Anon is having some weird dreams. But what is their purpose?
When you have writers block...
Never expect consistency with my uploads (even if I say otherwise.) I'm always open to conversation and PMs. Profile picture by _Vidz_
Anon is having some weird dreams. But what is their purpose?
When you have writers block...
Their purpose, not there.
You changed purpose to propose...
Funny, but I'm not entirely sure I get it. What was the point of this story?
Also your spelling and grammar could use some work.
Sorry. Fixed, for reals this time.
The point was that Anon wanted to go to the moon. But if you mean why I wrote this, then there's no point. I had writers block and had to do something to help me overcome it.
As for spelling errors, I'll read through it and change things later.
8201473 Ahhh! Guess I missed that part.
I wish you the best in your quest to conquer The Block of Writers. I suggest epic music.
This was absolutely B E A U T I F U L.
I've reviewed this here.