• Member Since 11th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I'm older than your average brony, but then I've always enjoyed cartoons. I'm an experienced reviewer, EqD pre-reader, and occasional author.


Apple Bloom gets a rare chance to spend the day with her friend (and possible relative!) Maud Pie. Of course, she knows there's more to Maud than it appears, but her special talent means helping Maud to figure that out, too.

Cover art by tikrs007.

Thanks to Themaskedferret for pre-reading feedback.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

Ever since their little scene together in Season 5, anything with Maud and Apple Bloom is bound to make me smile. :raritywink:

Best BlooMaud story yet! :pinkiehappy:

That was a cute little story, one that could definitely become an episode with one or two small details changed to fit the young audience. You very well handled the premise leaking from the small sentence Apple Bloom said in the show ("I really like Maud, she's sweet once you get to know her").

However, and because I'm a nitpicker, I don't think Maud is the kind of pony to be shy about her passions. I've always seen her as someone who doesn't really care about what others can think of her, except maybe for her friends and family. And the story isn't really clear if it's just an interpretation of Apple Bloom or if it is indeed who Maud is.

Still, it was a nice little story.

her favorite series still hadn’t updated

Wich series are you waiting for Pascoite? Or am I thinking too meta here?

7872914 I didn't have a series in mind for Apple Bloom, and it wasn't a reference to anything I'm waiting for IRL, but if forced to impose one, I'd pick Sailor Moon (and not because of Apple Bloomers, though I do find it funny). What would you like her to read?

It's not so much that Maud cares what ponies think of her. It's more that she feels like her non-rock poetry is really unprofessional for someone in her position, and in an academic field where you have to constantly publish your research, the perception of your peers is important.

There needs to be more MaudBloom in the world.

I loved every second of this <3

I enjoy seeing such a mature Apple Bloom.

Awww, this was a beautiful story, nicely written and well done :heart:
Made me smile, and definitely seems like an episode from the show.

Good show!

Finally, A Maud and Apple Bloom slice of life that isn't centered around foalcon.


That sounds absolutely hilarious, and I really want it to show up as a character on Steven Universe now. Maybe Peridot and Lapis?

“I knew the mine was too deep to go in without a light, but now we have to wait for our eyes to adjust. It should take about fifteen minutes before you stop seeing the lamplight’s afterimage.”

Wynaut just close one eye to preserve night vision? Surely Maud of all ponies knows about this trick?

This was a really cute piece. I love slice of life stories for this reason. Some of them even feel like an episode. And the double symbolism with the rocks and Maud's personality is excellent. This was a treat.


I didn't have a series in mind for Apple Bloom, and it wasn't a reference to anything I'm waiting for IRL, but if forced to impose one, I'd pick Sailor Moon (and not because of Apple Bloomers, though I do find it funny). What would you like her to read?

It's hard to tell wich series Apple Bloom could read. Before she got her cutie mark, I would have said that she would read stories about a pony who have a huge destiny awaiting him/her, and who live big adventures around equestria. Maybe a sci-fi story, like Midnight Special. But now that she has her cutie mark, it's harder. She has find her place along her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, they have grown up a lot and they aren't searching for their true place anymore. She could still read adventures stories, just to remember what she used to be, though. It's hard to tell.
If I had to pick one, I would make her read a serie where the main character travels around Equestria to help ponies. This character would be an inspiration for what she does with the CMC, helping ponies discover and understand their talent. Like Cheese Sandwich travelling Equestria to hold parties and make ponies happy. This character wouldn't be alone of course. He/she could help ponies understanding their foals, and resolve any problems the family could have.

It's not so much that Maud cares what ponies think of her. It's more that she feels like her non-rock poetry is really unprofessional for someone in her position, and in an academic field where you have to constantly publish your research, the perception of your peers is important.

Interesting, I hadn't taken into account the perception of her peers. It is true that in the general field of research, how you are seen is as important as what you publish. It is what allow someone to be heard and, therefore, it grants access to more funds and visibility.

sequle please

Your mineral knowledge is showing again, Pas ;). Quite the "slice of life" story indeed. Very cozy, very sweet. As Fenton put it, this could make for a good little episode in the show. Although it would probably get mucked up with some needless conflict or drama; you can't really have an episode you can just sit and calmly drink tea to with this show. Anyway, I had recently caught up with the recent Steven Universe episodes, and boy let me tell you just how relevant this has become. And with this being such a chill story, I was debating over fitting music for this. Whether to go with "Starborn Valley" from Paper Mario, or "Interrupted By Fireworks" from FFVII for that touchy-feely feel (though there's no fireworks. Meh). But I will say this:

Shine On, You Crazy Diamond :moustache:

(And hey, proper Author Notes! Bonus Points to you, good sir)

This is very nice.

This is a very sweet story, which I feel really does justice to the hidden gem that is Maud Pie ^_^

HOLY CELESTIA whats with all the bloom and dimond puns and cliches:facehoof:I mean its like every time i turn my head its bloomin (insert corney pun here) or Dimond(insert corny pun here)!
ITS BUCKING NUTS:twilightangry2: GAME OVER MAN GAME OVER:pinkiecrazy:

Btw im not realy criticizing you per se I'm just getting tired of seeing the same titles is all:ajbemused:

7874561 Oh jeez, are the majority of Maud/Apple Bloom stories really that? Ugh. I guess I'm not completely surprised, but thankfully, I haven't encountered such before.

7874561 Oh, and there are a number of funny-sounding minerals. We all know Australian place names are silly, and location of discovery is a common way to name minerals, so the Aussies have given us Widgiemoolthalite, Kapundaite, Moolooite, Mundrabillaite, Nullaginite, Paratooite, Pittongite, Cloncurryite, Kalgoorlieite, Kambaldaite, Wycheproofite, and Yancowinnaite among others.

Awesome. Heh, I didn't even notice you wrote this.

“Pinkie told me about this event,” Maud said with another blink. “Pure corundum is colorless. Iron and titanium impurities can turn it blue, and I didn’t want these little guys feeling too self-conscious about it, so I thought I might find them an understanding home here.”
Rarity managed to close her gaping jaw. “S-sapphires?”

“I think I could open my doors to such a treasure trove of sweet dears,” Rarity said, her eyes practically glinting as much as the gems. Beside her, Applejack stifled a giggle, and Rainbow Dash looked like she might pop.
“Thank you so much,” Maud droned as Rarity levitated the box of sapphires toward herself. “Your compassion knows no bounds.”

It's funny because Rarity would 10000% do that! :raritystarry:

This is beautiful! :twilightsmile:

This is a very well written story and I just so thoroughly enjoyed how you put Maud and Bloom together. Maud doesn't seem to be outwardly expressive of her moods and feelings and it takes a special pony to pick up on her subtleties. Apple Bloom, for all her rambunctiousness, really picks up on Maud's feelings and thoughts. You gave a wonderful, touching look at how a true friend can bring out those hidden parts and get you to see them in a different light. It could even spark an interest that leads to fulfilling a dream or just having more enjoyment in life.

Very warm and feels all over! This will be in my favorites!

Hope to see you at BronyCon again this year.





Very good.



This is wicked cool, and I love it very much!!!

Personally, I think this story deserves to become an episode one day! :heart: :pinkiehappy: :heart:

My typical reaction to reading one of your stories is to kick myself for not having read it sooner, and this one is no exception.
Gneiss work! :pinkiehappy:

Wow, that was so sweet and beautiful! I can't believe it took me this long to actually get to reading this! I could definitely see this happening, word for word, in the current show. You've really nailed down all of the characters to a T, especially Maud (we desperately need to see more of this side of her in the actual show!!) :twilightsmile:

8062634 Follow-up: I've realized that Rock Solid Friendship is probably the closest that a story like this will become to being canon. That is awesome!

Enjoyable, but part of me feels like having Maud writing poetry other people can enjoy sort of misses the point of Maud's poetry.

such a sweet story and love the whole 'humoring Limestone' bit lol

Loved this! So dang sweet!

This is a beautiful exploration into Maud and Apple Bloom's relationship, I especially love how you write Maud

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