The new couple found themselves on their usual table, enjoying their last dinner of the trip. Their conversations were mainly reminiscent of their experiences and feelings as a new love. "Man... I'm feeling some muscle on my forelegs from after all that rowing. I'm going to be able to totally beat AJ in our next race!'" Rainbow took a gulp into her root beer float.
"I still have you beat in any swimming race!" Water snorted out of Fluttershy’s nose.
"You just wait! Give me some practice time and I'll catch up to you! Diving... not so much."
"You can get it... eventually! But I'm not sure I want you to practice! It's hilarious to watch you belly-flop!" Fluttershy giggled
"Laugh it up filly. So the world's greatest athlete isn't awesome at everything..." Rainbow took another swig of her root-beer float.
"I know something else you are good at..."
"Fluttershy?" Rainbow spit out her drink in shock.
"I'm just kidding with you Dashie! It's nice to be able to actually be playful with somepony for once in awhile." Fluttershy's expression was cheerful.
"You okay? I've never heard you say anything suggestive..."
"I was just kidding,” Fluttershy replied. The chance to experiment outside of her comfort zone lit her expressions.
"Let me flirt like that. It kinda creeps me out!"
"Okay Rainbow... but I meant what I said..." A mischievous smile arose on her innocent face.
"Don't play with me like that! Let's change the subject!"
"I guess so...”
Several minutes passed as the mares exchanged their favorite memories of the weekend. Fluttershy recalled Rainbow's understanding of her issues, and made sure to offer multiple thanks. Just as before, the pair was alone in the outside dining section of the restaurant, offering unique levels of comfort and a slight feeling of pride. It was early evening; Celestia's sun had not made way for Luna's moon. "So... ready for Ponyville? I mean... life..." Dash's confidence retracted at the thought. She had managed to convince herself that it was time to leave; however, she hadn't found the strength to want to leave.
"I don't know... but we've been through alot together. Remember when we were fillies? In Flight School?" Fluttershy sipped her iced tea.
"I'm sorry I left..."
"Dash, you didn't know," Fluttershy reasoned.
"I should have stayed. With you."
"Dash... Why did you leave?" The couple's eyes met.
"It's a long story..."
"What isn't these days?
"I went onto bigger and better things."
"Please don't lie to me Dash. I love you forever... nothing can change it. Our love can handle the truth."
Dash's anxiety manifested itself as a scorching pressure. She felt like she was being cooked alive. "I can't... just stop... no..."
"Rainbow Dash?"
"Please Fluttershy... stop. This isn't a road we want to go down."
"No," Fluttershy spoke with an invincible will. Before she could speak again, her marefriend was already out of sight. "Rainbow? Please! Come back!" The heartbroken mare scurried along the restaurant in search of her love. A rapid search of the restaurant showed no signs of the cyan mare.Timidly, Fluttershy tried to piece together bits from her saddlebag to place upon the table.
The restaurant's waitress slapped the bits off the table. "Are you kidding me? Go for her hun! Don't care about the bits!"
"No... I can't not pay!" Fluttershy's tears were beyond concealment.
A old hoof met Fluttershy's shoulder. "Go. Please. Love is more important than any amount of bits. Fight for her!"
"Thank you! I have to go now!"
"Stop talking! Go!"
Fluttershy quickly took to flight and soared outside, trying to find any evidence of her love's presence. "Dash? Please! I'm sorry I brought it up! I just want to help you! Come on! Don't do this to me! Please!" Several tears were launched into her wings as she propelled forward. "
Fluttershy followed the trail back home, battling both her weak wings and her sanity. Alone... forever... I will never feel special again. Her wings pulsed an exhausted pain. "Rainbow? Where are you?" Her words became unintelligible as her emotions clouded her speech. "I'm sorry! Do you hear me? I'm sorry! I never meant for any of this! I can't lose you Rainbow! You are part of me now! Everything I think of... my dreams... you are my everything! You are reason to live! Please!"
Fluttershy nearly crashed into the grounds of the cabin; both her wings and judgement were near death. "Rainbow? Are you in the cabin?" The mare's hooves attempted to twist the door open. As she crashed inside, two small pairs of concerned eyes met hers. "Rainbow Dash! Do you know where she is?"
Both pet's were beyond words. Instead, they quickly rushed over to their mother figure and attempted to comfort her. Tank pressed his shell against her torso while Angel hopped on her neck, wrapping his arms around her.
"I just... Rainbow Dash. I asked her why she left Flight School and she never replied. She tried to change the subject. And then I pushed her... and she flew away! Why did I do that? I'm so stupid!"
Both pets nudged her to signal her attention.
"Yes boys?"
Angel pointed to her heart while Tank nodded his head.
"I did it... for love?"
Angel joined Tank's nods.
"I love you guys so much. Come here," Fluttershy embraced the pair in a giant hug, sobbing into their comfort. "I need to find her. Right now!"
The pets displayed clear signs of approval.
"I know where she is! I love you guys!" The mare rushed out the door with a hint of confidence and tenacity. Silence soon followed after she left; bot pets unable to emote properly. Two wishes were silently cast. Each wish was for a very certain pair of ponies.
A distraught mess of cyan fur was found alongside a particular carved tree. Fluttershy closed towards Dash; noticing no fleeing attempts by Rainbow. As Fluttershy landed, the sounds of a vulnerable Rainbow chilled her heart. Instead of words, Fluttershy offered her forelegs to her; squeezing the mare's tightly.
Several minutes expired before Fluttershy had the courage to finally speak up. "Rainbow Dash. I'm here for you. And I'm never leaving." Just as Fluttershy expected, all Rainbow offered as a reply was more sobs. "It's okay. Crying is okay Rainbow. But I'm not leaving. And we are going to help you. Together."
Rainbow's head began to lift off the ground, hoping to find eye contact with Fluttershy. Her magenta eye's were inflamed; contrasting Fluttershy's, who were soft and teary.
"I've... I've done it. Ruined everything. Everything is now worse than it needed to be!" Rainbow buried her head into Fluttershy.
"Rainbow... you know better than that. Tell me, what happened?"
"I didn't leave Flight School. I was kicked out. Do you think I'd ever leave you? You were my best friend. I would never... ever... abandon you."
"Rainbow! Don't worry! Please, don't worry our such small things!"
"I know..."
"Why did you get kicked out?"
"Please, promise me you will listen?"
"I will always listen, just as you have done."
"Fluttershy, I have always loved you. Ever since I first saw you. I didn't fully understand it until a few days ago... but after we both found our love... it became so clear. But even as a filly, I loved you. And the bullies caught on. I was called many things... but fillyfooler was the worst. I could handle it... but I knew you couldn't. I couldn't let them get near you."
"Rainbow I'm sorry. But you're strong. This shouldn't make you cry. There's more to it, I just know it." Fluttershy’s words were like a mother’s: Strong and understanding.
"I couldn't take it anymore. It was a crime to love mares. I was like a puzzle piece that didn't fit and they tortured me for it. But as long as they had me; they wouldn't touch you. It wasn't bullying for fun or laughs. That I could handle. It was hate. Pure hate. They couldn't accept me for who I was."
"But you have me now... Why does this hurt you? It shouldn't Dash! We haven't faced anything like that in our adult lives!"
"I took action... one of the lead bullies. I resorted to violence..."
"Dashie?" Fluttershys nerves froze.
"I beat him up, okay! I didn't like it, but I felt like I had to do it! I hurt him bad ‘Shy... I was caught. I got kicked out immediately... and when I finally apply to the Wonderbolts, the incident will appear on my records... but it isn't the worse part. I lost you. I left my love..." Dash snuggled closer. "And I screwed up your life! I didn't help either of us! I was a failure! Okay? Good enough for you?"
"No marefriend of mine is a failure... I'm not mad at you Dash. You made a mistake. You are taking this way too seriously! I still love you Dash! And it's not a big deal!"
"I don't ever want to disappoint you like that again! Knowing what you told me... I have hated myself for it! I couldn't imagine what I had done!"
"Dash... calm down. Listen, when you hurt; it hurts me even more. Why didn't you tell me that you always loved me Dash? When we were fillies?" Fluttershy removed Rainbow's head from her chest and gazed into her eyes.
"I wasn't sure when I was young... and I always tried to deny it. But seeing you this weekend; away from all outside pressure opened my eyes... I'm sorry Fluttershy. I feel like if I had never tried to take things into my own hooves, your teenage years wouldn't been miserable. You would have had a friend... maybe a love. Not depression..."
"Dash... you did it out of love. What happened in the past cannot change! You stood up for me; you're the only pony who ever had. This is all past us now. We need to focus on living the present and hoping for the future."
"Hope for a bunch of little cheering foals? And two happy moms?" Rainbow managed to smile.
"And living this moment right now," Fluttershy kissed her tenderly, holding onto the kiss for several seconds. "I love you Rainbow Dash."
"And I love you Fluttershy."
We need to focus on We need to focus on living the present and hoping for the future
We need to focus on living the present and hoping for the future." - DING DING DING DING! link to stories name much
I like sapy links like this a lot. Well done. I look fowrad to more Flutterdash in the future from you.
This was a nice twist right near the end and came as a shock.
More please I can't wait.
This was planned from the beginning. Otherwise, I don't think the title makes much sense. Still, it's pretty lame
Glad you enjoyed the little twist. I wasn't sure of it as I wrote it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Poor Rainbow Dash... You really could feel the sad pain she was feeling all along, especially her guilt. It's wonderful how Fluttershy was so sweet and understanding, not straying even once. It just shows how their love really is strong and something to hold them together.
Don't worry, Rainbow, you don't have to worry about it anymore. It's all in the past. Fluttershy is here with you now, you love her, and she loves you! Keep her close to your heart.
I loved it! I'm looking forward to how it all comes together, and of course to more awesome cuteness from you!
this chapter reminded me of this quote:
"Looking, back at the moments, I wouldn’t change a thing; the laughs, the smiles, the trials and the tears. It’s hard to hate what got me here."
That makes sense. wouldn't speak like that. You are right. I will change it and make sure to notice it in the future.
Thanks! Keep being awesome!
Great story so far. I can't wait to see what the others think when they get home (that is if they tell them ). Keep up the good work!
Thank god it is incomplete. I don't know what I would do if you left me with the adventures of tank and angel to supply my daily feels.
Oh, and Rainbow Dash wants kids.
Please let this end in a very happy way, I could not take these two not being together.
Still, amazing story you have created and could you possible think of chapter names again? It just makes it better with names to each chapter then just eighteen and nineteen. Nonetheless, amazing story and I love it.
Added extra quotation marks(unless you wanted her to say "Several tears were launched into her wings as she propelled forward.") ~Wolf
Long Vive, Lupus Imperii!