• Published 9th Jul 2012
  • 4,163 Views, 248 Comments

Living in the Present, Hoping for the Future. - FlutterDash979797

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash seek each other for help and discover something more within themselves.

  • ...

Chill Out

"They've been gone for a long time man. I wonder what they are doing?" Tank rested on a recliner.

"We're about out of movies! I mean, when you watch what, like 12 movies in one weekend, you know you've been abandoned!" The bunny tried to add dramatic emphasis to his words.

"First of all, you wanted them together in the first place. Did you forget that this whole thing was your idea? And it worked? You get a big salad when we get home? Second of all, we're big boys; we can take care of ourselves. Last of all, you know all those movies we watched together? That you loved? You would have never watched them without them leaving us."

Okay... I'll agree with you on the movie part, but nothing else!"

"Why not?"

"Because!" Angel's limb were thrown in the air.

"Man... it's just not worth arguing with you."

Angel opened the entertainment system. "This one looks good. Terminator 2: Judgment Day. What do you say Tank? You game man?"

"Put it in. I hope it's as good as the other movies. We'll see. I'm sure Rainbow and Fluttershy will be home soon. We'll have lunch and a movie. Sound good?"

"Despite being completely uncool... you're an okay tortoise to watch movies with."

"Thanks Angel. That's a big step for you."

"Gaming... on the other hand... that's a different story."

"Hey Fluttershy? You've been quiet most of the way home. Everything alright?" Rainbow rowed the canoe towards the cabin.

"Yes... I’m... I’m fine...” Fluttershy whispered, taking in a few breaths of air.

"You seem confused."

"What we just did back there... it was amazing... I discovered something Rainbow."

"I think I can guess..." Rainbow smirked.

"No... not like that. You know how we have been saying together and forever all weekend? I believe them before, but I didn't comprehend their full extent. I finally understand those words. I can't imagine my life without you. What we shared; it was unlike anything I had ever felt before. We've only been together for a few days and yet it feels like a lifetime," A tear rolled down her eye. "I need you Rainbow Dash. My life is incomplete without you. You are my everything."

Dash paused for a brief second, unsure on the proper way to reply, "and I can't live without you either. We're a team. We can do anything. Love ya’ ‘Shy!"

"I love you too." Fluttershy replied.

"And don't worry; there's plenty more of that along the way!" Her marefriend's comment turned Fluttershy as red as a rose.

"Hey boys! We're back! Lunch time!" Rainbow opened the door.

"No! We can't stop this now! This movie is too awesome!" Angel roared.

"I'm with you! We can't stop now!" Tank’s entirety was focused on the media before him.

"What do you guys want for lunch? Fluttershy and I were thinking about some celery with ranch and a little chips and salsa," Rainbow received no reply. "Look boys... I know it's a weird combo, but it sounds really good right now! Boys? Hello?"

Angel halted his retort, instead preferring to use the film's dialogue to voice his opinion.

"Well, we can bring it to you guys... if you want. We thought you would be happy to see us..." Fluttershy began to prepare the meal, feeling a bit of uncertainty in the situation.

"Dude? We can watch the movie and have lunch in our chairs? Right on!"

"Brohoof!" The pair rotated their recliners to face each other and pounded their fists. "We don't need them! We just need lots of food, movies, and games!"

"Are you saying that I was right? That we can take care of ourselves and they can go do couple stuff?"

"No... Hay no man! I'm saying that... ugh.. just let me think for a second..."

Dash brought a few plates of snacks to tank and Angel and placed them next to their recliners. "Hey boys... mind if we go out for a little?"

Angel flailed his arm in the air to suggest what ever.

"Well... Let's finish our lunch Dashie. Then we can go out for a little and go out to dinner after. I'm positive that the boys don't need us."

"Okay. I'm not going to argue with you on that. Guess movies are more exciting than we are, huh boys?" The pet's silence confirmed Dash's assertion.

"The salsa's really good! You brought it with, right?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes. Angel and I made it at home. We grew different kinds of peppers in our garden and threw them in the salsa. It's really got a kick to it."

"I know what else has a little kick in it."

Fluttershy gasped. "Rainbow... not in front of the boys! Please no! I don't want Angel to hear this!"

"Fluttershy, he's in the zone. He's not paying attention to the outside world. Watch." Dash walked next to Angel. "Hey bunny! I'm kicking you out!" The room was silent. "See Fluttershy? He doesn't care."

"Well... I'm still his mom. I don't want him to hear anything inappropriate."

"Don't worry. He won't. That's for certain. And I guess we have a baby-sitter."

"I'm not sure I understand."

"All those two squirts need is a good movie... or ten."

Fluttershy attempted to bring a positive light to the situation."I'm glad they found a common interest."

"We'll need lots of alone time."

Fluttershy couldn't hide her blush. "Rainbow, please. If he did hear it..."

Dash knocked her shoulder. "He didn't! Don't worry pal!"

"Well... okay. How does a walk along the lake shore sound?"

"Yeah. That sounds nice. Boys... we're off! Try not to forget about us!"

As typical of northern lakes, the water was clear and cold to the hoof. Little aquatic vegetation grew, instead massive rock formations formed reefs in the depths. Pebbles of varying sizes and color lined the shore. Rainbow and Fluttershy's hooves brushed against them as they trotted alongside the shore. "Dashie, look!" Fluttershy whispered.

A very familiar trio of birds surfaced a dozen feet away from the couple. All three loons sang a soothing song at the sight of Fluttershy. The baby swam alongside his mother; confident in his ability to swim, yet still clinging to the protection of his mother.

"Well it seems they sure remember you!" Dash smiled.

"Ever think about being a mom, Dash? I mean, I know you take care of Tank, but something different. You know what I mean?"

"No... I really haven't. I won't lie though; it's a nice thought.” Dash retracted her figure. “But I don't think I'm cut out for this whole parenting thing...”

Fluttershy gave Rainbow a gentle squeeze. "Why not Dash? Look at Tank! You love him like a child. Sometimes you are tough, but you stick through and never leave his side."

"I think you'd be the better mom Fluttershy. I'm pretty sure whatever foal finds his way into your hooves will grow into a loving and generous adult."

"What about Rainbow Dash? Wonderbolt and proud mother! Your kids would think you were the most awesome mom ever! You could teach them to fly, play catch with them in the backyard! They could cheer you on! During each performance, you could look over and see bright little eyes in the crowd! They would love you Dash, just like I do!"


"Well, of course, they would have to make room for their other mommy."

"I'm looking forward to the future, Dash. With you."

"Hey, remember when I said I liked opening up to you? Well, now you've got me embarrassed."

"I understand Dashie. Just a couple days and we are talking about children?" Fluttershy giggled. "That's all a really long time from now. But I meant what I said. Don't ever forget it."

"Sometimes dreaming about the future isn't bad. And remember, we’ve known eachother since we were fillies! But stop making me feel all warm inside! I think I'm going to explode!"

"I'll go easy on you during our last night dinner," Fluttershy snarked.

"Last night... Celestia... It only seems like a day since we've been here, huh?"

"I can't believe it either..."

"I'm still not sure how this all happened, but I want you to know that I wouldn't change it for the world," Rainbow wrapped her hoof around Fluttershy.

"Best weekend of our lives. I'm sure many will follow."

"We'll have to come back up here again. Make it an annual trip."

"As long as I'm with you, anywhere is wonderful."