• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen September 29th

Twisted Brew

I am not drunk enough for this right now...


This story is a sequel to The Perfect Mate; Twilight Saga

It's been a good while since Ryan and Twilight had gotten married and the years have been good to them. Even after being together for so long though, the spark between them that kept things alive never seemed to die. One might beg to ask the question; How?
Ryan's way of doing it is as simple as it is difficult. Keep her happy, but keep her guessing. And never lose your sense of adventure and mystery. Because love is a fire; mystery will keep it burning, but adventure will keep it alive.

[Just a sweet little Valentines short]

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Good shit. Nuff said.

Good shit good shit, if I do say so myself!

['Twas] is a contraction if [it was]. Therefore you ought to use the apostrophe ['] when contracting words to indicate to the reader that a letter or series of letters are being dropped from how the word would usually be spelled. For example, a contraction of Celestia can be [Celest'] or ['Tia]. The apostrophe ['] is inserted where it is and indicates to those familiar with her name, that her name is being contracted and that the missing letters of her name are being placeholded, if you will, by the use of the apostrophe [']. Or how [can't] is a contraction of [can not] with the apostrophe being used to placehold the missing 'no' of [can not]. Or how [is not] is contracted down to [isn't] with the 'o' being placeholded by the apostrophe marker.

It was boring and anthro. Delet this. REEEEEEEEEEE. :twilightangry2:

Granny Smith! :fluttercry: Guess all those projectiles finally did her in.

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