• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 3rd, 2022


I`m Russian, I`m female, I`m blunter then a bag of hammers and I write pony staff occassionally. That`s about it.


Twilight Sparkle screwed up magic experimentation. Again. So cliche.

Here is her diary post-factum.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 74 )

Что ж в мире?

Russian does not actually have a literal translation of "What in the world?" idiom.
К слову об идиомах - онлайн переводчики их воспринимают слабо. Лучше спросить у знающих людей.


Блин. Не старался словаря. Думал бы лучше после я был за год в Москве и потом окончил университета с диплому по русскому языку.

...Ну бля. Шо я могу сказать. Если за это дали диплом... Щедрый университет был. И великодушный.
Use english. Really. Your russian makes me want to facepalm and laugh in the same time.



Что ты? Ты совсем прекрасно знала английского языка когда ты начала? Ты можешь так теперь и без ошибок? Давай, давай, сестра. Ошибки твои в этом разговоре есть.

Oh Celestia, what an irony.

PUH-LEASE tell me the pun was intended :ajsmug:

As the winter comes to wrap, I am planning on using up most of old catnip to fertilize yet another field, and fill barn with fresh nip

it makes your tuna breath smell nice

Kittens are surprisingly capable with the bow. Must be something inherent to predator species, as I`ve found my own ability to make leading shots to be significantly improved. Something with eye structure, perhaps?

yes its the eye structure
its been experimented on and a cat is better at sniping than a top professional sniper

There`s a proverb in russian.
Не лезь с кувшинным рылом в калашный ряд.
The exact translation is flatly impossible, as it`s deeply cultural thing. If you tried, you`d basically get something like "Do not approach the artisan bread row with your pot-like mug." The actual meaning is "do not attempt a job you`re not qualified for", and mention of "кувшинное рыло" is really a mispronounced "мякинное рыло", which rather obscurely defined an untrustworthy person trying to peddle low-quality bread.
As for me? Basically, until I was confident that my grasp of English is sufficient to understand and be understood, I did not approach the venues where knowledge of english was necessary. Instead, I lurked and read and bolstered my vocabulary and my understanding of how it works through repeated exposure.

A little.
Amusingly enough, there`s no option to eat fish in the game. There`s option to trade with sharks, though.
There`s more to sniper then just shooting accurately. That being said, yes, cat eye structure is well suited for sharpshooting, provided the limb-eye coordination is comparably good.

8053581 wait you can speak russian or you ARE russian and you can speak english?

also i got a note if you're american: don't EVER translate russian with a translator, especial google translator, it almost NEVER turn out right :rainbowwild:

but if your russian then stop learning english, it's just the messed up form of the british language, i bet the british are mad at america for messing up their language, no the world, including us too, are making fun of the language, and the british are sometime shamed for it being messed up, even though it wasn't the british that did it, it was the americans

8053581 Also what is this game? it sound interesting, and as i said before:

The link to game is included in author notes.


Молодец. По-моему ты не можешь очень хорошо говорит по английский, Хотя я рад,что ты използываешь язык, потому что лишь можно стать лучше. Птицы не могут летить сначало от яйца.

8053591 thx bro, ill try to look for an excuse to how i found it, that way you aren't criticized on how you got me interested in the game

my parents are kinda strict on what games i play, plus i'm using a chromebook right now so ill have to wait some time :derpyderp2:


Don't call Cytotoxin a guy. Doing so will make your demise long and painful.

Compared to the trainwreck you make out of russian, yes, I can speak rather bloody well.
Just... stop. Please. It`s not even minor mistakes, it sounds like "mista ten dolla, ten dolla mista very well thing here buy to please mista". You utterly wreck the prefix-suffix conventions, for one, and make an utter mash out of tenses. Which, yes, are present in russian as well.

Not a bro.
Also, no need to wait. This game is browser-based and will work on Chromebook without any downloading just fine.

8053610 YAY!!, hopefully its not blocked

*goes to edit comment*

YAY ITS NOT(i had to edit it again because i originally accidently had it say "NOW" instead of "NOT" :facehoof:) BLOCKED!!! i will most CERTAINLY be bookmarking this! TANK YOU!!, oops, sorry, i do dat a lot :derpyderp2:, i meant: THANK YOU!!

and if your not a bro than... what are you consid- oh yeah, a pegasister, right, maybe? IDK! i'll just leave dat subject alone :derpytongue2:

8053609 listen when i became HER 100th follower, i then noticed that she was a girl, sorry if i made a mistake, no one's perfect y'know

so its like a strategy game


thanks for introducing me to this cute, and fun game :twilightsmile:

you mam' have made a man happy

that's hard to do in my case :twilightsheepish:

If you need more, you can try Cookie Clicker.


No, trust me on this one, but you're making metric tons of mistakes in English.

Do keep in mind that I have actually written out a grammar of the Russian language. All of us had to in our program. You also are NOT the only person I speak Russian with, but you are the only person who swears up and down that I can't and shouldn't. These are real time oral conversations that can last for hours- we aren't just saying 'привет-пока" in passing.

Your remind me of a professor I had. She insisted everyone was wrong, including the fellow professors who are actually were Russians and had lived in Russia. In one hilarious occasion, another professor had written something and had it looked at by the editor of the Moscow Gazette. She immediately proceeded to mark it up, finding mistakes by the dozen which somehow a professional user of the Russian language had failed to find.

I have also seen you get into numerous fights with lots of people around the site. You seem to have a real problem with anyone who doesn't align 100% with you. There's blunt and then there's picking fights. Learn the difference. For example, Atlas Nebula is incredibly blunt and we clash on almost everything. However, we don't bray at each other like donkeys. You fancy yourself an intellectual, don't you? Part of that is defending your positions rather than attacking.

You will probably be very ashamed to read this, but you are the second most pugnacious person I have ever met.

Show how my Russian is so terrible and I shan't use it with you anymore. Indeed, I will be grateful for the appraisal of my skills and will know what to work on.

And to think I just wanted to crack a joke and then see what you'd come up with for the story.

8053652 yes ive heard dat 1 :derpytongue2:

clik clik clik clik clik clik clik clik clik clik clik clik clik clik clik clik

There's an argument going on in a foreign language... Ahh, you gotta love how integrated our world is nowadays:moustache:


LOL. Foreign to whom, though?

Me, unfortunately I'm still a 'Murican idiot:derpytongue2:

Thank God for Google translate.


Could you post what it says?

You said: "Что ж в мире?" When put through Google it says

"What in the world?"

The Author Said: "К слову об идиомах - онлайн переводчики их воспринимают слабо. Лучше спросить у знающих людей". When put through Google it says

"By the way about the idioms - online translators they perceive weakly. It is better to ask knowledgeable people"


Nah, she already knew. The real question is how did she not know that's meant to go into dative case instead of the genitive case like she used?
Спросить=Дательный падеж.
Should be "Лучше спросить знающам Людам."
Also, based on the context, it should be спрашивать, because The action she is describing has not definite and and may be repeated in the future and therefore ought to be in the imperfective aspect instead of the perfective. And finally, because the action has to be carried out in present tense, it has to technically be in imperfective, because perfective doesn't really exist in present, it just gets grammatically treated as such - it's a weird nebulous sorta future thing. And that's what I was taught at МГУ - Институт по имени Ломоносова, факультет иностранных языков.

Huh? Well, you asked for it. Like, literally. So here goes.


This is the only sentence that is grammatically and semantically correct in the whole statement. I have no issue with it.

По-моему ты не можешь очень хорошо говорит по английский,

Issue 1 (Severity:low): Generally, using "ты" is overly familiar when you`re addressing someone you don`t know well. Using "вы" is much safer and much more polite.
Issue 2 (Severity:high): You`ve used verb "говорить" in third person. It should be used in conjunction with "she" or "he", but your choice was "you". "он/она говорит" would be right, but when you`re using "ты", the proper form would be "ты говоришь". However, in your case it`s even more interesting. The right way to say exactly what you said is "ты не можешь очень хорошо говорить".
Furthermore, "по английский" is flatly incorrect. "английский" on itself means "english" as a noun. English language. But in your case, it`s not used as a noun, and you need to change your suffix accordingly. "по английски" will be the right way to spell it.
That being said, this construction is very weird-sounding and immediately pegs you as a non-native speaker. I`d have formed it as "ты не силен в английском." Or, considering that it was supposed to be addressed to me, "ты не сильна в английском". This form skips over a lot of auxiliary words and uses idiomatic expression, which is flatly impossible in english due to different contextual structure and less flexibility in imparting contextual information within a single word via use of suffixes and prefixes to denote gender and the exact connotation of the word in question.

Хотя я рад,что ты използываешь язык, потому что лишь можно стать лучше.

Issue 1 (Severity: critical): "исползываешь" is not a word you want. Given the context, I surmise that you meant to use verb "используешь", but your proposal is technically a highly nuanced form of verb "ползать", i.e. "to crawl", and "исползываешь" implies someone you`re addressing currently being in process of thoroughly crawling all over something. As in, methodically crawling over every single surface area sequentially. That being said, it`s not a word that someone would say casually, even though it is technically correct as far as semantics go.
Issue 2 (Severity: high): "потому что лишь можно стать лучше" has no reasonable meaning. Literally, it would translate to "because only possible become better". It`s not hard to infer that you meant "because that`s how you get better" or "because that`s the only way to get better", but being able to discern the meaning does not ameliorate the inept way in which this part of sentence is delivered.
I would rephrase the whole of the thing as follows.
"Хорошо что ты пользуешься языком, это единственный способ достичь совершенства."
"Good that you use the language, it`s the only way to attain perfection."

Птицы не могут летить сначало от яйца.

Issue 1 (Severity: High): "летить" is not the right form of verb for this particular enactor. You need to use "летать" to acknowledge the plural form of enactor. Additionally, "сначало" should be "сначала". That last one is flatly spelling error.
Issue 2 (Severity: Medium): You`re trying to use an idiom that has no direct translation in russian and can not be literally translated without coming off as foreign. The idiomatics with close meanings include options like "Лиха беда - начало." (Denoting the fact that beginning something is usually the hardest part of it, in this case the hardest part of studying language.), "Москва не сразу строилась." (Denoting the fact that action in question is major and could not possibly be enacted in short amount of time.), "Реки начинаются с ручейков." (Literally, "Rivers start from streams", implying that high skill must be based on fundamental knowledge of basics.) or "Чтобы бегать, сначала нужно научиться ползать." (Literally translating to "To run, learn how to crawl first." and implying that in order to master something complicated one has to ace the basics first.).

All in all, I`d rephrase your statement as follows.
"Молодец. Хотя мне и кажется, что в английском ты не сильна, я рад что ты продолжаешь практиковаться - ведь это единственный путь достигнуть совершенства. Ты же знаешь, что реки начинаются с ручейков."
You may notice that I have had used different words then what I`ve mentioned in earlier explanation. This is due to the fact that in final suggestion, I`m orienting towards transmitting the context well, rather then trying to make your message right verbatim.

...You`re kidding... You`re kidding, right?
This is not dative case. It would`ve been dative case if I were GIVING advice to knowledgeable people. I`m giving advice TO WHOM? - to knowledgeable people.
But what I`ve used is ACCUSATIVE case. I`m asking for advice FROM WHOM? - from knowledgeable people.
It just so happens that in this particular case, genitive and accusative case form the same structure.
"Чей совет? - Знающих людей." (genitive)
"Спросить у кого? - У знающих людей." (accusative)

Please can you both stop. I don't care that some sentence structure in Russian was butchered or not. I really don't. But I dislike having to see a literal wall of text in the comments, worse, it being about a stupid argument.
All I believe is as long as you can read and understand it, good. Leave it be.
If you believe it could be better, then good, give HELPFUL pointers.
Just kiss and make up and leave the comment section alone. Do it on a private chat, call each other, just not the comments. It's a place where things can be solved peacefully and feedback to be given without a metric shit ton on criticism, so leave it be.

Dude. Not to rain on your parade, but this is my story, and I`ll spam it if I want to, mm`kay?
Please, leave the decisions on what is and isn`t acceptable on the story comments to story author. In this case, me.


He just wanted to end the argument with a sense of civility. Honestly, it's quite remarkable that you and Kal know more than one language, and know both languages quite fluently. Just come to terms and let this be like rational adults.

No words. I have no words for that level of brazen audacity. What next, you`re going to dictate me what tone to blog in? Seriously, are you even cognizant of how rude this is? We have a saying in russian, that roughly translates as "Keep your rules in your own monastery." I think it applies here very well.

Have a Blunt review


No words. I have no words for that level of brazen audacity.

You call yourself an intellectual right? Well lets see just how 'logical' you actually are.

Now, judging by how you talk you seem to be an older well versed woman. Being of such, I believe you would have even a minute amount of respect for those who even take the time to try and spark up a conversation with you.

You pride yourself on being blunt while forgetting to comprehend that blunt does not mean that you're pretentious. Blunt in the context that you're using means you speak your mind. And yeah, I respect someone who doesn't pull any punches. But here, you had better expect the rest of us to come back at you in full force.

So you're saying in Russian "keep your rules in your own monastery", yeah here in my neighborhood we say "don't start shit you can't finish". I was simply agreeing that YOU a rational GROWN WOMAN should try to look down off her high horse and look to reason. This argument was pointless, you're both good at Russian go on about your lives.

I don't mean you any disrespect, but if you come at me, come at me right instead of having the brazen audacity to try and put me in my place, ma'am...

No, he`s NOT good at russian. Nor even passable, really. The amount of mistakes made in just few sentences is staggering and unequivocally gives out a foreigner who`s grasp of russian is on the level of translator program. Verbatim translation of words with little if any regard to tenses and cohesion, let alone maintaining context.

That much is barren truth with no embellishment nor malice to it. Statement of fact. Moreso, statement that has nothing to do with you whatsoever.

And I do NOT need feelgood advocates to come around and shush and pap on me and tell me "you`re all fantastic, you`re all unique and gifted, now let`s get along children". You don`t know jack about the topic discussed, you`re not qualified to pass judgment on how good or bad the participants are. Kindly wait until the conversation turns to something you have some degree of proficiency in, if you want to chat.

P.S. Almost forgot to mention. I will block the next person who comes around to say something condescending on this topic to me. I`ve had quite enough of people getting uppity with me for shits and giggles.

Lady, I couldn't give less of a fuck about the Russian argument. I'm saying cool down and think like an actual adult. Right now you're raging and it's breaking down that respectable 'intellectual' facade that you've built. In other words; you're making yourself look like an ass

What part of "I`ve had enough of condescending crap" you fail to grasp? Right. Off you go. You get one last word if you want it, I won`t be replying to it. After that, bye baby bye. Or... you can not respond at all and show you are actually willing to deal with it like an adult you`re touting so much. No response - no block. Decide, babydoll.

You are a riot:rainbowlaugh:
Been a while since someone has gotten this riled up over something so childish. Hopefully our paths will never cross again


Thank you.

* Govorit and anglijski are spelling errors I made thanks to typing on a phone.
* I have NEVER seen "v anglijskom" anywhere. I once put that on a homework and got points off, actually. I've heard of na anglijskom. As a matter of fact, I'm looking at a Russian copy Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdone. <<Безумный Макс Под Куполом Грома>>, and the language options on the back explicitly say Ha.
* Sprosit is a pretty serious fuckup of mine. I had always thought it was supposed to take dative.
* "Given the context, I surmise that you meant to use verb "используешь" Eeyup. Fuck minimal pairs.
* "Птицы не могут летить сначало от яйца." It doesn't exist in any language, but the meaning is clear. Letit' was a typo.
* I shall ask my friends to really pounce on my mistakes.

As promised, no more Russian to you for a long time.


Issue 1 (Severity:low): Generally, using "ты" is overly familiar when you`re addressing someone you don`t know well. Using "вы" is much safer and much more polite.

No one uses "вы" on the internet except for working relationship.

also, you have a typo in your user description.

I`m blunter thean a bag of hammers


That`s where the big brainscrew comes into play. See...
говорить НА английском - speaking in LANGUAGE English.
силен В английском - strong on TOPIC of english.
Those little nuances are very hard to explain, much less translate, and not grasping them is one of the primary hints that you`re talking to foreigner.

Why do you think I marked the severity as low, duh?

Wow. Average story. Horrible author. Go figure.


I have NEVER seen "v anglijskom" anywhere

Don't look at the word "английский".
"силён в чём-то" is an expression. It means you do something very well. You can say:
Я силён в английском
Я силён в математике
Я силён в плавании
Я силён в написании текстов о цветных лошадях


thanks for introducing me to this cute, and fun game

If you are a cheeky cheater, you can use the following magical incantation to help jump-start your kitten metropolis:

(spoiler'd, because cheats)

var ᕕᐛᕗ = JSON.parse(localStorage['com.nuclearunicorn.kittengame.savedata']); ᕕᐛᕗ.resources[0]['value']='99999999999'; localStorage['com.nuclearunicorn.kittengame.savedata']=JSON.stringify(ᕕᐛᕗ);


8055165 dacrap is that gibberish?! :derpytongue2:

Common knowledge on both counts. Care to say something interesting next time?

A piece of javascript that fudges around with the game inner code. I`m not sure what resources[0] is, but I`m guessing that it`s either kittens or catnip. In any case, 99999999999 is ridiculously lots to start with.

8056020 Nah. Why would I bother saying something interesting about a dull author who writes borning content? That's like me giving a 9/10 to No Man's Sky. It'll be misleading, so I rather just state what you truly are, and that is an asshat with a story about Twilight being a cat.

Bravo! Bravo! That is some creative writing right there! You surely took your time on it! You can just see the amount of thought you put into such a shameless act of cashing in. Congratulations, you special snowflake you! You're going to go far!

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