• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2014
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Baal Bunny

Part of the AugieDog family of companies

Comments ( 72 )

The next set:

Of chapters will be "What 'Prince' Really Means" and will start showing up here, oh, maybe by the first of February?


I always wondered what precisely Blueblood's official task was. Interesting premise and an intriguing beginning. Looking forward to more.


Also, this reminds me of something we discussed in the Give Blueblood Some Character group many months ago: That maybe, just maybe, the royal line of Equestria is made up of madponies who are trying their best to function despite that.

I love this story so far, I always love Prince Blueblood as a controversial character and all the myriads of way that he was interpreted of his character by the fandom. In this care, I really like he idea that this Blueblood is some sort of... living doll that Celestia has been using the entire family lineage to live out her old memories, like a an old toy that she can never afford to let go. As said in the last chapter, I also think this obsession of Celestia is unearthly, but I suppose that the Blueblood fantasy is a way to cope with the many lonely centuries that she lived thought, especialy without her sister. I wander his there is going to be a history with Luna as well. I wander if he will try to find out more to understand the history between that original Blueblood and Celestia.

I wander if we will get to see more of those other Blueblood siblings, especial the pedophile one.

I can't wait to see what will come up next.


Thanks, folks:

I really thought I could do this whole thing and still stay in "Teen" territory, but I found myself crossing over the invisible line into "Mature." Still, I'm having way too much fun writing this guy's 90 word sentences... :twilightblush:


I wouldn't normally want to see a fic this well-written go full-blown M, but I agree with you on this one. Also, it essentially ensures that Titanium Dragon won't read it, which is a definite plus. :rainbowlaugh:


Still, I'm having way too much fun writing this guy's 90 word sentences...

I'm sorry about the tone of my review. :facehoof: I rated your story at or near the top of my list even though the run-on sentences drove me straight up the wall.

At least it's another reminder of my failings in communication. I should tone back my reviews significantlyā€”it's bad to use hedgey sorts of words in fiction writing (exception: Flutterspeech), but essential when trying to help somepony who is clearly a better writer than I.

Insanity is hereditary. You catch it from your (adoptive) aunt.

Now what I *really* want to see is what happens when Luna returns. After all, they share everything in Equestria equally...


You hit several nails:

Right on their heads in that review, actually. I needed to better establish how and why Our Narrator is so darn loquacious, and I hope I've done that in the rewrite here. I will maintain, however, that each sentence is scrupulously grammatical--or at least they would be scrupulously grammatical if I was writing them in Latin... :scootangel:


I hope I'm not spoiling things too much when I say that chapter 4 opens with Celestia lambasting Blueblood for the way he treated Rarity at the Grand Galloping Gala. So Luna's soon to be a featured player in these shenanigans.


We'll see if:

I can't manage to get Part Two in place here within 8 or 10 days.


Interesting update. Nice to see the normal Celestia. So she spared her own lover whilst punishing her sister's? That's bound to breed resentment. Not very healthy to keep this up, but hey it's her life. It's not like she could be compromised and negatively affect the country. Still great chapter.

I don't think Blueblood was planning to poison Princess Luna, for one.

Also, what are the relationships between Blueblood and Princess Cadance? Especially interesting considering she's Princess of Love and Celestia's Blueblood fetish is some part that.

What's all this nonsense about both sisters being straight!!!

Tsk, tsk Baal, everyone knows Equestria is 90% gay. :rainbowwild:

I can imagine Cadence 'practising' with Blueblood on certain aspects of love. But considering the character tags I imagine that Twilight will be the one to figure out the 'Prince'.

Princess Luna is from older times, when there was no "gay rights", "free love" and other modern things. Princess Celestia is fixated on Blueblood. Cadence believes in Love(which she's princess of). Twilight is asocial. Flurry Heart is not yet born.
Also, the problems in this fic are not based on "princest" and other things some people in fandom are so fond of, and let it be this way. At least 10% came here not for clop. I hope:ajsleepy:

Honestly - I doubt it. Love is not (only) sex. Celestia is not loving Blueblood - she's obsessed with some pattern of him - and Blueblood himself plays his role. This is not love.
Not to mention that both parties keep it secret.

This was a great chapter. We get to see more about the original Blueblood and how he had plotted with Sombra to pit Celestia and Luna against each other. I how they had decided to plotted together and how Bluedblood manged to scheme along with Sombra without becoming his pawn in the end he must have been a powerful magic user or strong of will to resisted his mind control dark magic in the first place. But What I wander the most is why did Celestia spared Blueblood and not Sombra's life, how did she managed to neutralized him and never become a treat again to her. and in what way does Lune resent Celestia for her mercy to him. I it obvious that Luna a relation with Sombra, maybe, probably, and I wonder what Luna will do to Polaris if he meat Luna face to face. I am guessing that he will have to suffer thought more of that severe beating of Celestia to find out but I am guessing that he might get seriously hurt one day if she keeps loosing control like that. I wander if he will end up having permanent chronic pains and will be addicted to pain killers to stay with her a keep it a secret from her.

7903768 Seeing as there is no canon on Equestria's historical views there, how do you know? Maybe all the ancient ponies were lesbians and being straight was taboo! Gosh. What a scandal Celestia's relationship would be in light of this!


Thanks, folks!

I hope it's not spoiling things for me to reveal that the first line of the next chapter is Our Hero saying, "Good morning, Captain Armor!" Chronologically speaking, this section takes place at the end of season one and the beginning of season two, so by my reckoning, Shiny and Cadance are already very much an item...


My mind goes dark places. Maybe the reason it's "Prince" Blueblood was because he was related to Sombra...
I think Luna had or wanted to have a relationship with Blueblood.

If Celestia is to be believed, her sister wants a stallion who'll prattle romantic nonsense in her ears until she's lulled into a sense of security. Celestia though, from what we saw, is attracted to some sort of bad boy type. That would fit somewhat with her comic personality. That would make Sombra a fit for Celestia and Blueblood one for Luna.

What Celestia is doing now is getting some sick form of revenge against a pony she can't touch anymore, methinks.

Just in time:

For Valentine's Day! Here's hoping the next chapter'll be out by the end of February!


Oh, Blueblood you fool, you asked the question which guarantees, in fact, that many things will go wrong.

Altogether, this is a wonderful deconstruction of the usual stereotype Blueblood is assigned by much of the fandom, down to being irrationally hostile towards Princess Luna for no real reason. The story deserves way more upvotes than it currently has, that's for sure.

Also, I'm getting more convinced that it was indeed Luna who let herself be seduced by Blueblood the Elder, not Celestia. That's why she stressed that Greaves show contempt for Blueblood the Younger's lack of true sophistication, because it was probably something the original Blueblood would've done.

You know, there's something profoundly sad about how generations of loyal-to-a-fault stallions have sacrificed whatever good name they might've had for the sake of satisfying Celestia's unhealthy needs. Sure, they live in the lap of luxury and get to sleep with whom most of Equestria would consider the most beautiful woman in the world, but... it's not real. Nothing is real about it. They're putting on a life-long parody performance of this fellow who died ages ago. They act out a life none of them would actually do by choice since one of the requirements is that they're not really selfish douchesā€”for good reason. And they can't share their lives with anypony else either. In a sense, they are very, very alone.



I almost wish I could go back and restructure the story to work with Celestia/Sombra and Luna/Blueblood as the ancient pairings. But the whole thing hinges around Celestia's extremely unhealthy and extremely unresolved feelings for Old Blueblood, feelings that New Blueblood is going to help her get through by the end of chapter nine.

As for your last paragraph there, I'll be hitting that theme in the next chapter, actually, by way of a ponyfied version of Gilbert and Sullivan's operetta Ruddigore. So stand by for that!


Huh. Well, I will take solace in the fact that although my interpretation was wrong, it was still believable enough for even the author to notice. I will also be very curious how these ancient romances correlate to Celestia's ideas of her and her sister's fitting matches.

Did Sombra write poetry in his free time? That one struck me as a bit of a brute, truth be told, but then, it could be a case of Celestia saying what she thinks would be better for Luna. Sombra did share a faible for more gothic aesthetics. In the same manner, what did Old Blueblood offer Celestia for her to be so obsessed with him still, after a literal age has gone by?

I never thought:

This chapter would end.

Three more to go, though: "What 'Blueblood' Really Means" probably won't kick in till April, though.


This was a great chapter, and I love it when thing don't go as plans but somehow manages to become perfect. This really sizing up to be a good Blueblood fic so far. Great job.



Gilbert and Sullivan are kind of the patron saints of characters' plans being undone by circumstance with everything turning out all right in the end anyway. So I definitely had to work them in here. :twilightsmile:


More history! Hooray! Great character developments.

Hah, I knew it was G&S as I made my way through even if you made it blindingly obvious.

Well done, good show, wot wot

Luna doesn't seem to be quite as emotionally unstable as Celestia feared.

What she said there made me think, though... it's probably not the case, but... What if Polaris truly is Blueblood's descendant? Sure they are recruited from orphanages, but it wouldn't be too much for Celestia to keep a close eye on all the Blueblood-spawn being shuffled around. Again, I really don't think it's the case, yet a sliver of doubt remains. This Celestia has already done more extreme things than I expected.

Extremely sleazy and extremely promising, already!

And now, the plot thickens! Clearly the Hypothetical Blueblood #2 lacks the imagination Polaris has. (Also, I laughed at the short-legged vulgarian joke.)

I thought this was where the story was building towards, but the reality exceeded my expectations. :trollestia:

Prince Blueblood, the Love Ninja. Ridiculous, yet superbly fitting!


Glad you're:

Enjoying it! I'm just finishing up Part One of the third and final section, so expect to see that here by the weekend!



On into the final act of our three-act melodrama!




You know, something tells me Celestia was bullsh*tting about that supposed spell Sombra and Blueblood supposedly cast on them. Yes, it's a neat explanation, but that's part of what makes me doubt it. It's too simple. Too neat. Too useful to protecting Luna's ego by laying the blame solely on the stallions who seduced them.

Well there was a massive time skip through out the chapter, I supposed that you didn't had anything planed during those major events anyway. But, I was hopping for some revelation or some conflict that would happen some time soon especially in relation of his family heritage and had to confront something that has nothing to do with who he is especially between Blueblood and Luna. Still it was a great chapter, I can't wait to see the next one that follows.



It means "nobility obliges," but the concept behind it, to quote the Random House Dictionary, is "the moral obligation of the rich or highborn to display honorable or charitable conduct."


Great update. Curious to see what the future holds for 'Blueblood'.

By the way, Celestia didn't actually refute Blueblood's joke.

He commented about going after Twilight Sparkle; he meant it in jest, but she didn't outright say "no". Sure, he thinks he's supposed to play matchmaker, but let's not forget, this is a game Celestia has had practice with for over a thousand years now. This could be a gamble to find Blueblood a happy lifeā€”one not spent in her arms, or longing for her arms once he's grown too old.

I've got the feeling that an aspect of the long sentences is that it is an instinctive form of Gish gallop, overwhelming an interlocutor with too much to rightly follow and respond to rationally, thus getting in the way of his guiding where he wants to go--at least when applied in speech rather than narration.

Hmm... Sombra has me thinking of the Celestia/Good Sombra thing going on from the comics.

And how fun that this Blueblood needs to do a trial run for the replacement rigamarole he has coming in some decades, but so soon after having been on the other side--but searching for something rather different than himself!

Oh, and how rapidly this Blueblood has rocketed to join my favorites, along with Chuck Finley's, Capn Chryssalid's, and Cloud Wander's!

And what isn't there to love about Luna being oh so close to correct in what I'm sure will be (or already is!) a suspicion that he conspires against her and Equestria?

I know it's not the first this has arisen, but

When she bent down and touched a kiss to my lips, however, well, I haven't the words to adequately describe the sensation.

does mean rather more coming from one with so many, and so illustrative.

That said, ought this one

I honestly liked Shining Armor, he and his sister both,

to be "him"?

I do find it odd to think that here, Elizabethan and 20th century authors lived at once--and late 20th century at that. So it goes.

And thank you for the G&S; it rarely fails to leave me smiling.

I myself must be beaten down by one enemy and mustn't even approach the other while Luna...she must know nothing about the one and must listen to reason about the other.

I object that she must in fact listen to unreason in that case.

"And yet we cannot! If Sombra is indeed flitting about the edges of the Empire, his spell will latch onto our familiar energies and add them to his own! We...we can do nothing!"

Huh... an actual, causal reason for that, for once--at least from Luna's perspective. How refreshing compared to the baseline.

I'll eagerly await the final two chapters.


Thanks for all the comments!

I'm unwisely working on three novel-length projects all at the same time--this one, The Casebook of Currycombs over on my AugieDog account, and one that knits together a bunch of non-Pony short stories that I've had published over the past few years. So individual updates will keep arriving: just at a slower pace than I'd like... :twilightblush:


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