• Member Since 25th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen September 5th


I started writing went I started college, I continued writing then.



Here a primer:
Nine years ago the three main princesses disappeared from Equestria those Princesses were
Celestia, Luna and Cadance. This forced Celestia's foals to take over ruling of Equestria. Princess Flurry Heart had been born but grew up without her mother Cadance

Princess' group pic done by the royalprincess on Deviantart

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 11 )

Did you make the picture?

8135951 No it was made by a friend of mine.

Do you know where I can find him?

It a her and not a him
you can find her on Devianart under the name of MHSpectra25, the down side is she from the UK and time different.
plus I have not heard from her for a while....but she does take request for points on Devianart.
maybe you will be lucky and be able to find her online.

There is absolutely no reason Shining Armor can't be the steward of the Crystal Empire. Also, a daughter of Princess Celestia having come seemingly from nowhere, you need to explain where these characters came from, would have no authority to depose Shining Armor who was appointed with Princess Cadance by Princess Celestia. It's a rocky start, there is a lot going on without a lot of explanation.

Canon to both the show and comics place Twilight as next in line. And without the support of a majority of nobles, or at the very least the guard force and some nobles to back them up, no other pony could take the throne in the absence of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

I am not going to dispute any of your arguments, KittyrinnAiko. I know their a lot of people with strong personal view of these characters.
especially for princess Twilight sparkle. Canon and comics has there timeline. I don't use canon or comics timeline. I try not to. If I do then more people would argue they point of view with me. So to nip this in bud I use alternate timeline of my making.

To answer your comment about having support from the noble class. Not all nobles have support for the royal foals. But those that have give support to royal foals are the one that favor both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. This allow for some political intrigue to happen within Equestria and within my alternate timeline with disappearance of the three princesses. So what I would say to you KittyrinnAiko toss out everything from Canon and comics don't come in think that i would follow those two materials. Come into my written material as different view of comics and canon. As for Twilight being next in line, yes I get that. But as I explained earlier that is canon and comics end result. This my canon.

Thank you KittyrinnAiko for the comment.

All these things need to be explained in more detail right from the start so people aren't left scratching their heads wondering what's going on. And what I said about Shining Armor will still hold true even out of canon short of he was nothing more than a glorified bodyguard. This part really needs more explanation. You also need to remember that people have a tendency to scan. All your downvotes are likely people scanning and then thinking this doesn't make any sense.

Comment posted by keithsterling deleted Jun 8th, 2020

If that reason for (scanning). why Even bother with posting anything.
If they scan the story:fluttershysad:
It loses the affectedness of the story.

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