Everyone gets scared of the dark sometimes. When you're a kid, you might need a nightlight to make all the bad stuff go away. When you grow up and grow old, though, sometimes that darkness has something special waiting for you, and no nightlight can shine it away. I'll just keep telling myself that if I don't look, it can't get me. Right?
LISTEN TO THE READING BY SCRIBBLER HERE!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARkLQY82Gjs&feature=emb_logo
Please Note: This reads more like stream of consciousness psychological creepiness, rather than monster or classical style horrors.
I was not expecting that cover art change... Jesus Christ.
I liked this, though! I've always been fond of introspective writing mixed with the general feel of suspense and unease rather than outright horror.
Actually this story got to me. Great job. Really artsy, so it tickled my pickle. You really captured the magic here.
Heh, thanks. General Suspense should be the next character you use.
That cover art... Thanks for the nightmare fuel.
Deep and dark
Thanks! I really liked it myself.
Thank you.
I think I'm going to lay down and go over my life then after I have read this story again, I'll take a walk, come home and think about life again.
Oh ho ho, that silly cat and his mind games; he'll do anything for a slice of lasagna.
You beautiful magnificent bastard.
I have missed you.
Is Twilight your best pony? And do you dislike the person you are?
There's a reason this doesn't have a self-insert tag.
8035274 It is very similar to Always Here. That is why I asked.
Eh, I like making Twilight into representations of abstract concepts. Makes me kinda happy sometimes.
So what would happen if you were to invest in bear traps and fill the corners with them?
Well if not looking at it doesn't kill you, and looking at it doesn't kill you then it's not really dangerous is it? More of a nuisance than a threat.
Here's a thought: move. Or does it follow even if you move out of town?
Well previous dialogue says that you have looked at it before, and it didn't get you. All in all, this corner creature just brings this to mind:
u 2 hunybun
...it did get him. Every time.
Yes, it would follow him wherever he moved.
Bear traps would not hurt it.
It doesn't kill you (usually), but it still attacks you.
Perhaps you may need to think about what this creature is from a different angle.
8035356 Nah, I'm well aware that it's a horror more or less rooted in his head, I just like snarking at stories as I go
Ah, got it.
So him and I have the same entity in a little corner of our rooms.
I call mine Ilos.
Ilos is a cumstain that grew up that its mother should have swallowed before she got pregnant..
It always blames me for things that I couldn't prevent or condemns me for things I did or didn't do, sucks for it as I'm too old and too stubborn to give a shit anymore.
Mostly anyways.
Whoa, now this is certainly an unexpected piece. Excellent job pencil, I can say that I did not expect you to write horror and suspense so well, I hope that you will write some more some time soon. You should also consider writing more such philosophically oriented works, you seem to have a knack for it.
Go the fuck to sleep, Pencil.
8036422 wut.
That little spot in the back of your mind where you keep things you don't want to remember but can never forget?
That gut wrenching feeling that happens when you lie in bed trying to go to sleep but can't as terrible memories fill your head?
The so called "skeletons in the closet" that you always regret never burying or getting closure for are what this is about.
I just named my skeletons as it makes it easier to tell them to fuck off.
8039308 lolk
Sad but enlightening. I'm well on my way right now.
Why's it gotta be so real though
alright, this isn't creepy at all - kyle crane from dying light
I like to think this is the dark telling of when a brony leaves the fandom.
Eh…? It was...good? The grammar was well-used, and the descriptions and visuals were adequate. It was a little too repetitive and pointless at times, though, and it was left very vague throughout. Now, there’s nothing wrong with that. Stories that make you think and allow you to think, theorize, and interpret in a different way are always well-accepted. Yet, when there’s little to no context, it’s not vague in a thought-provoking way, it’s just vague in an unfulfilling way. If you, perhaps, gave us more insight into this author, it would have helped a tad, but the setting of the story was definitely fairly unique (though not uncommon). Pretty good, I’d give it a 7/10, and I can’t wait to read more of your stories!
Regret. It only becomes more powerful the older you get...
unless you couldn’t care less. 
Well hot dicks! Thanks, I'll give it a listen.
ha ha gotta stay brony or Twilight will eat me c.c;;
Ah sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension