Chapters (2)
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Hey! I remember prereading this! Glad to see it got posted finally!
Also, lookin good!
1028063 Thanks! I wish it hadn't been approved and posted in the middle of the night, though. I think it's kinda going to go under the radar.
1029056 I shall get you some publicity from my friends, then!
1029656 That would be awesome! Also, it will have a bunch of updates, since I wrote it in chapters. So people will probably see it pop up again. Or maybe not. I just realized I don't really know how the updates work. I think they show up in the new updates section...
Still, people still find A Door Jam somehow, so this one will be found, as well.
Thanks for the support. The second chapter is almost done, so you can read that one early if you want.
1029686 Yep, they do show up in the Updates section, so people will find it anyways.
And nah, as much as it sounds tempting, unless you want me to do some proofreading/editing, then I'll just wait like everybody else.
Hmm not my kind of story. But here, have a free thumb.
1507166 I'll take it! I'll take 12!
Very cute! I hope we see more soon.
1691477 This is my unloved child. I plan on writing more for it sometime, but I have to wait until inspiration strikes. I'm planning a chapter around each of the friends. With Twilight's out of the way, Applejack's will be next. Thanks for reading it!
1691506 *Grins* aww, poor unloved little stepchild is it? Well if you ever want a hand with inspiration it just so happens to be my special talent ;)
1691575 Well, I may bounce some ideas off of you in the future if you are interested. People have been asking me for a Discord vs. Pinkie Pie story after Diary of a Silent Tyrant, but I'm not sure if I'm going to write that or not. If I don't, I'll probably work on this some. Mostly what I like people to do is read my rough drafts and just tell me their overall opinions without worrying about format and grammar. I'm terrible with grammar. I tend to just write with the words just flowing out and I put the spaces, indents, quotations, etc. all over the place. I just want to get the words out. My concern is that the story is interesting and that the gags are working. If you would be interested in that, I'll send you the draft when I write it and you can let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for better gags and whatnot. I'll warn you though, I'm VERY picky, and some people get a little put off when I don't use their ideas.
1691623 *Cheers* sounds like a plan to me! Feel free to pm or I can share my local hangout info. I'm usually not too hard to track down. Ooooh yes please! I can shut up my inner grammar nerd if it means I can see ideas forming. *Shrugs* My attitude for stuff like that is it's *your* story first and foremost. That means I can suggest a ton of ideas but like uncooked spaghetti, none of them may stick. Basically I don't get hurt or take offense if people don't like/use my ideas. Unless you tell me they're downright stupid I don't have an issue. Constructive criticism rather than outright criticism I mean. (Geez i'm really talkative t'day)
just curious, it seems as if the story is doing well, but you still left it hanging.
Anything missing, or is it something that you noticed too late to fix?
3969321 It wasn't very well received and I got busy writing other things. I keep meaning to get back to it, but I have so many stories going right now that I never seem to work on it.
I really do want to get back to it one day, though...
3969749 if you find this story less then favorably greeted, you may consider looking into the bulk of mine?
oh, and boy, do I know the feeling?
I have some 30 stories and counting, from just this year alone here.
take the time, read it, then make a chapter, even if it may be merely some 2,000 words?
sometimes you get more done, of you're not sticking to the one story, when your Muse wouldn't stand for it anyway.