A man watches MLP:FiM for the first time at the insistence of one of his brony friends. That night, he has a strange dream...
A man watches MLP:FiM for the first time at the insistence of one of his brony friends. That night, he has a strange dream...
A Chakat?
Great, furries writing fics on fimfiction. There goes the neighborhood.
waaaaait a minute....
So! review-ish stuff:
you seem to draw things out a little bit more than is strictly necessary.
Also, at the end of the Prologue:
"...right now he had an interview to be to."
Consider changing "be to" for "go to", or for "be at"
Whoops. Fixed.
Also, I'm surprised someone noticed my species this quickly. Even on a lot of furry livestreams most people have no idea what a Chakat is. That said, I don't really have plans on doing any MLP/furry crossovers... I dunno, it just doesn't seem like it would work very well. Not that I'm saying I never will, just not any time soon.
Oh, and the drawn-out-ishness is kind of necessary for developing the plot. I think the next chapter will have you retracting that statement. It's going to be... cooler.
I like where this is going!
... I'm wondering how it could be that bad that she's crying. I mean, given that there are events which happen in equestria which don't get drawn by the animators, they must therefore have their own reality...
I guess i'll know soon enough.
The pacing is better with this update, but there's still something missing. Not sure what it is, sortof just a gut feeling.
oh, and regarding my getting that you're a chakat? Us 'taurs gotta stick together, and how would we do that if we weren't at least aware of the different varieties of 'taur out there? Frankly, i'm surprised you're surprised.
You're on the right track, although the details are a little complicated. I'll be revealing more about exactly how the universes work in the next few chapters. Just think about how you'd probably feel if someone told you that and you realized it was true, though. It would be quite a shock the first time.
And yes, 'taurs unite! I'm mainly surprised because over the course of several dozen livestream chat sessions, my name invariably (as in every single time!) gets shortened to "Chakat" instead of "Snowstreak" and I always have to explain it at least once. Even sometimes when the artist is actually drawing a Chakat at the moment.
If you like it now, just wait until things really start getting out of control.
917190 Update?
Soon... I have a couple chapters in progress but I'm having trouble getting them to where I want them without being too cliche or too outlandish.