• Published 12th Jul 2012
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Lines and Webs - Airstream

In a world of peace, there must be Order. No matter what the cost.

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Of Games and Guards

Twilight awoke, shivering. Her body was sore and tired, and she hardly felt rested at all. Her head throbbed, and she was freezing. Worst of all, she felt cold and empty on the inside, like a piece of her was missing. Shivering, she rolled out of bed. A sour taste filled her mouth. Dragging herself to the toilet, she emptied the contents of her stomach into the basin. She was familiar enough with hangovers, but that did not mean she enjoyed them. She got to her hooves shakily, feeling the room lurch a bit in protest. She ran her tongue along the inside of her mouth, attempting to moisturize it a bit. She tasted a bitter sensation in her mouth, which reminded her faintly of nuts. Opening her mouth, she checked to see if there was perhaps something in her teeth. There was nothing, of course, but she did notice a brownish residue that had mostly come off in her...purge.

Annoyed, Twilight began to clean her teeth, shutting the bathroom door quietly so as not to wake Spike. She finished, pouring a glass of water from the tap. She swished the first mouthful and spat, noticing a slight brownish tinge. It would have to do, she supposed. She turned to her shower, running a stream of hot water that soon filled the bathroom with steam. Stepping into the shower, she found herself thinking over the events of the last night, which seemed to have passed in a blur. She vaguely remembered climbing into bed, and after that was a blank slate. Twilight couldn't help but shake the feeling that she was supposed to be remembering something, but for the life of her, she couldn't think of what. She stood in the shower for a while, trying to think. Her hangover prevented any of that sort of nonsense, however.

Idly, she finished washing the suds off of her body, stepping out of the warmth. She toweled off vigorously, reveling in the feel of a clean coat. An idea occurred to her. She quietly began to rummage through her things. Sure enough, Spike had brought the saddlebags up from Ponyville. A bit worse for the wear, they were torn and burnt, though the contents were largely unaffected. Twilight noticed several things that could be repaired right off, including a misaligned lens on her telescope. She was not checking her belongings, however. She was searching for something. She found all of the books from the castle suspiciously unharmed, and a few crushed slices of bread. The bag she was checking was missing something, however. The crystal she had been given by Radiant Zenith was gone. There was a hole in the bottom it could have fallen through easily, which meant that it could have been anywhere from the field outside of Ponyville to Canterlot to any point in between. Twilight resolved to search for it at her earliest opportunity, but there was nothing she could do now. Spike was still asleep, so she simply grabbed her Element, slung her dress over a nearby table, and kissed him on the snout before heading out the door.

A nearby clock struck half past seven. She was fairly early, but she headed for the throne room in the hopes of finding Princess Celestia there, in order to return her Element. She knew the way fairly well, a byproduct of living in the castle for so long. She rounded a corner, passing by a bust of a cranky looking unicorn, one who's name she was never able to find, no matter how hard she tried. She trotted down the halls, greeting a few servants going about their business, and receiving cheerful well-wishes in return. Twilight passed by the hallway that had led to her own room, and idly wondered what it was like now. Rounding a corner, she found herself face to face with Princess Luna.

"Ah, Twilight Sparkle!" she said, her voice still a bit hoarse from the peppers she had eaten last night. "You are an early riser, I was just about to retire to my chambers for the day. Wouldst thou care to join me in a diversion?"

Twilight bowed her head respectfully. "I would be honored to, Princess. However, I'm looking for Princess Celestia, so that I can return the Element to her."

Luna appeared fixated on it, her gaze locked on the tiara with a singular fascination. "I must admit, Twilight Sparkle, I have not been so close to this Element in a very long time. Too long, in fact. My sister is not here, she left with the rising of the sun to attend to her Royal duties and help prepare the parade. However, I can take possession of the Element for you, and return it safely to its vault."

Twilight smiled, handing it over. "Thank you very much, Princess! That is most generous of you." She looked around. They were in an unfamiliar part of the castle now.

Princess Luna returned the smile. "Now, I would insist on offering you some hospitality, if thou wouldst care to join me in a game. I could have breakfast delivered if thou hast not eaten. A small diversion, to distract you until your consort arrives, yes?" She gave a wicked smirk, part teasing and part challenging her.

Twilight kept her composure. "I would be delighted, your Highness." She waited as Luna opened the door to her chambers. "But which game did you want to play?"

Luna laughed a little, ushering her inside. "Why, the only game for Royals, Twilight Sparkle. Chess."

The room was well appointed, painted in a muted blue with thick velvet curtains covering the walls. A fire was crackling in the hearth, and a table stood in the exact center of the room. On this table rested a chess set, intricately carved in ivory and ebony. Twilight and Luna approached the board, and Luna immediately took up the black forces. Twilight sat opposite her, commanding the white. Clearing her throat nervously, she spoke. "I fear I would be a poor opponent, your Highness. I can't remember the last time I played chess with anypony."

Luna nodded. "It is always thus with scholars. Fear not, I merely wish to see how you comport yourself. Think of it as...an exercise in strategy. I shall teach you. Now," she said, gesturing at the board. "Begin."

Twilight moved a pawn forward, a stalwart Earth pony bearing a thick shield. Luna moved one of her own in response, and Twilight began to plan her moves. A knight moved to support it, the Pegasus brandishing his spear as if to defy the army gathered across from him. Luna calmly moved her bishop forward, the horn glinting in the firelight. Twilight moved forward her bishop in response, setting up her attack. Luna moved up another pawn, gazing at the board contemplatively. Twilight struck, her Pegasus taking the Earth pony. "First blood." Luna murmured, bringing up yet another pawn. Twilight's bishop took this one. Suddenly, Luna moved another pawn forward, and Twilight realized that Luna now controlled over one half of the board. She fell back, but it was too late. Luna opened her assault, and her pieces fell like wheat. Twilight managed to fend off the attack, but only just. Her pieces were grouped together, supporting one another in case of another attack. Luna's were scattered over the board, each occupying a strong offensive position, but a weak defensive one.

Twilight contemplated her next move carefully, munching on a doughnut and cup of coffee. She realized that she was bound to lose, but she was determined to make Luna pay for each inch of metaphorical ground she took. She moved up her last remaining rook, ready for the inevitable onslaught. Luna shifted her queen, a stately dragon, into better position. Twilight moved a knight to respond. Suddenly, a bishop slid across the board, through Twilight's army. Her king was neatly trapped between her own army and the bishop. "That is checkmate, I believe." Luna said, as Twilight blinked and analyzed the board once more. She offered a hoof, which Twilight took. "An excellent showing, Twilight Sparkle. You have the mind of an excellent strategist."

She spun the board around, showing Twilight her point of view. She walked calmly around the table, sitting next to Twilight. "Your army moved well as a whole, but you forsook early advantage for a more favorable position. Admirable, but stupid in this case. Your assaults took time, while I had only to wait and ensnare you. No piece was wasted without a gain for you, but you were unable to hold any advantage for long. I controlled the land, while you controlled the army marching across it. In all, you did very well, until you went on the defensive. Keep in mind, walls can keep things in just as well as they can keep things out. In the end, it was not your enemies that damned you, it was your allies. Remember that, if nothing else. You cannot always rely on your allies to keep you safe."

Luna looked at her. "Have you learned something today, Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, Princess. I have."

Luna made eye contact with her, searching her soul for an answer. "Very well then. Remember what you have learned here. The lessons learned from chess apply to more than you would think, Twilight. It is getting towards ten, dost thou remember the way to the front hall from here?" she asked, opening the door for her.

Twilight stepped into the hallway. "Yes, Princess. Thank you."

The midnight blue Alicorn nodded. "Thou art quite welcome, Twilight. If thou dost desire, I would extend an invitation to you. Three nights hence, I am playing host to a small, exclusive gathering of unicorns, in the Royal Gardens. We shall be discussing much, including the subject of magic. I would take it as a kindness if thou wert to attend, I can think of nopony more suited to speak on it than thee, save my sister and I."

Twilight bowed low. "It would be an honor, Princess. I will gladly attend."

Princess Luna, Dio Noctis ex Equestria, bowed her head in return. "I thank thee. Farewell, Twilight Sparkle. Be careful." And with that, she closed the door.

She listened closely, as Twilight Sparkle's hoofbeats retreated down the corridor. "I hope thou hast learned my lesson well, Twilight Sparkle." she whispered, divesting herself of her raiment and resetting her chess board. "You have no hope otherwise, and neither do we..."


Twilight arrived in the main hall at ten o'clock exactly. Morning Star was waiting for her, and the two of them trotted out of the door, chatting the whole way about the parade, and their plans for the festival. Canterlot's festival was the biggest in Equestria, and Celestia alternated between going to a different city and staying in Canterlot every other year. The Canterlot celebration was seven days long, ending with the longest day of the year. That party would last all day, and well into the night. Each day saw a different festivity. The opening ceremonies yesterday were usually accompanied by a large feast to celebrate the bounty of the sun. Today was a day to honor the armed forces of Equestria, and all the work they did. Tomorrow was a day of contests, from duels and jousting to hoofball and swimming. The next day was a day of art and performances, ranging from new gallery openings to live concerts. The fifth day would consist of new inventions, both scientific and magical. Day six was a huge festival, with ponies coming from all over Equestria to experience the party. The seventh and final day was spent in praise to the Princess herself, an all day feast and expression of fellowship. The night would be even rowdier. Foals conceived or born on this day were often considered blessed by Celestia herself. Whether or not there was any truth to the rumors mattered little, as most ponies just used it as an excuse.

As the unicorn duo walked through the streets, they took in the decorations. The sun shone everywhere, with ponies hauling representations onto their roofs, displaying it in their windows, and hanging it from their doors. The vendors who made these sun symbols did very good business this time of year. More uncommon, but gaining in popularity, were effigies of the crescent moon, in honor of Princess Luna. Foals ran underhoof, and the air was lively and full of purpose. Twilight and Morning Star picked their way through the streets, coming in sight of the cleared off avenue which led from the Guard barracks to the palace. The soldiers would pause briefly in the city forum and listen to a short address from Celestia and the commanders before continuing to the palace. The parade would feature regiments from the Royal Guard, Equestrian Regular Army, the Grand Airship Fleet, and the Equestrian Air Corps, as well as Lunar Guard in their first showing. They were seated in the same box as the Princess, although the places of honor would be occupied by her commanders. Twilight and Morning Star were seated together, in one corner of the box. The soldiers would actually be passing them first, and then reaching Celestia. The grandstands below were full of ponies, many of whom had relatives in the parade, and others who simply enjoyed a good show. The sun was almost at its zenith, and Twilight could hear the rumble of drums in the distance. A trumpet blew faintly, and she imagined she could hear the sounds of lockstepped hooves striking the ground in perfect unison.

Twilight craned her neck, looking for the first ranks of ponies. The drums grew louder, and she could definitely hear the dull thud of the approaching army's steps. The crowd gave a roar as the first rank entered the forum. A color guard led the way, six ponies, one for each branch marching in the parade, and one carrying the Equestrian banner. Behind them, the first ranks of the Royal Guard were passing into the arena. Twilight could see her brother leading them, each step precise and measured. The ranks of ponies behind him marched in perfect formation, locked in step, eyes forward and faces like stone. As they moved past the stand, each rank of ponies turned to face Celestia, who watched regally from above. As they passed the review stand, their eyes turned forward once more. They followed the color guard on their path around the forum, looping back around towards where they would come to rest.

The Equestrian Regulars came next, the sun glinting off of their steel ceremonial armor. As they passed, Twilight could hear a steady chant coming from the ranks. She caught it as they suddenly roared out in unison. The pony leading them, a coal black Earth pony called "Hooves to the front, hooves to the rear!" "That's the way we do it here!" The wall of sound was almost tactile. As they passed the stand, the pony leading them turned his eyes towards Celestia. Each rank did the same.

Next came the Royal Airship Fleet. Their armor was leather, formed tight and well insulated against the low temperatures they worked in. Their ranks consisted mostly of Pegasi and unicorns. Their commander, a grizzled female Pegasus, led them in a marching song as they went by, paying homage to Celestia. If possible, they were louder than the Regulars.

The Air Corps was next in procedure. They marched in perfect rows, full of swagger and pride. Each one a Pegasus, they eschewed armor for increased speed and mobility. They wore blue dress shirts and black ties, flight caps perched upon their heads. Each had their rank sewn onto the shoulders and sleeves. As they approached, they flared their wings in unison, letting loose an audible *crack* that echoed throughout the parade grounds.

Last was the Lunar Guard, Princess Luna's answer to the Royal Guard. They marched aggressively, each step they took seemed to claim the ground in front of them. Not a one of them smiled, their expressions fierce. Their commander, a hulking unicorn with one eye, bared his pointed fangs as they passed the now still ranks of the Royal Guard. Twilight's brother watched him impassively. As they passed the stand, however, the unicorn turned early. Right at the edge of the booth, his head snapped around, his one eye focusing with laser intensity on Twilight Sparkle. The crowd murmured a bit at this gaffe, but the Lunar Guard paid them no mind, marching forward with a singular determination. Twilight was suddenly very sure that what she had witnessed was no accident. A message was being sent, but she had no idea what it meant. The Lunar Guard followed their compatriots into formation, halting at the edge of the parade grounds.


Celestia stepped forward. Her voice rang with absolute authority. "Equestrians!" There was a roar from the crowd. The soldiers remained silent. "We are witness to the finest our country has to offer. Look well, for these are the ponies that defend your rest and provide aid when called upon. Each of these fine ponies is a volunteer, choosing to serve their nation out of the goodness of their hearts. They are among the very best of us. As I look out at the assembly before me, I know that I can trust each and every one of them to do their utmost to protect their loved ones and their country, even at the cost of their lives. All too often, they can go months or years without seeing their families, foals, spouses, or friends. They travel far and wide, ensuring that within these borders, order remains and peace is at hand. So, Equestrians, if you should see one of these fine young ponies today, stop and thank them. They give all so you do not have to." She flared her wings. "Equestria Prevails!"

"Equestria Prevails!" the ranks echoed, and Celestia settled back into her seat. Another commander stepped forward, touting some service or another. Inter service rivalry was very common, so Twilight eventually tuned out all of the posturing and bragging, choosing instead to focus on the ponies in front of her. She looked to her brother's Guard, noticing how his dress armor was clean and well shined, almost glowing gold in the sunlight. Each eye in their ranks was straight, each face a rigid mask of self-discipline. They were, quite simply, the premier fighting force of Equestria. They were the very best. Each member of the Guard was expressly invited. Twilight's own brother had been hoof picked out of the Regulars for his officer position, and he had worked hard to get it. The Guard had a long and well-storied history, stretching back further than the actual nation of Equestria. It was an honor few received, and the prestige stayed with you long after you had left the ranks. Twilight was immensely proud of her brother, as she should be. He was the best of the best, after all...

Her scalp tingled, and she slowly turned her head to look at her brother's counterpart. The Lunar Captain had turned his head slightly, and his gaze was fixed firmly on her. His one golden eye drilled into her, and she got the feeling that he was not the only one. Sure enough, hardly a member of the Lunar Guard was listening to a thing the commanders were saying. All eyes were on Twilight. Slowly, imperceptibly, the Lunar Captain bent a knee in her direction. Celestia, who was talking with some dignitary, did not notice. Neither did anypony else, for that matter. Morning Star was dozing in his seat as a result of the speech, and there was no commander present for the Lunar Guard. So, Twilight decided to acknowledge him. With the same stealth and care, she inclined her head a fraction of an inch in the barest of nods.

An expression of satisfaction crossed the Captain's face. He turned forward, as did his command. The speeches ended, and each service began their march from the forum. Shining Armor brought his Guard to attention. "Royal Guards! For-ward...march!" The Guard replied with "For Equestria!" and began their march forward.

The Regulars came to attention. The same command was given, to which they responded "At Them!" and proceeded out behind the Guard. The Airship Fleet's exit was prefaced with "We Guard the Skies!". The Air Corps replied with "Hit 'Em High!", flaring their wings out with another crack and exiting the stadium.

The Lunar Guard had no visible prompt, but roared as a unit, in a voice deeper than Tartarus, "In Nocte Imperium!", and marched forward in perfect step, their armor seeming to defy the light itself as they proceeded out of the arena. Twilight was troubled. The Lunar Guard was showing interest in her, and that was never a good thing. She had heard...stories...about how they got their "volunteers". She just hoped none of them were true. As they left the stand and spent the rest of their day together, Twilight was surrounded by armed ponies from all the branches, resplendent in their uniforms. At times, even though the Lunar Guard had supposedly returned to their barracks, Twilight could have sworn that she could see ponies in dark armor, moving through crowds, or reflected in store windows. Upon closer inspection, however, they would always disappear. There was never a time where she could say that there was no way she was not being followed that day, and Twilight did not sleep easily that night.

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