Fluchuette said, "Let me tell you all the story: Many years ago, when Equestria was just beginning to be called that, some of the unicorns, earth, and pegasi ponies, loved the sea more than they did land, for they had unique skills, like building ships, cannons, and whatnot, however, at first, all other equestrians had no problem with new talents like that, it's not like they never saw unique abilities before. The problem was, is that when the first ships ever made, weren't all that great, or so they said, and during an exploration expedition, 100,000 ponies lost their lives, as the entire massive fleet went down, because the steering went out on some, others were too slow to get out of harm's way, and were torn to pieces, by maelstroms, and others were not built sturdy enough, and were torn up by the raging tidal waves. Only one pony survived, and when that pony came back, and he told the news of what had happened out to the fleet. The public blamed the builders for building 'shoddy contraptions', and the Equestrian ruler at the time, gathered all the Shipbuilder Ponies, and banished them all from Equestria, and told them all, to take their ships with them, and never return, and if they did, they would be killed on sight, or sunk. It wasn't until a few years later, that the real cause came to light, as some investigators, started looking into the tragedy, and after asking that one survivor, he told them, that he never got to tell the rest of the story, that it wasn't the builders fault, it was the fault of the captains of each of those ships, and each of them, were inexperienced Equestrians, who had no idea how to handle, and properly use the ships they were on, despite the Shipbuilder Ponies on board each ship, pleading that they steer the ships, and he also said that every time he tired to continue, that everypony he told the story to, they always cut him off when he got to the part when the ships sunk and what sunk them, he never got the chance to finish until that day, when those investigators asked him, that they let the survivor tell the whole story."
Fluchuette took a minute, to take a breath, and then continued, " The investigators, with this new evidence, tried to put it the report of the incident, but it never got released, and the investigators were trampled to death by a mob, that refused the truth. So I ask again, why should we help you all now? We tried to give your ancestors, something innovative, and what do your ancestors, and your kind do? You BANISH US!!! You spit in our faces, and deemed us unworthy to set foot in Equestria!!! So why, oh why, after all this time later, should we help the ones, who did this to us?!"
Twilight stepped forward, and said, "Snowshy, I should probably handle this."
Snowshy said, "That would be best, this is about you, and your friends kind after all. My kind was mostly gone, and considered myth, as Fluchuette has said."
Twilight said, "Thank you for understanding Snowshy." Twilight then turned her attention to Fluchuette, and said, "Fluchuette, I am more than well aware of what happened then, and you may be shocked to hear this, but according to historical records, and thanks to Darkness's undivided attention and skill in history, he made a discovery: sometime later, maybe like 40 years or so, the date and year is kind of foggy, but the evidence is there, a child of one those investigators, found the unreleased file, and put the details of it, in their diary, and then released it to the public. By that time, everypony in Equestria wasn't as ridiculous, as their ancestors were, and accepted it, they were shocked at first, but they accepted it, and it was put in the historical records, of the time. However, most of that times history was lost, due to a great fire, that consumed, quite a few towns and cities of that time, but it seems that at least one copy survived, and somehow, Darkness found it, and put it in his history books. All ponies of today, are being taught what happened not just to your kind since Darkness's books were allowed to copied, but also everypony is being taught about what happened to Darkness's and Snowshy's kind as well."
Twilight took a minute, to take a breath, and continued, "Darkness, Snowshy's brother, and hero to many, and so many other things he was known for, and what he is still known for, but before he was Darkness, that we all know and miss, was that he was just like any other pony. Okay, sure he was already rather powerful at a young age, but he was never one to flaunt such power around. He wanted nothing more than to just have friends. He never once cared what race they were, he only wanted to be their friends because, pegasi, unicorns, or earth ponies, they were all equal in his eyes, each race had something that set them apart from the others, yes, but they all had so many other things in common, as he would say in his books, as well, before he succumbed to Darkness Night, he sought friendship early in life, to get everpony to realize that it doesn't matter what race you are, or what you can or can't do, it's the personality and their willingness, to be friends, that's what mattered the most to him, and he sought out everypony, far and wide, for a short time anyways, to try and prove and show this to all those he tried to befriend, before he went back into the forest, to where he not be seen for a very long time afterwards, and I'm sure we all now why, we all know the beginning story: of just how horribly he was treated by the populace back then, and you know what, Fluchuette? It crushed him, and his spirits, and it appears, you kind was there as well, by some accident it would seem, the events, are all in the first two volumes of Darkness's history books. Anyways, some of your kind got washed ashore, after a prototype ship test voyage, went awry, and wrecked into some rocks, and after a while, they blended into the crowd with everypony else, and around the time when young little Darkness was treated horrible by the populace, your kind, didn't care for Darkness being so different from anypony else, and especially themselves, so joined in with the others. So I ask Fluchuette, how do you feel now? How do feel knowing that your kind, your ancestors, are partly responsible, for causing the rise of Darkness Night, which killed so many. Families, couples, siblings, etc, were torn apart because of Darkness Night's hatred and vengeance. Can you live with yourselves now, knowing this?"
The room was still and quiet, for many minutes, when Fluchuette broke out into tears, as she realized and understood what she had just been told, and she did not question it, for she knew it was true, and she asked, "I know....this might seem...like-like a dumb question, 'sniffle', but what were the ones washed ashore, what were their names?
Twilight answered, "Your great-great-great grandponies, Flucher, and Fluttutte, the 1st, and it also turns out, again, thanks to Darkness's books, they were extremely unaccepting of anypony more different than them, and furthermore, were kind or racist towards other ponies, when they got older. So I ask another question: doesn't it feel great to be related to such ponies as them? You and the rest of your kind have to live with that on your conscience."
Nopony realized that Twilight was rather angry at Fluchuette, until a few moments ago, when Twilight was halfway through her statement, and everypony, except Snowshy, backed away a little.
Fluchuette was bawling at this point, and she stammered out, "I-I-I had no i-idea, 'sniffle', I was never told about my family history! Please! You must believe me! My grandponies, burned-all of our-our family history records, saying that 'it was better to not know the truth of our family, than to find out'! But-I never would've imagined it was this horrible! Believe me, if-if I had known, 'sniffle', I would've set out myself, to make things right, and make amends to those who lost their loved ones! Please! Snowshy and friends! Is there anything I can do to set things right? For Darkness, for all of ponykind, and for all those who lost-their loved ones!? Is there anything at all!?"
Everypony nodded, and Twilight said, "Yes, there actually is, and it will show everypony, including Darkness, who more than likely watches over us, from above. So, Fluchuette, would you and your kind, please, be willing to help out this world, in the upcoming war, and battle Arrovak's armies at sea? Well, of course, when it break out in the sea, that is." Twilight paused a moment, and then asked, "Will you and your kind do this?"
Fluchuette took a moment to get herself together, wiped her tears, and cleared her throat, as she answered, "I will, and so will my kind, it is the best we can for this world. It seems there is much me and my kind must answer for, and it is apparent, that much has been kept secret from me. So if this at least brings some closure to everypony witnessing it, than so be it, we will do it. You can count on us, when the fight breaks out in the ocean, Arrovak's armies, will be wishing they stayed on land, or course not that it will do them any good!" As she finished he statement, she ended it, with a smirk.
Everypony was about to come over to Fluchuette, and give her a hug, but she held out her hoof, and said, "No, maybe someday, but not today, me and my kind must redeem ourselves first, and if we all make it out of this war coming up alive, then we will celebrate, and hug then, and perhaps even a possible friendship, but for now, me and my kind must prepare for war." As she said this, she went over to a horn-like device, beside her chair, and spoke into it, as she said, with much authority, "Attention, shipbuilder ponies, this is your master ruler speaking: prepare all ships for departure as soon as possible, sound the alarm for a 24 hour watch on all our borders, and most important prepare for war. And begin building ships, like you all have never built them like before! Arrovak's armies are going down!"
Hurrahs could be heard throughout the building, as the rushing of hooves sounded from everywhere, and Fluchuette went back over to Snowshy and the others, and said, "Thank you Twilight, for telling me, this was something, I should've went searching for long ago.... But, there's nothing I can do about that now.... But I am still sorry for all of my kind has done, it is shameful, and we will pay our dues, even it means our deaths! Now, is there anything you all might need, before you go? I would imagine, you all have very important things you all must do, before the war starts yes? Just say what it is, and I will make it happen."
Everypony looked at one another, and nodded, and Snowshy said, "Well, yeah, there is something we need to do, before the war starts, we need to get to the 'Powdersmith Ponies', we will need their expertise, is any of us are to have a standing chance in this war."
Fluchuette said, "Oh yes, that's right, you mentioned that before, when you were explaining things to me. Okay then, say no more, I will send word to captain of my ship, (well, at least for now anyways), I will tell him, to welcome you all aboard, and take you all, to see the Powdersmith Ponies. When you all leave here, just ask the attendant, that you have been given permission to board my ship, and he will open the pathway that leads to the dock, that harbors the ship. Good luck to you all, good luck to us all, for that matter, we will need it, there is no doubt about that."
Everypony thanked Fluchuette, and she said, "You are kind to thank me, but thank nothing of it, this is just one of the many ways, that I want to do, to try to make amends for everything. Now, get going, all of you, I must get preparations for the war finished, and you all have your things to do, and don't worry, we'll see each other again, I'm sure of it, until then, goodbye for now."
Everypony thanked Fluchuette again, and they left her office, and walked back down the hall. When they reached the attendant, they told him, what Fluchuette told them to say, and the attendant only nodded, pulled a lever from beneath his desk, and the wall to the far left flipped around, and lifted itself up into the ceiling, to reveal a secret passage. Everypony walked through the doorway, and as everypony got through, the door closed behind them, and they began walking down the dock, they saw Fluchuette's ship for the first time, and it was massive ship: with red and gold paint, and massive sails painted the same, and four long rows of cannons on the side of the ship. Everypony could only look in awe, and move forward, when they came up to the ramp of the ship, the captain was waiting at the bottom of the ramp, and greeted everypony, as soon as he saw them all approach the ramp, as he said, "Greetings! You must Snowshy and her friends?"
Snowshy answered, "Yes, we are."
The captain said excitedly, "Then, let's get going! We have no time to lose!" and he took off up the ramp, as called out to Snowshy and the others, "The sooner you all get on, the sooner we can go!"
Everypony nodded, and went up the ramp, as the ships crew members, lifted up the ramp, untied ropes from the dock, as the captain said from the wheel, "Everypony, make ready for the ship to sail!"
Crew members scrambled here and there, when the ship started moving away from the dock, and the captain starting steering the ship, towards the ocean, as he said, "And we're off! Destiny awaits us! 'The Royal Rose', will see us through!"
And as he finished speaking, the ship got father and father away from the dock, and out into the vast ocean, towards the home of the 'Powdersmith Ponies', the last race Snowshy and others had to convince to join the war effort.