While walking through the Everfree Forest, Spike comes across a ghost who needs a friend. But being near this ghost could kill him and all dragons.
New Cover Art by Kitty Nightheart!
Find it at this link: http://kittydragon619.deviantart.com/art/Wild-Mimikyu-678751512?ga_submit_new=10%3A1493929042
And follow her here: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Kitty+Nightheart
I Hope they can be Friends.
Need some cover art? I got ya covered!

Who bets Twilight will peek under Mimikyu's cloth.
Also the moves Mimikyu used are; Shadow Claw, Double Team. I think.
That would be "sewing". Sowing would be farming.
I love pokemon so much! And do you know my favorite Gen 7? Mimikyu.
Was slow at the beginning though, 'Hey, why would it be a dragon killer?'
'Oh right. Fairy.'
I love my little Mimikyu.... She's the only reason I made it through the elite 4... She'd lost her disguise already and took a Critical Hit from a Heavy Slam, but she refused to go down.
Seriously, I cried when I saw the message,"Mimikyu Held on so you wouldn't cry." Friendship really IS magic, eh?
Mimikyu is cute, but it's a real pain to fight in the Battle Tree. It can outpace my Mega Metagross.
Anyway, nice work!
8116208 Slash, Shadow Claw, and Double Team.
8116258 Oh thanks for that correction! Mimikyu's my favorite seventh generation Pokémon too.
8116379 Amen. Mimikyu is such a useful Pokémon who wants a trainer's love. I named mine "Friend" and I don't think I could have beaten all of the Elite Four without her.
8116142 Thanks!
Oh Garble, Mimi is gonna fuck you up something fierce.
I believe Mimi's loyalty to Spike could lead to a lot of trouble. Especially when the Mane 6 finds out more about "the creature".
Oh shit. That's bad. Kick his ass, MimI!
Mimi will be the town hero after she deals with the creatures that the fools send into town
Who bets that the dragons that are sick to a peek underneath Mimikyu's cloth?
Sounds like Mimi knows Shadow Claw, Double Team and Baby Doll Eyes.
I flipped when Zecora had Roseli berries!! They help with super effective fairy type moves.
Oh crap, someone's gonna try to look under the cloth, aren't they?
8116142 Thanks for letting me use your cover art at the time. Someone else offered me this new piece and I wanted to use it. I hope this doesn't hurt your feelings in any way.
Omg I hate you so much right now. This is ash and butterfree all over again.
8151505 The feels. There's too much. It's super effective.
It's getting Intense and the game is afoot.
I'm glad that Mimikyu was Accepted and welcomed into Ponyville.
What kind of Pokémon are in the Everfree if it's not just Mimikyu?
the pokemon that took dash was gourgeist wasn't it?
Arceus, we need you!
8151877 Correct!
From the Pokémon Y Pokédex: It enwraps its prey in its hairlike arms. It sings joyfully as it observes the suffering of its prey.
They're in for a hard fight.
8151842 Soon, we shall see. Soon.
It seems like the majority of Pokemon that crossed over into the Everfree Forest are Ghost-types. Spike has Mimi the Mimikyu and Fluttershy has Jack the Gourgeist.
Must... resist... stupidity... impulse! Not. Resisting. Well.
Mewtwo... Sweet.
Awww, Mimi used Pain Split on ember!
Three poor baby is scared of Steel.
I love this story and to see Mewtwo trying to protect his Pokemon friends is very well like him. I wonder what other Pokemon you have in stores for us.
Mewtwo is a given, so hypno.
Crystal eyes can only mean one pokemon, Sableye, most likely drove them out of the cave that may or may not have gems in it.
...a powerful pokemon..
...magic abilities...
...can talk...
It's Mewtwo, isn't it?
HA!!!! I KNEW IT!!!!
poor Mimi when the others finds out that she is the cause of the fairy flu that Spike suffer from.
i hope that Spike eventually becomes either resistant or hopefully immune to the flu so Mimi can be with him.... or the gang finds a way to nullify the flu so Spike and other dragons (the nice ones like Ember) wont get ill
those pokedex entries sure can be dark regarding various pokemon.
and yay Mimi gets accepted by Ponyville
Anyone tell me which pokemon they have
Hmmmm nice
Hmmmm nice
8182953 Sableye, Cubone, Hypno, Mimikyu, Magikarp and Gourgeist.
I think you meant Torch, not Forge.
Also, Arceus, be kind enough to show up and turn Garble into a Ponyta?
hehe Magikarp basically completely useless beside making dittos easier to deal with by making em transform into the Magikarp then switch to a strong pokemon with false swipe with or without a paralysis or sleep moves
but once Magikarp evolves it sure aint useless tho watch out for electric moves since its 4x effective.
i wonder how fast Scootaloo can get Magikarp to evolve.
any got some rare candy for her?
Magikarp usually starts with Splash, but can learn Tackle, Flail, Bubble, Bounce and Hydo Pump over time. If he has Swift Swim as a default ability, he has a speed bonus in the rain. As a Gyarados, he can learn a host of moves including Ice Fang, Hyper Beam, Dragon Dance,, Waterfall, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Bite/Crunch, and so on and so forth. I also thought it would be cool if he can naturally learn Payback and Brine and once caught a level 70 Gyarados in Platinum.
8183524 that or it saves them from some danger the CMCs got into. I can see them annoying a pokemon, it lets it's displeasure known and chases them down.
I vote for u Chansey for nurse Redhart
i hope no one pick on hem now his evo stage
but still Scoot's having u magikarp
and anger level to get dare
8183677 What is Arceus thinking, bringing Pokemon to Equus?
8183677 I think Mewtwo is in the driver's site in dis story if read the last Chaper
Bulk and Machoke bestbody team

Sweety bell and Metapod
Appelbloom And Growlith best guarddog
And nurse redhart and Chansey
nice chapter to start my week end i look for the up coming update's
I can see why Scoot's paired up with Magikarp. If she wanted to, she can use him as a makeshift bludgeon and it also helps that both of 'em have potential. I'm sure Arceus had a good reason bringing Pokemon to this world.
Man I can't wait for Magikarp to evolve and how everyone else would react to the sight of it. I'm kind of imagining it and the Japanese themes for when Digimon evolved just plays in my head.
Can't wait to see Magikarp evolve into a Gyarados and for Scoots to fly!
I think that there should be some mirror action, like spike applebloom sweets and scoots going to the pokemon world.