• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 52 minutes ago


"Kathy, I'm lost." I said, though I knew she was sleeping.


Being called away to her rock farm for an emergency, Pinkie Pie asks Rainbow Dash to watch Sugarcube Corner and alligator-sit Gummy for a couple of days. It's all going so well, until Dash sits down... and hears a squelchy noise underneath her. Oops.

Yes, the title is a direct call out to Weekend At Bernie's and this book. Just so we're clear.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

That was great xD:pinkiehappy:

for 'Weekend At Bernie's' reference alone ill read this...after reading it I like it and faving it.:rainbowkiss:

That was brilliant!


That was hilarious! I had a feeling that Rainbow Dash overreacted, otherwise there would be a 'Sad' tag here. But boy, Gummy is quite a jerk, isn't he?

I have to say, this story was enjoyable that I think I'll favorite it.

This is the second Weekend at Bernie's story I've read this week. I might’ve liked this one more if I didn’t read the other one first.

Still, decent story. Your prose and word choice is a bit strange at times, and you seem to suffer from Lavender Unicorn Syndrome, but neither of those made the story unbearable or anything.

Have a like

I'd sell the alligator to a blind kid, personally.

This was enjoyable to read! I would love to see you do a moment with Gummy, talking about random things and life's meaning :rainbowderp:

Rainbow could have just chucked Gummy under the wheels of a passing cart and claimed that he'd been run over.

Uh, I don't mean to criticize you, but you might want to look back over your story in a few places. If you'll notice, you accidentally referred to Rainbow Dash as 'he' and Gummy as 'she' at times. You might want to fix that.

When I saw Rainbow’s opening "Oh no" I immediately read it like she said it when Spike burned Twilight's hair in "It's About Time". :rainbowlaugh: Thumbs up.

8023757 Thanks :pinkiehappy:
8023787 Coming from you, that's a great compliment. :raritywink:
8023809 Goodie! :raritystarry:
8023855 Hoped you'd like it.:twilightblush:
8023992 I like my big words, and I also hate repeating myself. It's just my way. Thanks for reading, though.:twistnerd:
8024052 Hmm... I think I may have seen that movie already. :moustache:
8024608 Perhaps, but I have enough on my plate right now. Maybe, someday... :rainbowhuh:
8024781 PETA would just love you. :rainbowkiss:
8025852 That image did cross my mind :trollestia:

Ha, "Alligator-sitting"

8025976 I've already made their shit-list a thousand times over. :pinkiehappy:

You know what? This should be a full fledged episode. It's just that good! :rainbowlaugh:

You now may take 5 mustaches as your prize.
:moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:

*Twilight OCD mode activated* Tank is a reptile, not an amphibian. He and Gummy also aren't slimy, they're scaly.:facehoof:

8099631 Oops sorry, I'll do a bit of choice editing to reflect those facts. Although in fairness, I did only call him an amphibian once. Thanks for the comment! :raritywink:

a wild shrieking noise to commence emitting from her esophagus,

Umm, your esophagus can't make shrieking sounds. It doesn't have vocal chords. Your larynx, however, can.

8107696 It's a good job it's so easy to edit on Fimfiction, eehhh? :twistnerd:

That was pretty damn funny lol, great job! :twilightsmile:

Oh my gosh.



Fun! I totally should've seen that ending coming.

How about a nice game of chess?

But, I'd rather play Thermonuclear War!

Shame that Matthew Broderick's career peaks after then were voicing a cartoon predator & playing a sociopathic truant... :fluttershysad:

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