• Published 28th Apr 2018
  • 273 Views, 1 Comments

The Legacy Of Darkness - Darkness 1

40 years have passed since the death of Darkness, Equestria has enjoyed peace since then, however, evil never rests long, and a new evil arises.

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Regaining Self-Confidence, Part 4

Nopony said anything, as they all thought about it, and then they all closed their eyes, and began to focus very hard, and after a what felt like an eternity, Twilight and the others, opened their eyes, and Twilight said, "So, how do you all feel?"

Rarity said, "Kind of odd, but I do feel better...if not least a little...."

Rainbow Dash said, "It's more than better! I haven't felt like this, since before Darkness showed up! And you're right, once he showed up, and saw just how powerful he was, yeah, I kind of just lost hope in myself at that time, but not anymore!"

Pinkie Pie said, "Me neither!"

Fluttershy said, "We can do it!"

Applejack said, "I know we can!"

Twilight said as she looked up, "I bet Darkness would be proud of us all right now.."

Snowshy came over to Twilight, and put a hoof on her shoulder, and said, "I know he would be."

Just then, a bright, shining white light, appeared, in front of each of them, in the form of their cutie marks, had formed, and then cutie marks all met in circle in front of everypony, and then began to spin, and then it began to get faster and faster, until everypony's vision was obscured, for a moment, and then their vision cleared, and as their eyes refocused, they saw what was now in front of them all: it was a large sword, each part of it, had everypony's colors in it, and then it split into 7 pieces, as the handle went to Snowshy, and the other pieces, went to everypony else.

Everypony took their piece, and looked at it, and Applejack was the one that spoke this time, as she said, "Okay, somepony want to explain what in the hay just happened? And where did this sword come from?"

Snowshy answered, and said, "I think it came from each of us, as you six, regained your self-confidence, it somehow took physical form, as did mine." Just then, a loud grinding sound emitted in the room, and everypony looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that the large ornate door, in the center of the room was beginning to open, and everypony also saw that the puzzle had been solved.

Rainbow Dash then asked, "Okay, anypony got an answer to that?"

Twilight said, "It would seem, through our togetherness, we have gained a new power..."

Just then, a voice and shadowy figure began to appear in front of them, in front of the large ornate door, as the figure said, "You have, but that is not all, as it would seem."

As the figure took shape, they began to notice that it none other than Darkness himself, as he said, "Hello, once again."

Rarity asked, "It's good to see you, but seeing as we pressed for time, what is this sword?"

Darkness said, "You now all hold the one thing that can defeat Arrovak, the sword, is a physical manifestation of all of your powers, and self-confidence, into one very powerful object."

Twilight asked, "I know it sounds silly, but did you know this would happen?"

Darkness replied, "No, not really. I had no idea, I was so surprised to see this phenomenon, I didn't know what to think. But be forewarned: with such power, comes great responsibility."

Rainbow Dash asked, "Quick question: this sword is massive, how will this thing be used?"

Darkness said, "Actually, that's an easy one, when you call upon your friendships, and self-confidence from within, the sword will come together, Snowshy will be the wielder, the sword has chosen her, for the task of a one-on-one duel with Arrovak, so when it comes to the showdown with Arrovak, you, my sister, will deal the final blow to that mad monster."

Snowshy was speechless, and so was everypony else, until after a while, Snowshy spoke, "I don't understand, why did the sword choose me? Anypony else here, is more than deserving of a such a task."

Darkness shook his head, and said, "You misunderstand, you all, including you, my sister, all have years of experience, dealing with evil, and have gone through many battles. No, this is more than just brute strength or even high intelligence. The reason why the sword choose you, is because when I was around, you was the only one that never lost your self-confidence. Okay, sure, you felt comfort having somepony around to keep you safe, should you falter, but you kept your determination to improve yourself. This showed, especially when you were presented with those tests in the forests, before we got to Lunar Ebony Blade's ancestral home. So trust me, as you always have, you are the only one that has the right to wield such a powerful item, the sword choose you for a reason, and I think it choose well."

Snowshy didn't know what to say, so Darkness went over to her, put his hooves on her shoulders, and said, "But, if your mind and heart are in doubt, trust your brother, your friends, trust your instincts, trust what has always made you, you. Trust these things, if all else fails, and remember, you are never alone, your friends are here, and I am only a moments notice away, as all the heroes are, all have to do is call all of us, your friends included, we will always be there for you."

Snowshy began tearing up, and went over to hug Darkness, and said, "You've already done so much for this world, and for your sister, and now, you're still trying to help where you can. I can't thank you enough!"

Just then, everypony else, even Silver Sky, came in to hug the two as well, and Silver Sky said, "Ah, why not, you guys got me, I'll help where I can."

After a little bit, everypony backed away from each other, and then all of sudden, Darkness's hoof began to light up, and sparking again, but much worse this time, as Darkness fell to his knees, and everypony went to him, and Twilight said, "Oh my gosh! Are you alright?'

Darkness grunted to get back up, and with effort, he got back up, and he said with much pain in his voice, "I'll....be fine... You must get back to others back in Canterlot.... But first, you will need all the help you can get, Arrovak is drawing an increased amount of power from all sources he can, it was never just time itself, he can also steal life forces, but only those...that are near him, however.. All of this...means...he is almost ready to launch an attack on the entire world, with him and his armies, will be in the sky, the sea, and on land, he wants total domination, and nothing less..."

Snowshy said, "Okay, what would you have us do? Where should we seek help?"

Darkness, still struggling to stay up, and shaking a little, said, " I Believe most of you may have met two out the three you should go seek help from.... Some of you may have met all three of them at one time or another..." Darkness took a breath, and then continued, as he said, " The first you should go seek help from is a giant desert island to far east, far beyond the reaches of the known written map, a race a ponies lives there, with some unique weapons, that help you all, argh!! I believe they call themselves, 'The Powder Smith Ponies.' Their assistance is vital to...to"

Rainbow Dash, once again, getting impatient, asked, "Vital to what?"

Darkness took a few breaths, and said, "Vital to the oncoming world war, the fight will not be easy, and every race is at risk of extinction or enslavement, this fight will determine the fate of all, even spirits, for we too, are at the same risk as this world is, because Arrovak can kill all of us, in the spiritual world as well, and once....you die in the spiritual world...well, you cease to exist.....forever."

Everypony was silent for a moment, and Rarity was the one that spoke, and she said, " Okay, well, that escalated quickly, and yeah, all of us, except for Silver Sky have met that race when they came for trade with Equestria, anyways, what about the other two?"

Darkness's hoof began to get worse, and it became harder for him to stand, but he managed to still stay standing, and he said, "I'll make this quick, I don't how much longer I can't hold the time rifts together.... Anyways, the second ones you should seek help from are to the far west, beyond any written map, in a huge port island, and I think....they call themselves 'The Shipbuilder Ponies.' Th-Their cooperation will help with fighting the war on sea, when it comes down to that. And....last but not least, you should seek out the Griffons, their efforts will help with the war when it breaks out in the skies.... Now, of course, this whole thing may break out all at once, I don't know how exactly or when Arrovak plans to unleash his armies, and when he does, every single race must be ready, it is a world effort at this point, but at the critical heart of it all are all of you, and those still waiting in Canterlot Castle... Now, I must be off, I cannot come back anymore, it will take too much energy to do so. So I won't be able to warn you of anything new."

Twilight said, "Wait! Can't you tell us where to go? Where are The Powder Smith Ponies and Shipbuilder Ponies islands located for definite exactly? And how will all of us convince the Griffons to help us? Can't you guide us, as you always have?"

Darkness said, "Twilight, and the rest of you that have regained your self confidence, it would seem you have not fully regained it. Perhaps as you journey to these islands, and the home of the Griffons, perhaps you will regain it fully after all of this, if you don't, then your quest will end in one of those places, and every single life will more than likely end as well, as well as an entire galaxy. And as for the answer to your question, this whole time, I haven't really been guiding you, I've only given you an item or two, or warnings about oncoming possible threats and the like, you all have figured out where to go, solved puzzles, made quick life-saving decisions, things like that. You have all done just fine on your own, depending on each other, just like you all used to, before I came along."

Pinkie Pie said, "But!"

Darkness said, "No more of that, alright? Now I must be off, the next time you might possibly see me, is when I, as well as the other heroes, might be allowed to go to war against Arrovak, and his armies...If the Gods Of Equestria allow it to be so... Use the sword I gave you, it'll give you a general idea of where you should go next, it'll be up to you all how to get there, and how far to go. Now! Get going! It's no telling how long you all have, every second counts now, go! And all of you....best of luck..." And with that, Darkness turned around, and walked away from everypony, as he faded from sight.