• Published 19th Feb 2017
  • 15,283 Views, 471 Comments

The Disney Chronicles I: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Dinodisneylover1

When Spike finds a strange book and shows it to his friends, they're immediately dragged into an adventure. First story of this series.

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A Story To Be Told

Once again, our heroes swirled through space, screaming for their lives. Pinkie, on the other hoof, was having too much fun, as she flew past several stars.

In the castle library, the book opened, as a blinding light emerged. Suddenly, Twilight, Spike and the rest of the ponies popped out of the book piling on top of one another. They got up and were talking excitedly of the incredible adventure they had. Yet as Twilight noticed, it seemed not much time had passed since they vanished.

“That was amazing!” Applejack said. “I’ve never experienced something like this before.”

“Me neither,” Starlight concurred.

“That was super-duper fun!” Pinkie yelled, in glee.

“It was lovely… And sometimes scary,” Fluttershy admits. “But mostly lovely.”

“Did you see me use my storm cloud to hit that witch?” Rainbow bragged, as always.

“Until she unleashed a big one!” Pinkie pointed out.

Twilight was happy to be home again, watching her friends talk about the trip. At the same time, she couldn’t help but miss her new friends. She looked behind her toward a certain page in the book.

“And they lived happily ever after,” She read, a smile on her face.


A voice drew Twilight to Fluttershy, who, along with the others, missed their friends too.

“Will we see them again?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course,” Twilight said to her friend. “We’ll find a way.”

All the other ponies, including Spike, smiled. Then it dawned on Twilight.

“We should tell this to the princesses,” Twilight said, grabbing the book. “They won’t believe what happened to us.”

“Well, the sun’s just coming up,” Spike said, noting the sun. “Let’s go.”

Twilight didn’t go too far when a familiar unicorn stopped her.

“Hey, Twilight!” Starlight called.

“Yes, Starlight?” Twilight turned.

“Just do me this one favor, okay? If you and your friends decide to go off on another adventure and I just happen to be in the neighborhood… Don’t let me go by myself.”

Twilight nodded understandingly.

“I promise, Starlight.”

Soon the ponies and dragon left the castle, making their way to the train station to Canterlot.

It was a long ride on the Friendship Express, the sun had slowly risen over the land. Finally, they arrived at the capital of Equestria itself: Canterlot. They ran as fast as they could toward the castle until they were stopped by two guards, both Unicorn ponies.

“Halt!” A guard raised a hoof. “Who goes there?!”

When Twilight approached the guards, they quickly dropped their hooves and bowed.

“Princess Twilight,” The guard spoke. “Do you wish to speak to the princesses?”

“We are,” Twilight nodded. “May we pass?”

“Of course, Your Highness,” The guard bowed, opening the gates.

“Thank you, sirs.” Twilight bowed, walking ahead.

They passed the open gate, which the two guards opened with their magic. They walked through the halls till they reached the throne room. There, Princess Celestia, in all her radiance, sat upon her throne smiling when she saw her student.

“Twilight Sparkle,” The princess said. “How nice to see you again!”

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight bowed, along with her friends.

Celestia approached Twilight, the two princesses hugging each other with their heads.

“What brings you and your friends here today?” The princess asked.

“Your Majesty,” Twilight began, with a smile. “You won’t believe what happened to us.”

“What is it?” Celestia asked, with surprise and worry.

“Would it be okay if Princess Luna joins us? We’d like to tell both of you.”

“Of course, I’ll see if I can find Luna.”

A few minutes later, Celestia returned with Princess Luna, who was equally beautiful as her sister.

“Good morning, every pony,” Luna bowed.

“Good morning, Princess,” Twilight bowed.

“What was so important that my sister called me here for?”

“We’ve just been to another world.”

“Another world?” Princess Celestia asked. “How?”

“Through this book,” Twilight answered.

It was then she show Celestia the ‘Book of Disney’ itself. Celestia lift the book with her magic and examined the cover, along with Luna.

“I’ve never seen this book before,” Luna said.

“Where did you get this?” Celestia asked.

“Spike found it in your old castle,” Twilight explained. “He said it came from a falling star. We discovered it was a storybook, with stories we’ve never heard before. Oh Princess, you should’ve been there.”

Celestia opened the book, reading the first page completely. She looked through several pages, only the book didn’t seem to use it’s magic for some reason.

“So, what do you think?” Twilight asked.

“Oh my, this is something,” Celestia replied. “I can sense a powerful magic from this book.”

The Princess examined the pages with the first story.

“Who is Snow White?”

“Oh, she’s lovely,” Fluttershy answered. “She’s a human princess who loves animals just like me.”

“She and Fluttershy immediately became friends,” Twilight added. “The rest of us too.”

“There was a handsome Prince,” Rarity swooned.

“And an evil queen that turned herself into a witch trying to kill her!” Rainbow included.

“Oh, and don’t forget the huntsman,” Pinkie reminded. “And the dwarfs too.”

“That’s right, the dwarfs,” Fluttershy recalled. “They were so nice; I only wish for a way to show them to you.”

As she said that, the book began to glow as if responding to Fluttershy’s wish. In a flash, characters popped up on the page through a hologram. Most of them were blank, having not been revealed, but suddenly the light shone upon some familiar faces.

“Wow!” Rainbow gasped, in awe.

“It’s Snow White!” Fluttershy pointed out.

“And Florian!” Applejack added.

“It seems this book can show us the people and creatures we’ve met,” Twilight said. “Show us the seven dwarfs.”

All at once, all the dwarfs were presented together.

“Dwarfs?” Luna asked.

“They’re very friendly,” Spike said. “They gave us a sack of jewels from their mine to thank us.”

Celestia smiled as she examined the funny little creatures.

“How about we introduce them?” Starlight offered.

“That would be very nice,” Celestia replied.

“Okay, note how their names fit their personality,” Twilight began, pointing to the hologram. “This is Doc, the self-appointed leader of the group.

“Sounds familiar,” Princess Celestia teased, with a smile.

Twilight smiled, as the ponies presented the dwarfs one-by-one.

“This little fellow is Bashful,” Fluttershy told. “We think he’s secretly in love with Snow White.”

Celestia giggled as the group continued.

“This is Sneezy,” Rarity presented. “He has hay fever.”

“Ol’ droopy eyes is called Sleepy,” Applejack introduced.

“There’s Happy with the beaming smile,” Pinkie pointed out.

“And this is Dopey, who actually can’t talk,” Spike said.

“Then there’s ol’ sourpuss, Grumpy,” Rainbow explained. “I admit he was a little bit rude but turns out he has a heart of gold.”

“I didn’t realize you made so many friends in this new world,” Luna said.

“Have you discovered something special there?” Celestia asked.

“Special?” Twilight asked, confused.

“Haven’t you learned anything from there?” Celestia asked, specifically.

Twilight looked at the book, thinking what Celestia was inquiring. Then, a smile formed as she figured it out.

“Actually Princess, I did. I learned that beauty isn’t everything. It’s deeds, not looks, that count whether it’s ruling a kingdom or making friends.”

“And that kindness to everyone is the most important of all,” Fluttershy added.

“Most of all, have fun with the people that became your friends,” Pinkie included.

“And sometimes, even the grumpiest person hides a good heart,” Rainbow said.

“Those are very good lessons,” Celestia nodded. “Maybe you can send new letters to me when you’re visiting other worlds in these stories.”

“That won’t be a problem,” Twilight smiled.

The sisters faced each with a smile, then gave a nod as if having a silent conversation.

“Would you like to tell us about your adventure?” Celestia asked. “Perhaps about the new ones in the future?”

“With pleasure,” Twilight answered, with a cute smile.

The holograms disappear, as Celestia returned the book to her student. Every pony, and Spike, sat on their haunches as Twilight turned to the first page and began to read.

“Once upon a time, there live a lovely little princess named Snow White. Her vain and wicked stepmother…”

And so, Twilight Sparkle told her mentor and her sister about their first new adventure. The two princesses were invested in this story. A story that made them laugh, made them cry, and filled their minds with enchanted images, even though they got scared at some point. Overall, it was a truly marvelous adventure for Twilight and her friends. Much like the time when they went to an Italian village and met a… Well as I say, my dear friends, that is a story for another time. *Winks*

(Start music at 2:53)


Comments ( 174 )

That was so awesome. I can't wait to see what others plans you got on the mind

Oh, I have an idea for the Disney Collection. How about Hercules?

This was a nice story, I can't wait for the others.

What was originally known as Disney's folly, changed the face of Hollywood forever. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs earned a standing ovation becoming a film gem.

Don't worry, that will come too.

Child star Shirley Temple presented Walt himself with an honorary Oscar and seven little Oscars. He totally deserved it. :twilightsmile:

That's A lovely story. :raritystarry: I Can Wait For the Next Story.:raritywink: Until then see you Next Time.:rainbowdetermined2:

"Aren't you proud, Mr. Disney?"

"I'm so proud I think I'll bust."

*Citizen Kane slow clap* Bravo! Bravo! Excellent work on this! I love it!

I can't wait for the next Disney Chronicle!

Top-shelf, top-shelf I say. Good show.

For me its either Tarzan's parents' homemade treehouse, his homemade spear or a gorilla.

When is the next story coming out?

I'm working on it now. I'm also trying to work further on my recent stories.

I can tell, this series is definitely going places. also, can't wait for the lion king installment. (just wish I knew which number movie that was for Disney)

Comment posted by darkfire95 deleted Jul 28th, 2017

One last question are you going to do sleeping beauty and toy story?

Sleeping Beauty is going to happen. And even though Toy Story is actually Disney Pixar, I think I'm going to do that one as well.

I was actually considering making a react story where Spike along with Main 6, Princess Luna and Celestia and with possibly Cadance or some special guest all watch the Disney Movies or at least all the classic ones and show their reactions to certain scenes or specific movies which may resonate with them the most.

I may make additions of some Disney Movies since they are considered classics even though they'd be Pixar or live action.

Snow White is my first choice, I am actually watching the movie now; I am at the bit where Snow White is in the forest picking flowers before the huntsman attempts to harm her.

Well, just finished reading it and I loved it. I can't wait to see how you'll treat the next movies. I'm curious about how you'll handle the anthology movies.

I honestly can't wait for Winnie the Pooh, since it's my favorite Disney franchise of all time. But I'm wondering. I know you're probably not going to cover the Direct-to-Video sequels, but I was kinda hoping that you'd cover Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin. It's my favorite Pooh movie and it's criminally underrated (and better than a direct-to-video sequel had any right to be). Have you seen it? Would you consider it?

I love that movie. I'll think about it.

Well, how else would the wind from behind her back, when she spoke to the mirror, appear?

I thought that would fit.

Butterfly would be Tarzan or Bambi, Jack O' Lantern is Nightmare Before Christmas, Sun is indeed Tangled and Music Note is indeed Fantasia.

Thank you.
I placed a new link. Damn, I hate it when people delete videos from youtube.

Well, I’ve finished the story, and I gotta say, this has been an excellent Disney crossover since Kingdom Hearts!

Now I’m excited to read the next story with Pinocchio!

And I can’t wait for when this series gets to some of my favorite classics, and to some of my favorite moderns. I just can't wait for Spike to meet Mushu, Elliot, and the Reluctant Dragon!

If you have any suggestions, you can tell me anytime.

I got it! Maybe at some point, when the heroes managed to find a way to return to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, it can play out like this?
(But without the music in your soup part)

References that indicate end of music you listen to as you read.

Love the new coverpage of this story. Looks creative and well edited.

You gotta thank Brerdaniel for those. He's the artist.

The compatibility of Snow White with Fluttershy is just perfect. Their bond is mutual, it brought tears to my eyes when Fluttershy lost her to her wicked stepmother. I can't wait to see the others for our heroes to interact and bond with the rest of the Disney Princess's and you made the perfect choices based on their personality's. After seeing they share the exact same thing they become B.F.F's or should i say B.P.H.F.F's (Stands for Best Pony Human Friends Forever)
Fluttershy, Snow White and Rapunzel
Twilight Sparkle, Belle and Moana
Applejack, Tiana and Cinderella
Pinkie Pie, Anna and Ariel
Rainbow Dash, Merida, Mulan and Pocahontas
Rarity, Elsa, Aurora and Jasmine

As a matter of fact, I am an 'actor' so to speak. I've been involved in more than a dozen productions since the 8th Grade. And as far as being a storyteller, I consider myself an up-and-coming writer coming up with a few stories or two though most of the time I'm helping people with their projects. Though I can gladly say I've been working on a very special project which if done right can offer potential to be a movie, though for which company I'm still debating on it (Let's just say it's based on a children's book a good friend of mine put together).

And as for The Phantom avatar, considering it's one of my favorite musicals of all time, I just had to incorporate it in my profile.

Hmm... On that note, that actually makes the most sense. With a Queen like her, who wouldn't be afraid?

Awesome. Sometimes I consider myself an actor aswell. I never played on stage before (beside those dance performances when I was little and a small play in class), but I'm a bit of an expert in some imitations, quotes and some other stuff.

That's okay. Everybody makes mistakes.

The thing about Tempest Shadow is that because we've only seen her once during the events of the MLP feature and she's only referenced as having taken a journey to spread the word of friendship at the start of the 8th season... We don't know for sure if she has truly reformed (Emily Blunt certainly isn't going to add being a voice actress to a television series in her already hectic schedule). Several comics have shown a 'possible' outcome of what becomes of Tempest after Twilight Sparkle changed her life, but that's just one 'version' of the story and nothing to suggest it's all canon. On one hand, it's easy to still believe Tempest Shadow is better off as more of an 'anti-hero' so to speak, if not so much as a villain as she used to be (Though if I had to choose, I'd pick her as the lead antagonist instead of that idiot Storm King... Poor Liev and his desire to play a kid friendly villain).

But on the opposite end, is there still the 'slightest' hope to imagine if Tempest Shadow has a better chance of being seen for the good in her as opposed to some pony like, oh... Cozy Glow? I don't know because I don't know how far this series will go to know how easy it would be to incorporate Tempest Shadow while staying true to whatever character the series has made for her. I guess we just leave it up to fate and see where it goes from there.

I honestly can't blame why Snow White has gotten a lot of criticism for her performance in the movie. But at the same time, I don't really 'dislike' her character so to speak. While I am pleased with how much the female dynamic of the Disney franchise has changed with stronger characters, higher morals, and a desires that don't just consist of finding their one true love, they wouldn't be where they are today if they didn't had a princess to learn to do these things from. Sure, they didn't learn all that from Snow White's portrayal during the early years of Disney, but they did learn how to improve their characters based on the time period from then to what we have now.

In the end, even though the most merchandising we see from this movie is mainly with the Dwarfs (Especially the Grumpy T-Shirts), Snow White still remains a vital part of the Disney community. True, on a technical note, Disney started with a 'mouse' (Though some would argue it was Oswald the Lucky Rabbit or the Alice Follies) but the Disney 'Theatrical' Animated Features wouldn't have been able to take off if not for the impact 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' had. So rather than just complaining about characteristics or what could've been improved, what would be proper to do more is to be 'thankful' for what it did for fans worldwide.


So rather than just complaining about characteristics or what could've been improved, what would be proper to do more is to be 'thankful' for what it did for fans worldwide.

That's true.

Well, I personally thought that the Storm King was a great villain too.

And so like all stories, although we’d like to turn back to page one and do it all over again, all must come to an end. But as this chapter would show, ‘the end’ is truly just the beginning for what’s left to come. With the mystery of the book and it’s magic still on their minds, they report their discoveries to the princesses, Celestia and Luna, although they still don’t know why the book came to Equestria or who created the book or why it would bring them to Snow White’s world to begin with (More than just simply reading the story aloud), this book would ultimate serve a higher purpose for our players. For every opportunity they can use the book to explore a new world and meet it’s inhabitants, there is a lesson to be learned especially in the spirit of friendship and a chance to resume the process of writing letters of their discoveries together. Of course, if we thought Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was a thrilling adventure for the ponies (And Spike) just wait until they meet a rather familiar puppet.

In the end, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs still holds up to this very day especially as one of the first major Animated Features to be made. The soundtrack proved to be very strong, with so many memorable songs that gets it’s audience to sing along to the melody. A movie that features a strong cast of memorable characters, even the ones on screen for no longer than a few scenes, and many that we can all name by heart (Even the ones who didn’t initially have a name before). It’s the strong soundtrack and characters that make such a simple story about a princess seeking true love and meeting new friends along the way just as memorable and ties the final product together. As much as we would nitpick about some of the film’s dated characterizations, especially with Snow White, in the end there’s a reason this movie set the stage for the rest of the Disney Empire as it would continue to rise with more memorable features to come, many of which we hope to see during the remainder of this series. And in this case, the MLP cast used for this feature were done rather well remaining true to their characters and offering a tremendous first impression for the ‘Disney Chronicles’. A success in bringing Disney fanatics and the MLP fanbase together as many projects have done before.

I will be checking into this website often hungry for more stories to come.


Our heroes were once again swirling through space, screaming for their lives. Pinkie was having to much fun while she flew through the stars.

*I think that ‘to’ should really be ‘too’.

Fantastic. Simply fantastic. Thank you so much. Can't wait for your comments on Pinocchio and the rest of the stories.

Perhaps you won't need to wait long, they may come sooner than you think.

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