"Shy’ you up?" Several sun-rays pierced the curtains, suffocating Rainbow’s magenta eyes.
"It's kinda hard to dream when you're next to me. You're like my dream come true," Fluttershy whispered lovingly into her ear.
"That's really sweet and all, but you realize there is a bunny on your head, right?"
"Oh yes, I know. He always sleeps with me on top of my pillow. He's really spoiled. I told them to come up after they finished their movies."
"Well, I mean we have nothing to hide, but, could he at least pick a better spot?"
"He's done this since he was a baby. I'm not sure he can change it."
"Tank you in here?" Dash lifted her head from the pillow.
The tortoise was floating in a desert of blankets. The warmth produced by his family dwelled under the surface of the covers, ensuring his blood would flow evenly and delicately. Normally he would dwell in a sea of mulch in his terrarium, however, to him, this felt much better.
"When we get home, I hope you don't mind. I mean, I have always had Angel sleep with me...” Fluttershy said, hoping for a positive reaction.
"You want me to sleep over when we get home?" Rainbow Dash replied with a slight snigger, grinning at the beauty before her like a crazy filly.
"Well, yes. I just like to have somepony to snuggle with. It's really comfortable, you know? I mean, you don't have to, but I really like having you by my side."
The comforting magnetism pierced all corners of the bed. They were a happy family now, certainly unique, but strong nonetheless. Together, they anticipated a brilliant and loving future ahead.
"Then it's set! We will have to do something about Angel's snoring!" Rainbow laughed as threw herself out of bed. "Come on Tank. Let's go get breakfast started. Big day ahead."
"I can make breakfast Dash."
"No, you stay right there. I got it. You guys just stay right there." Rainbow Dash nuzzled her sleepy partner before trotting outward.
"Are you sure Rainbow?" Fluttershy forced her head upward to reveal a pair of concerned eyes.
"Tank and I can figure it out. Right buddy?"
He struck a pose that suggested I guess so.
The pair descended down the stairs. Dash’s movements were assisted by her wings, signaling to Tank the serious nature of her goal. Tank smiled with a condescending grin.
"Oh, you be quiet! What have you cooked?"
Well, I'm going to have to cook a salad here pretty soon. Wait, are salads cooked or made?
"Yeah that's right. So zip it!" Rainbow entered the kitchen and threw her hooves against the pantry. Ingredients were thrown with the precision of a blind pegasus. A challenge existed before her, something that Rainbow Dash couldn’t refuse.
Remember the last time you made toast?
"Don't give me that look! I was distracted the last time!"
Whatever you say Dash. The tortoise sighed and wandered over to help.
"Okay, so I just take the toast and put it in the toaster... take the toast..." She cautiously inserted a piece of bread. "And put it into the toaster," Dash fiddled with the toaster dials until she could feel heat. "Okay, now we wait just a little bit... why don't we set up the table?"
Tank sat next to the toaster, watching it with the eyes of a hawk. He gave her a concerned look. "Okay, yeah, that's not a bad idea. You watch the toast." She laughed off his concerns and speedily pulled out the required equipment.
Dash threw several plates and silverware on the table. As she sped through her task, she took several glances at the toaster to ensure the quality of the toast would not be compromised. In a typical Dash fashion, several napkins were thrown about the table without any uniform direction or pattern. "Toast about done?" she asked, timing her paces.
Tank replied with a firm nod.
"Cool, I'll get some plates." Dash reached a large plate and stacked the toast on top. "I'll get some more toast ready. That was... really easy! How could I not get it before? High five bud!" A loud crack resulted as their hooves collided. "You get the plates looking... how is silverware supposed to be set?" She lifted Tank and placed him on the table. "I'm sure you can figure it out, right bud?"
Better me than you. The tortoise began to organize the silverware.
"I'll get some OJ ready too." Several orange glasses found themselves on the table. "Right, okay, got the toast, got the drinks, got the table... I did it! I mean, this is really simple, but I got it! I can't wait to tell Fluttershy!" Rainbow completely abandoned the stairs, preferring instead to use her flight to gain access to the loft. "Hey ‘Shy! Breakfast is served!"
"Sounds great Dashie. Let's go! I'm starving," she gently nudged Angel. "Angel Bunny... It's time to get up sweetie. Breakfast is ready."
The bunny stretched his arms and climbed aboard Fluttershy's back. "Well, I guess somepony is too good to walk," Dash snarked. The bunny lacked enough energy to retort.
The pony and pet pair each found a seat at the table. Dash offered everypony toast and a glass, clearly proud of her handiwork. "What do we look like? Elwood? Get us some jam!" Angel slammed his fist on the table.
"Oh yeah! You guys want something for the toast?" Dash scurried to the refrigerator.
"Yes. Thank you."
"So ‘Shy, after this, you wanna head out? We can take a trip out there, find a calm spot and do some swimming. Plus, we should totally do a picnic on the shore."
"It's a date Rainbow. Excellent breakfast too. I have such a wonderful marefriend."
"Well... I got basic cooking down. Now all is to learn how to swim, then I'll be pretty darn perfect."
Several hours passed after breakfast ended. Rainbow and Tank had prepared the canoe while Angel and Fluttershy put together a packed lunch. Angel supervised his mother's preparation; a proper meal was of utmost importance to the long-eared creature. "Well Angel, looks like everything is ready to go. Dash should be ready too. Are you ready for your first canoe ride?"
The bunny nodded in excitement.
"It should be a lot of fun! You should try swimming too. Apparently I'm really good at it."
The bunny shock his head as a sign of uncertainty.
"I'm sure you'll do fine. You can be right next to me."
She loaded her saddlebags with the lunch and several towels. Angel hitched a ride on Fluttershy's head. The pair trotted down to the dock, enjoying the bright sunshine of Celestia's sun. A soft breeze complimented the warmth of the sun, creating an equilibrium of temperature. The pleasantness of the weather was perfectly in unison to the bound between the pegasus.
"Ready Dashie?"
"Sure are! Tank and I got everything ready! Throw the lunches in and we will be ready to go!" Dash placed the lunches in the middle of the canoe and carefully made her way onto the front. Her hooves met a paddle as she prepared for Dash to launch the canoe. Using a quick burst of wingpower, Dash launched the canoe forward and gently placed herself in the rear, grabbing a paddle in the manner of Fluttershy. The pair perfectly synchronized their rowing to allow a perfect balance of speed and control.
"So Angel, you much of a swimmer?" Tank rested on the middle seat of the canoe.
"Never tried it. I do, however, possess a remarkable talent for being amazing at absolutely everything."
"Right. I forgot that."
"You'll be reminded when you make that salad. Actually, just buy me one. You're not a cook worthy of my expectations."
"And you're a bunny not worthy of my time."
"No you."
"Here we are! That's a nice spot over there!" Rainbow suggested.
"Alright. You wanna land over there? That looks like a nice sandy shore."
"Sounds great pal." The canoe slowly skidded across the sand. Rainbow leapt out and guided it. Fluttershy quickly followed as both pets lazily watched.
"Thanks for the help boys. You really know how to treat ladies, don't you?" Dash laughed.
"I'll set the bags under that tree. You can help the boys out,” Fluttershy suggested. Rainbow gently lifted Tank and placed him upon the shore. Angel simply leapt out of the boat and scurried towards his caretaker.
Fluttershy quickly dropped the bags and ran towards Rainbow. "Check this out!" She flew a large distance above the water and dove in, surfacing with a massive smile. Rainbow loved the new face of her friend; Fluttershy was never one to show off, but due to Rainbow's encouragement, she was proud to display her talents in front of her marefriend.
"Don't laugh, okay!" Dash prepared her dive.
"I might not be able to help it! Just try Dashie! You'll do fine!"
Rainbow's wings let go, sending the pegasus flying towards the water. She landed flat on her stomach, impacting a great deal of water. Her collision created a sound not dissimilar to a high five. "Are you okay Rainbow?"
"You'd think Equestria's greatest athlete wouldn't belly-flop,” Dash gasped, mind reeling from the impact. Her wings retracted softly.
"Silly, you have to have your hooves enter first!"
"Yeah, I figured that much. Laugh it up Tank!" She gazed in Tank, who was busy rolling around the sandy shores.
"Angel, are you ready to try bud?" Angel was frozen on the shore. Normally, the bunny would never pass up on the opportunity to laugh at Dash's belly-flop. However, he cowered in fear of the water; his pride making matters only worse. Tank directed his laughter away from Dash to Angel.
"Oh, it's okay Angel. We've never gone swimming before, have we?" Fluttershy slowly approached the bunny. Her hooves stretched forward, ready to bundle the crazed creature.
"Look crazy lady, I am not getting in that wet death trap! Not for all the salads in Equestria!" His shock his head at light-speed.
"Never been swimming Angel?" Tank investigated.
"Never! I can't swim! I'm a freaking bunny! And I'm not going in! I'm too important to drown!"
"Look mister... We are going in that water. There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm a really good swimmer and I'm right here for you," Fluttershy mothered.
'Never! Try to catch me!"
"Angel man, since when were you such a sissy?" Tank rested on a towel on the shore, enjoying the summer rays.
"Can it tortoise!" He rapidly hoped away from the scene as if his tail was on fire.
"Gotcha!" Fluttershy quickly flew overhead and grabbed the fleeing bunny. "Sorry bud, but I know that trick. Now, don't worry. Mom's right here. I'm sure you will love it." She gently nuzzled the panicking pet.
"Yeah Angel?"
"Put the salad on my grave!" Fluttershy cradled the screaming animal in the water, trying to ignore his scratches and punches.
"You're doing it Angel!" Fluttershy cheered as her pet slowly kept his head above the water. Despite her assertive attitude, she kept a very close eye on the bunny and stayed within hoof's reach.
After a few seconds, Fluttershy offered her support to Angel, who quickly grabbed on and climbed upward. He crawled up to her head, screamed in terror, and took a massive hop, landing on the sands of the shore. Immediately after his landing, he covered himself in a towel out of fear and humiliation. Tank lost interest in the situation and resumed his tan, wearing a big smile.
"I'm so proud of you Angel Bunny! It makes mommy so happy! You were so brave!" Fluttershy didn't receive any acknowledgement from the hiding bunny.
"Hey. About swimming... Mind if you show me a few things?" Rainbow swam towards Fluttershy, a look of expectation written across her cyan face.
"Of course I can! What do you want to know?"
"When I swim underwater, what's the best way to time my hooves with my breathing?"
"Well, it depends on what stroke you are doing. I like the breaststroke; it's really relaxing and easy to do. Just move your hooves like this." She made the arm motions for Dash. "And just like this... pull... breathe... kick... glide..."
"I think I might have it," Dash tried several strokes, each with increasing success.
"There you go Dashie! It looks great!" She cheered her mare on, waving a supporting hoof in the air as the rainbow slipped through the water with heighting success.
"Come over here, Miss Swimming Champ!"
"Okay." She slowly swam over to Rainbow.
"Hey Tank and Angel! Close your eyes!" Dash called out. Wearing a massive, lovestruck grin upon her face, she lifted Fluttershy out of the water in a upward spiral, kissing her several times, each with an increasing amount of passion.
"I love you Rainbow Dash."
"I love you too Fluttershy."
Fluttershy: You have to go hands first. .... WHAT?! Jk my favorite pet would probably have to be Twilight (Rainbow's best pet). Can't wait for more cuteness :)
buetiful girls
Awww, I just love this story more and more! Hee hee, poor Angel! Not! He could use being taken down a peg or two! And Tank, oh Tank. It's no wonder he's the perfect pet for Rainbow Dash, he can really keep her down and focused, like Fluttershy can do!
"And you're a bunny not worthy of my time," - Burn...
Hands... what hands... Hmm.
Apart from that I loved the chapter. The end is so D'awww. I can just picture the flying around like that over the water. In fact there were so many moments where I could just picture Fluttershy pranceing around looking amazingly cute that would just stop Dash dead in her tracks.
Angel bunny is my fave pet. Even though he is a bit of an arse and I enjoy seeing him getting taken down a peg or two.
"Fluttershy was never one to show off, but due to Rainbow's encouragement, she was proud to display her talents in front of others." - I would personaly change "in front of others" to "in front of her marefriend" or something like that. I'm just not sure how keen she would be to show off in front of other ponies... but Dash brings a lot out of her. Up to you...
Keep it cute... Keep it coming...
Okay, I've made the whole limb mistake a couple of times now. I will change it to hooves and ctrl-f for hands when I proof-read.
Yeah, Tank is my favorite as well. He's chill
Thanks for the comments!
Check out the new cover art for this story! It's testament to my awesome MS paint skills
Actually, in all honesty, it took me five minutes to make. But I think it looks awesome! At least, as awesome as I can make it!
As far as the grammar mistakes
Let us never speak of this again
Redundancy issue.
Tortoise's don't have hooves.
Now that that's settled...
I loved the longer chapter.
The romantic development is nice too.
Five what? (Try 'brohoof!')
Not quite sure, but I believe you need a comma here.
Forgot to indent paragraph, 'lept' isn't a word. Try 'leaped'
I belive you need commas.
Well just look at all of those errors...
i.imgur.com/j4Nnv.png ~Wolf
Maybe it is just me, but to call a romantic partner "pal" just does not feel right. It feels just a step or two away from calling her "bud".