"It looks like the boys, uh, left..." Rainbow gently snuggled next to Fluttershy beside the fire.
"They must have been tired. Angel really likes his sleep." Though it had taken some time, Fluttershy was completely over her nerves, perfectly at peace with Rainbow. She snuggled into the cyan plush, relishing the touch of her marefriend.
"I hope they don't feel excluded..." Fluttershy quietly voiced her worry.
"I think they're fine. They have each other to keep themselves company.They seem to have become good friends,” Dash shrugged impatiently.
"Well... I don't know about that! But they seem to enjoy hanging out with each other. Kind of like a love-hate relationship."
"Hopefully over time they will become better friends over time."
"I'm sure they will. But guess what?"
"What Dashie?"
"We're alone.” Yellow cheeks began to swell in the color of a rose.. "You're really cute when you're nervous, you know that Fluttershy?"
"This is all so..."
"I know, you silly! Just shut up and kiss me!"
A series of adorable giggles from both pegasus complimented their passionate kissing. "You know what's so great Fluttershy?"
"Well, that's pretty awesome too. But I love to laugh with you, especially at ourselves."
"I'm sure we'll have plenty of both in the future."
Rainbow's wings outstretched and wrapped around Fluttershy's, who proceed to ruffle Rainbow's with her own. Fluttershy gently rubbed Rainbow with her hooves on a subconscious level.
Each crackle of the fire gave them just enough light to illuminate their beauty. However, both pegasi had closed their eyes, preferring to use their feelings of touch and warmth to embrace each other. It was a chance to experiment; the experience was equally alien to both pegasus, eliminating any pressure. Under Luna's stars and Equestria's fire, the new couple birthed a love unparalleled both in strength and affection.
"Let off some steam Bennett," Tank and Angel roared in manly joy at the TV.
"Oh my Celestia man, that was the manliest movie ever! Holy shell, it was terrible; really, really, terrible! But it was so awesome!" Tank chugged down an energy drink.
"I eat Green Berets for breakfast and right now I'm very hungry!" Angel puffed his chest out and flexed his tiny muscles.
"Bro-hoof man!" The pair's fist met.
"It's like, I totally forget about everything we saw before! I totally feel like a man! Now I wanna go do something manly!"
"What do we do now? I hear you man!"
"Well, we can lift weights!"
"There are no weights up here man! That's an awesome idea though."
"Um... Oh! I got it! Let's arm wrestle!"
"Right on man!" Angel gripped Tank's hoof.
"Ready to lose Tank?"
"Go!" Seconds after the contest began, Angel was thrown to the ground.
"How are you so strong Tank! That's horsefeathers!"
"I have super-strength."
"Just... no... hey... wait a minute, where's my salad! Use some of that super-strength to whip me up a nice meal!"
"Hey Dashie." Fluttershy was snuggled close to her love, slowly taking in oxygen.
"We never talked about how you feel. I know we talked about me and how you feel comfortable emoting to me, but you seemed really stressed back at home."
"Yeah... I think what we have here; you know; us, will work it out. But still, sometimes I feel like I've bitten off a little more than I can chew, you know? Except I feel obligated to do it... nopony can clear the clouds like me. I just... sometimes I want to give up. Just quit everything and relax. I have such high expectations for myself; Wonderbolt tryouts, several different weather jobs, trying to make our friends happy... it's all just too much. I haven't been spending enough time with Tank.. And I don't ever want to want to lose you. I don't want this weekend to ever end."
"You know you can't just give up. That's not the Dash I love."
"I know... It seems like a really easy problem, right? I can just work less. I don't know why I have so much trouble with this."
"No; it's not an easy problem. You are not looking into it deep enough. You need a balance; not in your jobs and free time. You need to try and satisfy both your desire for other's approval and approval of yourself. I think you have too high of expectations for yourself; I know you can be a wonderbolt Rainbow, you don't need to constantly remind everypony so you can feel confident. You already have so much; you are the best flier I know, you keep Ponyville's weather clean, hay... you have saved Equestria twice!"
" I know; I am pretty awesome. But I'm not sure I can do all of this Fluttershy. I want you; I want to be a Wonderbolt! I want to do great things. I want it all; and I can't have it."
"No Rainbow. That's not you. You can still love me and find time for me, Tank, and our friends with your life. I know it's tough and sometimes you just wanna give up, but you can't. You just can't Rainbow; you're too good to not achieve great things. I want my partner to be a Wonderbolt. I want to watch her and cheer her on; even though my cheers need a little work. I am proud of you Rainbow."
"Show me a cheer."
"What Dashie?"
"You heard me. Get up and cheer for your marefriend; the fastest and most talented flier in Equestria!"
"Alright!" She inhaled for several seconds. "Yay!"
"Hey that's better than before! But be proud!"
"See her, Rainbow Dash? She's my marefriend, woo hoo! She's totally awesome; cooler than you! Yay!"
Rainbow smiled and tried to impersonate holding a trophy. "Thank you for this best Equestrian flier trophy. I like totally deserve it. Even though I am a Wonderbolt and therefore awesome, I owe a lot of who I am to Fluttershy! She's like almost as awesome as me! Whenever I get hurt or I need someone to hang out with, she will be there. So like, why doesn't everyone give a cheer for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy; the best pair in the whole wide world!"
"I sure hope when you get that trophy that you will have a much better speech prepared," Fluttershy giggled.
"It's true filly!"
"Well, I'm not going to argue with you. We are totally the best couple ever. Woo hoo!"
"I think it's time to hit the sack."
"Yeah, it's pretty late."
"Hey Fluttershy... Don't take this the wrong way, ‘cause I don't mean to imply it in any kind of weird way. You know how we slept by the bonfire that night; snuggled closely. It was so warm and comfortable... well, it's pretty cold where I sleep..."
"I would like that Rainbow."
The pair joined hooves. "Big day tomorrow. We'll need lots of sleep."
Hey. Don't put down your own work. I think that this is one that ranks amoung the best Flutterdash stories (trust me when I say I have read every single one I can possibly find online. So I kinda know what I'm saying). I say this also because its great to have one that doesn't involve one or both of them nearly getting killed (that kind of story is overused...) and you write the snuggle scenes really well.
Let off some steam Bennett," Tank and Angel roared in manly joy at the TV. - I note how oftern you used manly there... Cracked me up.
It was a good moment to switch to the pets... it felt like it was starting to get a little hot there by the fire...
The second half with Fluttershy and Dash I had to slow down a little reading it to make sure I got everything... but you did a good job on Dash's feelings there. Snuggling Fluttershy/Dash FTW!
Best MLP couple ever. Good job. I hope to see plenty more Flutterdash from you
I will clean up the last section a little when I get a chance. Fixed a few grammar mistakes as well
Yes, I had read many FlutterDash stories myself (Probably about 5% of what you have read ) and nearly all of them have one of them being sick/ and or hurt. It's really boring, so I'm with you there. And okay, I'll trust your word, considering I see you in the comment section of every FlutterDash story I see
Thanks! Really appreciate it! The pets are such awesome additions to this story I modeled Angel after himself... And Tank is basically The Dude with a little bit of myself thrown in there. I have always imagined any tortoise have a zen-like attitude, especially Dash's!
And you should totally suggest some FlutterDash reads for me. I've looked everywhere.
C'mon Bennett
Let's party
You have awesome comments.
Another great chapter, glad you're rewriting!
i.imgur.com/j4Nnv.png ~Wolf
Y u no write longer chapters?
The next one is longer. Double the length, in fact. I'll rewrite it tomorrow.
Despite the length, what did you think of the chapter?
Pretty good, I like invitingto bed, good progress/pacing with the romance.
Angel and Tank's real world movies/games gets a bit too silly for my tastes. But I'm just a picky person, don't pay me any mind
Anyways, hearing a chapter twice that length makes me happy, considering I'm a crazy speed-reader.\dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Twilight_Sparkle_lolface.png
Yeah, the pet interactions were designed to be silly. This whole fic isn't very serious. I am writing a serious fic called "We're in This Together." involving just and . Check it out if you like but in a more serious manner.
I've got that on my favorite list, was gonna check it out later tonight.
On the whole, it's much better written then this. And more serious. I added the Tank and Angel interactions with media primarily 'cause I lot of people and believe or it not, I really can see the two doing it
But yes, please take a look at it and tell me what you think. The only real problem I have with it right now is that the prologue focuses on , while the story actually is about I will have to fix that in the future after I am done writing this.
I glanced over "We're in This Together." I can safely say that you will probably enjoy it. It made me smile.
If you have time, please leave a couple comments on anything about it- good or bad!