After highschooler Matthew Dashel's friends start turning into anthropomorphic version of a television show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, it's only a matter of time before he succumbs to the same fate. And it may come sooner than he thinks. This is the story of how it happened, and what happened after his transformation into Rainbow Dash.
(I don't not own any of these characters, unless I say so in the author's notes)
This is a colab between me, and some other people. I'm not the host so go check out Skaltrox Defiance Knight, and kwr2k13 for their parts Lavender heart and Aspects of harmony respectively.
I hope you don't mind but Tide Hunter may be helping you on the 2nd Chapter of your rainbow dash side story.
P.s. Shod we have one of the parents gender-swiped !?
As in John's Mom becomes Night-Light, and John's Dad becomes Twilight Velvet !
That be with R.D.'s parents !
You know what I mean !?
Looks like we need a new rainbow dash and perhaps maybe see her parents, Windy Whistles and Bow Hot Hoof?
That we do, my friend.
Good fic so far, seems a bit rushed, but nice none the less. Are the species swapped people permanently named the mlp character they become?
Well, Matt, Terrance, Kurt, John, Rina, and Harry (the mane 6 anthros) each chose their pony names, so John is Twilight, Kurt became AJ, matt is Micaela Dashiel aka Rainbow Dash, Terrance became Flora (Fluttershy), Rina is Pinkie Pie, and of course, Harry is Rarity. We also have the younger cmc's, Apple Bloom (AJ' little sis) and Raritys sister, Sweetie Belle formerly Melanie.
Well, we need a new Rainbow Dash as well as Fluttershy and rarity. Already have Kikio3000 as Pinkie Pie.
Actually, they use similar sounding names (except for John/Twilight, who decided to name herself Twilight)
Applejack - Ashley (AJ) Smith
Fluttershy - Flora/Florence
Rainbow Dash - Micaela Dashiel
Rarity - Rarity
Samantha Dashiel - Scootaloo
Amy Smith - Apple Bloom
Melanie Delrarity - Sweetie Belle
Any idea why it was canceled?
The rainbow dash story (as told from Matt/Micaela's pov) was originally wriiten by Cuber Snuggles who only wrote the 1st chapter and only covered the transformation and rainbow's reaction to it. Twilight's reaction to rainbow and fluttershy's appearance is in her story, Lavender heart.
so anyone can write a story with the anthro versions of rarity, rainbow dash, and Fluttershy.
Can i get a link for lavender heart?
we definetly need rainbow dash's pov for her side story. sort of a follow-up to a crash course of harmony and also linked to Scootaloo's diary, er, journal by Ephedrianroyalty
When did this fic get canceled?
I think shortly after cuber snuggles published the 1st chapter which includes the transformation. Twilight's story Lavender heart shows the reaction the group have to seeing Micaela as the new rainbow dash. they were at Harry/Rarity's getting new outfits when Flora/Fluttershy and Micaela/Rainbow dash showed up. The MLP Theory analysts are behind the transformations sending each person to shares common traits with the anthro pony they will become an email. Upon opening the email link, they get all the info needed for the character, personality, powers, etc.
Hi, sorry for not answering earlier.
I don't remember when I cancelled the story, but I do know why. I had plans for what I wanted to do, but life had decided to shake things up and I realized that I wasn't able to write in the quality or quantity needed to keep up. I figured that Skaltrox and the others deserved someone who could actually keep up and was more cooperative.
It surprises me that this story is my most popular even though I wasn't able to deliver. It's thanks to kwr2k13 that I was even able to get the first chapter out, and I'm sorry that I left y'all hanging out to dry.
Its cool ill check ur other stories out too.
we are still hoping to find someone else to continue this story from dash's pov. I think that they will have to read lavender heart as the new rainbow dash meets up with her friends at Harry/Rarity's place and the fashion friend helps create new outfits for dash and fluttershy (possibly the equestria girls versions of their casual outfits).
ephedrianroyalty did her story on Scootaloo's reaction to the new rainbow dash (her family adopted Samantha/Scootaloo making them new sisters).
oi do more chapters