if scenario that came to me, and I hope we get to see more of Starlight's past, as well as her human doppelgänger someday.

We did learn more on Starlight, but we didn't get to see her counterpart, nor Sunsets. :fluttercry:

“And it's all thanks to you,” she had said as she tightly hugged Starlight. Looking around, Juniper leaned in and whispered, “This is actually my very first slumber party,” right into Starlight's ear.

Awww. :twilightsmile:

‘She didn't mention anything about her human self being dead, and if you don't start explaining right now, I'm going through the portal and hunting you down. Starlight might not tell me, but I know you will!’

Oh boy... :twilightoops:

Twilight slowly shut the journal and levitated it back to her nightstand. Idly, she began running her brush through her tail once more. She stared at her reflection in her mirror, lost inside her own thoughts.

It'll be tough to talk to her about, but it'll get easier... with time. :fluttershysad:

Despite the mistakes I found and the ending, I really enjoyed this. I kinda wish we saw Starlight in eqg again following Mirror Magic, but knowing she appeared in it to begin with, just makes me all the more happier. :yay:

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