• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen February 28th

Dconstructed Reconstruct

reconstructing the deconstruction


After a messy break-up, Thunderlane is feeling less than enthusiastic about life. It's up to his three friends (and Caramel) to cheer him up.

Unfortunately, when Caramel's around, things don't tend to end well.

Happy Valentine's!

many thanks to Aragon, Pearple Prose, and R5H for their help.

Story idea originally from General Liberator.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

Bravo, man. As a guy who has never experienced love but still hopes for it, I like your story.



Heh. The great Plum makes a comment on my story.

I must be dreaming. But it is a happy dream :pinkiehappy:

Love is like a mallet. It's hard, unwieldy, and will break your head open like an egg. Heh

You'll find something. Eventually. Maybe. Eh... or maybe not.

I'm...not sure where this story was going. It feels like you needed to vent about some IRL friend of yours who has roughly the same attitude as Caramel, and then decided to just throw in the whole bit about Cadance to set-up for a random comedic ending? That's how it reads to me.

IRL issues notwithstanding (I personally don't care much about romance and whatnot. I'm a horror kinda guy and would rather forge strong friendships rather than form a romance), the idea of this piece was to write a little piece of exaggerated satire of the people who are self-proclaimed 'loveless' (such as the whole idea behind the trope of "love making you weaker" and whatnot). I also wanted to try out comedy, a genre that—as a mostly horror-directed, cynical and rather pessimistic writer—lack strength in.

Any input on how to improve is welcome.

“Don’t ‘Thunder’ me, you inconsiderate excuse for a stallion!” he spat out, his words vitriolic as acid. “I may be crummy when it comes to relationships, but I can at least have them in the first place!” he bellowed.


“Sure, relationships can suck,” Thunderlane continued in the same volume as before. “Is it hard to start one? Yes. Is it hard to keep one going? Unbelievably! But all that work pays off in the end, not just because you get a nice romp in the sack, as you put it earlier, but because you get to learn about others, share experiences, tribulations, and triumphs!” He walked up to Caramel and pressed his snout against his. “It’s because for once, you are forced to care for someone other than yourself, something you clearly are unable to do!”


There are only three types of ponies who go to college: Ponies who are greedy, ponies who want to start a family, and ponies who have already started a family, usually by accident and—like idiots—fell into the financial hole that is raising a foal.”

There is a 4th type, usually filled by those of us who go in for sciences: Ponies who wish to learn the secrets of the universe so that they may one day CONQUER IT ALL AND ASCEND TO GODHOOD!!! MUWAH HA HA HA!!! (actually, it's ponies who are insane) :pinkiecrazy:

“I think he’s gone stiff on us,” Shining Armor said, taking a spot beside his wife.

Oh reaaaaaaally? Just HOW stiff? :rainbowwild:

(how did no one make a joke about this obvious innuendo all this time?)

Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

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