• Member Since 10th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen January 27th

the frank


Comments ( 79 )

This was a fun read. I enjoyed it quite a lot, despite several spelling and grammar errors.


She things they will just laugh too, because it can't be true!


“Besides,” Rainbow added, “It can’t be more grouse than Pinkie’s zits.”

Don't see how birds figure into this.

Oh my god rainbow.
Out of all those good ships in the world...

Wouldn't mind seeing a sequel to this. :twilightblush:

what exactly is a PRINCE ALBERT?


It's a type of piercing. A stimulating one. Think in a very... Socially Unacceptable manner, then look at this picture. If that doesn't answer it, then nothing will.


Hehehe. This is a funny and enjoyable read!

8059522 Oh my sweet summer child...

In the girls bathroom, the janitor mr Discord was busy cleaning the floors. Suddenly he looked around, checking that he was alone. Then he produced a green pen from his pocket, and wrote “CRANKY DOODLE HAS A PRINCE ALBERT” on the wall.
“Oh, Matilda will be sooo grateful for this,” he chuckled to himself.

Goddammit Discord :facehoof:

Well. That happened.

Gonna have to take points off for the multiple grammar and spelling errors. As well as some badly OOC dialogue, such as Rarity saying "titties". Other than that, feels somewhat like something I'd write.

Is there any graphic sex acts or just talking if only talking with no description of acts then teen if it happens via details chat or reminiscing then it stays nature

And discord just got sunset and aj laid what a pal

score one for Discord.

That last part implies Discord is creating the situations, doesn't it?

8059655 You can call it a tribute, or a blatant rip-off of your style. Either way, Thank you. And my Rarity is irish, so "titties" felt appropriate. The rest, I completely agree with.
8059462 Yes yes... I have changed it now.
8059448 sorry, fixed. I blame my iPad.
8059439 thanx!
8059685 Well, better safe than sorry.
8060094 It sure does.

And overall, this was just something quick and funny, nothing I felt my editor should waste his time on.
I try to write more serious stuff.

8059557 Why, thank you!
8059514 Yes.
8059647 That one's from my brother-in-law. He kept bragging about it a whole summer.

8060844 How about slightly embarrassed with a hint of a smile?

8061055 Sound like really interesting people. :twilightsmile:

8061499 That sounds like fun!

So how do guys get Rarity's number?

This was a darn good story dude.

8062343 Word of mouth I guess. Flash had it, then he gave it to someone and from that on it spread.

What about Sci-Twi?

8062953 Some of the stuff in her science flasks and beakers are probably not chemicals from the storage cupboard. ;)

*scribbles on the bathroom stall 'Twilight Sparkle collects cum' and runs away giggling like a little filly*

8062953 You will soon find out..:raritywink:

8063139 Damn! Your idea was better. Oh well...:twilightsheepish:

wow first off it is always the shy ones.
second off I didn't see that cumming from rarity .
third off : I say in a sality voice : Oh my
fouth off : wow aj are you really that dessprate for sex???
fifth off:sunset you are in for a wild ride
sixth off : wow I don't know what to say about rainbow.

Rarity needs some rehab.

8063608 More "surprise butt ache". The sex was approved.
8063540 Or a bigger allowance.
8063358 AJ is never desperate. Her milkshake bring all the boys and girls to her yard.


Just to be clear, are you talking about sewing needles, or drug needles?

8063734 Why, I'd never...! Sewing needles, darling.:duck:


Whew. That makes me feel a lot better.

Who was Pinkie referring to with a ukulele? I have multiple ideas but....

I love it. i would love to see more like this in the future.

Yes. There's nothing as traumatizing as hearing about your parents' sexual exploits.

TV: So, I was in Cancun for Spring Break, and had been partying pretty hard. My roommate found two very handsome and well endowed men. We went back to their room and the four of us--


Yo, Trollestia is so fun sometimes.

Almost every fetish in the book, eh? That's a story all in its self. :p

Great story by the way. Very much enjoyed it.

:trollestia: :trollestia: :trollestia:


Our's were just statements, this is more of an insult.


The green text was referring to the meaning of the zodiac, and from that point of wiev,

Ummm I'm not sure i liked this chapter.... Sci Twi went a little too far, do hope She gets revenge on Celestia and Luna thou.

8116970 Yes, I agree. I went to far with her. But I don't think I will change it now.
A chapter about Celestia... perhaps. If I get an idea....

I liked the first chapter quite well, but this felt a bit extreme and, well, forced.

Why would Sci Twi even care so much about being considered a virgin? This seems more like something Rainbow might be concerned about. The only way this might be justified is if she lied about her sexual experiences and is bluffing with the outfit to back it up, but even then it'd still feel off.

Alla charachters are over 18.

Either that is a typo or this story contains the Malta or Arabic god.

8134815 First of all: yes, it is over the top and not very well executed.
Second, I think of it like this: the point is to prove that the text on the wall has no impact on her life whatsoever. I imagine she began with rather simple sex, then she heard people talking about loosing their anal virginity, oral virginity, lesbian virginity, and from that on it escalated. So it's not about not being a virgin, it's about "I can has sex and you can't stop me!".
8134828 Indeed it is a mystery.

That took a turn I was NOT expecting. I mean, WOW. That... genuinely got me to laugh.

I'm adding that to my special folder, and I'm following you. You my friend, took me THERE...

Author Interviewer

This was way funnier than I thought it would be, and I was already expecting a funny story. :D

Heh. Thanks. :)
Wow. That's great to hear. Especially from you.

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