"I can't believe tomorrow is our last day here." Rainbow was snuggled next to Fluttershy, wrapped inside a sea of blankets. Tank was retracted into his portable home, resting on the rear end of the bed. Angel was perched upon his throne.
"It's been an incredible trip." Fluttershy nuzzled her softly.
"Well, I guess we're kind of a family now, aren't we?" Rainbow smiled at the sight of her partner and pets.
"They really seem to like having two mommies. Well, Tank does. I'm not so sure about Angel. He's so picky." She rubbed her hoof against his tiny head.
"I'm sure he'll like me soon. I'm pretty likable,” Dash giggled softly.
"I'm not going to argue you with that." Fluttershy kissed her delicately.
"Think Pinkie will throw us a massive party when we get back?"
"Yes... she throws parties for just about anything. I remember one time she threw a party because she had been to a party that day."
"Rarity will probably love the gossip." Rainbow tightened next to her friend.
"But I know she will be happy for us. She always wants me to be more assertive and confident; we talk about it all the time during our spa trips. With you around, I think I can start to grow out of it."
"Applejack will be really happy for us, I know that. Knowing her though, she won't make a big deal out of it, which is really nice."
"I'm sure Twilight will feel the same way."
"I want you to know Fluttershy, that wherever life takes us, I'm with you. This weekend... I never wanted it to end... I still don't!"
"Life can't be too hard back home with you around. Just saying."
Both mares softly lifted themselves off the bed, sneaking with the precision of a butterfly. Fluttershy smiled at the sight of her family; random kicks and loud snores were common of the bunny's sleeping patterns, a sharp contrast to Tank's motionless slumber. "Well, want to get some blueberries? The boys would love some pancakes," Rainbow suggested.
"I'm sure you want some too Rainbow," Fluttershy giggled.
"What can I say? You're an awesome cook! Plus, picking ‘em is always fun. Especially with my marefriend."
"When you put it that way Dashie, how can I say no?" She offered her hoof to Dash, who squeezed it tightly.
"Lead the way!"
Celestia's sun was young during the pegasi's walk; the contrast between the opposing cycles created a wondrous sky. Bursts of gust ruffled the various leaves in the trees, granting Nature a pacifying voice. Songs of happiness and hope were sung by various songbirds as they awakened in their nests. Several greeted Fluttershy as they passed by. The yellow pegasus would offer several musical notes as a reply. "It's really a beautiful morning. Actually, it's always beautiful up here," Rainbow continued to hold Fluttershy's hoof.
"It's really my kind of place. Lot's of nature, really quiet, and its always peaceful up here."
"Yeah, sounds just like you."
"I always wondered why you like animals so much... and quiet, peaceful things. I used to think life was all about speed; all about risks, dangers, and winning. That adrenaline rush when I win a race. But peace? Being relaxed and really happy at the same time? Not worrying, just loving... it's a feeling so much greater. It's something that stays with you. I understand why you feel this way about animals and life... it's amazing."
"Well, I hope you still like a little excitement..." Fluttershy threw her lips against Rainbow and kissed her several times. "’Cause I've learned to love that too."
Rainbow's heart jerked with pleasure. "With kisses like that... hay yeah! Keep ‘em coming filly! And that's a side of you I never thought I would see!"
"Well, I guess we're both contagious and we caught a bit of each other." Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around Rainbow as the two engaged in a mild giggle.
"Maybe that's why we make such a good couple."
"Yeah... but I can think of other reasons," Rainbow went in for a kiss, which Fluttershy returned passionately.
"Rainbow... as much... as I'm... loving this... we need to... get those berries... for the boys!" Rainbow finally withdrew her lips.
"Yeah. Those squirts. Well, how about we get some berries, serve up breakfast, turn on a movie for the boys, and head out in the canoe? Go revisit some islands?"
"It's a plan Dashie!"
"Gah! Where's Fluttershy and Dash? Tank, get up now!" Angel used the springs of the bed to enhance his hop.
"Ugh... Angel man... what the shell? Look, I've never gotten mad my entire life, but I'm pretty close. Don't wake up a tortoise!" Tank's head slowly crept out of the shell.
"They're not here! Breakfast is usually ready when I wake up! Where are they? They abandoned us so they could spend time together! This is an outrage!"
"Calm down man. Not a big deal. I'm sure everything is fine. Have you even looked outside the door?"
The bunny paused for a brief second. "No."
"Then why the shell are you yelling at me? They are probably downstairs!"
"I know I'm right."
"Whatever man... just go find them! I'll be here... sleeping."
The bunny opened the door to the smell of fresh pancakes."Pancakes? About time I get what I deserve!"
"Good morning Angel bunny! Dash and I made you pancakes!" Fluttershy found her greeting ignored as Angel devoured the breakfast.
"Figures. Tank, breakfast is served!"
Angel had finished several pancakes before Tank managed to make it to the table. Fluttershy served him a plate and scratched his forehead. "Boys... Rainbow and I are going to go out in the canoe after breakfast. We probably won't be back until later. Then we are going to grab some dinner after. We'll feed you lunch when we get back for the canoe trip and we'll bring you back dinner from the restaurant. Is that okay?"
Angel didn't reply; his massive appetite clouded his judgement. Tank nodded his head; acknowledging both his approval of the couple's plan and the ability for Tank and Angel to stay by themselves.
"Thanks bud! We'll pick you up something nice at the restaurant! Make sure Angel doesn't get in trouble!" Dash reached for another pancake. The wonderful breakfast was a perfect compliment to the new family.
Hours later, the couple's canoe docked to the shore of a familiar island. Dash exited the boat and dragged it onto the shore. "Hey Flutters? Throw me that rope," Rainbow caught the rope and tied it to a tree. "We're set! Climb on out."
"Right behind you," Fluttershy found her way outside the canoe and gripped Rainbow's hoof.
"That rock looks comfy. And it's dry. You with me?"
"Of course!"
Both pegasus retracted their legs and pressed close to each other. "It's quite a view, isn't it Shy'."
Fluttershy couldn't agree more; the massive formations of rocks, trees, and the sharp blues of the water painted a wonderful picture. "Yes... It is."
"I can only think of one more beautiful thing."
"What's that Dashie?"
"You." within seconds, Fluttershy was wrapped around Rainbow's forelegs, deeply kissing her. Feelings of pleasure raced through the bodies of both pegasi. The lovers experienced several delicate moans; before, the unsure couple would find humor in their uncertainty of the situation. Their knowledge and trust of each other overwrote any uncertainty; they were ponies joined together at the highest level.
Rainbow's hooves massaged several areas of Fluttershy's body, which loosened her every muscle. Dash's actions became natural as she explored the timid mare's body. As the pleasure continued, Rainbow's eyes opened violently, prompting her to remove her contact with Fluttershy. "I can't do this. I'm sorry. No... what am I doing!" Dash turned her head away in shame.
"Rainbow..." Fluttershy pressed her hoof against Dash's lips. "It's okay."
Together, the lovers created a moment that would forever bless their dreams...
Rainbow awoke to Fluttershy in a state of soft slumber; her breaths were soft and a small smile graced her face. Rainbow delicately removed her marefriend's hooves and crept away to catch a breath of fresh air. She paced the forest before stopping at the sight of a very familiar tree.
Several scratches on the bark read- RD FS 07/15/2012. Rainbow carved a heart around her previous notes. Under the heart she wrote- Forever
I have only four words for those two... BOW CHICKA BOW WOW. Man I love this pairing have no idea how I would react if it became canon. And Angel and Tank are still as funny as ever. Keep up the great work.
Awwww! I knew a heart would be added later around their names! So cute.
O: Did they just...? Wowza! I approve.
Ooh, there's more? YAY! I'm looking forward to it, then! And the cover art is nicely done, too!
I took a leap there with their "moment together," I wasn't sure how my readers would react... But it felt so right in the story. I'm not very comfortable writing such things, but I really thought this would work out well. I obliviously didn't go into much detail; it's weird and unnecessary.
I'm fine with editing it too, to remove it completely. Just let me know your honest opinions
And this moment isn't to show that they are in love or anything; that was shown way before. It's just a sign of affection.
967978 Oh, no! Keep it! I definitely don't mind! Sometimes, yeah! That can happen and feel so right. Works for me.
Well. Great chapter! Plenty of sappy moments for such a small chapter and WOW that end... keep it up. (The good work I mean...)
The image of angel bunny kicking away in his sleep is hilarious. As with everything Flutterdash I have a very active immagination and that bunny sleeping on his mom like that is great. Those pets come across as great as ever. A small scene involving Angel bunny getting accidentally transferred in the night over to Dash while the two pegasi snuggle in their sleep comes to mind. There is funny potential there. Especially if he kicks somepony by accident.
My one little pointer here is:Fluttershy found her way outside the canoe and gripped Rainbow's hand. - um… hoof.
Anyway. Great chapter. My two faveroute ponies came accorss really well here and I have highily enjoyed the read. They are amzingly engaging to read as they deserve to be.
The BOW CHICKA BOW WOW! scene is great the way you have written it. It works very well and the heart is just D'aww. I take it they forgot about thier pets... whoops. Well, they enjoyed themselves...
Now to move onto a scene with those two small hooligans. Great times!
968015 yea. You did far more in one of your stories as I recall
Anyway. I look foward to seeing as much more as you are willing to write. You are correct in saying the cover art makes it all look 20% cooler. Win win.
968729 Why yes I did....
"My one little pointer here is:Fluttershy found her way outside the canoe and gripped Rainbow's hand. - um… hoof,"
Fixed. When I searched the page, I used hands, so I didn't find "hand," Oh well.
I should have made it more clear, but while they did forget about the pets, they weren't out for longer than 3-4 hours. During the next chapter, they will make the boys lunch and go to dinner. Expect a few jokes and signs about their "moment" and the boys failing to realize any of it.
Yeah... I really need to go back and edit all the old chapters. I'm not too serious about this story, so I don't pay much attention to the older chapters. Seeing all the grammar mistakes (Which are really obvious if you look hard enough) make me They are done subconsciously. I really should have someone else pro-read it beforehand, but I haven't found a volunteer.
Glad you are enjoying it however!
Will make corrections as soon as possible! Hope you are enjoying it nonetheless.
Thanks for your help
Can I borrow your brain for a little while when I proof-read my chapters?
I actually thought of that too. I figured they would just call the company and ask for the older stallion. I didn't know what to name him. Suggestions?
Thorn? I think you meant 'throne'
Should be 'she'
Replace the period with a comma, lowercase 'But'
Needs to be lowercase.
Remove 'And'
Capitalize 'that'
Note: There were a few error I didn't put on here.
i.imgur.com/j4Nnv.png ~Wolf
Long Vive, Lupus Imperii!
Just got back from homecoming, this was an amazing end to an amazing night. Keep it up.
Thank you gentlemen. Will fix that one error. Keep commenting on anything good or bad and I hope you enjoy!
Makes me wonder what Dash could possibly have done that would invoke such a reaction.