And the timeline's broken, or not? Seriously, what happened? After Ruby's freak out over SASA it looks like the situation just carried on like that never happened, minus Blake's exposition speech. Speaking of the ribbon maiden, she's keeping her species hidden, so stop referencing it! At least in situations where it's not being told to us by the narrator.
I know about RWBY, but what's JNPR?
Jaune Arc
Nora Valkyrie
Pyrrha Nikos
Lie Ren.
Looks Like "Team SASA" has a fan. Heh, quite unfortunate (Not) of "Cardin" to grope Aria on the first day.
What's gonna happen next in the next chapter?
I never said it was Cardin what gave you that idea? I've got nothing against him, nope, not at all....
Best reaction ever! Ruby, you are more adorkable than Twilight! Yes. I said It, fight me.
Amazing chapter. Sorry if I took to late to comment or read it. Forgot to track the story.
And the timeline's broken, or not? Seriously, what happened? After Ruby's freak out over SASA it looks like the situation just carried on like that never happened, minus Blake's exposition speech. Speaking of the ribbon maiden, she's keeping her species hidden, so stop referencing it! At least in situations where it's not being told to us by the narrator.