• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 19th, 2021


Just a shadow.

Comments ( 197 )

"NRRRGH! Yu us3d religion? You used teh almoity lord in a storehy? Heretic!"


Sweet Jesus in a pogo stick...

I'm a cold hearted Athiest, and I enjoyed this story a lot. Very well written.

A :moustache: for you

Me like

That was pretty amazing. Possibly the nicest story I've ever read. Of course now you've used up all of the nice on FIMfiction and for the rest of the week we get nothing but gore and clop and ponified versions of violent videogames.

But still, nice! :twilightsmile:

Hah, very down to earth story, I liked where it went. Humerous and insightful for Fluttershy (And I suppose anyone else in her position). Job well done mate! :twilightsmile:

>Which was cozily positioned right between a universe full of giant space turtles and a universe where everything was made up of black holes.
I love you. Unless this isn't the allusion I think it is, then you're still pretty awesome.

As a (late) Author's Note, I have to say that this is not, in fact, a trollfic, and I am, in fact, a Christian, and I made sure to have this pass through a few of my other Christian friends. So, in the name of love and tolerance, let there be no "lol jesus ogm religoun sure is silly rite?" comments, because they will be deleted. Enjoy the story.

Edit: Also it was really just a test to see how well I could nail down a good Comedic Narrative. How did I do?

... Everything went better than expected.

No, seriously. The funny little absurd streak running through the whole thing meant that it never got dull, and I honestly chuckled aloud several times. I particularly enjoyed your personification of pretty much everything. Well done for taking such an utterly silly concept and turning into an enjoyable, if uneventful, one-shot.

This. Is. Amazing! I love it! Here have an upvote and a fav!

And have some mustaches too!

And then Fluttershy smiled, and Jesus had a heart attack. Shortly afterwards he came back from the dead and had another.

Great story!


...I found something objectionable?

Interesting read anyways. :twilightsmile:

This was entertaining. Very good read.

In before religion-related raging rants.
Wait, did I come up with alliteration on the spot?
That's a once in a lifetime thing...

Anyways, I don't really care much for/about religion (I'm atheist), but I found this rather amusing.

This was good! I love it! I liked all the random analogies in teh narrative you used, and I believe you caught the personalities of both Fluttershy and Jesus very well indeed!:twilightsmile:

I'm agnostic and I found this enjoyable.:twilightsmile: Not many can pull that off, good job!:pinkiehappy:

This was random, but also peaceful and adorable. Well done :twilightsmile:

Cute story, man. There's a certain charm to the idea of Jesus chilling with Fluttershy, believe it or not.

Also, I found it odd that this story appeared just the day after I read Bill O'Reilly's "Jesus Comes to Ponyville", which is kinda the opposite of this fic:rainbowlaugh:

907738 yAy 4 uBerhAxn0va !!

Bravo, just bravo.
Now I have a question, where's the book club?

I'm an atheist, but this fic really made me happy. It just felt... peaceful. No matter who he was, his wise words will always resonate through time.

You remind me A LOT of Douglas Adams! I can't help but think your inspiration comes from the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxi

That was probably the best single Jesus I ever read. From one jesus fan to another you, sir, are a genius.

And so humble...

You get a gold star favorite, sir.

I would say that it sounds like something straight out of a Terry Pratchett novel.

Very well written, i'm atheist, but it's impossible to dislike this. :twilightsmile:
The nice, quiet, tea time Jesus and Fluttershy had. What i like about it? It's quiet, something pretty hard to find not only in FanFic, but even in books.
By the way, this is the most original FanFic i've ever read, i could never even possibly think something like this! :twilightsheepish:

Now that is an awesome picture. :yay:

Jesus, ever the teacher. This is an amazing story, and I love how both Fluttershy and Jesus interacted. I wonder what's this book club he had to take off to.

Ohh I haven't read something this light-hearted and nice in a while. A welcome break between action sequences and improbable drama regarding the parentage of so and so. Thank ye kindly for making this :twilightsmile:

I'm an atheist, and have only this to say: media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6ye003Z2b1qi1aod.gif

I'm an atheist, but I've always liked Jesus (that sentence was retarded, but I can't think of a less weird way to put it...) and this story was weirdly peaceful.

And it sucks how he disappears inexplicably when someone else tries to meet him.

I just knew Jesus would pull a "only a certain person/Pony may see me, if anybody/pony else pops out, i'm outta here."

As a christian pegasister I very much enjoyed this read. It has given me the start of an idea for my own fic.

Saw the title and the inevitable happened. Reading immediately.

I'm offensive and I find this Christian.

As an atheist, I had low expectations going into this. However, this is more on the "meditative" side of religion, and not the "believe what I say or burn!" that I expected, so you earned my thumbs up.

I must say I was surprised by the title and at first wanted no part of it. But then I could resist, I just had to read it. And you know what? It was nice, I liked reading it. Didn't come off as pushy or anything. I've got no possible complaint on this one. Content is good and so is the writing style.

I am curious though, were you trying to imitate Douglas Adams by chance? I was getting some definite vibes out of it.

I liked this a lot. While I haven't read much of the Bible as I probably should, I feel you got His character down very well.

Funny you should say that. I noticed that too, especially in the "Ponies are the second most intelligent creatures in Equestria", which is very much the same as a speech from HHG2TG explaining how Dolphins and Mice are smarter than Mankind.



907743 Love that game.

Welp, it must be time to start on my own pony/Christian crossover. Good work. And I agree with everyone else's comment on the Douglas Adams feel.

You made Jesus nice i Im okay. And that is a strange idea, but I like it!:derpytongue2:

Wasn't sure where this was going to go, still have no idea! :rainbowwild:

Masterfully surreal, and it was nice to see a non-Bible contained story where religion and/or Jesus weren't actually insulted (yup, I'm a Christian too).


Sounded like one of the Hitchikers Guide books. :twilightsmile:

Well... Jesus is Brony is now Canon. :pinkiehappy:

I'm agnostic, so I'm not sure weather or not I like it.

or maybe I'm not, I'm not sure :rainbowlaugh:

No, but this was a great story. I read it back when it first showed up on here, but never got around to posting the comment. This was one of the few nice stories that isn't full of romance (thank god... coudl you imagine?)

Suprisingly, I wrote a chapter of one of my chapters with Fluttershy meeting Jesus during his crifixion.

Don't worry, everything ended up fine. Except for the incident with the plasma cannon, that silly Judas.

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