• Published 5th Jul 2012
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tAVROS and GaMzEe go to Ponyville - TwilightTK

A crossover between Homestuck and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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The Party :o)

Today was a normal day in Alternia. Well... define 'normal'. It was a land of trolls and kids, a dark world. Each troll, a total of twelve, defined their zodiac sign. We'll start with Gamzee Makara, a Capricorn, and Tavros Nitram, a Taurus.

"HeY, TaVbRo," said Gamzee, addressing Tavros by his nickname.

"uH, yEAH?" asked the paraplegic troll, a good friend of Gamzee.

"WaNnA cOmE tO a MoThErFuCkInG pArTy? HoNk!" asked the clown.

"uH, yEAH, oF COURSE, gAMZEE, wHAT TIME?" questioned Tavros.

"RiGhT nOw Is FiNe, MoThErFuCkEr!" exclaimed Gamzee, pushing Tavros' wheelchair towards his hive.

"sO, uH, wHERE IS EVERYBODY, gAMZEE?" asked the cripple.

"WeLl, TaV, i JuSt ThOuGhT tHaT sInCe... WeLl, iT's JuSt A hAnGoUt, I gUeSs." Gamzee explained, trying to not show his feelings for Tavros, which he already knew about.

"oH, uH, wELL, tHAT'S COOL, gAMZEE," Tavros blushed a little bit.

"So, WaNnA hElP a BrO oUt AnD mAkE sOmE pIe?" Gamzee casually asked, filling a pie tin with sopor slime.

The thing about sopor slime is that usually, trolls sleep in it. Gamzee, a stoner, found out that if you eat it, that the slime will get you high. He eats so much of the stuff, that when he becomes sober, he... well, that's not important...

"uH, oF COURSE I'LL HELP, gAMZEE." Tavros agreed.

After baking the pies, Gamzee got out several bottles of Faygo to eat the pie with. Soon enough, Tavros was high, "wHOA, gAMZEE, i FEEL KINDA WEIRD,,," he trailed off.

Gamzee held Tavros. The two were very close friends, or morails, but both did like each other in a... 'special' way. Tavros was just always afraid to reveal it. Tavros looked up at his best friend, and the two kissed each other. Something 'magical' sparked.

For the rest of the party, the two were either making out, getting high, or getting drunk on Faygo. The two eventually fell asleep late at night, holding each other in their arms.