• Published 30th Jan 2017
  • 2,154 Views, 136 Comments

Days in the Mind of One that is Great and Powerful - The REAL Mister Pkmn

After John Radderson and Kurt Smith disappear, Darrell Evenlor gets suspicious, but not worried. Then he turns into his favorite pony, Trixie, and he has some fun.

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Xavier Breakthrough Project, Day 13: Change for the Better

Trixie and her friends were having a small get together at the mall after school on Friday. It had been a long week, and they were exhausted. To their surprise, they weren’t the only ones of their friends to be there. Rarity, Patricia, and Natalie were there as well, and so was Xavier. Seeing as they were here, Trixie and friends went over to see what they were up to. However, as they approached, somebody else came along from elsewhere. This stranger was an imposing figure, a chiseled face accentuated by his mangled red facial hair. Xavier and Natalie seemed to recognize this person. “Leon D’Aftice. It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”

The aforementioned person glared at Xavier. "Well, well. Ifn it isn Xavier th’ freakazoid. I see yuz gots yurself some more freaks ‘t surround yurself wit.” He then noticed Natalie was there, and shook his head. “An then there’s yu. ‘Chu doin re-connectin wit this freak? I’s thot yu gotten sense in yuz finally, bu now yuz gon dissapointin me. Then agin, I s’pose yuz would go an keep yur word when yuz said yud find him agin.” He crossed his arms, visibly scowling. “Honesly, I’s thot yu mite come bak 't us, but I s’pose t’wasn ment ‘t be.”

Keeping his cool, Xavier, held off Natalie from flying off the handle. He took a breath before addressing Leon again. “From what I understand, Natalie left you and your friends out of regret for her decision. I won’t take offence to what you said about me. I’ve come to accept who I am, and am unashamed. I am willing to move past what happened back then, if you are.”

A glare from Leon’s hazel eyes accentuated what he said next. “Listen up, freakazoid. I don't gots 't 'pologize for nuthin! That freaky crap yuz do jus ain't natural! I’s proud t’ call yuz wut yu are! Folks like yu don’ belong in this world!"

Irate at this, Natalie jumped to the occasion. “You take that back, Leon! Everyone has a place in this world, not just those that are ‘normal’. If the world had only ever had ‘normal’ people, we wouldn’t have nearly the level of tech we have in our lives as we do! So you take that back!”

Eyes wide, Leon was speechless for a few minutes. He blinked, then burst out laughing. “Oh, tha’s righ, ‘cours yu’da side wit ‘im! Yuz a freak too, wit those ‘astrul projecshuns’ ‘a yurz. Make sens why yud side wit ‘im, I s’pose. I’ll tell th’ others, say yuz don’ need bothrin. After all, yuz basically one o’ th’ freaks.” He shook his head. “I’s don’ know why we’s e’er saw anathin in yu.”

Before anyone could respond, a dark blue Earth Pony anthro came onto the scene. “A bit judgemental, aren’t we? One should not judge too harshly, Leon. You’re being a bit hypocritical, if you think that you’re not considered weird to somebody else. Maybe somebody ought to teach you a lesson.”

The others were a bit surprised that this anthro was being so blunt, but Leon seemed not to care. “Pah! I’s do wut I wanna, alrigh? So wut ifn others think me odd? All that matters is that my buds don’ mind. Yuz gots no right ‘t tell me what I’m doin’ is wrong.” He huffed in agitation. “Th’ others are expectin’ me soon. So yuz can do me a favor, an’ steer clear.” Leon then left in a hurry, not wanting to bother with anyone else at the moment.

Trixie and her friends were about to go after him when the mystery anthro cuts in. “Don’t. He’s not in a mood to be reasoned with at this point. And before you ask-” he bows theatrically, causing his light lavender hair to shimmer a bit. “I am known as ‘Mystquake’. ‘Tis a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” his ice blue eyes go to Trixie, and he smiles slightly as he rises from his bow. “You especially. It is fortune that brings us together… Though, I was hoping to meet Gearbox… Ah, well. He’s due to show up soon anyway.” He then noticed the way Xavier looked at the direction Leon went off in. A look of sorrow… regret. He truly had changed quite a lot already, hadn’t he? “Don’t blame yourself- he wasn’t going to listen to you this early anyway. Besides, since you’re all here... “

“Mystquake” had a point. After a short discussion, Rarity approached Xavier’s lesson first. “Tell me, Xavier, you reaching out to Leon… can you tell me why you wanted to?”

Shaking himself off, Xavier considered it for a moment. “For the last while I’ve taken a long look at myself. I used to be so selfish, only really concerned about my own needs. I’ve changed that the best I can so far, or so I’d like to believe. But when Leon showed up, I went over what I’d thought of doing to him and his friends over the years. For a short moment, I considered hurting him. Getting vengeance. But, then I remembered what I was working for. I decided to give him another chance. Forgiving others also has to do with being generous enough to always try to give them another chance, and I will continue to try and have the patience for it. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.”

A little surprised, but overall glad, Carmen took things from there. “Being generous can sometimes be difficult or draining if your generosity is taken advantage of, but if you persevere you will find more people willing to not abuse your generosity. Of course, some people like that will always be out there, but you have to remain positive about the character of others.”

Xavier knew things had not been easy for him especially, seeing as he was still getting used to all this. He’d had his fair share of times where his patience ran thin with people, and he had to clear his head for a while. He knew somebody might mention a positive attitude, but keeping that was difficult for him right now. He decided to just nod, and turned the time to Patricia.

It was little odd for Patricia to see such a stark difference from how Xavier responded to the lesson last time. Still, she took a deep breath, and steeled herself for what she was about to say. “I realize that my first approach was flawed, and I know why. Charity is not something meant to be approached like some kind of equation. Rather, it must come from the heart, a genuine desire to be selfless. In my desperation to get this over with, I overlooked this crucial detail, and faced the consequences. I know that you’re trying, and we will support you the best we can.”

Nodding, Xavier replied. “It’s brave of you to admit where you went wrong, and I agree with your assertion. Without sincerity, how can you follow through? How will your attempt be received? Not very well, is the answer. I still struggle, but I will not give up on myself, or others. Not again.”

Finally, it came to Natalie. She approached steadily, but hesitated somewhat. What was she to say that hadn’t been touched upon? After a bit of rumination, and suppression of an odd feeling, she aired her thoughts. “Being generous is all that you have asserted, and more. Patience, positive attitude, and a genuine desire to help are all well and good, but it’s not quite enough. Sometimes, even with all this, the person you are trying to help will insist that they don’t need your help. The only thing you can do in such a situation is to at least offer. Even if they turn you down, deep down they will appreciate your offer, even if it’s not made clear on the surface. Moreover, some people may mistake your offer for ‘pity’ or a plan to abuse something they have that they think you might want. These situations will test you in many ways, but if you persevere, you will become better for it.”

Silence fell for a moment as Xavier took it all in. Natalie knew quite a lot about these topics, much more so than he’d anticipated. She probably had quite bit of experience while they were apart. She’d changed quite a bit, that was for sure. Maybe, this time… He dismissed that idea. He smiled, and nodded. “Let the world throw what it will. As long as I’m supported, I think that I can take it. It won’t be easy, but I’m no quitter. I’ll do what it takes to prove that I can be a better person than I used to be. No matter how long that takes.”

The day had been quite a success despite the hiccup earlier with that Leon character, and things were looking up. Just as they were about to call it a day, the group saw Gearbox stroll on over. Trixie almost ran over to him, but then she saw something that made her stop. He was busy with a test run of a machine of his, from the look of it. It seemed to be a sleeker version of the horn rig that he’d made a while back, less cumbersome and bulky. He carried his clipboard in an orange glow that corresponded to the machine’s horn. He spoke as he recorded the result. “Field Test #4: This model seems near perfect, working as intended. The Mech Horn responds to the wearers thoughts, almost 10 times quicker than the prototype. With these observations, I could feasibly market this, possibly to those who want to experience being a unicorn for a bit, and it might be usable as a prosthetic, in the event of…. Well, I’d rather not think on that. Though, I wonder if the mind link would work with humans? Something that surly garners looking into… Until I can find a willing test subject, such musings will rest for now. End of test.” He then grasped the clipboard and pen in his hands, and cut the glow on the mechanical horn. He sighed. “That sure is tiring, though. I’d rather not anyone not used to it knock themselves out by using it. Definitely going to need safety labels…”

Before he could react, Trixie went up to him. “I’ve missed you. Been busy, I take it?”

Gearbox sighed contentedly at her presence. “Yeah. I could use a break. How about tomorrow night? You could choose the place.”

As Trixie and Gearbox conversed, something odd came over “Mystquake”. The two of them, together and happy. He wanted to cry. He’d never seen this, and had consigned himself to never see it. But to see it now… If only his brother could see this right now. He shook himself, and left silently.

After the two had agreed on a place for tomorrow night, the group realised how late it had already gotten, and decided to go to their homes.

Meanwhile, Maestro was working in the back of his shop. He hadn’t rested in days. It had to be perfect. It was insane, that he was considering it this soon, but… He shook his head. It had to be perfect, the perfect metal, the perfect gem, the perfect inscription. It was almost done. Just a little more… He hadn’t worked in such a fervor in his life. He was tired, and reasoned that he should leave the rest until morning. He wanted to keep working, but he reasoned that being this tired would do him no good. So, with a bit of magic he ensured that none would come to ruin this, his most special of projects. After he was satisfied with his precautions, he turned in for the night.

Author's Note:

Okay, we're starting to near the end of the story. Roughly ten more chapters are planned, excluding Side Stories. That being said, after the Final chapter, what would you more like to see?

A) Alternate Ending Chapter
B) Epilogue, set years afterward
C) Sequel story
D) Spin-off story

Please vote in the comments below. At the date of release of the Final chapter, the option with the most votes will be worked on.

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