She didn't know why she chose right then to do it, but Rainbow Dash was never one to plan out every possibility before flying in to save the day. The moment she saw the evening Sun's colors settle upon the farmpony's golden mane, Dash's heart swelled to where she couldn't hold in how she felt anymore, and so she took the biggest risk of her life. Bigger than when she took that sleeping dragon head on; bigger than when she dived toward the earth in a desperate effort to save her friend Rarity, and the Wonderbolts, from falling to their deaths. They had put her life on the line, but what she was doing now put her heart on the line.
So when she leaned forward, and pressed her lips against that beautiful orange mare, she didn't know what to expect, so it was to her great elation when Applejack wrapped her forelegs around Rainbow's neck, and pulled in closer. Dash's heart began beating like a trip hammer, and she wrapped her forelegs around Applejack's neck, tears tracing their way down her cyan cheeks.
After a moment, they separated from each other's embrace and for a moment, they just started at one another.
"Rainbow..." Applejack began, breathlessly.
Rainbow Dash didn't give her a chance to continue before speaking herself, her words coming out weak, but plaintive.
"Applejack. Please don't be upset, I just... I had to... you see..., you're the most awesome mare in Equestria! You're strong, you're honest, you're brave, even braver than me, and I realized that I have loved you since the day I first saw you. I know you might not like me anymore, but I would have exploded if I wouldn't have said something, please don't be angry with me..."
Before she could go on, Applejack, her eyes full of tears, put a hoof to Rainbow Dash's mouth.
"Rainbow, ah never done figured you thought a' me that way. Shoot, ah never figured mahself as a mare who liked... well, other mares, but ever since that first race, the day after you moved to Ponyville, ah knew ah had found a friend. Someone ta' keep me at mah best. Now, we been friends fer so long, ah never thought it could be any other way, but..." and at this, she stopped for a moment to remove her hat from her head and hold it in front of her, almost like a shield, "if ya do feel like ya could be more than just mah friend, ah think ah would like that just dandy."
Rainbow Dash's heart leapt from her chest and into her throat. Applejack, her friend of many years, her strongest competitor, the pony that made her keep her edge, the pony she had fallen in love with and only now had the courage to do something about it; was offering her a chance for something more than friendship.
"Applejack?" Rainbow asked softly.
"Yeah, Rainbow?" she replied.
"Will you", she licked her lips before continuing, "will you be my special somepony?"
A beat. Two beats.
Rainbow Dash started to feel icy tendrils coursing through her heart, and she began to sweat profusely.
Applejack smiled, and the smile reached her eyes as she replied, "Rainbow, I cain't imagine any other pony I'd rather have as mah special somepony, than havin' you."
With that declaration, joy soared through her heart as Rainbow Dash leapt forward and embraced Applejack, and with all her strength, lifting her off the ground, twirling her around, and kissing her passionately. Applejack fiercely returned the embrace, bringing Rainbow Dash against her chest, and nuzzling her on her neck. Life was good.
The Royal Palace, Canterlot
That Morning
Twilight woke up with warm thoughts occupying her mind, and a warm dragon sleeping against her back. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she carefully eased herself out of bed, slowly moving the sheets so as not to disturb the baby dragon. She walked softly across the immense, and luxurious, suite that had been so generously gifted to her by the Royal Sisters. She stepped into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her mane was wild and unruly, momentarily reminding her of the Miss Smarty Pants incident some months back.
She pushed the thought away. She had learned a great deal about priorities since then. Oh, she had always prioritized effectively, but now she knew what was more important in the grand scheme of things. It was a lesson on friendship she would not soon forget.
Seeing the large, marble tub in the corner, Twilight opted instead for the small shower. There will be time for relaxation later, she thought to herself, so just a quick scrub and rinse and I can get ready for today's events.
She jumped into the shower.
A moment later there was a knock at the door. Twilight, annoyed at being interrupted, called out to Spike, knowing that it would, regrettably, disrupt the snoozing dragon's rest. "Spike!", Twilight yelled, "could you get the door, please?!".
Seconds passed, then the loud yawning of a dragon was heard from the other room, followed by a thud, and a disgruntled, "yeah, yeah, I'm coming, hold your horseshoes!"
Twilight giggled as she finished rinsing and stepped out of the shower, and began to dry herself off. She hated waking her Number One Assistant, but it would have been a bit unseemly, and quite the shame, to simply answer the door while soaking wet, with water dripping onto such a lovely carpet.
Bundling a towel around her wet mane, she sauntered into the other room.
"Hey Twilight! Look what the Princess sent! Ith gfbrght!" Spike finished as he hungrily stuffed a rather large, brilliant amethyst into his mouth. Twilight raised an eyebrow at him before turning and walking over to the aforementioned service cart. Her jaw dropped to the floor.
The cart was piled from end to end, with soft breads, fresh fruits, whole grains, and cream filled, decadent desserts. There was even a basket of beautiful, large, glittering gems, just for Spike.
Picking her jaw up from the floor, she surveyed the layout, but before she could pick out a delicious, buttered scone that was tempting her, she saw a small piece of paper next to the plate. Using her magic, she picked it up. It was a card. She unfolded it and began reading, a smile picking at the corner of her muzzle as she read:
"Dearest Twilight,
It would not behoove you to delegate and defend on an empty stomach. Please enjoy these treats as my honored guest before you leave for the debates. I shall see you when you arrive at the Canterlot Ampitheatre. May fortune favor all of your endeavors, my faithful student.
Warmest Regards,
Princess Celestia
P.S. Luna sends her best, and wishes to see you later this evening for dinner. I will inform you of the time and place when we meet."
P.P.S. I sincerely hope Spike enjoyed his gems."
Twilight could almost hear the laughter behind that last comment. Looking over toward the bed, she saw her beloved dragon snoozing once more, underneath the crumbling pieces that were once sizable gemstones.
She walked over to the bed and gave Spike a quick nuzzle, waking him. He sat up and rubbed his forehead.
"What happened?" He asked as he blinked his eyes a few times to focus.
Twilight laughed, "You overate, silly. Now let's hurry, we have to get down to the lobby so we don't miss the carriage ride over to the Canterlot Ampitheatre."
As Spike began brushing off his green, gem dust covered belly, Twilight grabbed her saddlebags filled to bursting with her various notes and scrolls. She was excited, and even a bit nervous, as both she and Spike stepped out of their suite, and hurried toward the grand staircase.
Thirty minutes later, Twilight stepped out of the carriage, and stared up at the Canterlot Ampitheatre. The ancient edifice was massive, spanning three full city blocks in diameter, with enormous archways every 50 meters, beautiful white and midnight blue flags adorning them. The building was hewn from white stone inlaid with gold and jeweled trim. Upon marbled buttresses one could view the breathtaking stained glass windows, supported by gold stanchions.
As she took this in, Twilight also noticed the massive crowd of ponies gathered about the area, a bustling sea of winged and horned equines, as well as the easily recognizable earth ponies. Some of them were scientists, from what Twilight could tell, though many appeared to be some form of upper class citizenry, if the expressions of the trailing cringing, and obsequious servants were any indication.
A moment later, Twilight felt Spike's weight on her back.
"You ready, Twilight?" he asked, and suddenly let out a thunderous, firey burp.
A large number of the assembled ponies by the carriages stopped and turned in Twilight's direction, all conversation forgotten, their mouths agape. Twilight, for her part, was redder than Big Mac, and just as silent. She managed a sheepish, blush filled grin, and quickly grabbing her saddlebacks, galloped toward the main hall of the ampitheatre.
Moments later, the cool of the hall passed over her, and she was standing inside the main auditorium. Looking at the pamphlet she was given by the steward riding with her in the carriage, she began searching for her seat. Without realizing it, and with the pamphlet directly in front of her field of vision, Twilight managed to bump into an unsuspecting pony, causing both of them to fall to the ground, and Spike to fly off of Twilight's back, and go sailing through the air toward a heavy, reinforced table.
Even in her confusion, Twilight managed to grab Spike before he could make contact, and she held him with her magic while she stood, apologizing to the other pony profusely.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, sir! I didn't mean to trot right into you! Please forgive me, I should have been paying attention to where I was going! Are you okay?", she said as she looked up in panic.
The other pony, having forest green fur, wearing a white lab coat, and sporting a light gray, frizzled mane, chuckled warmly, a deep rumbling in his voice. "It is perfectly understandable, miss. Many of us go through life without ever taking a glance to see where we are going. It is also quite excusable when the offender is rather lovely" he finished, waggling his eyebrows and winking at her.
Twilight smiled sheepishly, and blushed. She extended a hoof, "My name is Twilight Sparkle, Student of Princess Celestia, and the Resident Scientific Representative of Canterlot in the coming debates today."
Taking her foreleg and politely shaking it, the much older stallion replied in his heavy germane-ic accent, "Ah, hello, my dear Ms. Sparkle, I am Doctor Green Clover, and I shall also be representing the lovely city of Canterlot, though in a likely more diminished role. It is a pleasure to meet you!", and finishing his introduction, he quickly leaned over, and lightly kissed her hoof, a smile on his lips, and mischief in his eyes.
Twilight gasped, "Doctor Green Clover? The pre-eminent physicist, and Grand Expert Emeritus in Exo-Meteorology for Canterlot University?! I have read every single one of your papers, Doctor Clover! You... you are one of the greatest inspirations! Your work is one of the reasons why I was drawn to the field of practical magic application in the first place! It is such an honor to meet you!" she gushed as she grasped his hoof in both forelegs and shook it vigorously.
Spike rolled his eyes as he remained suspended in mid-air. It was going to be a long day.
"Well, I'm glad the two of you have finally met!" a light hearted, and golden, heavenly voice rang from behind Twilight. A moment later, Princess Celestia came into view, as Twilight smiled broadly and nuzzled the Princess' neck, dropping Spike on the ground in the process.
"Princess! It's wonderful to see you again! I missed seeing you last night", she said, in an almost apologetic tone.
"I know, my faithful student, and I apologize for being unable to meet with you. However, I am here now, and I am excited to see what awaits both you and the venerable Dr. Green Clover in our debates today. Perhaps we'll find something wonderful and innovative to explore today."
At that moment, two earth ponies standing four rows away began cursing and yelling at one another, one of them unleashing a litany of both numbers and epithets, as the second began shaking his head and shouting "no!" over and over again.
Princess Celestia smirked, and with her gentle good humor still intact, wryly observed, "then again, maybe things will be like they were last year."
Your wish is my command.
I thought spike wasn't going? I am so confused
That explanation will be forthcoming in the next chapter. :D
AppleDash Complete
My work here is done... wait there is more chapters. I will have to wait and stay tuned, except that will have to wait for next week because I will be on haitus. In the mean time, keep up the good work, and I will see you in a week to see what you have in stored for me.
From hell, to you, and back again,
Soto Konoha
Oh, the AppleDash part is just getting started, and I'm just getting warmed up!
973219 sounds like what AJ and RD are doing too! Zing! I'll show myself out.
Yes, perhaps that would be best.
Nah, just kidding. You're welcome to make cheesy jokes anytime!
Wait. So is it a Twilight x OC, Twilight x Luna, or Twilight x Celestia?
Wait wasn't Spike not coming?