• Published 26th Apr 2017
  • 6,036 Views, 131 Comments

The Griffon Chronicle - Grave Walker

A human turned Griffin in a post apocalyptic Equis, but with a twist! He's on a completely different continent! Follow him on a journey of adventuring the wasteland as a hero with spurts of randomness and nonsense.

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Chapter 2: Attack At Dune City! [Redux]

Author's Note:

Prepare for the shitbuckets people! Also, anybody catch that Connan reference? :trollestia:
Also that thingy in the time [Redux] Means that I've redone a lot of the chapter. Mainly for the first two so far, so I'll now be focus on making a completely new chapter 4. BTW, I like comments, gimme them. :yay:

Dune City, not a spectacular sight as I thought it would be. While the description given was accurate, it just didn't look as marvelous compared to human ingenuity and creativity. Yet, I can’t deny that it was straight to the point in its purpose. The walls looked quite formidable, even with the many battle scars it held, the walls stood strong. The ‘city’ was built rather ingenious if I do say so myself. I may not have a degree in architecture, but I do know when I see good strategy and tactics. The city itself was split into two by two separate walls. There was the outer wall, thick and strong for taking most of the beating. And then there was the supposedly smaller inner wall. I was told it was in more pristine condition as it hadn’t faced much damage and had some engraved art if that was to be believed.

Past the tall battle scarred wall, was the commoners living space. Homes were either rebuild with scarp and bricks or made use of the old storage buildings that originated with the fort turned city. But based on what I gathered, the place was more of a large town then a simple city. The name is just there because of all the trading traffic it gets.

Coming back to the Dune City’s design, the first wall also held a few local business and two local inns. But after passing all the homes and the commoner markets, then came the second wall. This wall blocked off the commoners and travellers from two big storage houses, a palace, and the guards barracks. That is what the old griffin told me at least. I’m guessing there are rooms for ambassadors and other such noble stuff as well. Basically, that was all I could get in details about the city’s layout. As for the who ran the city, it was some large griffin named Lord Titan, who now rules over the city. The old girfion mentioned something about him not always being in power, but he got tired of talking. And just like a cat., the old father took rest on top of their luggage in the large cart.

As we got closer to seeing Dune City’s gate, I really saw how old this place must have been. And obviously must have been built brilliantly for fending off invading land forces such as those savage dogs, yet I saw a problem. The town sized city was built to defend from land dwelling forces, not huge aerial monsters such as a huge fire breathing dragon. And that is a really big problem.

“What are you staring at?” One of the griffin guards asked argerly. They had been keeping a really close eye on me ever since I got here. And more so when seeing that I was armed.

“I am calculating our chances of survival from a dragon attack.” I started sarcastically, holding in a chuckle while looking back at the guards. They wore a simple clothes with some scraps of hide armor. All of them were adorned with a bronze colored bucket of a helmet. The main weapon of choice was surprisingly, a Spear with a long steel spade spear. I also noted that they had studded wooden club as side arms. Not really suited to their ability of agility and flight. I would personally arm them with longswords and some crossbow as they could take that to a better advantage. Have they invented crossbows?

“And based on what I have observed, your defenses are very vulnerable to a large dragon attack.” I stated, caused to guards to question my interests as they lead us through the gates.

“There hasn’t been any dragons this far north since the great war.” A griffin stated out, standing out among the ranks. And that griffin was she if my ears weren’t mistaken. She wore more refined armor with a metal chest plate and had an authoritarian status among the others. The farmers quickly bowed down to her. Weather it was of respect or the likes of fear, I couldn’t quite tell.

“I need to speak to whoever is in charge of this hold.” I asked, looking straight into her amber eyes. She seemed a bit surprised, yet held her expression neutral as she circled around me.

“And who might you be? Requesting Lord Titan's time like common folk?” She asked as she observed me, looking as if she was testing my skill and strength with her gaze.

“It is urgent that me and these survivors warn Lord Titan of the impending danger that lurks.” I told, insisting the urgency in my voice. I also began checking her out as well. Not as if she was hot or anything… I think... Damn it brain, not now!

“You didn’t answer the question, Pureblood.” She hissed the name, resting her claws on the hilt of her sword. Oh yeah, she had a long saber on her as well. And what the hell does 'Pureblood' mean anyway?

“I’m Jack… Jack Cobalt.” I spoke out. Why I did just changed my last name on the fly? Um… It at least sounded way cooler. Now that I think about it, the name aint that bad, and it matched my new form quite well. I’m a Blue Jay mixed Snow Leopard griffon. Cobalt in know as a deep cyan like blue, so it matches me.

“Well then Jack Cobalt, why is a Pureblood all the way out here with farmers nonetheless?” She asked, still pronouncing those words with great disdain. And it seems she is quite insisting that I give her some info, exspcails with that grip on the her sword. I think carefully for a moment before speaking.

“My whereabouts are none of your concerns. What is concerning is that fact that a dragon has just attacked a village not too far from here.” I stated, jesting my hand towards to griffin farmers.

“They are the sole survivors from this attack and believe that it will strike again.” I spoke again. This time, I was starting to see the gears turning in her head.

“Is this true?” She asked them. Before any of them could speak, a blaring roar screeched across the sky. I’m starting to get some video game vibes right now. She quickly took flight and spotted a red dot in the distance.

“Guards! Alert Lord Titan and his Legion! Get everyone inside their homes now! We have a dragon coming our way!” She ordered, sending her troops out as she gave out multiple commands. Everyone seemed to know what to do as guards took to arms as the civilians hunkered down.

“You three! Take them to Lord Titan and-” her voice was overshadowed by the fury of a dragon’s roar. I looked up and saw the red demon charging like a train at full speed. Quickly, I got to cover as it dived by, letting out a torrent of flames upon a group of guards. I stared, utterly shell shocked as I watched a dozen griffins slowly burn to death, screaming and flailing around in agony.

I don’t know what happen next, nor can I really explain the great depth, but I felt something break in me. Something spontaneous, yet powerful all the same. I could say something akin to that of a spark. Most should run in this situation, fleeing for their lives at the sight of this flying demon. I know this, but for the love of me, I felt so pissed that fear wasn’t anywhere on my mind. A burning hatred for the murdering monster, it just consumed me whole. I felt my heart rate increase to light speed as everything slowed down to an almost unnatural level. I looked around, seeing the damage as many tried to put out the fires as other fled.

I then looked up, only to see a fireball coming at me. Time seeming to quickly catch back up to me as I barely dodged the blast. Heat scorching my sides upon impact, I rolled a bit before hitting my head on a rock. I felt everything go black for a moment before awakening again. For a few moments, everything was dizzy and blurry, but that quickly faded away as time was fully sped back up. Groaning, I felt the familiar throbbing pain running all over my head. Must have gotten a concussion. Trying to get back up, I quickly dusting the still burning ash off my body. How long did I black out? I quickly halted my movements as I realized that I was right next to the red monster.

A bit too close for comfort in my mind, I looked at what occupied the dragon’s attention. Standing right in front of the dragon was the scared farmers huddling together in fear. The Dragon had it’s maw open, just ready to bring out another blazing burst of flames.

I then did either the most heroic, or the most stupidest thing in my life. I drew my gladius high and charged madly. It didn't even have the chance to look at me before I jammed the black blade into its eye, only stopping at the hilt. Nearly going deaf from the screeching banshee, I was quickly smacked away like a fly and sent tumbling across the dirt. Groaning, I noticed that I lost grip of my sword as it was still lodged in the dragon’s bleeding eye.

Getting on all fours, I checked myself and found myself only to be bruised. Seeing that I still had my Remington 870 on me, I smiled with malice as the idea popped into mind. Switching the safety off, I gave a mighty battle cry, charging at the pain driven dragon. The beats took notice and open its maw, ready to turn me into ashes.

But that is what I wanted.

Right before it let loose, I jumped up into the air and fired the three inch shell worth of choked buckshot down it’s throat. The dragon instantly reared back in shock and coughing pain, falling onto its right side while clutching it’s stinging throat. I barely missed the huge swatting claws by mere inches as I rolled away and scurried back onto my feet. After catching my breath, I saw that the dragon laid on it’s side, choking himself as the lead burned into its flesh.

“Eat lead motherfucker!” I yelled out as I let lose more buckshot, chipping and tearing the softer underbelly scales off of the beast. Yet as fate would have it, my gun soon clicked empty.

“Shitbuckets.” The next thing I know, I’ve been suckerpunched by the fast and very furious dragon. Hurling in the air like a baseball, I slammed into the wall, cracking some bones upon impact. Groaning through my clenched beak, I rolled over onto my back, only to regret that even more. I felt some bones grinding against flesh and nerves. Now I too, was writhing in absolute pain.

“Jesus Christ that ficking hurts!” I yelled out, feeling the burning pain of my bruised muscles and that of splintered bones. Remarkably, I pushed through the pain and got back up. Relying mainly on my adrenaline to keep me going, I quickly searched for my enemy. Yet as if God himself had demand death for me, I nearly fainted as I met the pissed off dragon face to face.

“Burn.” It ached out, terrifying me down to my core. Welp, I'm done for! Yet right as it was about to turn me into roasted chicken, a few spears stabbed into the dragon’s damaged hide. Both of us looked to find that the guards had regrouped, aiming more spears and firing arrows. The dragon took a few steps away from me, trying to block the waves of shape toothpicks. Taking advantage, I slung my rifle and quickly aimed down the scope.

Betting all hope on lady luck, I pulled the trigger. The bullet blasted out of the barrel and somehow, by ridiculous levels of stupid luck, landed dead on target. The metal bullet struck through the other eye and into the brain. The dragon dropped dead like a gigantic boulder, shaking the ground upon impact. For a few moments, the everyone stared as it laid there, motionless.

“Holy shit! I think that did it!” I shouted out, coughing a spurt of blood. Nearly falling over, I leaned on my rifle as I continued to stare with glee. Making use of my rifle for a crutch, I began limping towards the dead dragon, with overwhelmingly crazed happiness. As I hobbled onward towards the dead dino, I took notice of the faces that the others held. Surprise, wonder, and fear were a few to name off. Ignoring their complete shock and awe, I soon was mere feet away from the behemoth.

I did nothing but stand there, observing the dead beast. The dragon that I, fought and killed. Letting the realization settle in, I began to giggle madly with revelation. I continued to laugh like a madman, observing my work. All of my anger seemed to just melt away as I stared at it, laughing all the while. My sanity was on the verge of breaking off as I continued to comprehend this madness.

I'm been turned into a griffin, that alone is bound to mess with anyone's mind. Then I saved other griffins from savage dogs and slayed a scary rejected Pokemon. And lastly, I alone saved an entire city from a flying, fire breathing dragon!

Goddamnit! My mind is tired of this bullshit! I just want to wake up from this crazy dream and go home! Yet I knew that this was real. Even how ridiculous it is. Hell! Mythological creatures becoming real and sentient with a mix of nuclear magic weapons dropped, this is just plain insanity! Yet it feels too real to be a dream of any kind. Know what? God hates me!

My thoughts continued to rant on as there was no logic to be seen. I eventually set that shit aside as I brought my bigger problems at hand. My body is damaged with some broken bones. I need to get some medical help if I'm going to recover. Yet I need to grab my sword. Still chuckling like a kid in candyland, I coughed some blood before I took hold of my sword, prying it from the body.

Yet as soon as I touched the handle, the most cliche shit happened. I felt a sudden wave of warmth pass over me like a breeze. As if gallons of steaming warm water was dumped on me, I sighed, letting it soak me. Not caring what was happening anymore, my brain had enough. The pain in my body began numbing away as waves of golden mist healed my broken body with speeds on par with the likes of Wolverine. My vision turned to pure yellow as I felt my fatigue melt away with strength of a thousand warriors.

Sighing again in relief, my wounds sewn themselves back together as torn flesh and broken bones became fixed. Hell, I felt them become stronger than before. Yet as it was empowering my body, my mind and spirit felt the relaxation all the same. I drew the sword out effortlessly and stood still, absorbing the rest of golden dust as if it was a natural occurrence. My sight quickly faded back to normal as I saw that the dragon was no more. All that remained was the steel strong bones and mighty red scales. Blinking a few time, I began to process what just happened.


Did I just do a dovahkiin!? When did I turn into the ficking Dragonborn? How did I even do that shit!? I’m not even that badass! Know what, fick it! I’m done with this logic! Fick physics, I’m going with magic. I guess god does love me! Okay, this is a completely new world, new laws, new... Life? Hell! Everything from before is gone! I may ever get to go back! Yet I have a new body and possibly a new life even!

“Holy gods above! I’m the freaking Dragonborn!” I shouted out, not caring what they think. I’m probably down with utter madness in their eyes, but who cares! I just shot down a dragon and took it’s soul! I’m the fucking badass of this world! I feel like I could take on the gods themselves!

Okay, I really need to calm down. I’m scaring these people shitless with my actions. Now, take breather and calm down. Breath in, breath out. Inhale, Exhale. Okay, I need to show that I’m not a demon or something alike. Maybe sheathing my sword would be a good step?

I’m such a dumbass sometimes.

Sheathing my gladius, I looked away from the dragon skeleton and towards the griffins. So far, they were still having their awe meter spiked. Turning towards them, closed my eyes and took in another breather.

“Okay, I know I just slayed a bloodthirsty dragon and possibly saved this city single handedly, but please know that I don’t mean any harm towards you people.” I started, doing my very best to calm them down before they panicked. The last thing I need is to be chased outta town with spears and pitchforks.

“Who are you?” Asked another griffin as he held his burned arm.

“I am Jack Cobalt of... Valenwood. Yeah! Know that I come in peace and that I need to speak with your leader!” I told, trying hard to sound diplomatic as possible. Only this time, I really was failing at it.

“And what do you want of me, Jack Cobalt of Valenwood?” Came in another voice from behind me. What caught me off guard was the freaking size of this griffin. While I have noticed the size difference between me and the others males griffons, this guy was a giant. He had silver on brown fur with golden bronze feathers with spots of white. Also, he had grand wings to account for his size. He was noticeably ripped with muscles as they bulge through his fur! Damn. This guy must be like the Arnold Schwarzenegger of Griffins! Just without the voice. If he did have the voice, that would make him even more badass! He flew down with a groups of heavily armored griffons in toll.

“Lord Titan!” Following out with the announcement, the guards stood strong and gave salute. The rest started kneeling, or what it bowing? Whatever, they lowered themselves as a show of respect. Once I realized that I wasn’t bowing... I saw that everyone is looking at me like I'm flipped the bird to pope... What did I do now?!

“Shitbuckets.“ I barely mumbled out, staring at the titan of a griffin... Okay, that pun was weak.

“Jack Cobalt, are you challenging me?” He asked while walking over towards me. Keeping eye contact, I stood my ground, holding in my fear and what was left of my sanity.

“No. I would prefer no strife with you, as I would surely lose.” I replied sarcastically. I tend to joke around when I'm really stressed and scared. And both of those boxes are checked in my book.

“Says the one who slays the dragon.” He remarked, gesturing his hand over the the huge pile of red scales and bleach bones.

“I, ahh... I wish to talk and explain my situation to you. In private of course.” I rushed out.

“What you say can be spoken here.” He stated, trying to intimidate me. And he would have succeeded, only if I hadn’t just been scared shitless by the angry red dragon.

“What I need to talk about is about of my own, and it is to be discussed is both personal and not meant for, how do you put it... Mortal ears?” I insisted, hoping to whatever god there is that my words would work. I don’t want everyone thinking I’m crazy and burning me to a stake. Surprisingly, I seemed to have changed the playing field from a 'no chance of winning' fist fight to real threat all out nuclear war. And his expression couldn’t tell me any different.

“As you wish.” He stated, setting off the mind freaking bomb in my brain as Titan, the big hulking honcho bow down his head to me! What the fick is going on!?

“Guards, get this place cleaned up and get those dragon scales to the Blacksmith.” He ordered, breaking their stutter as they quickly obeyed. Everyone suddenly looked at me as if I was Jesus himself! What had I possibly got myself into now?

“Follow me, Chronicle.” Realizing that he was calling me, I joined him, gaining silent stares of shock and unbelief. Walking side by side, we ventured deeper into the city in silence. As I walked with him, I could only guess and question what I had just done to myself. In fact, I couldn't even understand all the madness going on in my head.

I’m Dragonborn? I did kill a dragon, and absorb its soul and body… Was golden dust it’s soul? Or was it some stupid energy absorbing thing? Whatever it was, it definitely did more than just heal my mortal wounds me. After that stunt, I shouldn’t even be walking around, yet here I am, feeling stronger than I ever was before. Did I level up, like the video game character? Nah, I’m not in some video game, too real. But I definitely just did what Dovahkiin dose on a weekly basis. So I’m now something close to that, right? Maybe this “Chronicle” title is their version of Dovahkiin? Oh god, I don’t wanna fight anymore dragons right now.

While I continued to internally panic, nothing substantial happened on short our stroll, in fact, nothing was even asked from me. We just traveled in silence. This gave me time to bring my brain back in order as I sorted my shit out. Also during this time, I stared at him and saw how he walked. Titan took short strides with less intimidation and more of a natural manner. The huge griffin didn’t ever give any eye contact, as if trying to avoid my gaze. Besides the awkwardness, we soon arrived at the gates to another part of the fort. Unlike the rest of the city, this palace like building was clean and much more presentable. The guards unlocked the gates upon our arrival and let us in without a word.

“I welcome to my home, Chronicle.” And there he goes with that name again. Well, if I remember correctly, Chronicle means something written as important or historically significant. So I guess that name actually fits me quite well. I am, after all, an alien to this completely new world. Do they know I’m a alien? Better yet, what does this title give me? And how long can I keep it? I better not be their grand hero from dragons or something alike. Now that will still be ridiculously cliche.

“I appreciate you hospitality, Lord Titan.” I finally answered back, observing the pillars and the interior artwork.

“Anything for our Chronicle. You are greatly welcomed upon my land Jack Cobalt.” Titan replied, bringing us to a large dining room with slightly higher ceiling. The room itself wasn’t too spectacular, yet it wasn’t quite bland either. I mean, with the huge glowing crystal like chandelier, it basically illuminated the entire room.

“I think after your long travels and defeating dragons, you must be starved! Come here friend and take a seat.” He suggested excitingly. While I am a bit tired, that dragon soul was very refreshing. In fact, how did I do any of that in the first place? Do I just kill something and gain it’s soul? It didn’t work when I killed the Manticore… More the think about later.

“I am appreciative of your kindness Lord Titan, but I’ll have to decline that offer.” I told truthfully, seemingly downing his excitement a bit.

“I have a few bottles Crystal Fall Wine.” He chirped in a cheerful tone, trying his best to persuade me.

“Again, I’ll decline. That dragon soul did stuff me up.” Titan give out a hearty chuckle at my remark.

“Alright Chronicle, what is so important that I need to know?” He asked, grabbing a pitcher of wine and filling his glass.

“Tell me, who the hell am I too you?”